Martial God Space

Chapter 3438: Carving a little skill

"The guy of the martial arts era!" The holy emperor was indifferent, with a broken knife and a long knife, and stared at Ye Xiwen. I want to see the book w╬w┼w╳·1┼k╳a╬n╬shu·c·c

Ye Xiwen’s words have completely angered him.

The black scales on his body are scattered like the Milky Way, his eyes are cold and cold, like a blade. His long knife in his hand is slightly flat, seemingly unremarkable, but it directly cuts the universe and smashes out. A long river of knives, as long as the Star River, was killed in the face of Ye Xiwen.

"The insects are small!" Ye Xiwen's feet stand in chaos, like the old tree roots, deeply tied to the earth, and then his five fingers pinch the fist, in the void, draw countless six reincarnation forces, compared to the side The six reincarnations punched by Xiaoyue, Ye Xiwen's display, whether it is subtle, or strength, is more than a hundred times.


Ye Xiwen slammed directly into the long knife of the broken head, and suddenly collided with the most embarrassing light. These rays turned into tears, and the world exploded. The whole chaos was in the fierce cave, even in the vast chaos. Among them, it is difficult to withstand such a crackdown.

This kind of world-famous power is horrifying. Although there are no other audiences, those chaotic creatures have already felt it. Many of these powers have swam away immediately, and more are still shaking in the same place. same.

The battle of Tianzun is like this. Just a battle, you can portray permanent and become a history book legend.

"Dare to say that I am a small insect-killing skill!" The holy emperor re-emerged again, and the long knife in his hand burst into endless light, and each one turned into an amazing knife, which was turned into a galaxy, overwhelming, and suppressed. The kind of anti-sky means is really astounding. Speaking of it, I am afraid that it is even more terrible than the master of the same realm in the creation of the gods. I want to see ╣┝w╠╣┞╣, w/w·., 1, k/a^n·>

Because the realm may be the same, but compared with the tragic master who has experienced the destruction of heaven and earth. Their years of cultivation are still not enough.

This knife can open a universe, it is too horrible!

Ye Xiwen does not move, the holy emperor is indeed horrible, and the same realm wants to kill him. It was almost too difficult and too difficult, but he did not worry at all, the knife covered it, and everything around him was shattered. Originally it was chaos, and it evolved into the world, and then returned to chaos. The constant meaning of life and death emerged among them. The above atmosphere is full of breath, and it is conceivable that there is a horror.

But he was still a simple punch, and in a flash, he only felt that the world was stagnating, even in chaos. Still able to perceive the stagnation of the entire world.

In particular, Tianfu Xianzun suddenly had a pair of beautiful eyes and stared at Ye Xiwen’s body. It was the time law that was flowing, and the feeling of overflowing. He had already realized such an amazing degree to the law of time that he could influence It is chaotic.

There is everything in chaos, but there is nothing, so it is almost impossible to influence the time in this situation. ≦≦≡要≦≦≦∥∥≈≮∈w╬w╬w╳·1╋k╬a╬n┼s╳h┼u╋·c╳·c

This holy emperor's knife is also very horrible, to a million. This road has already been understood by him to an extremely profound level, so it is displayed as if it were a star-shaped river that suddenly fell and the world was destroyed.

But it all stagnate. For example, the entire timeline is in front of this boxing, completely stagnation. Where the fist passes, the knives that have fallen like a galaxy have burst open, not an opponent.


The endless explosion of arrogance is in chaos, and it is rolled out in all directions. It’s terrible that even the chaos is annihilated and turned into nothing.

The two consecutive knives couldn’t help each other, and let the holy emperor know about it. The guy in front of me is really not very good.

However, he did not really put it in his heart, because he was also very strong. He turned his broken knife in his hand, crushed chaos, and made a terrible whistling sound, directly slamming into Ye Xiwen’s face, indifferent and ruthless. .

He is obviously also extremely conceited. The broken knife in his hand can kill any strong enemy, and Shenwei is invincible. Once it is displayed, it is a big opening.

However, Ye Xiwen in front of him did not have any slight retreat. He also fell into a fist. All his martial arts were integrated into his boxing method. He had to show thousands of secrets in a punch. Avenue, extreme horror and powerful.

He also walked the road of big opening and closing. The two men had similar fighting styles and collided directly on the spot. ≦ ≥ read a book w╳w╋w╳·1╬k╋a╬n┼s╳h┼u·c·c




In a blink of an eye, the two sides have already tens of thousands of moves.

On the side of Tianfu Xianzun, holding a pair of water-like beauty, there is depression in her heart, Ye Xiwen does not seem to be a big talk, because looking at the past, he and this experienced the sacred ecstasy of the world The magic king actually played hard to divide, this skill is probably in the creation of the gods, but also difficult to find the enemy.

For the first time, she began to consider the feasibility of the plan.

Finally, the two sides of the fight, all of a sudden separated, but see, the holy emperor is quite a bit of a wolverine retreat, stumbled, not as strong and conceited as before.

If you look closely, you will see his hands tremble, a slight tremor, and at the mouth of his knife, there is a vague blood flow.

At the beginning, he was still a pair of portable knives and Ye Xiwen on the right side, but after the middle of the period, he could not have a single-handed knife and Ye Xiwen to see, must be held with a knife to barely maintain.

In the later period, even the two-handed knives felt that the body was shaking, unable to remove all the power, and the tiger's mouth was bleeding. ╋┝ ╋╠┞╠┠┣ ╋┝ ^ ^ w^w·w^./1·k^a, n/s/h/u=./c-c

On the opposite side of him, Ye Xiwen will always be a simple punch, six reincarnation punches, a fresh move to the other side, just a simple shot, you can get rid of everything.

The slashing man under the sacred Emperor of the Holy Sepulchre can only leave the mark of Senbai in the hands of Senro in his hand, and cannot be broken.

"Snoring, snoring, snoring!" The holy emperor continued to pant, his eyes were red, like a demon, the magic of his body was stirred up by him, is brewing.

Ye Xiwen in front of him also became a blood red, and his heart was killing arrogance. After a short time with Ye Xiwen, he has completely fallen into the wind. This is still unprecedented.

He had to use his magic to make his skills stronger, although he would lose some reason, but in his opinion, these are worthwhile.

On the other side of him, Ye Xiwen is still a cloud-like look, even the atmosphere does not breathe, it seems that the battle just for him, is simply not something.

On his body, the time robe emerged, and the defensive power was amazing. No matter how many knives fell, he could not break his defense. The law of time slowly emerged and annihilated everything.

At this time, see the emperor's emperor faintly enchanted, Ye Xiwen just shouted loudly in the distance: "Is it true that the legendary sorrowful sorcerer's celestial celestial celestial being, is this level? Then I am so disappointed!"

Yes, he just did not do his best, but he was only trying.

He has never played against the master of the Magician era. This time it is rare to encounter the same realm, but his strength is not as good as his, just to understand some magical features of the Magic Age.

After some fight, he is now, the magic of the magical era, compared with those of the martial arts era, and other powerful masters who have mastered the magic of the magic, the magic is more refined and more profound, at the beginning At the time, it was very similar, but when it came to the end, the two sides were more and more different.

It represents two completely different avenues, one is the magic of the Magic Age, and the other is the martial arts of the martial arts era. It is different.

The more you play, the more Ye Xiewen can understand that the next time he meets the master of the Magic Age, he will not be in a hurry, and will be able to explode his own strength.

Compared with those of them who are from the sacred gods, whether it is the Holy Emperor or the Tianfu Xianzun, there is obviously a wealth of experience with the martial arts era masters, regardless of this aspect.

When I heard Ye Xiwen’s words, this holy emperor re-appeared again, with a long-handed knife and a squeaking sound. In a flash, thousands of knives were smashed and smashed. There is an endless **** knife, and the chaos is overwhelmed. This is a lore.

After he entered the devil, his skill increased by a little bit. He asked himself, Ye Xiwen is absolutely impossible to resist.

However, the scene that shocked him more was born. His fallen knives and knives all fell on Ye Xiwen's body, and there was a slap in the face of gold and iron.

In an instant, all of them rebounded, and the power of destroying the earth and the ground contained in his blade was completely blown out in the future.

Ye Xiwen is full of golden light all over the body, like the only true God walking in chaos, able to open up the sky.

These attacks can't break the true God that he never ruins.

"Give me death!"

Among the endless knives, there is a true body of the sacred sorcerer's broken knife, which directly opens everything and reaches the front of Ye Xiwen.

At this time, on the occasion of the Millennium, Ye Xiwen suddenly slammed into the hands of the big man, and even took this broken knife in his hand, so that he could no longer move forward.


The holy emperor's eyes widened, and his reason suddenly regained the upper hand. He had brewed a long-awaited blow, but he could not break Ye Xiwen's defense. This made him suddenly wake up.

In front of him, Ye Xiwen's golden gods are more and more flamboyant. In his whole body, he shines on everything. In the end, a horrible force gathers and turns into a hit and slams into the body of the emperor.


The holy emperor suddenly spit out a golden blood, and the whole person exploded. (To be continued.)

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