Martial God Space

Chapter 3446: Tianzun fourth world

It is better to break the finger, it is better to break one finger, this way Ye Xiwen does not understand, the long knife in the hand swept down, this knife is not any trick, that is, Ye Xiwen's understanding of the road, completely integrated into this knife, fallen Come, there is a long way to go.


The spirit snake demon was suddenly shocked. I did not expect that after the Wanxing Mozun intervened, Ye Xiwen was still so incompetent and was not trapped.

You must know that the strength of the Wanxing Devil is obviously the strongest among them, and the strength is not a little bit.

This time, I said that I was good at this time. The Wanxing Devil came over just to suppress it. I didn’t intend to shoot it myself, because in their view, they would be enough to join hands. Ye Xiwen could at best be with any of them. Countering, it is already very bad.

In reality, however, not only are the Stars and Devils to be shot, but even they are equally dangerous.


The magic knife in the hands of Ye Xiwen turned out a ray of sunshine, and the magic knife was unmatched and fell directly onto the body of the spirit snake.

The blood sprang up all of a sudden, and the magic knife broke into the body of the Spirit Snake Demon. A flesh and blood was blurred and the bones flew.

Ye Xiwen slashed him with a knife. His body was slanted by Ye Xiwen into two segments. The screams and screams continued, and the body continually twisted, which turned out the huge incomparable body. At this time, his body was made by Ye Xiwen. Two and a half, where is the look of Zhang Wei before.

It can only be as far as possible under Ye Xiwen's magic knife.


The sorcerer who was smashed into two halves snarled as if a dragon was stirring in chaos, and blood was sprayed in chaos, causing many chaotic beasts to compete in madness.

Ye Xiwen's knife is terrible, not only to split his body into two pieces, but even his **** is also hit hard in an instant.

Ye Xiwen did not stop and went forward. At this time, it is not the time to stop, but to completely solve the spirit snake demon.

"Bold!" The Wanxing Mozun made a huge roar, and Ye Xiwen’s unscrupulous shot did not put him in his heart, which had completely angered him.

"What are you anxious, get you in the morning and evening!" Ye Xiwen is not worried, even the indifference of the look.

The Wanxing Mozun stepped out in one step, and a long sword appeared in the hand, with the starlight of the sky, turning the decay into magic. Suddenly, I fell into the halves of Ye Xiwen.

Ye Xiwen did not sneak or shun, and directly slammed the sword. This sword fell on Ye Xiwen's body, and set off a burst of blazing ray of light, with his own core as the core, and suddenly rushed.

At the same time that this sword fell, Ye Xiwen also shot at the same time, and the backhand was a knife down. All of a sudden, the snake serpent was smashed in half from the center of the body, and the huge body was smashed from the middle on the spot.

The spirit snake demon, who had already been seriously injured, could not resist this time, and screamed and screamed. His **** was also completely rooted in the place where the magic knife passed, and even cut off the **** that he was pinning in the void, and completely destroyed it in an instant. Do not leave a trace.

The Wanxing Mozun failed to succeed, and he killed Ye Xiwen, and even the spirit snake demon could not keep it. Suddenly angry with seven cigarettes.

The demon king is shocked by the thoroughness of the side, because he is very clear that the Wanxing Mozun is clearly the top master of the fourth world. In Tianzun, every realm is a different day.

The master of the fourth world is not a little bit stronger than the third world. How could Ye Xiwen easily take the strike of the fourth-class Wanxing Mozun.

"This... you... you are not the third world, you are the fourth world!"

At this time, the devil stunned and said, he thought of one of the most likely outcomes, that is, Ye Xiwen is definitely not the third territory, but the fourth world.

The information given to them by the city of Yuecheng was wrong from the beginning. If he knew that Ye Xiwen was the master of the fourth world at the beginning, he would not come to blend this pool.

Just kidding, although they are not like Tianzun in the realm of creation, there is a catastrophe, but it does not mean that they want to enter the fourth world. Similarly, they also understand that the third world The gap between the fourth and the fourth.

"Damn old guy!" At this time, they have poured all the anger in their hearts to the Lord of the Moon City. If they can leave today, they must pay the price of the city.

The lie of the fourth world is lied to be the third place. It is clear that they should be sent to death. Even they have to doubt whether this will be a conspiracy from beginning to end.

A conspiracy to attract them!

The more I think they feel that there is such a possibility, after all, the strength difference is so big, can the city of Yuecheng not be aware of it at all?

Still speaking, it is a trap at all!

As for Ye Xiwen's rapid progress in this short period of time, they simply do not believe it, because it is too unscientific.

It is impossible for Tian Zun to practice at a glance, let alone complete the transformation within a short period of more than a month. This is completely beyond their cognition, so they are simply unbelievable.

"Yes, I am already in the fourth place!" Ye Xiwen laughed haha.

Indeed, when everyone has not noticed, he has already entered the realm of the fourth world. In this month alone, it has been possible for other Tianzun to take decades to Do things.

It’s just that he just broke through, so he didn’t show it. It’s because of this, playing the pig and eating the tiger, the spirit snake demon will be killed by him, because there is no defense, otherwise, he wants to kill the spirit snake demon. How can it be so easy?

But it doesn't make sense to continue to conceal it now, because everyone has seen it through his killing of the snakes.

It was because of the help of the robbing incense, so he said that the Lord of the Moon City had mistyped the idea, and that the spirit snakes and the like had to come back.

"No wonder, no wonder, my attack can not pose a fatal threat to you!" Wan Xing Mo Zun continued, his expression, the more and more killing.

I haven’t been able to stop Ye Xiwen, but I have let him lose his face.

"I said, you will be like him, what anxious!" Ye Xiwen smiled, there was no change because of the anger of the Wanxing Devil.

Daddy, grab a big hand from the city, and then grab the body of the spirit snake demon.

Ye Xiwen’s ear slammed a word and said: “I’m useful to the corpse of this spirit snake demon, I borrowed it first!”

It is Tian Fuxian who hands up, and Ye Xiwen does not care. At this time, he and Tian Fuxian are also formed into strategic alliances. He has such a powerful helper, and Tian Fuxian can also use Ye Xiwen. Completing your own goals is a win-win result.

Looking at the corpse of the spirit snake demon statue was taken away by Tian Fuxian, the indifference in the star-shaped demon statue is even worse, his friendship with the spirit snake demon is not so good, just because the mission of the city of the moon is gathered. Come together, but he can't tolerate someone taunting himself under his own eyes.

This is the face of the red fruit!

Wan Xing Mo Zun looked at Ye Xiwen, and there was a sword in his hand. It seemed to be made up of countless stars. The swordsmanship was vertical and horizontal. Everywhere he passed, there were stars everywhere, just like the night falls, illuminating this. A piece of chaos.

He just fell down with a simple sword. There are swords everywhere. Every sword light will be turned into a sun, moon and stars, covering the whole chaos. In an instant, Ye Xiwen will be shrouded in, and he will be completely killed. .

Ye Xiwen did not have the slightest fear. This time, he did not use a long knife. Instead, his hands smashed out the golden light of the sky. This sword mang, which was shrouded in the sky, was smashed into smashed by him, and he was invincible. He was not only a knife. The law is terrible, and his own body is as strong as the ultimate.

After a trick to smash the attack of the Wanxing Mozun, Ye Xiwen did not stop at all, but directly rushed to the Wanxing Mozun.

"Since I entered the fourth world, I have not yet played against the masters of the same realm. It is just that you are also the existence of the fourth world. Let me feel it well. The magic and the snakes of the fourth world respect these. What is the difference between people!"

Ye Xiwen’s words directly touch the heart of the Wanxing Mozun. This is the confrontation between the two sides. Although Ye Xiwen’s action is extremely fast, he does not smother the star-studded devotion, but treats each other as A sharpening stone for sharpening a knife.

However, what kind of character is the Wanxing Mozun, naturally it will not be moved by Ye Xiwen’s words. His eyes are cold and step by step. In the face of Ye Xiwen who rushed to the squad, he even stabbed a sword, followed by a first move, and started first. The attack.

In the face of the first-come, first-awaited Wan Xing Mo Zun, Ye Xiwen also quickly showed his supreme strength as the fourth world, not inferior to anyone.

As long as the countless stars fall, Jianmang directly slams into Ye Xiwen, and even in the faint void, forms a huge battlefield, and its power is greatly increased.

And Ye Xiwen is very brave, directly in the entire battle of the swordsmanship battlefield left and right to kill, just a punch, can be able to play a huge gap in the starlight swordsmen battle, those swordsman fell On his body, he couldn’t help him at all, and he couldn’t really hurt him.

It’s just that Ye Xiwen doesn’t directly attack the Wanxing Mozun. He just propped up a protective cover with his own hands. No matter how terrible the other’s swordsmanship is, it can always block, and the complete soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Block it down.

It seems to be verifying what is the same! (To be continued.)

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