Martial God Space

Chapter 3456: Mr. Huang’s hidden feelings

"This is the Tiantian Fu, which was specially refining in order to remove the ancient era. It can temporarily seal the heavens of the ancient era and prevent the heavens from affecting us. Unfortunately, this one is left, it is a pity. "East Tian Zun said with regret, "This time, after using this one, this seal will also lose its effect. Otherwise, when you can remove a few ancient eras, you will achieve no merit!"

It’s a pity that Dong Tianzun’s words are incomparable. At this point, he can feel that he has almost no desire, but this one is one of them. ▲∴▲∴,

This is a very important means especially for the invasion of the ancient era.

These people are outsiders for the Geng Jin era. The intruders, like the viruses that invade the human body, will be killed by the heavens and the way. Although Tiandao cannot directly shoot, there are too many means of indirect shooting, for example. Let the sky turn over and the tsunami keeps going, so that the strength of the masters in the Geng Jin era will be greatly improved in a moment, let them out of luck, and go out to the artifacts to counter the foreign enemies.

This will become the biggest problem for them to conquer the Gengjin era. This is also the means of self-protection of the Gengjin era. The more perfect the heavens, the more horrible they will be.

Because of this, it is necessary to use such things as the seal of Tianfu to seal the heavens, so that the heavens of the Gengjin era will not be opened for the masters of the Gengjin era. How can a normal person compare to a slap.

This used to be the means used by the founder of Tianjun to remove some of the most mad ancient eras. Unfortunately, only the last one was left, and this seal was still used by Dong Tianzun in many ways.

And those ancient eras have to invade the sacred gods, especially to capture the military towns such as the Moon City. Naturally, there are corresponding means to deceive and even seal the part of the martial arts era, so that they can succeed.

There have been so many times in each era, and there are some such means. Otherwise, if you want to attack the heavens of an era, it is impossible to achieve. It’s just that the celestial path of the epoch can make the intruder die as much as possible. It’s the power of one person to compete with the heavens. It’s not what it’s like to die.

"But there is such a strange character is already very bad!" War Zun could not help but say, at this time he only understood what kind of place Dongtian Zun's qi was from. In order to defeat the Gengjin era in this time, I am afraid that Dong Tianzun has been preparing for a long time, and all aspects are very thoughtful.

"With such an opportunity, I am already very satisfied!" Dong Tianzun nodded, and in the end he was not so arrogant and dared to compare himself with the creation of Tianjun. It was the strongest person in the past, even after countless years after his disappearance, no one can shake this throne.

What he wants for the time being is only to become Zhongtian Zun.

"Well, if you feel the emotions, you will not be much more. You will directly kill the Gengjin era and sacrifice their heavenly ways!" Dong Tianzun's heroic dry clouds, a clear shouting spread throughout the Gengjin world.

And his army, like the command, finally started, these powerful army. Just like a war machine, indifference, strength and power are terrible.

Tens of millions of troops rushed to cover the sky, and there was no endlessness. It was almost like a black cloud. It instantly obscured this gengjin big world, far from the past and extremely terrible.

Ye Xiwen and others also kept up with each other and rushed into the world of Gengjin.

And when they just rushed into the edge of the world of Gengjin. The counterattack of the Gengjin World has arrived. Although the Tiandao is sealed, the instinctual rejection of the outsiders has made the Gengjinda world react instinctively.

The innumerable Gengjin gas that originally swam in the edge of the Gengjin World was instantly apparent. It has become an endless weapon, with a long sword of Gengjin, a long knife, a long scorpion, an arrow, and a variety of things. Endless, almost instantly culled.

However, without the command of the will of heaven, these attacks are not a real threat to the elites and prostitutes of these martial arts eras. Only some of them are killed in these glory, and most of them are blocked. Down, still in an unstoppable trend, rushed into the world of Gengjin.

At this time, the masters of the Gengjinda world finally reacted. It seems that they never thought that someone could attack and kill here, so everyone has nothing to guard against.

However, their reaction was also very fast. After all, the Gengjin World had suffered an invasion. After that lesson, emergency measures were established immediately.

"Who is going to invade our Gengjin World?"

A majestic drink was passed from it.

Responding to him is that tens of millions of arrows are directly injected into the world of Gengjin as a storm, these are the top players in the martial arts era. Naturally, they are capable of riding and shooting, and the first-hand archery is also extremely accurate. Here, any arrow has a blast of a mountain, destroying the horror power of a vein.

Daddy, at this time, in the world of Gengjin, there are countless Gengjin rules, and the brilliant law light illuminates the entire Gengjin world. These overwhelming arrows are in this way. Under the influence of the Dao Gengjin rule, it was completely stagnant.

It’s like time is still, just like countless big hands grabbing it, directly catching this endless arrow into the hand.

Daddy, I only heard a burst of drink, I saw that this endless arrow rain suddenly turned, and suddenly flew away in the direction of coming, and saw that it would be shot into the army of the martial arts era. I saw a big hand grabbed it all at once, and instantly caught the arrow rain of the sky into a powder. It was at a crucial time that Dong Tianzun shot.

At this time, in the world of Gengjin, a figure full of golden light, like gold, has appeared in front of everyone.

His body has a mad temperament, as if he could kill the world.

Seeing the appearance of this figure, Mr. Huang’s eyes suddenly became red, and suddenly flew out, saying: “The golden ancestors, can you still remember me?”

"It turned out to be your traitor. Not only did he defect from the Gengjin era, but he also brought the people of the martial arts era to this place, **** it!" The gold ancestor, who was cast like gold, was glaring, with two golden eyebrows. Stand upside down.

He obviously recognizes the identity of Mr. Huang, and he is even more unfamiliar to the people of the martial arts era, because the martial art era is the protagonist of this era, and the breath of the body is too obvious, how to recognize it.

Almost without much thought, he has already guessed what is going on. It is this Mr. Huang who led the way to lead the masters of the martial arts era, but it is also the way of insiders that they can be so relaxed. Find the Geng Jin era, the so-called Thousand Miles of the embankment was destroyed in the ant hole, it is like this, the Japanese defense night defense, the family thief is difficult to prevent.

When I think of it, the anger in his heart is like the swell of the river.

Ye Xiwen was slightly forehead, although he had long guessed that Mr. Huang was probably a person of the ancient era, but he did not think about it. This Mr. Huang is really the Tianzun in the Gengjin era. How much hatred of the Golden Age will bring people to personally destroy their era.

As the Tianzun of the Gengjin era, the destruction of the Gengjin era must have a huge impact on him. Can it be that there is nothing hidden?

"Oh, traitor!" Mr. Huang sneered a little, "The gold ancestors, it is so ridiculous, when you say this, you don't lose heart? You are pushing me away, I should have thought of it today. !"

"If you become a king, you have nothing to say!" The fine gold ancestors said from a tough point that there seems to be no remorse.

"Ha ha ha ha, a good defeat of a king, if it is just that, then it will be considered, you should not be so arrogant, to send the younger sister to the magic of the magic era as a gift, I am willing Leaving the Geng Jin era, and vowed never to step into the Geng Jin era, the only requirement is that you take care of her. As a result, how do you do it?” Mr. Huang looked mad and looked like a madman. "You promised very well before, but in fact, hehe, do you still have a face to blame me?"

Ye Xiwen and others were in a state of sorrow. They did not expect that there was such a hidden feeling in this place, especially the last time the Five Elements Alliance was attacked by the Magic Road Era, but the result finally survived, unlike the Fudao era, which was destroyed. There is such a thing.

"It turned out to be a happy demon, the guy is notorious, even if I have heard of his name, although the strength in the Devil's Era is also powerful, but it is a person!" Silver Moon Tianzun Tao, with a bit of disdain on the face to see the fine gold ancestors.

"What do you understand, all of this is to let the Geng Jin era survive, to what extent we have been weak, and the next time the world is shattered, it may be the time for us to ruin. You patted the **** and left. Do you know how difficult it is to maintain the Gengjin era?" The refined gold ancestors finally began to feel a little excited, and the younger sister was also the pain in his heart forever.

"In order to let the Geng Jin era survive, you will send the younger sister out. You know, the younger sister was sucked up by the joyful demon and the magical power of the whole body. Oh, if that is the case, then I will destroy it myself. This Geng Jin era, anyway, is already lingering, isn’t it? If so, then destroy it!” (To be continued.)

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