Martial God Space

Chapter 3466: The magical axe

This is the news that Ye Xiwen and others have returned. When they heard the news, even Dong Tianzun and others were equally disgusting and completely unbelievable. Want

"How can this be……"

The people who had just settled down gathered together because of this news. After the war and others had only had time to settle down the troops they brought, they rushed to the East Tianzun.

Everyone came to Dong Tianzun at the same time with tacit understanding. I wanted to see what kind of news he could have. Although they were among the heroes of the dynasty, they were the heroes who could call for the rain, but on the battlefield of this era, It’s not a big deal. The strong dragon doesn’t press the head snake, let alone the top ten gods in the epoch battlefield. It’s also a strong dragon and a local snake. It’s hard for them to make a difference.

However, Dong Tianzun is different. They are the strongest in the same way as the top ten gods. They also arrange a lot of dark chess in the top ten gods, and naturally they can get much more than everyone else.

"How is this possible? In terms of the strength of the top ten gods, it is no longer a matter of attacking the moon city!"

The war is the most incredible to say, because he is very clear about the strength of the Ten Gods City. Because of this, I feel that this failure is incredible. If you don’t see the elite army that has damaged hundreds of millions, Tianzun has fallen, he almost has to doubt, this is the act of acting.

Only the acting can explain the strange situation in front of us.

The same is true of Yinyue Tianzun. Although he is very uncomfortable in being rejected by the top ten **** cities, his heart is still in the heart for the power of the Ten Gods. After all, in fact, the creation of the gods is the real master, and the top ten gods dare to The confrontation of the gods themselves shows their strength.

The strength of any one of the gods is a very ordinary class. His silver moon family looks very powerful, but in front of the top ten gods, nothing is considered. A key book??

But the more you know this. The more he is unable to accept this.

On the contrary, Ye Xiwen did not have much shock in his heart, because his concept of the Ten Great Gods was very vague. After all, the time he came to the creation of the gods was too short. Many people knew things that he did not know. Although he has a concept of being very powerful in the Ten Great Gods, but how powerful it is, in fact, the concept is not too much.

But when he sees the look of other people, he can think about it.

"What the **** is this?" War Zun looked at Dong Tianzun and asked.

"In this case, there are a lot of things involved. According to the normal situation, it is indeed a matter of ten days to regain the city with the strength of the top ten gods!" Dong Tianzun’s face showed a bit of disdainful expression. He naturally knew the top ten gods. Strength, if it is not ten-nine, the character of the top ten gods of the city may completely reject the reinforcements from the sacred gods?

But because of this, the ultimate failure is particularly dazzling!

The death and injury of more than 200 million large army, the fall of several great gods, is enough for the city of Richeng to drink a pot with the city of Yuecheng.

These two people are the two most active people who will rule out the army of the gods in the battle for recovery. In particular, the Lord of the Moon City, there is no bluntness, and the army that did not allow the creation of the gods was allowed to join.

"But in the end, there was a leak, because the Devil's Era finally sacrificed the magical axe of the Promise Devil of the strongest person in the Devil's Era. It was just an axe, and the army of the Ten Great Gods was scattered. Oh, that’s a good way!” said Dong Tianzun, with a bit of fierceness. "What do you want to do in the Devil's Era? Do you really want me to make a great army and destroy him?"

Although the top ten gods have turned them out, they ended up with heavy losses. A special book?? Inevitably makes him feel ridiculous, but ridicule ridicule, right and wrong he still points out.

The epoch battlefield is a barrier to the creation of the dynasty. It is incomparably important for the creation of the dynasty. Otherwise, the sacred Tianjun would not deliberately leave ten **** cities on the epoch battlefield, in order to guard the barrier of this sacred god.

So there must be no loss. The Magic Road Era has given such a means, which is tantamount to provoking the whole creation of the gods, not only for the top ten gods, but also because of this inside and outside. He understands.

In other words, he has long regarded himself as a deputy lord of the sacred dynasty, the lord of the sacred dynasty, the master of the entire sacred dynasty, and the illusion of the illusion of the dynasty, which is equal to provoking him, in his view, equal to his I slap a few slaps on my face.

"Open the magic axe, what is it, how can it be so powerful, can actually break up the army of the top ten gods?" War Zun could not help but ask, his time to achieve Tianzun is the shortest, many secrets about Tianzun, he also does not know of.

Although Ye Xiwen's time for accomplishing Tianzun is also very short, he knows this thing. Before that, Tianfu Xianzun once mentioned the horror of the instruments left by the Xeon.

The heavens and the earth are not just the ones that make the Tianjun a powerful and invincible. In such a powerful era as the Magic Road, it is naturally born such a terrible and strong one. There is no such thing in the Gengjin era. It is possible to brew such a strong person, but unfortunately, because of all kinds of opportunities, even if the Geng Jin era is shattered, he has not yet been born.

Because he wants to be a strong, there are too many avenues to be needed, and the required foundation is also unimaginable, so there is no way to finally shape it.

It’s really a root, and it’s a failure.

Among those who are strong, the Promise of the Magic Age is one of the most terrible ones. His magical axe is a powerful and unimaginable instrument.

The reason why Ye Xiwen knows, it is precisely because Tianfu Xianzun once compared it with the ancestors of the ancestors, and the ancestral ancestor is also the magic weapon of the martial art era. In theory, it can be combined with the magical axe. However, in fact, compared with the terrible weapon of the full-time attack, the ancestors of the ancestors are too far apart. Under the sacred axe, the ancestral ancestors can only protect themselves. .

The use of the Supreme Ancestral Hall is not here. He is the sustenance of the entire Era of the Era, and is the core of maintaining the entire Era of the Era, carrying too many heavens of the Era.

In general, it is a level, but the use is different, so Ye Xiwen can also judge what precious things in his hand are the precious ancestors.

It is even more precious than Geng Jin's ancestors, because Geng Jin's ancestors did not change shape. If Geng Jinzu became gas-shaped, it would become a supreme power, or become a supreme as the supreme ancestor. The instruments that carry the avenues of an era are different, and there is no difference.

This level of rituals is the so-called dominating sect in the celestial celestial celestial being, because the supreme beings like the sacred princes are the masters, they dominate an era.

In other words, that is to say, Ye Xiwen has a supreme master of the road, and there is an unfinished product, which is one and a half. If the news spreads, I am afraid that there will be countless people coming to compete for it. There are also foreign domains and ancient times.

No one can stop this temptation!

However, Ye Xiwen knows that this dominating device looks very powerful, like a magical axe. A single blow can defeat the army of the Ten Great Gods, and the top ten gods are all badly hurt, but it is not without cost. It is necessary to prepare for a long time, and it is possible to pay a lot of price.

And he can't explode the power of the ancestors like the magical axe, because his resources are really too few, it is really unable to support the explosion of the ancestors, and his skill is relatively shallow. Otherwise, if you hold the ancestral ancestor, you can say that no one can stop it.

Unless he really achieves the power of the master, it is a pity that it is difficult to truly sway the power of the ancestral ancestor.

"That is the Taoist ancestor of the Promise. It is called the lord of the lord. It is terrible. I can only compare it with the sacred gods. Only the **** of creation!"

Dong Tianzun said slowly.

"What can be compared with the creation of Heavenly King?" Warlord could not imagine what kind of situation it was. He had followed the creation of the Tianjun battle, so he was very clear about the terrible nature of the creation of the Heavenly King.

At that time, almost all of the strong enemies were defeated by the invincible forces. Finally, the creation of the gods was established. He could not imagine what kind of people could make a difference.

"Yes, it is the Promise of the Promise!" Dong Tianzun nodded,

"Is it the Promise of the Promise? It is impossible. The Promise of the Promise has disappeared before the destruction of several heavens and earth. It has not appeared again!" Mr. Huang said, he obviously knows more. Because the time of the Geng Jin era appeared very early, as a strong man of the Geng Jin era, he naturally knows a lot of things that the new Jin Zun, such as Zhan Zun, Yin Yue Tian Zun, and Ye Xiwen, do not know.

"It is not the Promise of the Promise. If the Promise of the Promise reappears, can they still escape?" Dong Tianzun’s face showed a bit of disdainful sneer. "It’s the Devil’s Ten Devils. Open the magic axe, and move this blow, they will be defeated with only one stroke, and there is no need to resort to more!"

Everyone was silent at once, and it was completely imaginable that it would be difficult to master the ancient era of such a horrible means of opening a magical axe.

"Everyone does not need to be depressed. On the contrary, although this is a crisis of the martial arts era, it is our opportunity. If this is the top ten gods, if you don't want it, you must choose Zhongtian Zun!" (To be continued.) )

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