Martial God Space

Chapter 3495: Lord of the Moon City, still not ready to go


When they reached this point, it was said that they had a hard fight against the opposite side of the drum. First, Tiancheng City beat the crowds by surprise. Then, Dong Tianzun shot and announced a Gestalt. (Muffy candy novel Www.MianHuaTang.Cc provides free download of Txt). Update is fast.

Everyone who plays directly has no temper. In the face of this genius, all other competitors have no way to fight.

At the beginning, Tianzun and others also felt that they could not fight against the Tiancheng city master this time because the time was too short and they did not give them more time to make great contributions.

However, now Dong Tianzun beat them with a slap in the face with reality?

Is it really because time is not enough?

Maybe it is, because the time is too short, so they are not enough to stand up to the overwhelming 'sexual' credit, because what they can think of is that it is an ordinary merit, destroying the ancient era of several great gods, and tens of millions of troops. This is already a very good deal.

If this is not the case, the time and space will not be so confident, but even those who are crazy again will not think about destroying the ancient era, because it is almost impossible.

However, Dong Tianzun was able to do what all people thought was impossible. This completed the reversal of the situation and suddenly defeated all the powerful enemies and truly became Zhongtian Zun.

"Congratulations to the adults to advance to Zhongtian Zun!"

I don't know which emperor shouted, and soon formed a tidal stream. Even if he didn't like Dong Tianzun on weekdays, he wouldn't be right with everyone.

Because they are very clear, the East Tianzun who has made such great achievements is almost unstoppable and has to become Zhongtian Zun.

Even Tiancheng City owners have this by default.

In the time of competition, they resorted to generations and connected in tandem. They suppress each other, but once someone gains the position of Zhongtianzun with absolute advantage, then they will not die again. ($>>>cotton, flower ‘sugar’ small ‘say’) Because it is not necessary, in addition to making yourself embarrassed. There is no use, and those who only use the means of yin danger can not cultivate this point.

Even if Ye Xiwen is very annoying to the city of Yuecheng, although the yin is dangerous, it can't do the kind of stalking and death.

Because they have a bottom line, and people without a bottom line, they are already dead.

"Well, since everyone has no opinions on reading; then I will be promoted to Zhongtianzun!" Dong Tianzun is also rude, almost when his voice just fell, the sky is endless, falling on his body, Zhongtian Zun In the case of the creation of the gods and the vice-presidents, in the absence of the present-day genius, it is almost the supreme and embarrassing of all the gods.

It is also the person who manages the world on behalf of the heavens, and naturally will be blessed by Heaven. This is also a great merit. Numerous heavenly virtues have been added, forming a golden piece on his body.

"This is the body of merit. He actually practiced the body of merit!" The master of Tiancheng City has widened his eyes, and the golden light of the sky is clearly the body of merit.

If he might have some doubts before, then now, he has no doubt at all. If you want to practice the legendary physique of the body of success, the merits you need are almost desperate.

Even if he is the owner of this Tiancheng city, he has been sitting in the Tiancheng for countless years, and has made countless contributions to the creation of the gods. The credit obtained is far from enough to practice the body of success.

Compared with his situation, Dong Tianzun is only incomparable.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to obtain so much merit. There is only one case, that is, the Gengjin era has been extinguished. Only able to practice the body of success.

Throughout the ages, among the martial arts era, the people who practiced the body of successful virtues are almost the phoenix 'hairy', so two or three people, any one of them is a famous person, the invincible figure, and the leader It is the creation of Tianjun.

Originally, Dong Tian Zun was already scary enough. Now he has become a body of merit. His strength is only the most powerful among them.

It’s not just a great achievement, but even the strength has the power to suppress the crowd. This time, even if the Tiancheng City Lord is not reconciled, but in the face of such a strong East Tianzun, can only accept this time of defeat, to think It’s also a matter of the future, and this time it’s a failure. ,

Not only the owner of the city of Tiancheng, but almost everyone else has seen the body of merits of Dong Tianzun. They have taken a breath of cold air. The body of merit is one of the most terrible physiques in the world. In an invincible place, unbeaten, unconstrained, cause and effect, what special 'door' hurts the gods of the martial arts, in the face of this physique, all will fail.

Just as Ye Xiwen protects his own gods with the world tree, all the gods attacks are invalid. Although the methods are different, the results are the same, which is very rare.

Whether it is to achieve the body of merit, or to get the world tree, it is possible to have an opportunity.

In order to achieve the body of merit, Dong Tianzun destroyed the Geng Jin era, and Ye Xiwen began to cultivate from the ancient trees, and in the process of developing the world tree, he did not know how much resources were consumed. It is hard to imagine.

The sky is shining, and there is a faint chanting in the heavens. For a time, all kinds of visions are like blowouts, and the light of Xiangrui is a masterpiece.

This represents the recognition of Tiantian Zun as the Zhongtianzun, although it is not personally appointed by the Tianjun, but it is God's will, God's will is the will of the people, and the will of all living beings between heaven and earth, even if it is the creation of Tianjun can not be violated.

Of course, if the return of the creation of Tianjun, perhaps it will not care, because this is really unusual for him.

Dong Tianzun was promoted to Zhongtianzun, and the throne under his seat began to rise and rise until it was higher than other Tianzun city owners. Only then did it stop. After all, Zhongtian Zun was just the same as the vice-president, but not really The master cannot be above the crowd.

"I have seen Zhongtian Zun!"

Everyone has a half-court ceremony, or a full ceremony, and they are different. They have met the East Tianzun who is now Zhongtianzun.

Even the Tiancheng City lord and others who are unwilling and unwilling are no exception. This is a respect for the rules. He can take the lead today and disrespect Zhongtian Zun, so he will not put him in his eyes.

The so-called initiators, what is it?

Zhongtian Zun only feels his innumerable merits, countless rules are added, and the connection with the entire martial art era is getting tighter and tighter. This is also the price to pay. Since you have to receive the benefits of becoming Zhongtianzun, then you have to bear the responsibility of becoming Zhongtianzun. responsibility.

It’s never just that it’s so good.

"Well, since I became Zhongtianzun today, I will take up the responsibility that I should have, and lead the sacred dynasty from glory to more glory!" Zhongtianzun has already been in the excitement of Zhongtianzun. I got out of it.

"After reconsideration on how to recapture the Moon City, I propose to deprive the position of the Lord of the Moon City, to take care of him, whether he has colluded with the Magician era, or something that has not been investigated, but because of his own 'private', 'Looking' lost the moon city of one of the top ten gods, it can be said that it is sinful, if not severely punished, how to serve the public?" Zhong Tianzun stunned like the universe, glanced at everyone, seemingly in consultation with everyone Opinion, however, everyone does not doubt his determination.

From the dispute between him and the city of the moon city just now, it can be seen that there is a word in the hearts of the people. The new official took up three fires, but the Lord of the Moon City hit his hand.

He is Zhongtianzun, and he naturally has such authority.

Moreover, everyone does not feel relieved that a person who may be associated with the Magic Road Era once again sits on the position of the Lord of the Moon City. Many people also have views on the position of the Lord of the Moon City. Therefore, this is the trend of the times and the desire of the people. Zhongtianzun’s words undoubtedly conform to the hearts of the people.

"I will agree to Zhongtian Zun, since he has made a big mistake, he should pay the price!" Ye Xiwen stepped forward to support Zhongtian Zun, and they have already reached this point. They must "force" the city of the city to the impasse. How can I give up?

"Yes, it is a debt to pay back the money, and it is a matter of righteousness. If you let him continue to be the owner of the city, because of the 'private' waste, I will not accept it!" Seeing that Ye Xiwen has acted as a bird, as a cannon, other People suddenly agreed to let him step down, but it has become the wish of everyone, he has become the target of public criticism.

Because of the fall of the moon city, I don’t know how many winds 'waves' have been triggered. How many people have died, how many people have been annoyed, and the city of the city still doesn’t know, but they still think they have no problem. After the glory of the day, it has finally become the turbulent 'wave' that has destroyed him.

The Lord of the Moon City did not think that the words of Zhongtian Zun could actually lead to the appropriation of so many people. Many of them were formerly brothers and brothers. The face 'color' was extremely ugly.

Even the city owner who promised to keep him and who lost his sins of losing the moon city can only be regarded as not seeing it. If he became Zhongtianzun, he might be erased by the authority of Zhongtianzun, but Now that he has failed in competition, how can he do it.

Moreover, in his heart, he could not have any thoughts about the city of the moon city. For his own ‘private’, the moon city fell, and they did not know how many masters were lost, and how many ‘fine’ sharp.

"Yuecheng City Lord, you see it yourself, the general trend is so, I don't want to get rid of it, I will do it in the province!" Zhongtian Zun sighed.

Yuecheng City's main face 'color' 狰狞, seeing that he is already a rebellious person, could not help but scream: "Zhongtianzun you are only a high level of me, unless it is the reincarnation of the creation of heaven, no one is qualified to tell me, I The position of the Lord of the Moon City is not sealed by you, so you are not qualified to abolish!"

"The stubbornness!" q

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