Martial God Space

Chapter 3513: Entering the fifth world

A quaint city, the style has been unimaginable for a long time, no one can tell the reason for this kind of city layout, the marks on the walls are all traces of time.

Time left a mottled trace on it, but it still stood still and stood in the chaos.

In the midst of chaos, a city is built up without any protection of the laws of heaven and earth. This difficulty is greater than that of the Qingtian. The power of the creation of Tianjun and the wealth of the gods of the creation of the gods are nothing but the construction of the Ten Great Gods. However, the rest are satellite cities, which are based on the protection of the laws of the top ten gods.

This seven-city city is such a city. The time of his existence is too long, even longer than the top ten gods. No one knows when he built it. He only knows everyone. It is already impressed that this seven cities have been here, and it has been like this time.

No one has ever seen him at the beginning of his construction, and even more arrogant. At the beginning of the martial arts era, this city has already appeared here. Since ancient times, it has never changed its position, just like in chaos. The same as the eternal existence.

It has been inferred that even the seven great cities may have been the creations of the previous epochs, but even the antiques that existed before several epochs, they are even more shocking, because before the epoch, these seven cities were already It is.

It’s just that time is too long, and the world has been shattered again and again. Many real antiques are not dead. It is falling into a deep sleep.

Now many superpowers of the ancient era. In fact, these new eras have become enlightened. Every time the heavens and the earth are shattered, the emperors are basically destroyed. The emperors are hard to protect themselves. Tianzun can protect themselves, but there are also many fallen.

Therefore, when it comes to the destruction of heaven and earth, the face of Tianzun will change. Unimaginable and terrible.

And this seven great cities can survive in this great destruction of the heavens and the earth, as if it was the same, this will undoubtedly make many people guess that there must be a super strong in this city. .

In fact, in this city, there is indeed his order, and some of the strongest of the ancient era settled here. Became the indigenous people here, slowly, and became the defender of the order here.

And these seven cities have gradually become exchanges of information between the ancient times, and a trade city that exchanges resources has become extremely prosperous.

Even if it is as powerful as the Devil's Era, there is no idea to play the Seven Cities, not because of the terribleness of the indigenous people in the city. It is rumored. The city owner who built the seven cities, the power of the seven holy kings.

In the old rumors, when the Seven Great Walls were first established, they were indeed besieged by several ancient eras. How can an ordinary city pool be compared with the ancient era, and only one can attack it, let alone so much.

However, in the case of these great ancient eras, the Seven Great Walls still stood still, and even at the last critical moment, a Gedean figure was shot. With one's own strength, I defeated a few ****** to join forces, killing countless masters, and finally let these ** **** anger, and directly retreat.

This person, the seven sacred priests of the rumors of later generations, is also the real power figure in the entire seven cities.

No one knows the origins of these seven sacred monarchs. I only know that he is very strong, very strong, and strong enough to be unimaginable. No one can help him, although no one in the seven cities can now find seven sacred Jun’s figure, but only the original peerless name, is enough for everyone to stop.

Unless it is determined that the seven sacred monarchs have fallen, even if they look at the wealth again, no one will dare to move their hands.

Therefore, this has become a place that people of all epochs like to come. They can exchange information, exchange resources, and exchange the resources that they usually cannot use to exchange the resources they need.

Those who can come here, even if they are just ordinary people who walk casually, are all emperor-level. It is not impossible for the emperor to cross the chaos. It is not the emperor. It is basically the descendants of the local indigenous strong, and some of them are basically Only Tianzun is possible.

In a room in one of the city's largest inns, Ye Xiwen sat on the cloud bed and kept breathing.

For a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, and there was a bit of joy in his eyes and a bit of a bitter smile.

It’s just a cry!

What makes him happy is that he originally thought that it would take a long time to truly cross the barrier of the fifth world. In the previous battle with the city of the moon, he actually gained a lot and broke through.

In the war of the Lord of the Moon City, although it was the state of conformity with one person, he could not be separated from him, and even he was eventually wounded. However, he also used this force to let him advance to a higher level. The style of Tianzun’s realm has seen many realms that have never been seen before.

In the battle, of course, he can't record it, but he can completely record all of it by the mysterious space. Every minute and every second is recording the sentiment and refining.

Because it is a higher level of war, every punch and every foot is a brand new understanding for Ye Xiwen.

Nowadays, those who had not had time to think about it before the war, after the analysis of the mysterious space, suddenly poured into their minds like a tide.

That made him feel extremely difficult, and the barrier that could not be broken at all was also in the same sense of tides, so Ye Xiwen almost broke through the fourth environment into the fifth world without any difficulty.

This may be the easiest breakthrough he has made since he cultivated to the realm of Tianzun. His roots are enough. His sentiments are also forcibly learned in battle. Everything is ready. The difference is just a simple one. Pushing the boat in the water.

This is a simple breakthrough to the fifth world!

There is no difficulty at all. This battle is almost equivalent to his own hard work for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years!

Of course, this is also because his previous accumulation is indeed enough, reaching the peak of the fifth state. Otherwise, it is impossible in any case.

The fact that he had entered the fifth place should be something that made him extremely happy. With his current strength, if he entered the fifth position, his combat effectiveness would also push the boat into the sixth world.

In addition to encountering the high-ranking Tianzun above the seventh level, Ye Xiwen is almost invincible, fearless, and further is the Tianzun of the seventh world, then he is truly qualified to compete for the position of Dong Tianzun, not because of Zhongtian Zun recommend.

Like Zhongtianzun, he can compete for the position of Dongtianzun, even the position of Zhongtianzun, and no one has recommended him. The only reason is that he is strong enough.

Powerful to his strength, it is more useful than any recommendation.

However, the ideal is beautiful. The reality is that although his realm has broken through, his injury is still not good. After a month of healing, he has only recovered a little.

If it is said that he would encounter a Tianzun casually, then at least it is equivalent to the strength of Tianzun's first place. Although it is already good, it is far from the front of his current interface.

How could he be satisfied, and the seven cities are still in deep chaos, and they are far from the epoch battlefield. He has no sense of security.

Before he was also eager to go all the way, he came to the seven imperial cities, and even the ancestors masked all his breath, pretending to be an master of the ancient era into the city.

As a martial art era, if you come to the seven cities in your own way, you will inevitably be targeted. Although the seven cities have never said that people who do not allow the martial arts era to come, this is almost the default rule. This is The territory of the ancient era was entrenched.

As a master of the martial arts era that is now in the world, if there is no reason, it will not come here.

Moreover, the ancient era and the martial arts era have not yet known how many masters have fallen. The two sides have already had deep hatred and hatred. It is difficult to resolve them. Ye Xiwen is not interested in resolving, but they are all for survival.

He was not afraid at the peak, even if other people wanted to start with him, they had to see if they had this strength, but now he is seriously injured, but he has to be careful.

Everything is careful!

After breaking through to the fifth territory, Ye Xiwen's recovery speed has increased slightly. Otherwise, it will not be possible within a month. According to his original estimate, it is necessary to return to the present, and it will take hundreds of years.

After the realm was raised, his understanding of many martial arts was also soaring, and the injury recovered, and it was much faster.

"Now I am reluctant to have self-protection. Next, if I want to recover completely, it will not be possible for a while. I can’t live in this seven cities. I have to find a way to buy one. Chaotic maps, then return to the epoch battlefield!"

Ye Xiwen immediately decided to buy a chaotic map and then left, although the chaos does not distinguish the direction, it seems useless, but in reality, there is a chaotic map in hand, some city pool location, some fierce chaotic beasts infested places, also There are a lot of taboos and points that will be marked on it.

For Ye Xiwen, who is now hit hard, nature is extremely important.

After making up his mind, Ye Xiwen went straight down to the cloud bed, pushed open the door, and left the independent space separated by this room, and then laid out the law in order to avoid being broken in, so that he went downstairs. (To be continued.)

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