Martial God Space

Chapter 3520: Lifting the dragon's pulse

"This guy really didn't feel good!"

Ye Xiwen immediately understood the little trick of Luo Yi. He looked closely. The **** silk thread in the depths of the ink veins of the ink color was actually a spell, which became a form of silk thread and completely integrated into the depths of the dragon vein. ?

If Ye Xiwen does not check, when he absorbs the ink-colored dragon vein, he does not pay attention. This spell will completely enter his body, and then there will be a hidden danger.

It’s just that Ye Xiwen still doesn’t know what the effect of this spell is, but in general, it’s not a good thing.

Because it is buried deep, it will not be seen at all, even in this ink-colored king-class dragon vein. If there is no slight vibration of the ancestors, his heart is alert, I am afraid that he will be fooled.

The heart is cold, but there is no slight change in the face of the Greek, although the existence of this spell has already existed, then the rest of the things are much easier to do, and it is impossible for the spell to enter his body again.

It only needs to be stripped open. With this ink-colored king-class dragon pulse in hand, he will be able to absorb the remaining Ebony Qinglong. It is only a matter of time to repair it to the fifth peak.

After the fifth peak, his actual combat power is even enough to sweep across the sixth, invincible and fearless.

"Daoyou is polite, and this era of degeneration has been destroyed. I can get a lot of benefits, but it is a win-win situation!" Luo Hao haha ​​laughed loudly, and the laughter was extremely hearty, and there was no trace of gloom.

If you don't see the spell in the ink-colored king-class dragon vein, Ye Xiwen is afraid that he will really be deceived by him!

What win-win, the era will be destroyed, and the sacrifice will be given to the Heaven of the Magic Age. He will also gain great benefits. Compared with this advantage, a king-level dragon is not a big deal, but he does not even benefit from this. Willing to pay.

Ye Xiwen was wary, but the face was still pretending to be unseen. w? This king-level dragon pulse was collected.

Seeing Ye Xiwen received it, Luo Xiao smiled slightly, and the self-righteous backhand did not alarm Ye Xiwen. He even prepared to turn his face with Ye Xiwen. To deceive a powerful Tianzun, how simple is it.

But for him, it’s natural to lie, but if you don’t lie. Then you can only get started first.

"Luo Haodao friends, are we going to leave now? Or we have to wait for a while!"

Ye Xiwen asked.

"This is still waiting for the Taoist friends to wait for a while, and there is a Taoist friend I have to invite!" Luo said, "Please come with me, there are already two friends waiting!"

Luo Wei led Ye Xiwen to the bottom of the mountain. It was an enchantment. In the enchantment, there were already two figures waiting, and one figure was tall, like a straight sky. The whole body is black and black, and the whole body seems to be surrounded by countless streams of water, which will rush into the ocean at any time and anywhere.

A huge face with four eyes, like a disc, looks at the sky, as if to see through the heavens and the earth.

The other one is a woman who looks like a young woman in her thirties, a gorgeous robe with fair skin and a good face, just in the eyes. It seems that there is a picture of the cosmic galaxy flashing in it.

Seeing Luo Wei and introducing people, the two looked at the past. It seems that some of them recognized Ye Xiwen's appearance. Both of them had a somewhat surprised look on their faces.

Just now Ye Xiwen easily defeated the scene of the purple middle-aged man. Obviously they also saw it.

That scene left a deep impression on them. On the strength of the purple middle-aged man, they would not even be inferior to them, but in front of Ye Xiwen, they were not opponents at all.

The two people speculated that I was afraid that in the fifth world, Ye Xiwen had no rivals at all. Read a book

Under this circumstance. There are some ideas in the hearts of the two people, but no one has shown them. After all, Ye Xiwen’s amazing performance, they have already seen them, and if they change their words, they are afraid that they will not be able to perform well, and they will fall within a few strokes. defeat.

"The peak of the fifth world!" When seeing the two, Ye Xiwen has already estimated the strength of the two, and neither of them will be inferior to the purple middle-aged who was defeated by him before. man.

This Luo Hao has found so many masters, but from the realm point of view, but no one can match this roaring, if the original Ye Xiwen does not think so much, just think that it may be because of the real seventh If the master is not easy to find, then now he has another layer of thought.

This is most likely because Luo Hao is not able to find a master better than him, otherwise I am afraid it is not good to control it.

Although he does not know what Luo Qi is trying to figure out, he can probably guess something. In any case, he must not be able to find a master who is too strong. Otherwise, his plan is a hindrance.

"To introduce to you, this is a big righteous friend!" Luo Wei introduced it, "Dayi Tianzun Daoyou, this is the heavy water supreme, and Lingyun Xianji, these two friends are first-class masters, I also paid a lot for the invitation!"

"The two Taoist friends are polite!" Ye Xiwen said slightly, and both of them returned.

"Day of Heaven is honored!"

"I have seen Da Yi Tian Zun!"

In the face of such a top-level master who is at the same level as them, even more powerful than them, they dare not have no reason to be proud.

"The three Taoist friends are waiting here first, chatting and chatting, I am going to find the last friend!" Luo Weidao.

The three nodded and Rosie saw it and turned away.

Then the three men closed their eyes and raised their eyes. Ye Xiwen simply closed his eyes and sat up. There was a cloud bed underneath him, and he gently held him.

Ye Xiwen explored the gods into the ink-colored king-class dragon vein. This king-class dragon vein is more powerful than the incomplete king-level dragon pulse that Ye Xiwen got in the first place. It is not the same day. language.

At that time, the incomplete king-level dragon pulse that Ye Xiwen had obtained had obviously experienced the shackles of a great war, and finally became like that.

Compared with the real king-class dragon, even one-third can't match it, let alone other.

The 澎湃 energy contained in this ink-colored king-class dragon vein is several times as many as that obtained by Ye Xiwen. If there is no one spell contained in it, then it is better.

Ye Xiwen explored the gods into it. The spell was hidden deep and even difficult to capture. If it was looming, it would not be possible to help the ancestors.

Now, it took a while to finally show the charm of walking around this ink-colored dragon.


In Ye Xiwen's inner world, there was one more word, and the spell in this ink-colored dragon vein was completely sealed.

It is not difficult to seal this spell. The real difficulty is now. If it is in the body, then the reproduction is too late.

However, Ye Xiwen did not choose to annihilate it directly. He did not know what connection between this spell and Luo Wei, and if he was alarmed.

However, after the seal is sealed, it does not affect his absorption of the energy in this ink-colored dragon vein. Although it is the magical power in the magic era, the average person cannot bear it, but it does not matter to him. Practice to his point, all the energy can return to the original, transform into the purest energy.

Otherwise, how can you cross the chaos, I am afraid that it has already been swallowed up by the chaos.

An ink-colored dragon vein swims like a real dragon in Ye Xiwen's inner world. The body emits a circle of magic. After being separated, half of it turns into the purest aura. Among the world trees.

The example of the world tree that hangs above the world tree is getting closer and closer. During this time, Ye Xiwen has been pouring several centuries, and even the blood of the top master of the city. Coupled with the blessing of this king-class dragon pulse, the degree of growth will accelerate and become faster and faster.

The other half of the magic gas directly poured into his limbs, and many of them let the mysterious space absorb it, so that the Eiji Qinglong absorbed by Ye Xiwen is getting faster and faster, and his cultivation is gradually improved. It has become more than just the time when it first entered the fifth world. In a short period of time, it has completely consolidated the cultivation of the fifth world, and even deeper and deeper.

This degree is simply flying, the skill that grows every second, and even the progress of the top syllabus of the upper syllabus in the whole year. According to this degree, I am afraid that only the true peak of the fifth world will be It’s a matter of time.

This is the degree of complete absorption of the Ebony Qinglong.

It’s just that no matter how Ye Xiwen’s skill progressed, all of them were locked in the body, and there was no trace of it.

Daddy, at this time, a powerful and incomparable breath came down at once, and fell into this enchantment.

Ye Xiwen suddenly opened his eyes, but saw that a young man wearing a robes of the stars and moons was shining in the sky, falling down, and the dragons and tigers were in the air.

The young man was about twenty years old, his face was cold, but after looking at the three people in the ring, he was cold and there was no trace of expression.

Extremely lonely!

Ye Xiwen made a judgment in an instant.

And after him, Luo Xiao’s figure has already appeared in front of everyone. (To be continued.) users please visit

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