Martial God Space

Chapter 3525: Abnormal combat power!

"Would you like to go this time? Isn't it too late?"

At this time, in the face of a situation in which the big troubles flew, Luo Mou devil finally had an action, and his face showed a smirk of expression, apparently he had already expected this situation.

These people are just casually recruited by him. If you can say that you can be reliable and die for him, then it is a ghost, but I didn’t think it would be so unreliable. It’s only a short time.

But it doesn't matter, because in his plan, this scene has already been foreseen, and these people are nothing but consumables in his opinion.

"What do you mean?" Zi Lei Sheng Zun looked at the time to fly out of the scope of this era.

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Then, in the case of the fear of Zi Lei Shengzun and others, there were a few more figures around, and there were four people. It was also arranged with four squadrons, just this time. The big array is also sealed in the same place as Zi Lei Sheng Zun and others.

"What? You dare!" Zi Lei Shengzun and others saw here, how to still understand the plan of Luo Mo Mo Zun, from the beginning Luo Yi Mo Zun did not intend to trust them, and they are indeed not reliable.

Take someone else's king-level dragon pulse, but at the crucial time, you have to start!

However, Rosie Mozun is a form that has been prepared for a long time. It has already been prepared. It has already been anticipated for a long time, but they are still found. It is clearly regarded as a cannon fodder. As a victim.

With their power to block the rebellion of heaven.

This is his real plan. It is also all plans!

And these people are nothing but the fish on the cutting board, but they still don't know.

Luo Xiaomo Zun sneered, all this is in his control, these people still want to escape? From the very beginning, they were already destined to die, and even if they could survive in the end, he would not let them go.

Or don't offend Tianzun. If you are offended, then you have to go to the dead, you must not let go, otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

Even the illusionary era of the great cause of the family is not willing to be remembered by several gods at the same time. When a critical attack occurs, it will either not get it or kill it.

This is the beginning of Luo Yi Mozun thought.

It’s just that he doesn’t care so much at this time. At this time, the Devil’s Era is still in need of him. Every minute and every moment consumes countless resources, but it is worthwhile, not to mention the benefits that come directly to him. Even after the Devil's Era engulfed this surviving era, it became more powerful and he was able to harvest. There are also many benefits.

Therefore, he absolutely does not allow anyone to do it!

At this time, four demon statues joined the chaos. The four squadrons that they have teamed up with are obviously much stronger. It is not that their strength is stronger, but that the big array they get in their hands is obviously more complete.

Even in the formation, Luo Xiaomo Zun clearly left a hand on them.

At this time, Ye Xiwen finally understood all the conspiracy of Luo Mo's demon. As it was, only half of what was said before was true, and Luo Mo Mo Zhan apparently had already seen their unreliability and did not expect it. What they mean.

Just treat them as cannon fodder.

Used to delay the time for him, to resist the counterattack of this era of heaven, so Ye Xiwen more clearly felt the magic of the seal, if there is no envelope. When Zhongtian Zun and others did not know how much it would take to succeed, the Gengjin era’s heavenly roads did not know how many times stronger than the impending Tianyuan Tiandao.

And those dragon veins are just lures that they lure them, even the bait is poisonous, and they are not willing to leave them.

This Luo’s plan is really one after another. If Ye Xiwen did not find a problem with the king’s dragon in his hand, I would not doubt that Luo Wei actually had another plan.

Because from the book's point of view, there is nothing wrong with Luo's original plan. They are responsible for blocking the counterattack of the Epoch Times, and Luo Mo Mo Zun is responsible for opening the passage, attracting the Devil's Tao Yuan Tiandao, and swallowing the era that is about to fall, and afterwards they are apart. In addition to the one-level dragon pulse, there are other benefits of the magic road era, which is the complete plan.

But I didn't expect to have another plan outside of this plan, but the plan was to have them bury together and die together.

"I really want to empty the white wolf!" Ye Xiwen sighed, this Luo Hao's plan is indeed huge, but he is not flustered, he has the power of self-protection in the hands of the existence of the ancestors.

So he is not afraid, Luo Wei has his plan, and he also has his own plan, Luo Yi used him to be cannon fodder, blocking this era of heaven, but he also has his own plan.

Luo Wei plans to come to an empty glove white wolf, but Ye Xiwen also has his own plans to catch the oriole in the aftermath!

However, the most important thing in front of us is to kill the celestial celestial squad that was culled.

Although the celestial gods of these eras are not complete flesh from the long river of time, but the will projected, coupled with the reinvention of the flesh, is actually only strong, not weak, or even more perfect.

These days, all of them have the fighting power of the fifth peak.

In the heavy water supreme, the Tianzun in front of Lingyun Xianji is also the Tianzun of the fifth battle of the peak, but the Tianzun in front of the Zilei Holy Respect is the sixth respect of the heavenly, as if it is divided into different categories.

The culling of the rogue demon is stronger and more horrible.

Ye Xiwen suddenly understood that the heavenly Tao of this era was manifested separately according to the realm of the people. It was not the one that created the eighth realm, even the ninth realm.

Because the energy of shaping a fifth world and the energy of shaping a ninth world may be more than a hundred times different, it is impossible to speak the same.

In the case that this is forced to the limit, he is naturally able to save some of it. The will of the era makes him not want to fall. If all the last energy is used, then even if the intruders are eliminated, The heavens of this era will also collapse, and there is no possibility of being spared.

However, unfortunately, this era of Tianyuan Tiandao does not have its own will, can not really judge the strength of Ye Xiwen, and this is the biggest opportunity of Ye Xiwen.


Ye Xiwen shouted, and the previous four squadrons collapsed. For him, it also just untied the bondage, and he could go out on the spot without having to deal with the operation of the big array.

This time, Ye Xiwen did not keep a hand, and it was a super powerful force that was really enough to sweep the sixth world. It broke out.

One foot swept like a lightning bolt that had torn the night. From afar, it was like a mountain that was provoked by the sky and turned to the heavenly lord of the era.


The Tianzun of Tianyuan Tiandi was kicked apart on the spot and the body disintegrated in the sky.

The Tianzun of this era has reached the peak of the fifth state, but in front of Ye Xiwen, it is still so fragile, not at one level.

Although Ye Xiwen is also the fifth peak of the repair, but the combat power is enough to sweep the sixth.

Tian Zun of Tianyuan Tiandao still wants to struggle to climb up and fight again, but he was smashed down by Ye Xiwen's big feet like a mountain. He gave birth to the eternal will of his flesh to death on the spot and turned it into annihilation.

The speed is too fast, but the front and the back are just a short moment. Everything has already been separated, and the result is separated.

And Ye Xiwen is still not satisfied, does not retreat, directly kills these slaying Tianzun, and actively set off the prelude to counterattack.




Ye Xiwen’s slashing into these celestial respects, in the face of many Tianzun’s joint attack, he did not fall into the wind, holding a long knife that was made into a golden ancestor, and the power was terrible, and one Tianzun was accidentally taken by him. In the long knives of the golden ancestors, the on the spot has been completely turned into nothingness, and the body of the original heavenly corpse collapsed in this attack, and the will of the gods hidden in it was also Killing a knife.

Although these days, Tianzun has the strength of ordinary Tianzun, but in fact, it is easier to kill than the average Tianzun, because their Tianzun will be too weak, just taking a small part of the will from the long river of time. It can't be regarded as the full version of Tianzun's will.

And the long knife in his hand is also invincible, more terrible than the average Tianzun Taoist, and these Tianzuns who have fallen in the past, there is no decent and decent statue on hand, just re-cohesive with the idea Out of it, the actual combat power is far worse.

In the face of Ye Xiwen’s Geng Jinzu’s knives, he was often vulnerable, and he was simply crushed. Sometimes even Tianzun, hiding behind the Tianzun Dao, who is manifested in the will, will be A knife is dying, the cast is not reduced, and everything is smashed.

It’s not that these gods are too weak, but Ye Xiwen is too strong. They are just the normal fifth heavenly lord, and Ye Xiwen’s combat power is completely sixth level, still enough to sweep, simply Not a level of existence.

The battle here finally caused Lingyun Xianji, the attention of the heavy water supreme and the purple thunder sacred, almost did not scare the three, especially the heavy water supreme and Lingyun Xianji, but also widened the eyes, opponents They are also the masters of the fifth peak.

They are just resisting, they are already doing their best, or they will be killed, but Ye Xiwen can sweep.

This is too abnormal! (To be continued.)

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