Martial God Space

Chapter 3542: The whole army set off and crushed them

A large army has continuously entered the transmission array all over the Japanese city, and it has disappeared continuously, and a new and continuous army has emerged.

Millions, tens of millions of troops disappeared here, appeared again, disappeared and appeared again, every time the army of this size was transmitted, it would cost countless wealth, ordinary strong family, once transmitted, it would be a long time, let alone With so many troops being transported in this way, the wealth consumed by this light can make a strong family go bankrupt at one time.

It can't be afforded at all, only the creation of the gods can support such a terrible resource consumption.

One after another strong and powerful atmosphere, flashed past, did not enter the transmission array, the real top players, naturally do not have to follow the army.

Soon, the army of the Terran has also assembled, and it is also the elite of the Terran, and the speed of gathering is naturally very fast.

Under the arrangement of Ye Xiwen, the Terran army also quickly entered one of the transmission arrays.

Ye Xiwen also entered the transmission array. In front of his eyes, he only felt that the law of space formed numerous chains of charms around him. The average person could not see the specific rules of this large array, but Ye Xiwen could be different. His eyes are like a torch, and he only sees it at a glance.

When he reappeared, it was already in a chaos, and in the distance of this chaos, it was only a hundred thousand miles. A majestic huge **** city appeared in front of him. This **** city and the sun city There are seven or eight similarities, but the details are a little different.

That is the moon city among the top ten **** cities. The ten gods city itself was established by the creator of the heavens in the same period. No matter the style or the various defensive enchantments and arrays, it is exactly the same, but after countless years, Each has developed a different style, which is a little different.

However, at this time, there were all kinds of terrible breaths in the city of the moon, covering the sky and obscuring the sun. Obviously, it was also early to discover the conquest of the gods.

At this time, the army of the sacred gods also began to camp. This is also a long-term battle. In a short time, it is impossible to capture the Moon City.

Bian Xiaoyue and others have also directed the camp of the Terran army.

This is a long-lasting battle!

In the face of the conquest of the great army of the gods, the Yuecheng side did not sit still. Has already sent a number of large army to carry out harassment, must not allow the army of the sacred dynasty to smoothly set up camp, has already handed over the vanguard army of the sacred dynasty.

Although it has only just played against it, its fierceness is far better than the internal warfare of the creation of the gods. The secrets of various ancient eras are also different. In particular, the traces of master magic mixed with a lot of Magic Ages are flying all over the sky.

There are also ancient epochs, each of which is completely different from the martial arts. It is enough to beat the martial arts era by a surprise. Fortunately, these are the elites of the elites of the dynasty. Many of them are on the battlefield against many ancient eras all the year round. Active, and has become a habit with many masters of the ancient era, and will not feel any discomfort.

The pioneers of these two sides played against each other and were led by the emperors of both sides. The two gods did not intervene, or felt. Not yet they have to step in.

After the Terran army camped, Ye Xiwen let Bian Xiaoyue take turns to lead some of the army to go to the army of the ancient epochs that came out of the Moon City, accumulate experience with the ancient epoch, and become a **** of creation. The strong family of the pillars and columns, these are the only way.

And Ye Xiwen himself is staring at the entire battlefield with vigilance. In the entire moon city, there are some seemingly extremely horrible atmospheres, which are all concentrated in the ancient era.

Although any of these ancient eras could not be compared with the power possessed by the gods, but when the power of these ancient eras came together, it was a considerable force.

However, Ye Xiwen still has absolute confidence in the face of the determined God of God. Even if these ancient eras are no longer useful.

Because these ancient eras can't pay a huge price for the death of the moon city, but in order to guarantee the defense line of the era battlefield, the creation of the gods can pay a huge price.

Because if you don’t take back the moon city, then because of the loopholes in this defense line. The price they will pay far exceeds the cost of the death of the next month.

In this case, according to Ye Xiwen, no matter how the ancient era in the moon city is awkward, it is only a grasshopper after the autumn, and it cannot grow.

However, despite this, the rabbit is anxious to bite. The dog is also anxious to jump off the wall. These ancient eras will never be willing to let them out. It is inevitable that after a long battle, the blood will flow into a river.

And this is the opportunity for Ye Xiwen and others to build meritorious service.

The battle has become more and more fierce as time goes by, because the army of the sacred gods has been continuously transmitted from the transmission array.

The advantage of slowly building up the divine dynasty began to gradually become apparent, and the army that sent out the ancient epochs in the moon city began to retreat.

The Terran army was also led by the three men of the side of the moon, and it was hard to distinguish it from the army of an ancient era.

With the leadership of Bian Xiaoyue and others, the Terran army is like a rainbow. It has been cut through the army of the ancient era several times. Although there are masters in the ancient era, it is obviously unable to withstand it. After all, it still differs a lot.

The ancient era army, which was still able to wander around the great martial arts squad, has already lost back to the vicinity of the Moon City. It can only be supported by the support of the Moon City near the Moon City.

The entire front has been pushed to the vicinity of Yuecheng. Although Yuecheng was previously conquered, but because it took a surprising approach, the entire Yuecheng defense system is still there, although in such a short period of time, there is no way to complete it. Restoring all the defensive functions, but only the part of the restoration is enough to cover the army of the ancient era outside the city.

Therefore, the army that made the gods can only squat in the vicinity of the moon city, and cannot attack it. Of course, there is still no time for the army to attack.

The entire army of the sacred dynasty is still being transmitted through the transmission array. Only when the army is in place will the final storm be launched.

After compressing the defense line of the ancient epoch in the vicinity of Yuecheng, the masters of the sacred dynasty began to dispatch. It was only the confrontation between the major corps, and now it has become a competition between the masters of both sides.

Between the emperor and the emperor, between Tianzun and Tianzun, they finally began to fight and test each other and fight against each other.

Even the three people in the side of the moon have begun to find their opponents to fight, this opportunity for them is very rare for them, for the masters of the road, have been able to see through the laws of the law, a few battles Down, you will be able to thoroughly understand the characteristics of these ancient eras. The next time you encounter the same ancient era, you will not suffer any more.

However, Ye Xiwen was only in the long-term supervision, and did not actually participate in it. Sometimes, occasionally, several people from Bian Xiaoyue blocked the intervention from Tian Zun.

At this time, only the emperor who played directly on the court, the opponents between Tianzun, or the distant bombardment of each other by law, Tiandao never had a moment to think this time is so clear, because the top players have shot, each top master shot Heaven will show up.

Heaven will become more and more clear.

Ye Xiwen will also participate in the fight between Tianzun from time to time, from a long distance to the blast, above this position, unless the difference in strength is really great, otherwise, it is difficult to specifically determine the outcome.

In particular, these Tianzuns each shot each other, from time to time to take a shot, fighting the law, all kinds of horrible magical powers, visions have manifested out, far from watching, they only feel extremely terrible.

Everyone is refueling and waiting for the final battle. Everyone knows that the last thing that really determines everything is these days. Only these people can tell the winners and losers, and finally they can decide the outcome of both sides.

Ye Xiwen is also like this. Basically, he is escorting the Terran army. It is not like Bian Xiaoyue and others.

Finally, the army of the sacred dynasty was finally in place, and no more troops were rushing out of the transmission array. The real war is about to begin, and it will start soon!

One after another, the war bastions were withdrawn, and the war monsters that were specially cultivated one after another were like giant planets one after another, flew out and prepared to fight.

One after another, the army gathered, often a large army gathered, in addition to the sound of the collision of the iron clothes on each other, it is actually silent, is the elite of the elite.

One after another, the light shone in chaos, it was an ancient array of tactics launched, all of which are extremely ancient, re-en engraved here, all of which were left behind by the great powers of the ancient period. of.

At this time, the dazzling light shone, and there were crowds of people everywhere, covering the heavens and the earth.

In fact, after the mutual temptations of the people before, the **** sea of ​​the rogue has inspired the fierceness of many people's bones, just gearing up and preparing for the war.

"All the troops attacked and crushed them!"

With the help of Zhongtianzun, the team of the team and the team began to charge, countless fierce beasts roaring, carrying the knight on the back, launched the charge, no one spoke, only the collision of indifferent irons, but each other All of them are in the blood, and a real **** battle is about to begin.

At this time, the emperors and the emperors began to march. (To be continued.)

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