Martial God Space

Chapter 3544: Flying by leaps and bounds

It’s not broken, but it’s completely disappeared, and it’s disappeared at the atomic level. This war fortress is terrible, even for the low-level Tianzun, but it’s just a dead thing, but it’s really It is not them who dominate the creation of the gods, but the high-ranking gods.

It is because they have limits no matter how they play, unlike high-level celestial beings, almost like no limits.

Ye Xiwen’s attack of Geng Jin’s gas is too horrible, and it is directly crushed by the mode of the law. It is not that Tianzun will only turn into nothing.

It is impossible to fight against it.

After Ye Xiwen broke through this war fortress, the Terran army sneaked in and sneaked in. They did not have the protection of the enchantment, nor the fire support of the war bastion. The army of the ancient epoch of defense here could not persist and was beaten. The festival is retreating.

They did not have much morale in their own right. At this time, they were about to form a one-sided slaughter, which could not stop it.

When an army's morale is like a rainbow, the gods in the sky will also kill you, but when an army has no morale, even a pig can run around them.

This is the case now!

"Opened the gap, great!"

At this time, in the middle of the Chinese army, Zhong Tianzun saw Ye Xiwen easily broke the enchantment. It was a top pick and he was very happy.

Ye Xiwen led the Terran army, and Lien Zun also led the army of millions, but he did not move because he knew. At this time he was the commander of a military. Impulsive, it is a great pleasure to get into the battle, but there is also great danger.

And once he has something out, the entire army will be in jeopardy and cannot easily take risks.

Moreover, he also has his opponent, he also has what he has to do, that is to prepare to mobilize the map. Always ready to fight against the emergence of the magical axe, this is the decisive force that really has the power to change this battle.

If there is no magic axe, it is only by virtue of the power of the top ten gods that the city can be flattened, and it is impossible for them to make a fortune, so he has to guard this ultimate power.

As long as there is a picture of the martial arts, it is impossible to find anything in this battle.

But now that Ye Xiwen has taken the lead and took the lead in breaking the enchantment, it is a good start, but he knows. This is just beginning, and the masters of these ancient eras will not be willing to let go.

Just breaking through a month of the city, they have a huge harvest, the wealth and resources that have been hoarded for many years have been looted by them, naturally want to rely on the moon city to open more gaps, and finally if it can destroy the martial arts The words of the era. Then the benefits they can get. I can't imagine it.

Even if it is for this, they will die and die. If it is a satellite city, it will be occupied, but if the city is different, the God of Creation will never give up, so they will never have the opportunity to stick to it. The only difference is how much to recapture the Moon City.

Zhongtian Zun looks indifferent, and all the deaths and injuries in front of him are in his eyes. He can't shake his mind, because he knows that these are the necessary sacrifices. If the city of the moon falls for a long time, then the possibility of suffering is the countless creatures in the entire martial arts era.

Sure enough, as Zhong Tianzun expected, these masters of the ancient era will not be willing to give up, in Ye Xiwen just broke the enchantment defense line of the Moon City, just before the sudden into the Moon City, a figure has been blocked in front of him.

A black scorpion flashed, and a figure smashed to the front of Ye Xiwen with lightning speed, turned into a horrible attack, and slammed into the head of Ye Xiwen.

On the occasion of this millennium, Ye Xiwen raised his hand and blocked this horrible blow.

"When!" is like a gold and iron cross, a horrible anti-shock force is back to the two sides, Ye Xiwen does not move, and the figure that was culled, but directly flew out.

At this time, Ye Xiwen finally saw it clearly. What exactly is this, but seeing that this is a figure that is all crystal, and in his whole body, it has almost become a field of crystal.

Tian Zun of the Crystal Age!

Ye Xiwen flashed a lot of information in his mind, and he immediately recognized the origin of this figure. In fact, there are many living bodies in the martial arts era, and his source is the Crystal Age, which was once in the early ancient times. In the era of the glory of civilization, in the era, all things in the heavens and the earth are made of crystal, and have their own unique methods of practice, which is also inherited in the martial arts era, and from the martial arts Judging from the situation of the crystal life in the era, these special lives are completely different from the flesh and blood of the human race, and the physical body is horrible.

"The name of the comer, my men are not dead and unknown!" Ye Xiwen said faintly, the other party is also a Tianzun, so Ye Xiwen is willing to give him a chance to register his name.

As for the physical body that crystal life is best at, he is not afraid, because in this respect, he is equally fearless.

Compared with Ye Xiwen, the Tianzun of this crystal epoch opposite him is much more dignified.

Just now he made a full blow and rushed to the top, and he did not stay at all. This is also the fighting style that they are best at in this era.

However, Ye Xiwen, who was attacked, just blocked his hand and blocked his strongest blow. This could not help but let him be such a top player, and was shocked.

"Tianjing Huangzun!" said the Tianzun of the Crystal Age. "Who are you?"

"Wu Dao Yuan, Wu Zun!" Ye Xiwen said.

"Well, I will remember your name!" Tianjing Huangzun said, his crystal body began to shine brightly.

I only heard Ye Xiwen burst into tears: "No need, because you will die in my hands soon!"

"Hurricane!" Tianjing Huangzun screamed, but in an instant, he launched an attack, like a crystal lightning, across the entire chaos, in an instant, it has been smothered to Ye Xiwen.

The pattern of countless avenues emerged on the body of Tianjing Huangzun, and the almost stunned Tianyu burst open, as bright as the big day.

His hands shook slightly, and a crystal long stick appeared. There was an endless brilliance on the stick, and it suddenly fell.


Ye Xiwen snorted, and the double fists slammed like two mountains, directly hitting this crystal stick.


The terrible shock wave instantly smashed out and formed a terrible storm.

The powerful counter-attack force directly swept to the two people, more than a thousand times more than the horror.

Ye Xiwen's body does not move, such an attack can not make him slightly moved.

On the other side, the whole person of Tianjing Emperor immediately flew out, and his crystal-like body appeared a crack in the body.

"How is it possible!" Tianjing Huangzun was shocked.

You must know that his physical body is tyrannical, and all his cultivation is in it. With his talents, the Crystal Age has a great advantage in this respect. With his cultivation of the Sixth Heavenly Emperor, even if he encounters the seventh world. It is also difficult for Tian Zun to be able to hurt his body.

I just didn't think that it had just been hit hard with Ye Xiwen.

If his cultivation on the flesh is a monster, then Ye Xiwen in front of him is simply a monster among the monsters.

"Hey, what you are best at is the physical body repair, now I am suppressed by me, see what you have to do with the sky!" Ye Xiwen sneered, this day Jinghuang Zun is naturally very strong, I am afraid of the ordinary seventh world It may not be able to get him, but he can be different. In terms of physical practice, it is stronger than Tianjing Huangzun. In addition to other advantages, it is naturally better than Tianjing Emperor.

After a stroke took the upper hand, Ye Xiwen did not stop at all. He smothered again, his arms were like dragons, and his fists fell like Yuelu. For a time, the time and space between the whole world were solidified. The chaotic gas is still, just like eternal.

Tianjing Huangzun naturally is not willing to die like this, a huge roar, the whole body oscillates the law of the crystal, spurs the sky, suppresses the chaos, and suddenly flies up, and Ye Qiwen once again confronted.


However, the ending is not slightly better than just now. Tianjing Huangzun has blood stasis. If it is said that it is just a crack in the body, if it is hit hard, then now it is completely like a **** blood. The golden blood is like a fountain. Erupted.

The whole person was swept back by lightning and swept into the city. He did not know how many buildings collapsed. How many formations and enchantments were directly hit by a pair, as if a world had fallen down. The smash hit the ground and the entire moon was shaking slightly.

Extremely terrible!


Ye Xiwen once again smothered up, the blood of his body boiled, ignited chaos, and a handful of martial arts with a handful of martial arts fell. This Wu Zunyin grew bigger and bigger, and soon fell like a mountain.


Tianjing Emperor screamed and was directly smashed.

However, Ye Xiwen did not want to let him go, and once again chased and killed, Wu Zunyin continued to fall like a raindrop.

Every time it will hit Tianjing Huangzun, Tianjing Huangzun is good at physical practice, but when he is completely suppressed by Ye Xiwen in this respect, he completely loses the means of counterattack, unlike Ye Xiwen, almost all-powerful, fundamentally There are no weaknesses and no one will be restrained by others.

After finally screaming, Tianjing Huangzun finally disappeared.

At this time, Ye Xiwen looked around and it was already very deep into the moon city. (To be continued~^~)

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