Martial God Space

Chapter 3565: Foreign enemy

All Tianzun began to talk about it, and unconsciously, Ye Xiwen has become the core of everyone, the leader of opinion, although he is still a rising star, the time of enlightenment, even only 10,000 years, But in the eyes of many people, this is nothing. To read a book, 1 book

If Ye Xiwen only has a fast cultivation and strong strength, that is not the case. However, Ye Xiwen can always make earth-shattering moves. First, Zhongtian Zun has destroyed the Gengjin era and made the creation gods more powerful. They also benefited a lot.

There are now such a big battle, let them escape, not to be wiped out by the whole army. It can be said that although his enlightenment time is very short, many people are going to bear his human feelings and owe a life. Abound.

And when everyone is extremely pessimistic, only he can think of what the people can't think of. All of this makes everyone seem to have gotten used to his existence and is used to accepting his opinions.

This change is extremely beneficial for Ye Xiwen, because it can greatly compensate for his lack of qualifications.

However, for other competitors who want to compete for the title of East Tianzun, it is not a good thing.

Originally, Ye Xiwen was only the bottom of many competitors. Whether it was qualifications, strength or merit, Ye Xiwen was the bottom. However, this time, Ye Xiwen has completely reversed this situation and made immortal credit. I don't know how many people saved.

And his strength is a sharp increase, and he can escape from the Lord of the Moon City. It is a testimony. It is also a killing of the bronze statue, the rebelliousness of the bones, and the strength, which is considered to be the first level.

From all aspects, in addition to seemingly important, in fact, as well as such qualifications, Ye Xiwen has fully possessed the basic conditions for becoming Dongtianzun.

And this is exactly what Ye Xiwen has to do. · 1k wants ans to see how many times hu·cc was born and died, only in exchange for the current situation.

Compared with other people, Zhongtian Zun is very satisfied. After all, Ye Xiwen is recommended by him. No matter who he and Silver Moon Tianzun can become the next East Tianzun, it is beneficial to him.

Originally, he was more optimistic about Yinyue Tianzun, but now it seems that the possibility of Ye Xiwen's success seems to be even bigger.

"Everyone should have heard the words of Wu Zun just now!" Zhongtian Zun looked around at everyone. Because Ye Xiwen just said something, let a large stone in the hearts of all people fall down, not to worry about the enemy in the back, suffering from both sides.

If the Devil's Era wants to be chaotic, then those who suffer from double-sided attacks in minutes will be others, it is themselves.

"You don't have to worry about it, but Yuecheng still can't just give up casually, and you can't let it go. I will order it below. Time and space, you lead a group of people to stay in the moon city, and together with the Japanese city to hold the era defense line, There must be no loss!" Zhongtian Zun said that he still did not trust, leaving a group of strength in the city. "Everyone else returns to the realm of creation, everyone cooperates and drives those invaders out!"

"Get out, I have already endured enough, kill them!"


"Let them look good. This time don't kill them, blood flows into the river, my name is reversed to write!"

Many people have screamed, and it’s obviously a long time. They have to kill it in one go.

With Zhongtian Zun a command. The entire battalion of the entire sacred coalition forces began to move, and numerous armyes were mobilized to prepare for the return to the rebellion and invasion of the sect.

The entire camp was caught in a busy period. Ye Xiwen stood in the battalion of the battalion. He watched that the army of the sky was mobilized and moved to the Japanese city through the transmission array, and finally returned to the creation of the gods. Ww see w·

The vision is far from the direction of the gods. It seems as though you can see through the layers of chaos and see the human race in the creation of the gods.

According to the information he has obtained, the Eastern Region has also fallen into the midst of war. In the case that most of the elites have been transferred, the Eastland’s iron hoof in the face of the outer-field coalition has no resistance at all, and has been repeatedly attacked. A little estimation, I am afraid that I am already going to the city.

There was some anxiety in his heart, but it was not desperate, because he also arranged an absolute card in the mountains.

It should be enough for some time!

After waiting for a while, he made a decision to call Bian Xiaoyue, let her lead the army to return with the army of the gods, and he himself stepped into the transmission array and disappeared into the creation. In the great camp of the gods.

At this time, when the changes in the creation world reached the battlefield of the epoch, the conference held by the Terran began to blossom in full swing. Although many forces were in a state of wait and see, there were still many direct threats. Both the big family and the great teachers have come to important figures, and there are even a lot of people who come directly to the church and the patriarchs. They are fighting against the increasingly horrific soldiers of the foreign coalition forces, blocking them and protecting themselves.

For a time, the whole mountain is full of excitement, and you can see the purple sky all the time, and the emperor is coming. In this extreme crisis, it is also unprecedented.

Because of the confrontation with the military front and the time that the foreign domain coalition forces may appear at any time and place, there is no cumbersome transition. The emperors are directly placed in the largest venue in the mountains, and the emperors are coming. Purple gas spread everywhere, a scene of auspicious.

These emperors are here, even if they don't do anything, here will be turned into an absolute heaven and a blessing. It is as if they will be worshipped by heaven. If they are a pig, they will become absolute genius here.

This is the role of these extreme powers. They can change the world, change the road, and transform a desert into a spiritual sanctuary that can promote cultivation.

Soon, the conference was held, and the emperors were in place. The enemy is currently in the air. They don’t even have the feeling of eating and drinking. Even if they are in front of delicious food, it is difficult for them to move.

On the subject, Feng Yi looked around and looked at the emperors who were sitting in two columns on their left and right sides. On weekdays, with his appeal, there could not be so many emperors responding to the call. Come, but now under the pressure of the foreign coalition forces, they have to gather here.

"You, because the frontline situation is urgent, the foreign coalition forces may approach here at any time, so I don't talk much nonsense anymore, long story short, I think everyone should be clear about the purpose of bringing me together today, just to Organizing the coalition forces to fight against the foreign coalition forces, only when we unite can we fight against the outer domain, not to disperse a sand and then be broken by each of them!"

Feng Yidao said: "Now I will ask, do you have any objections to the formation of this alliance? For my human race, do I have opinions in the eleven states to lead this alliance?"

The emperors present at the scene shook their heads. They were able to come forward, which means that people who have already acquiesced in this matter and those who do not agree naturally will not come. This is no objection.

At this time, dissent, I am afraid that it will become the target of public criticism. Now everyone is looking forward to a person who can make a head, make a head bird, lead everyone to resist, and the Terran is willing to stand up. Naturally, there is no better.

Looking around for a week, everyone did not object, and Feng Yishi continued to say: "Well, since there is no objection, then I announced that our alliance against the foreign domain coalition was formally established, and my Terran will also When I don’t want to be a ally, of course, I am not qualified to be the ally of this alliance. Now my martial arts are not there, so the position of this lord will be kept for him. I will become a deputy ally, plus from you. Several people selected among them became deputy leaders!"

In the words of Feng Yi, everyone is listening quietly. So far, there are no things that they can't accept. The Terran is the leader, the pillars of the Terran, and Wu Zun becoming the lord. It is a matter of course. Feng Yi himself has to go to another. The vice-presidents are also normal, and the others will be the strongest of them.

"There is to stipulate some regulations, including how many troops need to be dispatched, when to come, etc. These are all things that we need to discuss in advance, but if the discussion is good, I hope that everyone will not violate, otherwise, it is with The alliance is the enemy, and the enemy of the creation of the gods, there is no place for you to live in the heavens and the earth!" Feng Yi's cold voice said, "The so-called first ritual soldiers, some ugly words have to be said first, so that everyone will touch the mold, committed error!"

Daddy, just when Feng Yi’s still wanted to continue to speak, there was a violent wave of volatility throughout the venue, as if the sky was falling apart and the dragon was turning over.

Everyone's face changed all at once, because they are too clear about what this vibration is.

There are foreign enemies attacking.

"You don't have to panic. If you don't have the enchantment left by Wu Zun in Zhoushan, even if it is the same as Tianzun, it is impossible to break the enchantment so quickly. Let's see!"

When Feng Yi was talking about it, he said calmly and calmly.

When the emperors heard this, they all calmed down. They were all outstanding people. It was only after a moment of being scared that they would be a little panic, and they soon calmed down.

Feng Yi's a step, flew into the sky, flew over the top of the mountain, and the other emperors also flew up. What they looked at was not what they suspected was a foreign army. On the contrary, only Just one person. (To be continued.)

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