Martial God Space

Chapter 3646: Imperial court

The news of the return of Emperor Wu was almost overnight. As the whirlwind spread throughout the world, the news was so shocking that it could not be hidden.

It was the same as the only dominance of the heavens in tens of thousands of years. Even if there were many emperors in power at the same time, he was still the most dazzling one. As long as he was there, he was only under the sun. With such a core, there is no longer a second core.

Now that he is back, the main bones of the heavens and the kingdoms seem to have been recovered. Unlike any other emperor, Emperor Ye Xiwen has such magic.

Moreover, a more shocking news followed, and Ye Xiwen, who had just returned, easily killed two great emperors and destroyed two Tian army.

It is simply invincible, and this image is also coincident with the invincible image left by Ye Xiwen, or is it invincible, no one is his opponent.

"It's too strong. You didn't see it with your own eyes. I was afraid that I wouldn't believe it. The Emperor Wu did not have any difficulty in killing the two emperors. Just grabbed it and killed one, and it was killed by a sword. One, those of the Tianzu army are even more waved and thrown away!"

"How is it possible, although Emperor Wu is very strong, but this is too illusory!"

"Wu Wu will come back and we will be saved. These heavenly people are also arrogant for too long!"

For a time, all the worlds are discussing this news. Various discussions, the focus of different people’s discussions are naturally different, but the most important thing is that everyone understands that with the return of Emperor Wu, I am afraid that the situation in the world will be undergoing tremendous changes.

The weight of an Emperor Wu is far more than just an emperor. Many of the ethnic groups still waiting to see are determined to be invested in the camps of the heavens.

At the beginning, Ye Xiwen’s legacy was too much. I don’t know how many ethnic groups have received his favor. Even many ethnic groups are Ye Xiwen who saved them in distress. They all made vows, as long as Ye Xiwen was recruited. They must fight for Ye Xiwen anytime and anywhere.

When the news of Ye Xiwen came back, the patriarchs of many ethnic groups and the heads of Zongmen went to the court to see the Emperor Wu. Serve him, regroup under the banner of Emperor Wu, and fight the world.

These vows have been deepened into their blood, passed down from generation to generation, and will never disappear. Unless this group dissipates, it is possible.

What's more, after Ye Xiwen returned, he was so strong that he added their confidence.

However, Ye Xiwen’s amazing fighting power has made many ethnic groups in the camp of the Tianzu uneasy. In the past, Ye Xiwen’s deterrence was too horrible, even if many people did not really see the Emperor Wu, they also heard the elders of the ethnic group mentioned In the same year, Wudi was invincible, and with one person's power, it suppressed all kinds of turmoil in the heavens and the world. In the end, it would also peek into the backs of the celestial emperors who have stayed in the heavens for many years. It is.

Now that Ye Xiwen appears, he has shown such amazing strength, how to not let them be shocked. You must know that many of the two geniuses who have been solved by Ye Xiwen are the elite of their headquarters.

I don't know how much I lost in one breath. It can be said that I am wearing a family and I am crying.

However, Ye Xiwen, who is so strong in the sense of the heavens, did not react at all. It seemed to be scared, and even there was no rebuttal.

In fact, there is really no good rebuttal. Ye Xiwen is too strong. The three emperors who were killed by the Tianzu are also facts. There is no way to refute them.

Even for the deep ethnic groups like the Tianzu. The fall of several emperors is also a slap in the face, and it is necessary to vomit blood.

This has intensified the panic of the ethnic groups in the Tianzu camp, and some even sent special envoys to the court. Try to contact the two sides of the mouse.

For a time, just because of Ye Xiwen’s return, the situation in the whole world has changed, and the ever-changing situation has changed. No one can understand it.

And then. The returned Ye Xiwen gave the first law, so that all the emperors in the heavens and the world came to see him.

This domineering decree was given, and the entire world was boiled. Obviously, Ye Xiwen, after returning, would start to solve the problem of the Tianzu, and the words of the domineering in the law also made it easier. Countless people are feeling.

If there are people in such a world that can be so domineering, the emperors will come to see themselves, and only Ye Xiwen will be one.

When he was still in his position, he was the first of the emperors and the head of the emperors. Now that he has returned, he still shows the horrible fighting power that other emperors can hardly hope for.

With such a horrible fighting power and an amazing record, his deeds are very normal, not self-sufficient.

For other emperors to dare to say such a thing, I am afraid that the body that has been sprayed long ago has no skin.

The emperors who are all in place, although there are some gaps in strength, but they are all at the same level. Who dares to order other emperors, but Ye Xiwen dares.

Commanding the world, it is like the appearance of a lord of all heavens and earth, the Lord of heaven and earth, even if it has been tens of thousands of years, this identity will not change.

For a time, the news reached the inheritance of the emperors and alerted all the emperors.

"What, Wudi is back?" In the far north of the heavens, in the ice palace, on the ice sculpture throne of a snowy ice field, the ice emperor opened his eyes, and the expression was completely unbelievable.

He knew that tens of thousands of years ago, Ye Xiwen left the heavens and bounds and went to the road of creation.

If he said that he did not understand the road to creation very deeply, then he is now very familiar with it. It is a Jedi, a dead place, and all the records of it throughout the ages are full of unknowns.

The imperial monarch who entered did not disappear, and there was blood that escaped from it, and there was a burst of roar in it, which disappeared after the fierce battle.

All kinds of records only explain one thing, which is definitely full of unknowns. After Ye Xiwen entered, it was tens of thousands of years and there was no news anymore. It seems to confirm the previous rumors.

The road to creation is full of unknowns, and there is no known what kind of existence, specifically hunting the emperor.

Hunting the emperor, this is a noun's noun. He is also an emperor. He is the most high-ranking being among the heavens. The unfulfilled creatures are nothing but ants in his eyes.

Now someone actually dares to kill the emperor for a living, the more he thinks, the more he feels the back is cold.

In such a place, even if he heard the call of the legendary creation, he would not go.

At least no one will consider it until no one knows what kind of place it is.

However, at this time, Ye Xiwen returned, which is a great shock for him. Because Ye Xiwen came back from it, it means that it may not be a dead place, at least not as everyone thought it was unknown. A terrific domain is a fierce land.

At the same time, he also has a headache for the offensive of the Tian people. However, regardless of the number and quality of the emperors, the Tian people have stabilized and stabilized the world, which also allows them to be on the defensive, no way.

Now that Ye Xiwen is back, this situation has undergone tremendous changes. In particular, he also asked in detail the method of Ye Xiwen in the first place, and he was able to kill an emperor with ease. This kind of skill, he thought it would be awkward.

"No matter what, I will go see him!"

Ice Emperor finally pressed his heart to Ye Xiwen’s arrogance. He planned to go to see Ye Xiwen. Whether it is Ye Xiwen’s strength or prestige, he has such qualifications. However, Ye Xiwen has not been there for many years. He is not used to being pressed again. I have my own head.

Not only the Ice Palace, but almost all the emperors in the world have a movement.

When the news reached the demon's heaven, the demon who got the news in the first time almost broke into the place where the demon was retreating and called him out.

Then the two men rushed directly to the court, and did not bring out any ceremonies. Without the emperor's squad, they had waited for too many years, and at this time they were not willing to wait any longer.

In the land of the other planes in the heavens, countless squadrons patrolled the Yellow Springs platoon, and a team of corps was mobilized to follow the Yellow Springs and sail to the unknown.

At the same time, countless souls came here under the influence of a powerful force. Over the years, the government has been committed to reinventing the reincarnation, looking for a destination for the death of the heavens and the realm of the world. Now it is finally beginning to take shape.

The souls of the dead and the souls of different races are reborn by the six reincarnations standing in the depths of the earth. Every time there is a soul reborn, the light of the merits of the world is reduced, and it is the depth of the land. In recognition of the work of the local government.

Although there are still many powerful creatures, even if they die, their souls are extremely powerful, they refuse to submit them, they don’t want to reproduce their memories through six reincarnations, they want to win in the world, but they will soon Welcoming the suppression of the local government.

These squadrons are also well-trained and well-trained. For tens of thousands of years, they have formed a government official headed by the Tenth Temple, replacing the more and more dead monarchs who have recently closed their doors to manage the entire government.

Ten temples, each of them is the existence of the quasi-emperor level, ten people join hands, back to the land, even the emperor dare to fight.

At the same time that the news of the return of Emperor Wudi was passed into the local government, a terrifying power could cover the entire land, causing the cry of countless ghosts in the land.

Then there was another figure passing by, and a flash of light had already left the land and flew in the direction of the court. (To be continued.)

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