Martial God Space

Chapter 3669: Pave the way for them


The two people's body shape flashed, and they have already entered the era of the Yuan Dynasty. [See the latest chapter of the book, please come to]-79-

Just entering this epoch tomb, I saw a huge incomparable stone monument floating in this long and deadly era of death.

"Good swearer, die!"

On this stone tablet, these large characters are engraved, bloody, and there is an invisible deterrent.

"This is a stone monument left by the Holy King!" Tian Fuxian said. "It was used to warn the invaders, but no one has really cared about this warning over the years!"

"Well, let's go in!"

Ye Xiwen said.

Ye Xiwen originally thought that there was no living being in the era of endless death, but when he entered the epoch of the epoch, he soon discovered it, and this was not the case.

In this boundless silence, you can see that there are many powerful breaths lurking in the vagueness, all of which are creatures that merge with these eras of death.

These are powerful creatures born of boundless darkness and death. They are directly derived from the law. ●79,m, not like normal creatures.

However, Ye Xiwen has long been a stranger.

In this martial art era, there are many such creatures, just among the dead eras, there are actually such creatures, and it is a bit different.

However, after watching it for a while, Ye Xiwen discovered that these powerful creatures actually acted according to a certain trajectory, not like aimless, but like patrolling.

"How do these powerful creatures feel like they are patrolling!" Ye Xiwen asked.

The Tianfu Xianzun next to him said with a smile: "You are right, yes, these creatures are actually patrolling. I originally thought that they were all primitive creatures. Later, I discovered that this is not the case. They are all It was born out of people."

"It seems. They are patrolling, the guardian should be the grave of the sacred monarch, it should be born out of the sacred priest!" Ye Xiwen turned to think, suddenly wanted to understand.

"Yes, really smart!"

Tian Fuxian nodded and said nod.

"No problem, no matter how many guardians, kill it!" Ye Xiwen said with a slight smile.

In the past few years, I have been retiring for a long time, and my strength has grown. I am going to use these creatures to try my hand.

The two went all the way and soon met one of the powerful creatures. This is a humanoid creature that surrounds the law of death. He has a long gun in his hand, and he is a powerful man. (’)

Actually, they all have the strength of Tianzun or above, but they are less than the ordinary Tianzun.

These creatures rely on their own tyrannical strength, and their understanding of the law is rather limited. It is only because of the law of death and darkness that it is born to be able to use the power of the law. Belong to the natural god.

"Hey, come back to death, kill a few more, I will be able to get rid of the limitations of this **** rule. Get out of this **** place!"

While seeing Ye Xiwen and Tian Fu Xian Zun, this creature made a sharp laugh, like seeing the prey, and his body burst into a breath of infinite death. All of a sudden, I swooped over Ye Xiwen.

"court death!"

Ye Xiwen sneered, although this creature is very powerful relative to other people, has entered the realm of Tianzun. But for him, it’s just a piece of cake.

Ye Xiwen directly spread his hand and turned out a huge gasification hand, and then he grabbed him in his hand.

The creature actually sent out the emotion of fear, and he never imagined that the two men were so tyrannical.


This powerful creature was crushed by Ye Xiwen, and only a little of the death rule was left.

"I didn't expect that the essence of these creatures is actually a derivative of the law. I can even use a little law to create this powerful creature. The magical power of the Holy King can't be imagined!" Ye Xiwen said.

He can feel that the crystal of the law of death in his hand is extremely 'fine' pure, as if he has experienced numerous purifications, he can use it directly, and it can be used directly for comprehension. Even for those who practice the law of death, this is a big supplement. The 'medicine' repair can be directly upgraded after being swallowed up by the crystallization of these death rules.

"Yes, the crystallization of these rules of death should be purified by special methods. Therefore, in the past few years, there have been some gods who have practiced the law of death here, looking for opportunities to kill these upgrades, and swallowing these laws. To improve themselves, but although these laws refuse to be 'fine' pure, but the number is too small!" Tian Fuxian Zundao, he knows more about Ye Xiwen here, has been here before the last world shattered However, it was only a long time ago, and once the world was shattered, it was a long and terrible thing for Tianzun.

"It doesn't matter, kill more!" Ye Xiwen said with a smile. These rules are crystallized for Tianzun. Naturally, it is not enough. It can only improve some skills, but for the emperor, it is another matter. That is definitely a rare treasure.

Of course, the emperor also has no ability to come here. The most important thing is that the emperor can't beat the powerful creatures derived from these death rules.

Even Tian Zun, it is impossible to be like Ye Xiwen, and the creatures derived from killing these death rules are all going through a battle of battle.

The crystallization of these death rules is naturally very useful for people like Ye Hao who specialize in the law of death.

With the help of the crystallization of these death rules, I am afraid that it will take less time to cultivate to the peak of the Emperor, and the crystallization of the 'mixed' rules that Ye Xiwen obtained in the road of creation will break through to the realm of Tianzun. It's just a matter of time.

The speed of Hua Menghan is also slow, and the nirvana she cultivates contains the law of death.

Yes, Ye Xiwen is now paving the way for his two wives.

Li Chenxi himself did not have much ambition in the cultivation of this matter, so he did not say it, and Ling Fei was still sprinting toward the realm of the emperor, but the practice of the fallen angels she practiced, including degeneration and death, darkness, etc. The law, if you concentrate on practicing the law of death, there is Ye Xiwen paving the way for them, and practicing it is naturally slow.

Now it is natural to get more crystallization of the rules of death, and then help them cultivate.

"My wife, they are all related to the law of death, so I want to collect more of the death rule for them!"

Seeing that Tianfu Xianzun had some doubts about ‘confusing’, Ye Xiwen said.

Of course, he himself also has the law of death, and the death avenue among the three thousand martial arts is quite advanced.

"It turns out that Daoyou is really good for your wives!" Tian Fuxian said, but did not feel that there was anything like her, so determined to the Taoist, more than once an era, early I am used to it.

However, there is still some touch in my heart. After all, it is different.

"I am in this world, and only those who really care about it, naturally have to make plans for them!" Ye Xiwen said.

"Okay, don't say it first, please ask your friends to rush for me!"

Ye Xiwen said.

"No problem, Daoyou will go!"

Tian Fuxian Zundao, she dissipated the gods, mainly because of the sudden sneak attack of other masters of the era.

Among the death tombs, the top players in the era of ghosts are actually the biggest threat.

Even the combination of Ye Xiwen and Tian Fu Xian Zun is actually a very powerful combination, and even enough to sweep through some of the lost era.

However, it is natural to be careful at this time. Ye Xiwen also means this.

Ye Xiwen directly entered the depths of the Yuan Dynasty grave. He did not hide his own information. His body was so powerful that it was unimaginable. The blood was suddenly attracted. Although it was derived from the law of death, it actually formed a spirit. Wisdom, especially after constantly consuming the Tianzun who came here, they have become stronger and more difficult to deal with.

"Hey!" A roar of screaming earth came, but he saw a huge incomparable animal head appearing out of the void. The mouth was full of thousands of miles, and it was necessary to swallow Ye Xiwen. Go on.

Then the huge body flew out of the void, almost all of a sudden to swallow Ye Xiwen.

Countless rules of death are like countless chains of gods. The ray of dark gray ‘color’ will immediately bind Ye Xiwen firmly, and will not let him have the opportunity to escape.

However, how can this stop Ye Xiwen, but the mana boiling up, suddenly broke through these chains, and then countless swords condensed, instantly turned into a huge sword, flying this head The behemoths smashed in one fell swoop, and there was no way to get close to Ye Xiwen.

In the end, it only became the purest rule of death!

However, this is just the beginning. The horror creatures derived from the death laws attracted by Ye Xiwen can be more than a little bit. Soon, a powerful atmosphere has already appeared in front of Ye Xiwen.

Ye Xiwen did not retreat, haha ​​laughed and slammed into it, and suddenly a battle broke out.

Far away, Tian Fuxian respects all this, and there is overflowing light in his eyes. Ye Xiwen’s combat power is truly amazing, far beyond what his realm should show.

Maybe some people are born differently, but because of this, their own trust is valuable. If Ye Xiwen is a waste material, then there is no value for yourself to trust.

She is faintly able to predict that this will be an extremely embarrassing, and Ye Xiwen will be one of the most dazzling stars.


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