Martial God Space

Chapter 3674: Successful breakout

A large piece of emptiness broke out. Ye Xiwen’s knife was too fast and too horrible. Although the shadow evil spirit tried to resist and blocked Ye Xiwen’s horrible attack, there was no way. He was not good at this attack and was now killed by Ye Xiwen. When it came to the front, it became the absolute field of Ye Xiwen.

Geng Jin's ancestors attacked unparalleled. In the face of Geng Jin's ancestors, the Moon City Lord had eaten its losses, and now it is the shadow of evil deities.

Almost all of a sudden, Ye Xiwen smashed the flesh, and the gods burned, and it was almost instantly killed.

"How could this be!"

The shadow evil deity has been smashed into two halves and the body quickly retreats backwards, and does not dare to approach again.

"Want to go? Where to go!"

Ye Xiwen’s flaming mana broke out at this time, and the black hair rose upside down, as if it was a demon **** between heaven and earth, destroying the heavens and the earth, his eyes were opened, and the horrible gods were shot, and the shadow evil spirits were locked. The terrible gods even hurt the **** of the shadows again.

I have to say that Ye Xiwen at this time is too horrible. It is really the birth of the mana to the extreme. The shadow evil deity has a fear of breaking the liver and gallbladder at this time. For the first time, there is a feeling of death so close. .

Crazy back and forth, quit tens of millions of miles in a flash, but still feel locked firmly.

The flesh of his two halves began to merge, and the terrible resilience of the gods alone played a role.

However, when Ye Xiwen wanted to completely kill the shadow evil, Wu Zunyin could not stop the three supreme attacks. Was directly blasted out. Turned into a stream of light, flew into Ye Xiwen's body.

The three most supremes have been rushed to Ye Xiwen almost in an instant, and the most crucial time for the shadow evil.

Until now, the shadow evil deity has a feeling of sucking a cold air. I only feel that there is a kind of joy in the rest of my life. If I didn’t personally fight with Ye Xiwen, I could not understand how terrible Ye Xiwen was in this state. How violent it is.

Especially in the field that he is not good at, it is Ye Xiwen's strength. He has seized the opportunity and caught the weakness, which is a madness.

If there is no other supreme existence, he can almost say that there is no doubt that the word will die in Ye Xiwen's hands.

In a shadow, his red eyes reveal a huge killing, and no one has ever been able to beat him to such a wolf. He can not hate in his heart.

However, he did not rush to join the battle. Because he also knows that his current state of joining in, it is also difficult to pose a huge threat to Ye Xiwen.

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect you to have a meritorious device, just right, it belongs to me!"

Destroy Shi Zun haha ​​laughed. Gongdedao. No matter which era is in it, it is very rare. Even if they are all peaks, they don’t have such a bad baby. Just look at the fact that Wu Zunyin can be in the situation where no one is hosting, blocking them. For a certain period of time, it is already scary enough and against the sky.

The eyes of the Moon City Lord and the Red Devils are also extremely greedy. Ye Xiwen has too many secrets. He has too many good things. It is no wonder that he can compete with them now.

The city of Yuecheng City sneered. A huge month of prison appeared on top of the chaos, and then fell to Ye Xiwen.

In the process, the number of demon gods rushed out one step at a time and rushed toward Ye Xiwen.

They have opened their mouths and blood, and they want to swallow Ye Xiwen!

In the eyes of the demon gods who have been suppressed for many years and have been a little confused, Ye Xiwen, who is as strong as the sea, is the best food.

Ye Xiwen took a deep breath and only felt that the whole body was being torn apart by a terrible force. The pain was extremely painful, but at this time the world tree kept his mind, so that this pain did not affect his mind. You can take all your shots.

His arms stretched out, and then he became a fist, a golden light flowing over his fist, and then accompanied by a huge tearing sound, directly turned into a terrible golden dragon, swept out, representing the heavens and the earth. The power to the sun has swept into these strangers.




Those demon gods were swept by this terrible force, and they were all turned into ashes, flesh and blood exploded, dissipated in chaos, and completely swept away.

Ye Xiwen’s fist swept everything, and the devils could not pose a one-and-a-half-point threat to Ye Xiwen.

On the other side, the destruction of Shi Zun has already been killed in front of Ye Xiwen. Ye Xiwen raised the other arm and punched it into a fist. He punched it out and collided with the fist that smashed Shi Zun.


The terrible collision broke out, and the blazing light rushed up, shaking the entire universe.

In the distance, the Red Devils also joined the battle, and three people launched a siege on Ye Xiwen.

At this point, I have seen Ye Xiwen’s horrible fighting power. They don’t feel that they can win Ye Xiwen alone, if Ye Xiwen has maintained this level of combat power.

Fortunately, they all know that Ye Xiwen, who borrowed the power of the ancestral ancestor, could not always maintain such a terrible fighting power. This is the only place they are fortunate.

Soon, the shadow evil spirits also joined the battle. The four people surrounded Ye Xiwen as if they were walking around the horse, and did not give him any breathing space. Everyone was waiting for Ye Xiwen to be rebelled by the supreme ancestor. At that time, they didn't even need them to do it, and Ye Xiwen would die by himself.

Although Ye Xiwen’s combat power is horrible, he even has to sneak over the crowds. However, after all, he borrows the power of the ancestral ancestor, and it is also detached from this level, so although the terrible power bursts frequently, the blazing light forms a light rainbow. Sweep the entire universe.

However, it is still impossible to break free from the encirclement of the four.




A loud roar broke out in chaos.

Ye Xiwen in the battle is more and more mad, but his mind is extremely calm.

"No, continue to follow this way, I will definitely die here!"

Ye Xiwen felt that the injuries in his body were aggravated all the time. The anti-paradox of the ancestors was aggravated. If you only use the ancestors to fight a small pipa, it is okay, but now it is the peak of four horrors. Tianzun, such consumption is ten times that of normal and one of the big battles. It is not as simple as one plus one and two equals, almost an increase in geometric multiples.

When I got to the present, I felt that I couldn’t control my injury. Once the injury was completely uncontrollable, then he would completely blow it up. At that time, he would really die.

Although the Supreme Ancestral Hall is powerful, it is not omnipotent.

Ye Xiwen has already noticed that this will not work. Other big gods, all of them have experienced many battles, and naturally they can see it. If they say that they still have a strong mind at the beginning, they want to kill Ye Xiwen personally, but Now they only want to drag Ye Xiwen to death.

I don’t need to do it myself. If Ye Qiwen is really anxious, then it’s not good.

"Spell, now is the time to break through!" Ye Xiwen secretly, now Tianfu Xianzun should have been far from here, and he has nothing to worry about, it is time to break through.


A more horrible force erupted from Ye Xiwen's body, and then he saw his body swaying slightly. The three thousand martial arts avatars suddenly came out and went to the siege of the three great gods.

"This trick is useless to us!" Destroyed Shi Zun and screamed, and punched hundreds of martial arts incarnations that Ye Xiwen had attacked. This method is still bad for his top players. A lot of it.

Just like his thousands of stone soldiers are also difficult to pose a fundamental threat to Ye Xiwen.

"It's useless, but dragging on for a while is enough!"

At this time, Ye Xiwen screamed and went straight to the direction of the last person, the shadow evil.

This is the final breakout place he has chosen. Among several people, the ability of shadow evil spirits is the most powerful of his restraint, and the most difficult thing to deal with is the destruction of stone statues, because Ye Xiwen’s good place is also destroyed. Although Shi Zun is best at the direction, Ye Xiwen has confidence, but it is impossible to kill him if several people join hands.

So the final choice for him is not much.

"Damn, Wu Zun, you are deceiving too much!"

The wow of the shadow of evil spirits screamed at the extreme. Ye Xiwen repeatedly used him as a weak point among the four people. It was an insult to him.

The shadow evil spirits under the wrath also broke out the terrible fighting power that was not usually available. The shadows of countless roads seemed to be rushing toward Ye Xiwen, and they were quick and embarrassing.

These are the rules of his shadow, even if Tianzun is contaminated, it will be hit hard.

However, Ye Xiwen broke out the most powerful combat power at the same time, directly ignoring these shadow rules. When these shadow laws fell on him, they were already turned away from the merits of merit. They could not get close.

At this time, Ye Xiwen is too strong, just like the gods.


Ye Xiwen’s long knife with Geng Jinzu’s gas was smashed down, and chaos was split into two halves.

"Block him!" At this time, whether it is the Lord of the Moon City or the red magic demon, or the destruction of the stone statues have seen Ye Xiwen's intentions, have screamed, to shadow the evil deities to stop Ye Xiwen.

However, in the face of Ye Xiwen's horrible to the extreme knife, the shadow evil deity still did not dare to stop, and quit the tens of millions of people to avoid the knife of Ye Xiwen.

And Ye Xiwen’s gap, which was exposed by the shadows, directly turned into a stunned escape. (To be continued.)

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