Martial God Space

Chapter 845: Yuan Xuehai's strength

Jia Qing spurted out a blood, directly fell out of the energy mad cháo, almost directly fainted in the past, but his will not allow him to faint.

"Why, how can this be!" Jia Qing said with a tough voice. He looked at Ye Xiwen, who was slowly showing his physique. It was unbelievable. Why, he was defeated by Ye Xiwen in the first place. In the mid-term of the ultra-departure, even the late stage is not a kid.

Ye Xiwen did not even look at him, not to mention answering his questions. In fact, not only is Jia Qing difficult to understand, but even other people are equally difficult to understand. In the middle of the game, the kid can beat the double-day of the ultra-departure, even if it is just a double-day in the ultra-departure, it is also a real double-death.

For them, it is simply difficult to understand, but for Ye Xiwen, this is not the case, because Jia Qing's flaws look in his eyes, and even can be said that his flaws are too big.

The power of Jia Qing's broken wave knife is indeed extraordinary. It can even be said to be very large. However, his cultivation time seems to be too short and too short. There are many skilled and untrained ones between the moves.

It is precisely because of this that it will be found by Ye Xiwen to find flaws, to find the empty space, to break the face, to concentrate all the power of the whole body together, and to break the broken wave knife method of his power.

Originally, this broken wave knife method is more invincible in group battles. However, even if the average person knows this weakness, there is no way to break it. Only Ye Xiwen is so strong that it is strong enough to absorb the stars and beasts. The power of this force, after the force was completely released, instantly broke his broken wave knife.

Everyone was a little stupid looking at Ye Xiwen who defeated Jia Qing. It was like a ghost, and they took a breath of cold air. This half-step ultra-departure kid started from the moment he started. They gave them great surprises.

It seems that there is no limit. No matter what kind of enemy, there seems to be no way to force his limit.

Ye Xiwen did not pay attention to Jia Qing who had been waiting for his explanation, but only looked at Yuan Xuehai among the Yuan family seats.

Everyone knows his goal. That is Yuan Xuehai.

As the Yuan family is the most genius of sè. It is also one of the three young masters of the original, and the three even used him.

Everyone understands that the competition for this championship will only be between Yuan Xuehai and this Ye Xiwen. No matter who wins, then it is definitely a champion.

As for Wang Mengyu, no one thinks that she will be the champion. If Yuan Xuehai wins, then she will not be different when she does not play. Even Ye Xiwen, who is so horrible, can't win, so she has never won Yuan Xuehai, and it is useless to go up.

Conversely, if Ye Xiwen wins, then Yuan Jia will no longer be able to match the powerful master who can match Ye Xiwen, so in the end it can only be Ye Xiwen won the championship.

The two of them are the most crucial battles. After the first battle, this time the quota fight can be over.

but. Is Yuan Xuehai the opponent of Ye Xiwen?

Everyone has some concerns, especially those of the Yuan family. It is important to know that Yuan Xuehai is stronger than Wang Mengyu and Wu Chenhai, but it is only a few. Not too strong, just a strong line, but in general, still on the same level.

Yuan Xuehai wants to defeat two people. It still takes a lot of effort.

But now Wu Chenhai, who is similar to his strength, is under Ye Xiwen’s offensive. Almost no effort to fight back.

And will he be Ye Xiwen’s opponent?

Even Jia Qing, who is optimistic about everyone, is in the same fiasco in the hands of Ye Xiwen, and Yuan Xuehai will not be better than them.

If the battle has not yet begun, everyone will probably be optimistic about Yuan Xuehai. After all, Yuan Xuehai has been famous for many years, but Ye Xiwen is not recognized by one person.

But now, everyone is optimistic about Ye Xiwen, because Ye Xiwen's strength is too strong, so strong that no one feels that he is already full of power.

Yuan Xuehai saw Ye Xiwen's eyes and looked at himself. Immediately without any hesitation, the direct figure flew over the ring and looked at Ye Xiwen's eyes. It was also the same.

The whole person is like a huge iceberg, which is elusive.

"I am waiting for you for two quarters of an hour, waiting for you to restore your true yuan!" Yuan Xuehai said faintly, Ye Xiwen had just fought a battle, he did not want to take advantage of it, and that would be a victory.

"Yuan Xuehai dared to say such a thing, is he not a card?"

"There is definitely a hole in the cards. You see that Ye Xiwen is also more serious than ever before. What is the Ministry knowing?"

"If you are strong, can you be stronger than Jia Qing!"

When everyone saw Yuan Xuehai saying this, he suddenly talked about it. At this time, Jia Qing, who had no time to lay the gun, had completely fainted in the past. Ye Xiwen did not want to care for him.

For this guy who wants to kill himself, Ye Xiwen did not directly kill him, it is already very good, this is because under the public, if in private, Jia Qing dared to show his killing, Ye Xiwen must have put He slaughtered. Although he is not a wicked person, he is definitely not a kind-hearted person. He even describes him with his heart and hands. He doesn't care very much.

"No, it doesn't matter at all!" Ye Xiwen's faint ropeway, the battle just did not consume him a lot of real yuan, "Wang Guan Jing" has been running for a few weeks, and it has completely recovered, and the most important thing is He now has the blood of the stars and beasts. The real yuan is ten times thicker than the ordinary people. Unless it is a large-scale group battle, under normal circumstances, if you want to kill him, it is impossible. of.

"Well, you deserve to be shot!" Yuan Xuehai glanced at Ye Xiwen faintly, as if to freeze the whole air. He also saw that Ye Xiwen was not strong, perhaps for him, these are also true. It doesn't matter at all.

His big hand caught in the air, and suddenly a white sword appeared on his hand. His sturdy real yuan began to spurt out, and the sound of Caracalla appeared in the surrounding air. This is Even the sound of the air being cracked.

Ye Xiwen was a little surprised. The strength of Yuan Xuehai is actually the power of ice. In fact, if it is replaced by Jia Qing, it will be even worse.

Because the power of his water is obviously restrained by the power of ice.

And the most important thing is that Yuan Xuehai has already entered the double-dead world, although it has just entered the double-day of super-departure, but it has obviously been better than Jia Qing, although it is also the second that has just entered. Heavy days, but obviously Yuan Xuehai is stronger.

Everyone suddenly became stunned and finally understood why the Yuan family was still indifferent when they saw that both the Wu family and the Wang family had invited helpers, but it was such a reason.

I don’t even need to ask for another helper. It’s just that Yuan Xuehai’s departure from the second day is the greatest strength.

If Yuan Xuehai is able to win the championship, he will naturally win the championship. If he can't win the championship, then it is the same for other people.

"It's no wonder that even if Yuan Xuehai saw Ye Xiwen's game, he was still full of enthusiasm. It turned out to be like this!"

"No, no one can think of it. The strength of Yuan Xuehai is so hidden. It is no wonder that foreign aid is not used, he is the strongest master!"

"Then I have to shoot!" Yuan Xuehai burst into a burst, and the hands of Sen Bai’s long sword suddenly shot, suddenly suddenly in the sky, the virtual shadow of the sky, lightning straight to Ye Qiwen’s face, coming to his body And go.

Ye Xiwen’s sword, which was formed by the sword, was shot again, directly spilling the sword light of the sky and protecting himself.




A burst of crisp metal collided with the general sound, those white swords, not able to break the sword light of Ye Xiwen's body, and when they were not close, they were all smashed.

Although Ye Xiwen has not yet confirmed the way he is going, if he thinks that his cultivation on the kendo is weak, then it is wrong. In fact, it is difficult for him to have any shortcomings, there is a mysterious space, and even if he has something short. The board can also be quickly filled up. For others, it may take a lot of time, or jing force. For him, it is only a matter of aura.

At this time, Yuan Xuehai had already rushed to attack, and Senbai’s long sword flashed out instantly, killing Ye Xiwen’s front, and the tip of the sword was a little cold, almost instantaneous, and the sword of Ye Xiwen’s body was broken.

This is the most typical way to break the face, just as Ye Xiwen just broke the face of the broken wave knife at the point of burying the sword. As long as one point supporting the whole face is broken, the whole face collapses.

Although this is the case, in fact, only a few can be done, and most people can only listen to it as a martial arts experience.

"The funeral sword!" The sword in the hands of Ye Xiwen instantly swelled in a circle, and fell in his hands with lightning speed.

The horrible sword screamed in an instant and plunged into the head of Yuan Xuehai. It seemed that a wound was injured.

No matter what the face of the white long sword.

The two long swords are getting closer and closer to each other. The two sides look indifferent, as if they can't see the sword getting closer and closer. The two people will almost lose both sides and die under each other's swords.

Ye Xiwen’s mouth was hung with a smile, and at that very much, Yuan Xuehai finally moved, and he fought against Ye Xiwen’s offensive.

In the midst of the glory, he chose to play with the two defeats that did not go with Ye Xiwen.

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