Martial God Space

Chapter 988: The sixth floor


Ye Xiwen’s fist instantly slammed onto the ground, and suddenly he threw out a large pit on the ground, and almost killed the poison son in his life.

"Take your own insults!"

These four words, deeply assassinated the poisonous son, so that he was a little arrogant and upset, and no one ever dared to say this!

But he has no way, because his biggest reliance is his poison, but looking at the fight, Ye Xiwen simply does not blame his poison, even his poison, it is impossible to penetrate into his body, Then don't say what hurts, even hitting into his body, there is no such energy, which makes him suddenly mad.

It is really the most troublesome to encounter such a master who does not enter the water, because no matter how you play, he has no weakness at all. In cooperation with the horrible speed of Ye Xiwen, it is really invincible.

If it is not coveted by Tianshu Yanshou grass, I am afraid I will leave this time.

He looked at Ye Xiwen with a sinister look. It seems that he is calculating. If he continues to fight, then the odds are not big, and it is possible to capture Tianshu Yanshou from his hands.

But no matter how reluctant he was, but after comparing it, he discovered that he seemed to be unable to move as if he was wearing the armor-like Ye Xiwen.

At that time, it can only be passively beaten. At that time, it is really a face to be thrown away.

If you change someone, he will not suffer so much, so passive, there is almost no way, but the Yehwen freak is encountered. In the face of such an opponent with almost no shortcomings, the only way is to be upright. Kill him instead of using the side-by-side approach.

Although the poison is powerful, it can only be regarded as the side door.

Ye Xiwen looked at the poisonous son faintly, to see how he chose, but his chest was endlessly happy. After the field of the force of wind and thunder was condensed, his speed was faster.

Moreover, with the protection of divinity, he does not have to worry about the poisoning of the poisonous son. He has no poison. In his opinion, the poisoned son is like a tiger with his teeth pulled out. It is simply not enough, it is not as good as a crocodile. The child seems to be more threatening.

The poison son met Ye Xiwen, and it was like encountering a nemesis.

Ye Xiwen did not want to offend the poisonous dragons to the death of the tyrannical crocodile. But this does not mean that he is afraid, but he does not want to have an accident.

The poisonous son only looked at Ye Xiwen with a bad look. In the end, there was no way. He could only hate and said: "You give me a wait!"

The expression was extremely depressed, the cooked duck flew, and the longevity grass that arrived at it was gone. It seemed that there was no windfall, and how depressed it was, I can imagine.

But there is no way, he can't help Ye Xiwen, let alone his men.

Can only take those who are poisonous dragons, hate and leave.

Ye Xiwen did not care, just smiled, then turned and stepped into the air, forming a group of wind and thunder, disappeared in front of everyone.

The warriors of all ethnic groups face each other, and this is over?

No one thought that the cockroaches would actually be the result of this. The poisonous son did not get the Tianshu Yanshou grass from the hands of Ye Xiwen, or that some of them had escaped, and it was not Ye Xiwen’s opponent.

"I thought that the poisonous son was already very powerful, but I didn't want Ye Xiwen to be more powerful than him. It was just a fight, and the poisoned son was taken away!" Some people said with emotion that it seems to be Ye Xiwen's terrible fighting power.

"Is Ye Xiwen really so much better than the poisonous son? That is not in the master of the ultra-departure nine heavens, it is difficult to meet the enemy!" Someone was shocked.

It is already unexpected that the poisonous son can easily kill a super-departure master. If Ye Xiwen is stronger than him, then it is not invincible in the ultra-departure nine heavens.

"It shouldn't be like this. I think it should be that the poisoned son is restrained. Otherwise, the strength of the poisoned son will not be so. Yehwen's flesh does not know how to cultivate the method. It is so powerful and scary. It’s terrible to compare those ethnic groups that used to be specialized in meat in ancient times!”

Some people look more thorough, perhaps Ye Xiwen's strength is indeed above the poison son, but if his meat is not strong enough to let the poison son have no room to play, it is impossible to suddenly let the poison son go.

Soon, Ye Xiwen was shocked to take away the poisonous son, and took away the Tianshu Yanshou grass, and quickly spread the entire seventh floor of the military.

Faced with this result, the warriors of all ethnic groups are facing each other, especially those who are human beings, and they are even more stunned.

Some people exclaimed that after the sea dragon son, human beings must rise to a young master of the generation.

There are not many masters of the Terran, especially compared with the Haizu, although there are some disadvantages, although compared to any single group of them, but compared with the entire sea, It’s completely at a disadvantage. If it’s not been the case that there’s been a sea dragon’s son, it’s still not what the sea people will look like.

However, Ye Xiwen’s decision to make a decision has greatly boosted their mood.

But for the masters of the sea, it may not be a good thing.

After Ye Xiwen killed the crocodile Taizi, this matter suddenly spread throughout the seventh floor. There were still many people who still did not believe in the strength of Ye Xiwen. After all, at the beginning, Ye Xiwen was even a super-departure five-day, six-fold The master of the sky can easily turn him over.

Therefore, no one can believe that the crocodile will die in the hands of Ye Xiwen, and even many people think that this is somewhat absurd and nonsense. What kind of character is the crocodile too scorpion, to say that he will die in the hands of Ye Xiwen, many people Do not believe at all.

At this time, Ye Xiwen shot the news of the poisoned son, which is simply pouring oil on the fire, pushing the whole thing to the peak.

Coupled with the help of some people, the entire seventh floor began to discuss Ye Xiwen's business.

Ye Xiwen suddenly became the focus of attention, even surpassing the guess of the origin and strength of the monster sleeping between the sixth and seventh floors.

It became a talk of others after a meal.

But for those who are armed, the bigger waves are still behind.

Because of the emergence of Ye Xiwen, the people who have been poisoned by the crocodile family once again triggered the pursuit of him. After the masters of the younger generation of the sinister crocodile squad were killed, they also came to some sinister crocodile crocodile. Master.

However, this time it was not the top master of the younger generation of the crocodile, but the master of the older generation like the 18-year-old elder.

After hearing the news that the crocodile was too scorpion, the eighteen elders suddenly thundered and quickly led people to pursue Ye Xiwen.

Many people are not very optimistic about Ye Xiwen, because after all, this team is dominated by the 18-year-old elders who are led by the 18-year-old elders. They are even stronger than the crocodile Taizi, and most of them are The master of the ultra-departure eight heavens, the master of the ultra-departure nine heavens, is more than ten, and among them, eighteen elders are among the top players in the ultra-departure nine-day master.

It is conceivable that this time Ye Xiwen had to face the sinister situation.

However, people did not expect that, unexpectedly, after the 18th elders laid down and ambushed Ye Xiwen, the last is actually Ye Xiwen’s life killed three masters of the ultra-departure Jiuzhongtian, five masters of the ultra-departed Eight Heavens, calmly And retreat.

Although Ye Xiwen is also not allowed to be an 18-year-old elder, but under the speed of Ye Xiwen, the eighteen elders can not help Ye Xiwen.

After the second layer of the Devil's Wings was cultivated to the peak, Ye Xiwen's speed also climbed to a peak. Even if it is a master of the law, if it is not the domain pressure system, it can not match the speed of Ye Xiwen.

It is conceivable that the current Ye Xiwen is how fast it is.

When the news came out, everyone suddenly became stunned. What are the eighteen elders of the poisonous crocodile family? Many people are also aware of it.

There is no reason for it, because many elders of the dinosaurs have entered the retreat. The eighteen elders are new elders. They have been very active in the last millennium. They have done many times. The act of copying the house and destroying the door can be described as a fierce name, far from the crocodile too.

However, in the case of ambushes, Ye Xiwen still can't stay, and he has been killed by many masters. Can you not be shocked by the four?

"That Ye Xiwen is really against the sky. It seems that unless it is a master of the half-step method, it is impossible to grasp Ye Xiwen!"

"It’s impossible to catch Ye Xiwen. At this time, if you are not careful, the master of the ultra-departure nine heavens will fall in his hands!"

"You said such a enchanting, how did you get up, why didn't you have a message before!"

"The world is big, there are a few strangers who do not know what is strange, and it is said that Xing Xingchen still concluded that this Ye Xiwen is not a master of my Yunxing sea area, maybe it is not a master of the outer domain!"

"The most important thing is that if you look at such a situation, I am afraid that it will only be possible to clean up after the masters of the various laws and regulations have arrived!"

"It’s just that the masters of the legal aspects of the various ethnic groups don’t know what has been dragged on. The care has been sent out for so long, but now there is no news!"

"I told you that it is said that those masters of the law and the situation are said to be trapped in a tomb outside, and God knows when it will come!"

Everyone has a lot of arguments, and there are different opinions, but they all have their own opinions.

But for the special interest about Ye Xiwen, it is just the beginning.

"The poisonous son was escaped by Ye Xiwen's wolf!"

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