Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 9: 傀儡 appeared

In the ninth chapter, after five days of appearance, the change of the power of heaven and earth is more powerful and unbelievable. Even if it is far away from Minri, it can clearly feel the martial arts and sacred kings and make the sacred king to kill the gods. God's Seal, the throne of the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens Abandoning the Little Zhou Emperor and making the gods will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, and seek the devil to be proud of the world. The nine-day-old is the strongest to abandon the power of the heavens and the earth.

He Yiming and others have long since moved away from the most central position, because Happiness and others have vowed to say that Iceland will emerge from the void and stay in the world for a year. If it is in the process of appearing in the center of the force of the world, then the guarantee will be crushed into ice.

The human body is a hundred times stronger and cannot withstand the power of an island.

Although He Yiming is skeptical about this legend, he will never take risks for reluctance.

However, as expected, the North Sea sacred kings never appeared in front of He Yiming and others. Although Yi Yiming got the news of their gathering several times from the mouth of one hundred and eight. But it is a pity that the gatherings of these guys changed their way and never stayed in a place for half an hour. Then it will sneak into the sea until it can't be detected.

Everyone has a feeling that with the strength of the heavens and the earth, the North Sea sacred beasts will certainly not be willing to give up, until the moment they attack, perhaps the time for the two sides to fight.

The tracker on the chest rang again, and He Yiming stood up and came to a remote place, releasing the five elements of infuriating around the body, which took the tracker out.

Although He Yiming can be sure, these people have already guessed that there is some way to detect the whereabouts of the sacred kings in their own bodies. But He Yiming does not intend to publicize this method.

"Egg brother, have you found them together?"

"Yes, found it."

He Yiming's eyes suddenly became bright. In these few days, the answer to the hundred and eight has never been so refreshing.

"where is it?"

"The South is a hundred miles away.

"Understood." He Yiming said: "We immediately passed the burning novel network and continued to monitor.

"There is no need to burn the novel network in the past." The sound of the hundred and eight is still calm and loud.

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse and said: "Why?"

"Because they have already started coming."

He Yiming’s heart glimpsed, these sacred kings actually took the initiative to find the door, then there is only one possibility, they have accumulated enough power, they think they can eat everyone, so this is the courage to come to the door.

"How many?"

"Thirty-six heads.

A moment of vomiting, slowly put away the tracker, He Yiming dispelled the five elements of the week, although he knows that the more you face the big thing, the more you should be able to hold your breath.

But at this moment, he still has a feeling of anger.


This amount is too much beyond his expectations.

"There are people." He Yiming's figure flashed and he had already come to the scattered people. His voice was slightly improved, and his face was awe-inspiring: "He got the news, the guys came.

Everyone's eyes stared at him at this moment. After the last successful ambush, no one doubted He Yiming's words.

"How much." Ice laughed and asked quietly.

He Yiming smiled bitterly, and he screamed: "Thirty-six heads.

The scene suddenly died, even the most optimistic unicorn lord in this moment has a feeling of almost suffocating.

"Thirty-six? How many sacred beasts in the North Sea?" Liu Changju, the owner of the Liuli Cave, waved his hand and his flames rushed wildly. He said: "We have come to more than 20, but there are still so many."

Ice laughed and sighed, saying: "Liu brother, the vastness of the North Sea, will not be inferior to the sea. And the longevity of the sacred kings is far from human comparison, accumulation for thousands of years, this time even if it is not a nest Out, at least half of it." He paused and smiled bitterly: "Don't forget, here is the North Sea. For five thousand years, Iceland left the icefield for the first time and went deep into the North Sea. These sacred kings are not crazy. It’s weird.”

The emperor’s release of the sky is also abruptly nodded. “The ancient books contain, even if Iceland is on the ice sheet, at least there are 20 North Sea sacred beast kings appearing in the picture, and they are entering Iceland. Now in the North Sea, the number has soared. Double, it doesn't seem to be a strange thing."

He Yiming looked around with a double eye and nodded secretly. After they heard the number, they were quite surprised, but they did not have any panic. It seems that more than 30 foreign sea sacred kings are just a group of paper tigers worth mentioning.

But in fact, He Yiming and others understand that even if the people exert the power of the gods at the bottom of the pressure box, they can only deal with the two kings of the outer sea, and if they are on the 36th, they are not able to resist.

They exchanged a look with each other, and Jimo Fanshen said: "I, Kirin Lord and He Yiming will lead them away, and you are ready to ambush."

Ice laughs and others waited for a moment, and finally slowly nodded. In this case, it seems that this is the only way.

The speed of the three of them is definitely the strongest of all. Once they run away, even those who are in the North Sea will have to eat behind them.

And the power of the five elements controlled by the five people of Ice Laughing is released, which is enough to kill any opponent.

After all, they are the strength of the five strongest people, perhaps not comparable to He Yiming in terms of proficiency in application, but if it is purely in terms of power. In the case that the five elements of the ring could not increase the power of the gods, He Yiming was still far behind.

Therefore, the three people of Gyomefanshu led the large forces, and the five of them joined hands to detect sneak attacks behind them, which is the best method today. After all, no one is willing to fight with the sacred kings unless they need to.

The emperor’s release of the sky has been squinting and not f6. Seeing that everyone is nodding in agreement, his brow wrinkles and said: "He brother, you still refuse to let him shoot."

Everyone’s heart was first seen, and then their faces changed.

This sentence of the Emperor Shi Tian is for He Yiming, but everyone understands it in a flash. It turned out that He Yiming still kept his hand when the last time everyone was attacking.

However, it is precisely because of this that they will feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred Forcibly abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神A deep chill.

He Yiming’s performance in attacking the herd has already convinced everyone.

The ability to manipulate the power of the heavens and the earth to change the fog has never been seen before, killing a powerful king of the beasts in an instant, and at the same time chasing a single person to kill a king of sacred beasts.

Such a record is one of the best among all.

The strength of Duo R is not the result of his all-out efforts. So how powerful is he?

For a time, everyone’s heart has a feeling that there is such a feeling, that is, in this life, I am afraid that I will never be able to go beyond this. Even if it is the way to advance God in the future, I am afraid that is also true.

Gima Fanshu coldly said: "He brother, the last time you still kept your hand."

The emperor's face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "The Jimomen master misunderstood. He brother tried his best last time. He did not keep his hand. The old man said that he is his awkwardness."

The face of Jimmy Fanshu suddenly became extremely ugly. The ancestors of Yujia, but he spent a lot of money to refine it, but the final result was cheaper. He Yiming, of course he would not be happy.

Bingfufu brows slightly wrinkled, said: "Emperor brother, even if the brother of the brothers have the same strength as me, it is irrelevant."

The emperor released a smile and said: "Everyone will wait and see, the brother of He brother will give you a surprise."

Everyone looked at each other and did not understand what the two strong men from the Tianchi in the northwest were jealous.

He Yiming shook his head slightly. After learning the number of thirty-six sacred beasts, He Yiming’s first thought was also the power of the heavens and the earth, and only the power of this far-reaching realm. Only then can these sacred kings be beaten to death, so that they no longer dare to come here.

Only in this way, they have the leisure to find ways to open the road to Iceland. Otherwise, they are only dealing with these North Sea sacred beasts, they are already exhausted, and they will take care of others.

Taking a deep breath, He Yiming conveyed his thoughts to the mind of the gods in the mind.

He gave the order to come here very simply. With the inspiration between the minds, he knew that the gods were not far from themselves.

Sure enough, just a moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky, his degree is quite fast, and soon came to the top of everyone's head.

The face of Bingxiaotian and others is a change. Only the sacred lord Qiu Chennu has widened his eyes and looked at the sky. It seems that he wants to find something to go back and forth.

The pair of beast-like eyes like the bells flickered a few times, and they also thought of the sudden appearance of that day.

Obviously, they are all hidden in the sky in a way that crosses the sea.

However, this method has made so many human peaks undetectable, and it is a bit shocking.

Everyone's eyes are condensed on the Shinto coagulation people. Most people have a faint surprise in their Yiming knows that they all recognize the ancestors of Yujia Identity. Yujia was once the Dashen royal family. Even if they did not put Yujia in the heart, they would not be unfamiliar with this person.

After all, the ancestors of Yujia are the same as the gods, but they are recognized as one of the two most powerful people who are most likely to advance the peak of humanity. They just watched the ancestors of Yujia fall into the end of the present, but everyone’s heart Still a little embarrassed.

Greedy is not only ruining the peak of humanity in the future, but even Yujia is deeply involved, and it has been flattened since then.

"He brother, are you going to use him against the enemy?" said Xiao Xiaotian, strangely.

He Yiming smiled and said: "The emperor has already said it, please wait and see.

Hearing his confident words, Bingxiaotian and others were no longer opposed.

Between these days, He Yiming has successfully established his position in the minds of the people, letting them subconsciously have an indescribable expectation for him.

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