Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 20: Shenlong’s plan

Shen is a silence...

After hearing the complaints of the dragon, everyone’s face has changed. At this point, they finally understood one thing, no wonder the Chinese books left by the predecessors of the Shinto are unknown.

Artifacts and hail outside Iceland are not meant to block their entry, but to eliminate those who lack strength.

However, these predecessors did not think that the power of the heavens and the earth has been lacking to this point, so they are arranged according to the strength of the people in Shinto. Naturally, it is impossible for someone to succeed.

This time, if Yuan Lixun did not receive the approval of the ice mirror, plus the strange freak of He Yiming and the magical ability to display the power of the world, I am afraid that no one can enter it.

"Why, why is this..." Liu Changju muttered.

One hundred and eight took a look at him and said: "Your predecessors have mastered the power of space, and they have a place that can open the space channel, so they have all the creatures that can release space power, in their joint efforts. Underneath, it really opened up this space." He said here, paused, said: "The power of biological individuals can be powerful enough to open the space channel, this is a new topic."

He Yiming turned his eyes in anger, and this guy started to say something that no one could understand.

Fortunately, this time, there is no long-term problem. He continued: "Unfortunately, you seniors are wrong. After they opened the passage, they are not the land of life, but full. The horror of the dead creatures. Although their calculations and mobility are very young and ruined, fortunately, they blocked the passage and did not let those dead creatures enter your world from the passage, otherwise five thousand Years ago, your world will disappear forever."

Everyone has a faint cold in their hearts. Although they have not seen such a horrible creature, it is easy to get the things that the dragon has evaluated.

"Why can't this channel be closed?" Yuan Lixun asked.

This is a very critical issue. If the channel can be closed, all problems will be solved.

"Because this is not an ordinary channel, but a time-space channel that has been mutated." The sound of the hundred and eight is very cold and very cold: "When the two ends of the channel are opened, the passage of time is equal, but once closed, there will be Ten times the time difference, so they stayed here for five hundred years, and the other side is five thousand years."

Speaking of this, Hundred and Eight stopped again and asked in a loud voice: "How did you open the space-time channel? This is the most mysterious space-time channel in the space channel. The probability of successful opening is less than one in a billion.

The dragon sank for a long time, just when everyone thought it would not answer, the rumbling voice resounded again: "We just condensed the space power of all the beasts, bombarding that point with all strength, and the channel appeared. It is."

Hundred and eight slowly shook his head, and after everyone heard this answer, there was no such opportunity of one billionth of a million, and it actually appeared like this. However, at the end of this passage, it is a nightmare-like terrorist.

It is estimated that the predecessors who successfully opened this channel in the past are also very depressed.

"The power of the heavens and the earth in your world is a special kind of energy. Under normal circumstances, these energies are used to make up and seal this passage. Only in the time when the passage appears, there will be some energy recovery. This time is not long, and it is impossible to return to the peak level in the outside world. After one year, the passage disappears, and soon it will become more and more energy-poor." One hundred and eight will throw out the final explanation, and then tightly I closed my mouth and never talked again. Everyone looked at each other, and the look in their eyes was quite bitter. They finally figured it all out. All the evils of the past were caused by the humanistic Shinto and the beasts. They want to open a space passage to a certain place, but they open the wrong door, and even more wrong is that behind the door, there is still a horrible life that can swallow everything.

After a long time of sinking, the sound of the dragon sounded again: "Every time the dead creatures appear, the number of the most powerful individuals among them will increase. Our people have suffered heavy casualties and need new blood supplements. You humane. The peaks will stay, promote the Shinto here, and resist with us. As for the little girl, you will go back with all the holy beasts and tell the various factions and the world of the East and West, every hundred years... No, every The millennium has let all their humanitarian peaks come here to wait for the opening of Iceland. I will weaken the power of the seal. As long as the human powerhouse with the human peak power and the top beast with the blood of the beasts come here, you can enter directly. ""

"No..." Yuan Lixun said without thinking: "I will not go out."

She held the number tightly - He Yiming's hand, the white light of the body kept rushing, even the artifact ice was faintly moved. "You have no use here to stay here." It seems to be carrying a violent anger: "The ability to promote Shinto here in a short time, and only some people have peaked."

Your martial arts is too bad, if you stay here, you can only drag others. ”

Yuan Lixun's pale and pale, not a trace of blood, her teeth biting her lower lip, in her mind, constantly echoing these words.

Dragging others...

Is this her 9! j Destiny, destined to the fate that can not be changed?

She left He Yiming and worked hard in the Ice Palace to advance the five-powered sage in just a few years. When she appeared in Iceland, she stood up desperately and took the artifact ice mirror. The light is diverted.

All this, she is to stop dragging him! This is her wish, the biggest wish since Yokoyama was taken.

However, at this moment, the rumbling voice from the dragon's mouth completely shattered her wish.

It turns out that he will still drag him down! "I am leaving..." The old voice is from the Kirin Beast 9! Passed in the mouth of j.

"No, you go out." Qiu Chen, the lord of Qilin, shouted.

The film beast slowly shook his head and said: "Five thousand years ago, there were no deserters in all Shinto humans and beasts. Today, I can't be a deserter."

The white horse thundered a long bang, and its unicorn had a purple light. Although it could not be as vocal as the unicorn beast and the dragon, the idiot understood its meaning.

On the back of the white horse, the treasure pig slid and rolled, and it opened a small mouth, and there was a loud noise like the thunder sister. However, in the comparison of the sound of the dragon, it is no longer a shocking effect.

The film Lin beast shook his head and said: "You can't stay. Now the sacred beast with the blood of the beast and the beast is very rare. If you leave it, the known sacred beast of the gods on the mainland will only have that big snake." ”

The sound of the dragon rang again: "You three can't stay."

Three different screams rang at the same time, perhaps as the relationship between the body and the blood of the body, so the three of them did not have any special feelings for the huge sound of the dragon, even the ever-popular beast that once appeared. No momentum can suppress them.

"Dragons and Dragons." The unicorn beast raised his head high and said: "We have the blood of the beasts in our bodies. What humans can do, we can do the same. In this world, only the beasts of war dead, There are no beasts that evade responsibility."

"You are right. There are no beasts in the world that evade responsibility." The dragon immediately called: "I just hope that you will not evade your responsibility, so you will be sent out."

The white horse thundered two beautiful big eyes, and the two pigs and the unicorn beasts were awkward.

"The number and strength of dead creatures are getting stronger and stronger. We can only survive this time, but after a hundred years, when this channel is once again opened, we will only have one dead end." The dragon explained: " Therefore, I hope that in a hundred years... No, after the millennium there, you will be able to come in at least a hundred of the human resources of the peak of humanity. After entering here, if we can advance the Shinto, we can support another hundred years."

"Hundreds of humane peaks?" Liu Changju stunned, after a half-sound, said: "If it is the Shinto era should not be a problem ~ ~ but now this situation, it is impossible."

Indeed, the ability to advance to the peak of humanity at a time when the power of today is so scarce is that it has the potential to advance to Shinto. It’s already grateful that such people have gotten together for a dozen, and hundreds of them are absolutely delusional.

"If it is only by humans, it will not work. But if you add the top sacred beast with the blood of the beast, you should be able to do it." The dragon explained: "The children of the two sacred human beings are not necessarily Shinto but have As long as the spiritual beasts of the blood of the beasts of the beasts have been cultivated for thousands of years, they will surely reach the top level. Once they enter this place and absorb enough power from the heavens and the earth, there is a great possibility that they will be promoted to the beasts in a short time. So thin, the biggest reason is because the beasts are not willing to leave their descendants before they meet their favorite companions, so the number of beasts is not as good as one generation, and even some beasts have been extinct. But now it is different, if this The situation will not change, and even our world will be destroyed. So...

Its voice is suddenly high and fierce: "I want to send you three out, you must let go of the blood of the beast, I don't care what partner you want to find, but even if you are looking for sows and female dinosaurs, I have to desperately spread and spread the blood. After the millennium, I want to see at least one hundred of the top sacred beasts with the blood of the beasts appearing outside of Iceland...

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