Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 34: The last line of the 5th line

The thirty-fourth chapter of the fifth line of the last generation of the lord's huge light has been flashing, when the light dissipated, the Lord of the heavens and the land of Bo Lei has suddenly appeared on the ground.

Here is a piece of sand, Zibo milled the eyes of the eyes and looked around, but - the wind sands here, even with his eyesight can not see far.

Turbulent, a strange sound came into the ear, and a cold, hellish chill came over, letting his nerves tighten.

In the sky, several shadows fly in a very fast manner. When Zibo Rui saw the face of these things, he could not help but change his face. Because this mushroom and cockroach is the kind of horrible death creature that can be destroyed in the sky image.

However, unlike the images, these dead creatures are not walking in the ground, but flying in the air, and two of them: $ has a blue monster and six red monsters.

Zibo Rui immediately waited, and he did not know that the dragon was actually treated differently when exerting space power.

He Yiming and Shendao coagulation are naturally sent together, while the other six are randomly divided into two groups, and they are sent to the edge of these monsters gradually infested.

The reason why it is sent to it is naturally because it is necessary to let them and the monsters continue to kill, in this case, almost in the case of destructive growth, as far as possible to reach the realm of the Shinto in the short term.

Of course, if non-ice laughter and other people have such a strange experience, they have been at the peak of humanity for hundreds of years, and the dragon will never make such a decision.

Appearing on the periphery of the monster group, the first encounters are those low-level monsters, and the monsters encountered in the end will become stronger and stronger. With this adaptation process, the strength of the humane peak and the cooperation with each other should be able to cope with it.

However, Zibo Rui was directly transmitted by Shenlong to a near-central area where the dead creatures were infested.

Here, the lowest-level monsters are quite rare, but high-level death creatures are everywhere.

From the beginning, I met the dead creatures of red and blue armor, which is a severe test for the limits of survival.

Fortunately, now, Bobo Rui does not know the treatment of the rest. If he is allowed to know the real situation, he is afraid that he will never have the courage to stay, but he will try his best to escape.

Between the flashing figure, Zibo Rui has already flown into the air. He snorted and splattered. The five elements of the past have never been passed down in the hands of the world. Fireworks released.

Soon, he was surprised that the strength of these monsters is extremely powerful, especially those blue armor monsters, but they have the strength to be no less than the general sage, and with a hard-core gram, it is impossible to It’s more horrible. When these blue armor monsters are greatly hurt, they will not hesitate to grab a red armor monster and **** them into a corpse. Then they will basically return to normal. .

Zibo was shocked by the heart, and the more careful the action became. After the two sides entangled for a quarter of an hour, all the red armor monsters died, and even the blue armor monsters could not be used because they had no companions to recover, so they began to fall.

However, Zibo Rui did not think that this turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare.

After a blue armor monster made a sharp and harsh scream, it turned out to be countless screams from all directions.

Zibo Rui's face is quite ugly, because he already knows that he is in an extremely dangerous place.

Here, it turned out to be the base camp of such monsters.

In the thought of this, Zibo Rui took the initiative and decided to fly in one direction. He wanted to flee the place before the countless monsters gathered together.

Although the humane peak is a very proud person, but after seeing the strength of these red armor and blue armor monsters, unless it is an idiot, no one can leave a dead.

However, Zibo Rui still took a slow step. When he was desperate to start flying and fleeing, there were already ten silver-white monsters coming from all directions. These monsters are faster, more hard, more powerful, and stronger, and they have a sense of helplessness.

If it is one-on-one, or one-on-two, or even one-on-three, he has the means to kill them by various means, and may pay a considerable price, but it is not what you want to get away from. problem. However, the number of such silver-white monsters has reached more than ten, which makes him a caged bird, and it is difficult to fly.

His heart was extremely furious, although he tried his best to resist it, but his heart was doubting, but it was really that the dragon was really swallowed by a knife.

After an hour, Zhai Borui had already had several wounds on his body. His face was terrible, and his heart could not be spared this time. In his heart, he gathered all the infuriating and the power of God, and the whole body was full of enthusiasm, full of horrible power.

At this moment, he turned out to be inflamed, and he had to pull two backs.

However, a force that flew from the sky was lightly on his chest, and all the infuriating was calmed down. Although his gods could still use it freely, he wanted to explode and die. It is already a luxury.

Zibo Rui pale, these monsters are too strong, even the means of suppressing the infuriating ones are one by one, but only this thought has just emerged and came to him.

This person is tall and tall, although both of them are suspended in the semi-air, but Hao Rui can be sure that this person is at least half a head higher than himself.

The man turned his back to Zibo Rui, and the broad back gave him a sense of majesty like a mountain.

His heart glimpsed a little, this is after he was promoted to the peak of humanity, and the velvet once felt like this to other people.

The man reached out and he gently clicked a few times. As his fingers moved, the silver-white monsters that made him feel a headache suddenly burst into the sky.

Just between the numbers, hundreds of death creatures in the sky have all been extinct, and even one has not been able to escape.

Zibo sharply looked at this scene, his heart has been shocked and can not be described with words f6. What kind of martial arts is this? Is this person still human?

The man slowly turned his head. This is a tall man with a cold face, especially his eyes, shining like a star.

Zibo Rui poured a spirit and quickly said: "Thank you for your help."

After seeing this person's shot, he can be sure that this person should be the Shinto power in a human being who entered the place.

The man nodded slowly and said, "Who are you? Where did you come from?"

His voice was a little hoarse, and he had a feeling of intermittentness when he spoke. It seemed to be somewhat sloppy.

Under Zibo Ruiwei, I immediately understood that this person must have not spoken to people for many years.

When I think that these people can live for more than five hundred years in such a terrible environment, his heart is a burst of chill.

He did not dare to neglect, and quickly said: "Predecessors, the younger generation is the singer of the sacred place of the sacred place. Today, Iceland appears, and the younger generation and a group of friends are lucky to enter this place."

"Iceland?" The man said with a slightly more joyful voice: "You finally have someone who can advance the Shinto and break open the ban. But your martial arts repair is so bad, follow up and want to die."

The face of Zibo Rui suddenly became quite weird. He quickly lacked the power of the outside world and talked about it with Shenlong.

It took a long time for the person to sink, and then I realized that the changes in the outside world would be so great.

What made him even more shocked was that the time difference between the two places turned out to be ten to one.

After a long time, the man sighed and said: "Five thousand years, it is really time and arrow. Young man, I see that the exercises you used when you just shot should be related to the source of the Five Elements."

After 5,000 years, coupled with the changes in the power of the heavens and the earth, the practice of cultivation by the various sects is now somewhat different from the previous ones. But no matter how it changes, its core exercises will continue, so it is not surprising that the person can see.

Zibo’s heart was moving, and his expression was more respectful: “Predecessors, the former Five Elements has been renamed Dongtianfudi, and the younger generation is the contemporary lord.”

The man’s eyes lit up, and the look in his eyes suddenly lingered and said: “Now the biggest martial art on the eastern continent is still a five-row, one-hole cave?”

Zibo Rui’s face suddenly faded and said: “Predecessors, now the first martial art in the East is the Temple of the Ghost.”

"Lingshuo Hall? Hey, a district of Lingbi Baoyin, how can be bullied on the five elements." The man angered: "You fool, how to preside over the martial art."

Zibo Rui’s head hangs down and says: “Predecessors, the Japanese masters of the past disappeared with two Shinto elders, and they have not left the designated successors. So the elders in the sects are dissatisfied with each other, in order to The position of the Sovereign was so big that it eventually fell apart. If it weren’t for the gods, it wouldn’t be able to save even the heavens.

The man's face changed a lot, and his eyes flashed a hint of remorse.

Zibo Rui is careful about the path of $\\}Wing: "I don't know how the seniors call it..."

The man snorted and his wrist turned, and a light wheel was already rising from the sky, with five colors shining in the sky.

Zibo Ruiyi rounded his eyes, and he said something with a sigh of involuntary sigh: "Five lines ring ~ ~ five elements ring ..."

"The old man's five-line door is the last lord." The voice of the man rang like a thunder: "Our family ancestors created the five-door door, and they were in the hands of the old man. The old man is really against the ancestors."

Zibo sharply slammed for a long time, so he fell down in the air, saying: "No filial son Bo Rui sees his ancestors."

Minhang sighed and said: "It's not that you are not filial, it is the old man who is not filial." He took a deep breath and said: "You are the descendant of my family after 5,000 years. You can't lose your face. In this half year. In the middle, you follow me into the enemy's nest, and you must be promoted to Shinto anyway."

Zibo Rui surprises, loudly: "Yes."

Minhang stretched out and grabbed Bo Bo Rui, and the two quickly disappeared into the same place, and went to a place where more dead creatures were far away.

Vaguely, Zibo Rui has already guessed why the dragon has sent him alone.

However, he always wondered why this dragon had to look at the five elements.

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