Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 36: Golden monster

He Yiming came out, and the human and golden monsters who were fighting were naturally aware of his arrival.

Two sharp whistling sounds suddenly, and the two golden monsters turned a corner in the air--the air, and even if they didn’t return, they fled away from the distance.

He Yiming’s heart is slightly stunned. Among the death creatures he encountered, he is basically a guy who is not afraid of death. Unless he smells the breath of light, even if he is completely annihilated, he will not turn around. Run away. But at the moment, these two golden guys are obviously not the same. They even fled away even if they even tried to test it, and they still fled very embarrassedly.

"Chasing, one per person." A fierce sound suddenly sounded, and the human Shinto did not hesitate to chase toward a monster, and screamed in his mouth: "Hey is a golden death creature, and must not let go."

He has not waited for He Yiming to face him, and this person has already been far away.

He Yiming, who is crying and laughing, shakes his head, but he is equally slow, and his body has turned in midair, and he has already chased in the direction of another golden monster.

As for the Shinto, it is followed closely behind him.

The golden monster is quite fast, and it is not a bit slower than He Yiming. Even if He Yiming is doing his best, after a quarter of an hour, it seems to have a tendency to chase it further and further.

His brows are wrinkled, and he knows that this is because he has just advanced into Shinto, so there is no relationship that can be completely mastered for flying and some special abilities that are exclusive to Shinto.

If you have the dragon control of the space dragon power, then it is absolutely easy to catch up with the monster.

Mindful turn, He Yiming snorted, his wrist turned over, and immediately added a kettle.

Since I have owned the World of Five Elements, He Yiming Ping has prepared quite a lot of things, and there are a lot of clear water, even if it is used more than heartache.

The Shinto behind him immediately extended his hands and placed it on his vest. Under the command of He Yiming, a lot of power from the heavens and the earth rushed out.

He Yiming's body is like a rocket, and in an instant he has raised his degree to a terrible level.

The power of Shinto’s push is not the same, and he has greatly narrowed the distance between him, and He Yiming has also swept his own degree to the extreme, the one that will be done after the end, 1, the kettle in the hand suddenly smashed out.

The powerful force of God attached to the kettle, like a hidden weapon, finally passed the monster.

Then, the kettle burst open, and the large splash of water became a mist, and the cloud avatar was formed in a moment. This golden monster obviously has a very different wisdom, and its pair of eyes The strange light flashing in the chilly cold seems to be quite astonished and curious to the human beings who suddenly appear in this way.

However, its response was extremely fast, and the mouthparts on the mouth suddenly stood up, and it was deeply penetrated into the body at the moment when the cloud was condensed and formed.


The rather strange sound of the screams rang, and the cloud avatar narrowed by nearly a fifth at this moment.

The back of He Yiming was shocked, this golden guy is really terrible.

In the face of the cloud, the red armor and the re-classed monsters even stretched out their mouthpieces and pierced their bodies, and they wanted to **** anything away. But this golden monster can breathe away one-fifth of the water vapor that makes up the cloud.

At this moment, He Yiming has already decided that in any case, in any case, the monster's mouthpiece will not be able to touch his body.

This is definitely the most vicious thing to kill.

If it is an ordinary person, even if it is a Shinto person, after being sucked up, it is estimated that it will be turned over and weak. But the cloud is not careless, it is actually outstretched arms, in a very warm and welcome posture, this golden yellow monster is firmly hugged.

Not only that, but its body is more faint and has a vaporization phenomenon, and it condenses several red rays of light, and ruthlessly stabs the body of this golden monster."


The sharp screams of anger are filled with this space, and with such a new attack method, this golden monster is obviously too much to bear. Its body struggles desperately, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the cloud.

In the past, whether it was with the human Shinto or with the beast, their most direct way was to pounce on them, use their own inexhaustible mouthparts to puncture the other's body, and inhale the other's strength continuously into the body. In the case of this difference, as long as they succeed in doing this, they can achieve the ultimate victory.

Therefore, when they hug others, they are extending their hands and feet and lingering. But at this moment, they have encountered opponents that are more difficult than it.

No matter how the golden monster struggles, it is impossible to break through the embrace of the cloud, and those who are scattered and swaying in the red glow are constantly stabbing. The power of these rays is extraordinary, although it has not been able to pierce its skin, but it has greatly consumed the protective power of his body.

Between the statistics, the more intense and sharp voices came out of the mouth of the monster, and the whole body of the body swelled up, and it was more than doubled than normal.

Then, with a wave of his hands, it was like eating a powerful pill, tearing the cloud into two halves.

Although the cloud will not die as a result, in this case, it can no longer be blocked.

However, this monster has just torn the cloud, and He Yiming has already rushed up. He waved his hand without hesitation, and five rays of light came out from his hands.

It is not that he does not want to use the five-line ring, but today's five-line ring is equivalent to a chicken rib for him. In addition to using the five-line world as a warehouse, there is no longer the effect of increasing the power of God.

The release of the five divine powers suddenly caused a strong fluctuation in the power of the heavens and the earth.

When Shinto shot, the moment was the wind and the sky, the world changed.

Five dragons like the tornado of the heavens and the earth swept from different directions, and the monster was firmly trapped in it.

The monster cracked his mouth, and the sharp, golden-colored mouthpiece rose to He Yiming, as if he was demonstrating to him.

He Yiming smiled coldly. However, before he gathered the power of the three heavens and the earth, "a cold, horrific invisible force suddenly shot from the front.

He Yiming’s heart was cold, and he immediately understood that this monster was not a demonstration, but a very special force in the use of mouthparts.

This kind of power is chilly to the extreme, even the dragon's haze is far from good.

A finger sticking out, a white light condensed instantly and spread from his body. In an instant, He Yiming’s body is shrouded in a kind of bright power, as if it is a bright light in the night, if behind him, then use the power of light to illusion a pair of bright wings, then he It will be no different from some of the legendary creatures in the Western Temple.

The chilly atmosphere is strange and unpredictable. The power of the five powerful heavens and the earth has not been able to stop the erosion of this breath, and it has been pushed to the front by this force. However, when the bright power is lit up, this chilly breath is like a meteor, and it is completely purified in an instant.

A sharp, horrified cry came out of the mouth of the monster, and in its horror compound eyes, it seemed to flash. \\&1 do something of fear.

Later, it no longer dared to confront He Yiming, but turned and walked in the direction of the world of heaven and earth.

He Yiming’s heart was moving, and he finally understood how far these fearful creatures’ fear of light power had reached.

Those low-level monsters are feeling the martial arts, the sacred kings, the sacred kings, the night sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred priests, the nine heavens, the strongest discards, the big princes, the princes, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred priests, the nine heavens, the strongest discards Zhouhuang martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After that, I immediately fled in desperation. Although this made He Yiming feel surprised, it is not a big deal, because their strength is really bad. However, this time, even the golden monsters that can compete with the Shinto, this makes He Yiming amazed at the same time, but also ecstatic.

The golden monster fluctuated up and down in the power of heaven and earth, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of it. Although the body left a few small wounds, it did not care. As long as it is returned to the old nest, there are naturally countless low-level monsters waiting to make up for it.

However, it has just drilled the five lines of cohesive world, and saw an expressionless human standing in front of him.

Although this human body does not have the kind of light that makes it hate fear, but for some reason, it also makes it feel a little scared. And more importantly, in this person's body, it feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred Jiuzhongtian is the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts, Kunming, the night of the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment The Zhou royal family does not have any living atmosphere. Anti-West has something similar to its body.

However, since it has been blocked in front of it, naturally it will not be polite, habitually rushed up, sharp mouthparts instantly pierced.

The man’s performance was quite strange. He didn’t hide, but he lowered his head slightly. “That’s why he pierced his mouth into his eyebrows.

A huge, unimaginable force suddenly emerged from the eyebrows of this person, and this powerful power is unimaginable.

The figure of the golden monster retreats like a heavy blow. How can he not understand why his sharp mouthparts can't pierce the other's eyebrows, and the power from the other's eyebrows is so The power of the whole body spread throughout its body in an instant, as if there were one hundred and eight places at the same time, and it was impossible to move it.

Then, a dazzling light descended from the sky, and the golden monster was involved.

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