Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 41: Surprise

The huge power was slowly released from He Yiming.

This is the power of God, the superb power of God to the extreme. Under the attraction of this power, the power of the surrounding world seems to have begun to work.

The face of Nianzilong was originally with a deep smile and appreciation color, but in the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king made the sacred king will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world’s most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou royals. Night Kill God God Seal Thrones Demon Evil World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Little Zhou Emperor Wushu Qiankun Night Kill God God Seal Throne Provoking World Exceptional Heavens After the change of the power of the Zhou Dynasty and the heavens and the earth, the face of the enchanting world was full of surprises and the look of the extreme.

With his knowledge and strength, he naturally knows that He Yiming is trying to carry out his space surgery.

However, it is precisely because of this that Xin Zilong felt deeply unbelievable.

The technique of space is a special practice that belongs to the Shinto. To successfully carry out the space, it must have a strong ability to control the power of God and the power of the surrounding world.

And more importantly, to release this magical secret method, you must master the instantaneous transformation of the power of God. Only the powerful and powerful power of God can transform in a moment, and then it can explode tremendous power at that moment, thus opening up space and achieving the purpose of performing space.

But if you want to do this, it’s easier said than done.

Xunzi Long himself is a genius who is proficient in i-systems and wind power. His skills and talents in space are equally powerful. However, after taking the advanced Shinto, it took him nearly ten years to finally master the skills of this imaginative difficulty.

Now, He Yiming just listened to him and told him about it. He suddenly tried it without any effort. This kind of practice made him quite a bitter to laugh at.

Yan Wei shook his head, and Zizi Long did not want to stop the other party's plan. Anyway, in the case of He Yiming’s current martial arts repair, even if it fails, it is absolutely impossible to suffer any fatal injury.

This young man must have been smooth sailing on the road to practicing martial arts. If he is not allowed to suffer a little bit, then he will never accept this lesson.

However, with the flow of the breath in the surrounding space and the convergence of the power of the heavens and the earth, the face of the scorpion dragon gradually became somewhat dignified.

He sensed that the young man had mobilized the power of the five elements at the same time when he first applied space.

The flower of the five elements of reincarnation is the first magical power of the East. Based on this method of practice, the effect is far from being comparable to his use of the soil system. But in contrast, if you want to let the five different power attributes of the fans transform in an instant, the difficulty is multiplied.

He sighed softly, his brow furrowed slightly, and he was young and mad. Although he was already in the realm of Shinto, he could not describe it as an old man.

Suddenly, a faint, almost unconscious wind blows up under the cover of the power of the Five Elements.

The face of Nian Zilong suddenly became tight, and his eyes were once again rounded out because of excessive surprise.

Yes, this feeling is the power of the wind...

He clearly sensed that the power of a wind has been integrated into the five elements of power. When this force began to blend into it, the power of the whole empty word suddenly burst out.

The power of the vast world is like a tidal wave rushing toward He Yiming's body. Both the quantity and the quality seem to be higher than those of the scorpion dragon.

Under the gaze of the scorpion dragon, an unparalleled force burst from the center of He Yiming, and the powerful shock wave blew in all directions, even the scorpion dragons were lifted. With both hands, he released his own shield of the gods and blocked this force."

However, the moment he put his hand down, his expression was almost infinitely nearly stagnant.

There, He Yiming has disappeared, leaving only a void of empty space, so that his eyes are almost convex.

He took a deep breath and kept circling the scene just now. He Yiming, he actually succeeded.

In the first contact with space, he succeeded in the five-line reincarnation of flowers, assisted by the power of the wind, success is the technique of exerting space.

There was a silent smile on the face of Zhai Zilong. What kind of freak did he encounter?

He looked around and wanted to find out which He Yiming was sent to that direction, but the space here was filled with all the five elements of power, which made him unable to find and search.

Helpless shook his head, his own tracking technique in front of the flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation, turned out to be useless.

There is only one way to do this, and that is waiting for He Yiming to come back here.

After encountering such a young Shinto strongman today, Scorpion Dragon has decided to make a good relationship with him. In any case, you can't conflict with this freak.

After a quarter of an hour, He Yizhen still has no trace.

In the heart of the scorpion dragon, he was suspicious. The place where the boy was sent to the horns and the combination of the flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation and the force of the wind would not directly send him to the nest of the dead creatures.

When he was in his heart, the Shinto was moving. He came to the front of the scorpion dragon and nodded to him. Then he flew in a certain direction and flew past the burning novel network.

The scorpion dragon scorpion, the double eyes suddenly brightened, did not hesitate to follow up.

However, the more he flies, the more he is shocked. This direction continues to advance. It is indeed the nest of every dead creature army. Could it be that He Yiming really went there and was trapped and couldn’t come back?

There was a strange ripple in the void, and a huge force radiated from the center around it.

In a flash, the space here seems to have collapsed, and then a figure suddenly emerged from here.

This figure is naturally He Yiming. After learning the space of the scorpion dragon, he couldn’t help but see the huntering heart and immediately showed it.

The technique of space needs to be at least the strength of Shinto above, and the most important point is to use the fast transition between the different forces of God to lead the great power to complete the process.

For his Shinto powers, this is a process that needs to be gradually adapted.

In the human realm, being able to absorb the power of a **** is already a dragon and a phoenix. Even if it is possible to absorb more of the power of God, I am afraid that not many people have the courage to try.

After being promoted to Shinto, it is necessary to absorb more of the power of God in line with its own attributes. When these forces form a balance in the body, they can slowly connect with each other.

Even a genius person needs at least ten years.

But all this is not a problem for He Yiming. His body not only has the power of God with multiple attributes, but more importantly, his body has a chaotic dantian.

For other people, the transformation of the power of God, which is difficult to exaggerate, has no difficulty for him, because Chaotian Dantian originally possessed such ability.

Therefore, when He Yiming successfully displayed the space after surgery, the stimulation brought about by the scorpion dragon is unprecedented.

However, He Yiming, who stepped out of that piece of nothingness, did not know the idea of ​​Xunzi Long, and he was still immersed in the powerful joy of his successful display of space.

After he got a little calmer, a problem suddenly lingered. Where am I?

In this world, it is completely a world ruled by the Yellow Sands. If you want to find a target based on the topography, it is absolutely impossible to do.

If a person flies over, He Yiming certainly does not get lost, but the result of this method of transmission is that he does not know where it is.

Turbulent, He Yiming's ears moved flexibly, because he had already sensed it. In the distance, three powerful breaths flew here.

These three breaths are quite weird, and He Yiming has slightly recognized it. It is vaguely felt that the opponent's umbrella combination seems to be human and animal.

The human Shinto and the beasts who enter here are not confused with the dead creatures, because the chilly atmosphere unique to the dead creatures is unique, even if He Yiming can not be imitated.

A moment later, there were three sharp breaks in the distance.

He Yiming stared at him. In front of him, he turned out to be a man and a woman and a huge white tiger with a twin drum.

After rubbing his eyes twice, He Yiming was greatly surprised. In these two people, he was dressed in good condition. Although the decoration was relatively old, it was obvious that he did not know how many years ago.

But there is no doubt that the clothes on them are intact, far from the performance of a savage like a scorpion dragon.

The heart of the emblem to do a glimpse, he can be sure that these two and the **** dragon must be a group of people, but their clothes can be maintained for five hundred years, this is too incredible.


The double-winged white tiger made an earth-shattering screaming Although the sound of the road seemed to have a hint of provocative taste, He Yiming read an extremely excited look from the eyes of the white tiger, it seems There is no hostility.

A slight fist to them, He Yiming politely said: "Have a sigh, I have seen three.

The man in front of him was handsome and looked like he was only about thirty, but he was full of silver, and his back was behind his head. His face looked like a smile.

The woman stood side by side with the man's relatives, but her eyes were cold and incomparable, but from her body there was a hint of fire power.

"He brother is very raw, is it just this time just entered this place." The man asked with a smile.

He Yiming nodded and nodded his head and said: "Yes, Hemou and a few companions entered this place soon." He paused and said: "I haven't asked you how to call it.

The man said proudly: "The old man is squatting..."

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