Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 44: strength

The monsters who came from the caves were extremely pitiful, and they only flew to the hole between the moments.

They obviously did not expect to encounter humans here, and for a few sudden screams of impatience, it seems to be informing the companions below.

He Yiming snorted and reached out, and the power of the water system shone out, instantly turning into a purple glow, and completely frozen the two basket-like monsters.

This purple glow is the coldest form of the water in the colorful palace. With the power of He Yiming's Shinto, it is more than enough to deal with a few blue armor monsters.

The action of the two blue armor monsters was stiff in midair and then fell to the bottom. But when their bodies have not yet fallen to the ground, the two more powerful gold powers are bombarded with them by the power of the vast world, bombing them into numbers, and they can no longer survive. .

The scorpion dragon screamed loudly, but He Yiming was sighing in the heart. This kind of attack is of course a hand to the blue armor, but if it encounters a golden monster, I am afraid that even the other party may not be injured. It seems that the five elements are forged into artifacts, and the wisdom of the gods is enough to increase the power of the gods. Even the power of the heavens and the earth is the most important.

Several extremely harsh sounds came in, and the golden, silver, and blue lights flashed continuously, and nearly thirty dead creatures of various colors appeared in front of them.

He Yiming’s face was slightly dignified. They thought that the strength of these dead creatures would not be too strong, and at most they would be even with the guys on the ground. But what I didn't expect was that there were four golden monsters, eight silver-white monsters and ten blue-shelled monsters among them.

Faced with these guys, even the face of the child has changed a little.

After all, it is the acupoints of these dead creatures. The strength of the three of them can not be compared with the horses and other people. If they can't solve them in a short time, and eventually lead to a large-scale death creature, then Even if it is finally degraded, it is not impossible.

"Tangle the four things, I will take the rest of the science." He Yiming suddenly shouted.

Xunzi Long did not hesitate to deceive himself. From his hands, he suddenly shot a ray of light. These rays are like having a miraculous life. They even went straight to the four golden monsters, and once They shrouded them in.

He Yiming's figure swayed, his hand twitched, and the power of a silent voice had already burst out. A red armor monster burst open without warning, and the whole body seemed to be something in a flash. Pierced thousands of times, even if the gods live in the world, I want to save.

At the same time, a purple glow was swayed over his hands. When the force was released, the temperature of the whole space suddenly became cold, even if the bodies of these powerful monsters became at this moment. It's a lot slower.

One drum sings the four golden monsters in the heart of the scorpion dragon, and He Yiming actually released the water system in a frozen way. It seems that everything is frozen, and everyone treats them equally. But in fact, the impact on these top humans and golden monsters is not great, but for the rest of the monsters, it is fatal.

Sure enough, Shinto and He Yiming went east and west, they turned into two winds, and they circulated in this purple light. It was only a moment, including the silver-white monsters. They were killed hard.

However, at this moment, the scorpion dragon is also screaming, flying and retreating. The whole four powerful golden monsters are far from being able to resist him alone. Entangled for so much time, he has reached the limit.

He Yiming's figure is a turn, like a flying close to the scorpion dragon, but it is close to the other s1, but feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the strongest Abandon the little Zhou Dynasty royal family will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the demon, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods, the night Killing the gods and marking the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world's most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty to the number - a huge pressure, his body slightly stunned, almost fell like this.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes. It wasn't that the golden monsters made ghosts, but the power from the dragons and the strong gravity of the soil.

He thought about the electric turn, it seems that these veteran strong people like to have their own pressure box bottom stunt, absolutely can not be underestimated by anyone.

The purple light filled with cold and the **** red filled with fierce scent shrouded and entangled the four golden monsters.

The body shape of the scorpion dragon retreats on the wall and the ear stops. He **** in the big mouth. Although the time of the contest has not been long, he did his best and even distressed many times. Being able to retreat from the whole body is also a scream in my heart.

Looking around, rushing on the bodies of those monsters, I couldn’t help but glimpse.

The bodies of the monsters are mostly divided into three ways of death, one of which is dry, as if the power in them has been inexplicably sucked away.

He has seen a lot of this method of death. Those monsters with higher ranks are seriously injured. They immediately look for monsters with lower ranks and **** them into corpses to restore their state.

Nowadays, the second method of death is quite strange. Nearly half of the monsters are riddled with holes. It seems that they have been pierced by countless flying swords in an instant, so they have become leaking everywhere. The big tank that is permeable to the wind is quite dead.

The last method of death is normal, it is the powerful force that penetrates the head. It is undoubtedly the most time-saving and labor-saving way to kill these monsters and crush their heads. Therefore, Zizi Long can be sure that this is definitely a masterpiece of He Yiming.

But the other two ways to die...

The scorpion dragon has inflicted a chill on his body. He Yiming and his oracle have too many secrets, and they can never be pushed by trial.

He took a deep breath and turned into a whirlwind. He rushed up.

He Yiming’s hand stunned, and the purple light suddenly changed. A lot of milky white light surged out of his body, and two golden monsters were firmly enclosed in it.

In the hands of the scorpion dragon, with a force of gravity, one of the golden monsters was trapped, and his heart secretly envied He Yiming, the ability to use the power of God as he pleased.

Once the purple extreme ice power is of little use to these top golden monsters, it is immediately replaced by the brightest power that is most powerful for these monsters.

In this way, it is absolutely invincible to be able to transform and transform into a strong person.

There was a strange, full of power and sharp voices.

Even with the cultivation and strength of the scorpion dragon, he was shocked. He glanced at his busy schedule, and everything he saw was almost blinded.

He Yiming brought the Shinto coagulation person, he was tightly held together with the golden monster.

Such scenes are absolutely shocking. For a long time, even the strongest of the pseudo-divines are not afraid to let their terrible mouthpiece stab their own body when facing these monsters. Because their mouthpieces are too powerful, they can be sucked up by anything.

But at this moment, Shinto is actually an uncharacteristic, firmly holding the other person in his arms, the golden monster stretched out a long mouthpiece, pierced into the body of the Shinto, seems to be trying to **** the Shinto body the power of. But it is quite strange that the Shinto 傀儡 is actually acting without any problems, and the golden body is slowly shrinking.

From its body, a faint red light continually overflows, and they have entered the body of the Shinto. Each of these red lights overflows by one point, and its body shape is reduced by a point. It is only a moment of effort, it is constantly The struggling body slowed down, and even the voice of the voice was full of fear.

The scalp of the scorpion dragon, he tried his best to trap the golden monster in front of him, and the evaluation of He Yiming and Shinto was higher.

Two more miserable screams came from the other side. Under the milky white light, two golden monsters had a huge hole from time to time. Even if the scorpion dragon secretly observes, he can't see how this hole is extra. It seems that He Yiming’s daylight turns to where there is a transparent hole in the next moment.

Just a moment, these two golden monsters have more than ten holes in their bodies. If it is normal, with the strength and physique of these golden creatures, even if the hole is doubled, it can be fully withstood.

But this s1, they are shrouded by the bright light of He Yiming. Under the brilliance of this milky white, the wounds on them quickly rot and vaporize.

The purification of bright power at this moment is full of blood.

A quarter of an hour later, after only a quarter of an hour, several sharp and screaming screams seemed to be coming out at the same time.

The golden monster that has been intimately embraced with Shinto has become a relatively dry body, and the two golden monsters shrouded in the light of power are still tragic. Basically, they have not seen any figure, only the remaining two. The long mouth that only shimmers with golden light flashes.

He Yiming reached out and waved, the light power converges, and his hand has two more golden mouthparts.

At this point, he looked at the eyes of Scorpion Dragon with a hint of hesitation.

A strong triumphant heart suddenly leaped in the heart of the scorpion dragon. He screamed and the power of the gods came out. In front of him, everything seemed to have a subtle change at this moment, the golden one. The body of the monster seems to suddenly be a thousand times more heavy, falling from the air.

The scorpion longan smashed the murderous machine, he showed all the means, all the killings burst out in an instant, the golden monster lying on the ground, not yet struggling, screaming, finally is a different place, no more Threatened.

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