Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 53: tapping

When a few people from both sides face each other, they do not do it by the ground. The brows of Minhang were slightly wrinkled and said: "Ma brother, what do you mean?"

Ma confused and snorted, said: "Oh brother, we are a few good there, did not provoke you, why use the poison fog to attack."

Minhang slammed for a while, turned his head and looked at the stone wall. He suddenly knew the reason. It turned out that the place where he had just smashed the stone wall and sent the poisonous fog was the place where the horses were.

In this strange, channel is like a channel covered by spider webs, it is often the case that both sides are not far apart. It’s just that they are sent by their martial arts and walking in this dangerous place is naturally cautious and afraid to have a little negligence.

At the same time, there are stone walls separated, so they have nowhere to go. With a wry smile, he said: "The three misunderstandings."

The original 涓 涓 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓

He Yiming's heart was moving. It turned out that there was a five-row ring in the body of Minhang, and it is obvious that it must be a weapon that has reached the artifact. In the same way, although the original voice is not afraid of what is said, her heart is definitely quite jealous, otherwise it will not be straightforward to say what three joint hands, and the other one is actually recognized.

Minhang eyes turned over and said: "The old man did not offend you. It was just an accident. The three are willing to believe, they don't want to believe, the old man can't help." Ma Yu three faces cold, cave The atmosphere suddenly got a little nervous.

He Yiming and two people secretly complained in their hearts. If they chose to fight here, "there will be 100% of the whereabouts of their own three people. Although they are not comfortable, but in this case they are always present, always The embarrassing thing. The voice of Zibo Rui suddenly rang: "Zu Shiye, these three seniors are..."

His voice suddenly broke the deadlock, not only did the face of Minhang improve, but even the three puzzles were slightly relaxed.

In fact, they are willing to make a fuss because of a small thing, but the words can not stand in the air for a while. This snoring of Zibo Rui, whether in the cave or invisible, is a relief at the same time.

"Bo Rui, these three are seniors of the same generation as the old man." Minhang introduced one by one, said: "This is the younger generation of the old man, and now the five elements of the main 敖 Bo Rui, his repair has not yet climbed to Shinto.” Suddenly, he explained: “You still don’t know. This time our seal has been opened and we have entered several humanities’ j& peaks. Hey, the changes outside are too big, you are absolutely Unexpected." Ma is also accompanied by a long sigh, to say that the feeling of the outside world, who is deeper than him.

In the five thousand years, the second largest sect in the world of the next day has already disappeared. This is quite a big thorn for him.

How eye-catching is it, he is under the olives, saying: "Do you know the changes outside?"

The original nodded slightly and said: "We have met a new Shinto. He has already said the changes outside." The gaze that looked at the eyes and said nothing, she sighed: "Ling Shumen It has disappeared in the past five thousand years, so Ma Yi I is in a bad mood, and please ask my brother forgive me.” Minhang waved his hand and said: “The younger brother is polite.”

Ma Yu is also a generation of heroes. He quickly converges his mood and looks his eyes. He said: "My brother has encountered a mutant monster, and luck is really bad. But only your five elements can easily solve this problem. monster."

Minhang smiled and said: "Ma brother, the old man is just coming soon. Before I came here, this monster has been solved."

Ma Wei and others were slightly stunned. He slowly nodded his head, his eyes turned slightly, and suddenly flashed a trace of doubtful color. He said: "Can you see that this mutant monster is the hand of death? ”

It is just a few people who can enter here. They have been together for hundreds of years. They are all familiar and can no longer be familiar with them. The martial arts that each person is good at are different. When dealing with these high-level monsters, the means used also have their own distinct characteristics. But this time everyone was obviously disappointed, because they simply could not see who the monster was.

"When the old man first came here, it was still covered in a green mist. When the old man blows away the poisonous mist, it is the scene in front of him." Minhang said slowly.

The original snoring, she said incredulously: "If this is the case, how does this mutant monster die?"

He smiled and shook his head. He said: "It’s not unbelievable to say that the old man is not convinced, but it seems that someone is in the poisonous mist and tears the monster into two halves."

"Impossible." The original did not hesitate: "Although we will not be poisoned, no one should do this."

Indeed, the closer you get to the monster, the more poisonous the attack will be, and even these top powers will not make such a choice. The huge white tiger’s nose was pumping a few times and seemed to be smelling something. The face of the original 涓 and others flashed a touch of joy, and the white tiger is also a beast, perhaps distinguishing something from the taste.

However, after a while, the white tiger made a big sneeze and said: "Like, you will blow away the poisonous mist. This is the smell of poison gas. I can't tell."

Minhang's old face is red, but Baihu was not here. He certainly didn't think so much. At this time, he regretted it, but it was late.

He Yiming and two people are secretly happy, and they feel quite gratified that they have just done the evil deeds. If it weren't for him, I was afraid that the white tiger could find even their position.

"Don't care who is doing it. The more these guys die, the better." Ma Qiu took back his eyes and hesitated. He said: "Why is the lord, Ling Yi, really extinct now?

Although he knew in his heart that He Yiming would never deceive him for no reason, he couldn’t help but ask again when he saw the second outsider. Zibo Rui looked very dignified: "Predecessors, Lingyi has indeed withdrawn from the rivers and lakes. He answered quite euphemistically, but the meaning is more clear.

Ma Wei; shook his head and completely died. The original 涓 stretched out his hand and the husband's hand held together, Ma Wei; barely smiled, there was a faint tear in his eyes.

Under the Shinto, they are all ants. But these Shinto people still have a very deep feeling for their own sects, even if they have reached their realm, it is difficult to completely give up.

The original abrupt opening, said: "The lord of the lord, I do not know the fascination of the glazed island of the Jiulong furnace can now be born?" He Yiming's heart suddenly tightened, he sighed, knowing that it must be unlucky.

Zibo Rui hesitated, said: "The original predecessors, the younger generation heard that the Kowloon furnace has fallen into the hands of one person, and once met a few years ago."

The original eyes were suddenly bright, and her question was just a slogan. I didn’t even think about what I could actually ask.

"Do you know the Jiulong furnace?" The huge white tiger laughed and said: "The little guy, this thing has been missing two thousand... Hey, it should have been missing for seven thousand years. You will not use the imitation artifact as a real Jiulong furnace." ”

Zibo Ruizheng said: "Predecessors, although this matter is not seen by the younger generation, but the younger generation believes that this thing is definitely the first artifact of the fire system, the Kowloon furnace." The original scream asked: "You can be sure?"

Zibo Rui's face is slightly dim, said: "The man used this artifact to fight with the **** tree in the Valley of the Gods in our five elements. Although it was not a winner, it caused a lot of loss. He paused and said: "There are only artifacts that can be suppressed by the gods, and there is only a fire in the world."

The face of Minhang changed greatly. "Bo Rui, someone used the Jiulong furnace in Shenshugu? Why didn't you say it before?" Zibo said with a sharp smile: "The ancestors, the disciples have no face."

The face of Minhang is faint, the murder is flashing in the eyelids, and the entire cave is filled with a fierce murderousness.

After half a ring, the murderousness on his body slowly receded and eventually dissipated. But everyone knows that the old man is not without killing, but buried this thought deeply. The original 涓 waited until the murder all disappeared, and then slowly asked: "Who is the lord, who is that?" 敖博锐 hesitated for a long time, said: "The original predecessor, the name of this person should not be out of the younger generation, Anonymous reputation. "The original singularly said: "If the old man is not bad, you should be with everyone who has entered this place." Let's just say this. "Zi Bo sharply smiled and nodded. "Alright, since you are not willing to say, the old body will ask others. "The original 洎 patted the white tiger's head gently, said: "Tiger brother, help me find that He Yiming." The white tiger nodded and said: "It is very simple to find someone. Do you want to go now?"

The original eyes of the eyes flashed Road: "The Kowloon furnace has been missing for more than 2,000 years, I must take this item back for this door."

The white tiger sighed and said: "Sister, we have all entered here, is there a chance to go out?" The original stunned suddenly, and her eyes flashed a thick disappointment.

Ma Dang's gaze turned and said: "Mrs. This man has a Kowloon furnace. Since he is not a nameless person, he should also have the qualification to enter this place." He said: "The lord, the old man does not need the name of the person." Just want to ask, is that person entering like you: i;...r..."

His voice suddenly stopped, and everyone's light was concentrated on the face of Zibo Rui. They immediately understood why Ma Yi I suddenly stopped.

Because at this moment, the expression on the face of Zibo Rui is quite strange, it is an expression that can't be described in words at all. I frowned and worried: "Bo Rui, how do you number-?"

Yan Bo Rui’s face is like laughing and laughing, like crying and crying: “Predecessors, the person you just met... Who is it?”

Pa: Today's four more, tomorrow's five more

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