Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 55: look forward to

The fifty-fifth chapter looks forward to "Bo Rui, even the five elements of the ring is also in the hands of He Yiming?"

In a place far from the cave, after he heard the rumors about He Yiming in detail, his face seemed to be more and more ugly.

Yan Bo Rui’s face was also accompanied by a bitter smile. In his time as the lord of the cave, the Tianchi in the northwest appeared such a peerless genius. His feelings were stronger and bitter than everyone else.

"Zu Shiye, this talent is incredibly powerful. If it is not necessary, we should not be enemies with him."

Minhang snorted and said: "Who said that we want to be an enemy of him."

A slight glimpse, Zibo Rui's face was reddish, said: "The disciple sees the performance of the ancestors, and they also admire..."

Minhang shook his head and sighed: "If it is outside, the old man must kill this child anyway, but since it is here, everything is different." His tone was stunned, saying: "We have tried our best. The only way I can't close this channel is to block the impact of the dead creatures here. Do you think we still have guilty qualifications?"

Zibo Rui’s face changed slightly, and he immediately thought of his future. Even if it is the wish to be promoted to Shinto, in this case, only life can be left in this place, and it is hard to take a step.

"Rental master, you ... regret it?" Yan Bo Rui hesitated for a long time, and finally slowly asked.

After a long time, when he thought that he would not answer his own questions, he listened to him murmured: "I will regret it, we all regret it, if it was not heard." Rumors will not fall to this end."

Zibo Rui looked incredulously at his ancestors. In his mind, the old man was terrible and terrible. During this time, when he pointed out that his martial arts had been repaired, he left a tall and determined impression in his heart. At the moment, it was the first time he saw the weak side of the old man.

He whispered for a while, but he couldn't find any comforting words, because he suddenly felt that he had nothing to say in front of the old man's experience.

The eyes gradually condensed, and the voice of Minhang has become strong again: "Bo Rui, you are the descendants of our five elements, and we are hopes that we have spread. We strive to promote the Shinto as soon as possible, not to be inferior to others. It is."

The spirit of Zibo Rui has been shaken, and the desire for fighting has once again boiled.

Shinto, in the past few hundred years, his most desirable realm seems to be at your fingertips. No matter what he will become in the future, but now he will put all his efforts into the Shinto. ! $! !

The light flashed a little, and He Yiming, the **** dragon and the Shinto shrine have already flashed out of nothingness.

Looking at the two batches of people who have left, He Yiming’s face has a sneer, and he and others want to come to revenge. Anyway, the soldiers will block, the water will cover the land, and they will not be able to turn around. Escape, with his degree and all kinds of divine powers, even if it is not beaten, but escape should be no problem.

However, the actions of Ma Wei and others made him sneer in his heart.

A strong person in a pseudo-divine world will calculate himself in this way. If it is not just heard by himself, it is hard to believe this.

As for the white tiger, He Yiming is too lazy to pay attention. Anyway, for these beasts, they will only help themselves to see the characters. If the beast is measured by the right or wrong of human standards, Shao is absolutely ridiculous.

For them, if they can't please their hearts, there is only one way to make them convinced with absolute and powerful history.

Of course, the strength of He Yiming is far from being able to do this, but he has strong self-confidence and will arrive sooner or later.

"He brothers, you are really amazing." Yan Zilong burst into laughter and said: "A fire burns the tree **** valley, it is really a happy heart."

He Yiming whispered, said: "Hey brother, do you have hatred with the five-door?"

The scorpion dragon smiled and said: "It is not a big hatred, but it is just a small holiday. But the five elements of the door have always been overbearing, the world's largest party is rampant, and the number of people who are offended is innumerable. If you did this in the past Next, it will definitely make the whole world cheat.

He Yiming’s face is a fascinating color. He is not a Shantou kid who has entered the rivers and lakes. He has experienced so many things and learned a few things.

The five elements of the past are the world’s largest faction, and there are certainly many offended people. Even the scorpion dragon is estimated to have suffered losses in their hands. Therefore, when he heard the unlucky things in the five elements, he was quite a bit devastated. Feeling.

"My brother laughed, I couldn't think of the younger brother entering this place, but I was suddenly remembered by the two false gods." He Yiming shook his head and said with a smile.

The scorpion dragon is also a dignified face. No matter who is in the position of He Yiming, I am afraid that it will not be better.

"He brothers, you also listened to the words of the horse, do you want to shelter him?"

He Yiming naturally understands that if he wants to shelter in the stables, then he must hand over the Kowloon furnace. This idea is naturally outside his consideration.

"My brother laughed, but the younger brother is not talented, but the look of the dragon on the face of the dragon is loose. "The brothers said it is good. The reputation of the horse is not much better than that of the dragon. The people of these big names often look down." We are scattered, and there is no double interest, they will never help. Cooperating with such people is undoubtedly a trick with the tiger. ”

He Yiming quite a bit like the same, and countless thoughts in his mind quickly turned "He whispered:" In the eyes of the brothers, how should the younger brother handle it. ”

Zhai Zilong considered it for a moment and said: "It's very simple. We are here for the first half of the year. When the time of the death creatures is coming, we will go back." He sneered: "At that time everyone gathered. Together, it’s the day when the monsters are coming, and no one will dare to hit your mind.

He Yiming took a shot with his hands and flashed a touch of excitement in his eyes. He said: "My brother, the good idea, the dragon is shaking his head slightly. "But this method can only cure the symptoms, but it can't be table $." ”

He Yiming snorted, and he looked at each other.

The face of Scorpion Dragon is quite dignified. He said: "He brothers should know the truth of their sins. When you have enough strength to protect the treasures you have, those things will definitely be remembered. It is the first artifact of the Kowloon furnace. If this news is passed out, I am afraid that it will not only be the horses, but these people will hit your idea." He paused and said: "Even if you have escaped this time, but When all the monsters recede, you will be under heavy crisis before the next hundred years."

He Yiming’s face changed slightly, and he knew that Xin Zilong’s words were definitely not alarmist.

His mind quickly turned a thought, and he had commanded it. He was sure to close the passage and let him wait at the last moment to return to the passage.

This matter is currently only known to him. If it is time to adapt, it is to leave alone, and then let the channel close immediately, you can leave these people forever.

However, there is also the Tianshi Yimai of the Tianchi, the son of the Lingbi Hall, and the ice laughter of the Beihai Ice Palace.

The three of them have an unusual relationship with themselves. In addition, this newly-acquainted friend is also quite a friend. If they are left here, they will be afraid of peace.

Shaking his head, he thought it was too simple.

Even if it is able to close the passage, it will certainly make a landslide. In such a situation, if it can still be a good person, then it is incredible.

Seeing He Yiming’s face is faint and uncertain, Xunzi Long sighed: “He brothers, you don’t need to worry, there is actually a way to do it once and for all.”

He Yiming looked at each other with a slight look and asked: "What is the way."

"Your strength is not enough to have a Kowloon furnace, then you will work hard to cultivate and strive to have this strength as soon as possible." Yanzi Long said with a smile.

He Yiming surprised his eyes and said: "Pseudo-deity?"

"Yes, if you can advance to the pseudo-deity, and ensure that no one will come to you again, the scorpion dragon said vowed."

He Yiming shook his head and said with a smile: "Oh, the pseudo-deity is so easy to advance, it is impossible for the district to be half a year."

"It is impossible for half a year, but your cultivation talent is undoubtedly the best in the world. After this time, you can resist the reinforcements of the monsters. You will come here again and practice. In a hundred years, you will definitely be able to progress smoothly. At that time, someone wants If you move, you will also measure it yourself."

He Yiming's eyes are light, but his heart is faint.

Because Zizi Long didn't know everything, he would be so sure. If you let him know that everyone has hopes of getting out of trouble after eight months, then he will never think so.

Once you leave this place, these people's ideas are afraid that there will be great changes. This is absolutely beyond doubt.

Although he is quite conceited but never thought of the strong who can overcome the pseudo-deity.

He sighed and suddenly thought about Hejia, Yuanjia, Hengshan, Tianchi, and Lingbi Hall. Everything in the past was like a flower in his mind.

Finally, he slowly raised his head.

At the moment when he lifted his head all over his eyes, the hesitation and jealousy in his eyes had all disappeared, and he was replaced by a firm color.

At that time, he was in the realm of the five sages, and he had the courage to compete with the strong people of humanity. Now he has already set foot on Shinto, why he has become hesitant and timid.

He grinned at the scorpion dragon and strode toward the other channel.

Zhai Zilong looked at He Yiming inexplicably. After a while, he finally smiled. He knows that He Yiming is definitely trying to understand what it is because of the kind of bypass. This kind of thing is naturally worth celebrating, and he is full of expectations for He Yiming.

The youngest Shinto strongman in history will tell him how big the surprise is.

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