Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 79: Refiner

On the second day, the yellow sand in the sky remained, and He Yiming re-flighted to the passage of the passage with the encouragement of Liu Mu and others.

Here, there is only one guardian of the dragon. In the past Shinto vows, all the Shinto powers recognized the guardian status of the dragon. Except for it, no one should be free to approach the channel. This is a common agreement of all Shinto, even if it is a limp, it does not dare to violate.

It is because of the guardianship of the dragon, so in the five hundred years, although the passage opened five times, but no one has ever gone back. Because no one can guarantee that if you go back, you will have the courage to return to this place.

He Yiming's figure crossed a long mark from the sky, and his eyes looked around the cylinder, especially the looming passage.

In his heart, the insistence on this old dragon is quite appreciated. If it is not stationed here for five hundred years, perhaps there will be a certain Shinto who returns to the world in desperation. However, when the Shinto went back, when the power of the heavens and the earth was so scarce, I did not know what to think.

He turned these complicated thoughts in his heart, but his body shape was not slow, and he quickly came to the front of the dragon.

Opened a huge eye, aiming at 7 eyes, He Yiming, Shenlong faintly said: "Are you ready? Ding, He Yiming quickly screamed: "Dragon, adults, everything is ready." ”

At this moment, his performance is much better than the next day. At least the attitude toward Shenlong is far more respectful than yesterday. After all, this is the day when Shenlong helped him to forge artifacts. He Yiming naturally knows how to behave.

"Let the five elements of the ring, Nei Dan out." The sound of the dragon rumbling: "You put the power of the source into it, I will help you collect the power of the heavens and the earth, and stimulate the soul of the sacred beast contained in Nei Dan." Yi Ming’s face is dignified: “Yes.”

He was prepared yesterday, and he had already sorted out everything in the world of the Five Elements before he came here today. In addition to some particularly important things, such as the wooden box with the heavenly fruit and the green bottle filled with the ice of the year, the other things were transferred to the inside and outside of the space jewelry, and the rest were handed over to Liu Mu and others to help.

So at this time, after he took out the box of the four top holy beasts in the five elements of the world, there was only one artifact in the Kowloon furnace.

"Shenlong adults, the younger generation's cultivation is low, this time forging is only the endless power, so the younger generation wants to use the artifact Jiulong furnace, let the inside of the Kowloon soul help me." He Yiming said sincerely.

Shenlong does not suspect him, saying: "When this is the case, after you use the Jiulong furnace, I can also do less."

He Yiming’s heart is loose. The most embarrassing thing is that Shenlong does not allow him to use the Jiulong furnace. All the pre-arranged arrangements will be in vain. But at present, it seems that this dragon has confidence in the Kowloon furnace and has a certain blind day, so he agreed without hesitation.

Reaching out, the original Kowloon furnace that was not commanded was shrunk and flashed out of the five elements.

Put this seemingly ordinary stove on the ground, He Yiming gently patted it. In an instant, a dragon humming sounded from the fire, and the infinite endless power of the heavens and the earth rushed into the fire. Just a few moments later, the Kowloon furnace began to rise rapidly and it was more than two feet long.

He Yiming feels martial arts, 乾 圣 圣 造 造 造 造 造 造 造 造 将 将 将 将 将 将 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The power of the heavens and the earth, the heart secretly sighs, if the power of the heavens and the earth outside is so strong, the Kowloon furnace is specialized. How can it be so dusty for so long.

A divine power and thoughts poured into the Kowloon furnace at the same time. He Yiming was immediately associated with the idea of ​​Kowloon, and clearly sensed something that slowly tumbling in the fire in the furnace. His face suddenly flashed a strange look to the extreme look, and secretly aimed at the dragon.

Since it is the power of the dragon dragon to volunteer for him to gather the heavens and the earth, He Yiming certainly will not refuse. However, in the process, I am afraid that I will not feel very happy.

Yan Wei’s closed eyes, He Yiming’s five elements of power began to spin up. This is the most essential source of power in the world. After the meditation of Chaotian Dantian, it formed a cycle of five elements. It is a flat condition that wants to make the five elements of the five-ring promotion artifacts stick out a palm, and gently press it on the five-row ring.

In the meantime, the whole five elements of the ring made great brilliance, and the brilliant light came out. Even today, the empty space was shrouded in a colorful glow.

The movement here is naturally unable to pick up the nearby Shinto powers. In the distance, I look at it with a sullen look. His eyes are full of anger. "The sovereign, the dragon is not always friendly to our five elements, why today we have to favor He Yiming." Wei Jinshun said quietly.

After losing to He Yiming's hand, his state of mind was calmed down, and there was no such exaggeration as he had just advanced.

Minhang shook his head slightly and said: "The **** dragon is not human after all, I don't know how it thinks."

Zibo Rui hesitated for a moment, said: "Zu Shiye, perhaps Shenlong adults want to enhance our overall strength, so they will do this." Wei Jinshun sighed, he shook his head: "The old men are negligent, Look at the He Yiming, otherwise the dragon will not be able to complete this."

Minhang waved his hand and said: "I want to forge the five elements into artifacts. This is easier said. Let's wait, see if they can succeed." Wei Jinshun and Zibo Rui looked at each other and their hearts were dedicated. It is not optimistic.

With the power of the dragon, since it promised He Yiming, it will naturally have some grasp. Seeing that in the hands of outsiders, there will be more than one door to the treasure, and their hearts are quite sad. However, only the face of Minhang has a hint of mockery. To forge an artifact, you must go through a special step.

If in the past, the top sacred regent masters will naturally know this step, but now there have been no oracles for 5,000 years, and no new artifacts have been born. So I don't think they will know this step. Although the dragon is powerful, it is only a beast.

The power of the spirit beast to gather in the heavens and the earth is indeed much more efficient than that of human beings, but it is too much to say that the beast knows the technique of forging. Therefore, if neither of them knows this secret, then the possibility of successfully forging an artifact is negligible, almost no. However, these words are not suitable for dissemination, otherwise they will offend the dragon immediately, which is not worth the loss. ! $! ! At this time, the five elements of the ring glory, He Yiming quickly moved it to the mouth of the Kowloon furnace.

Under the control of He Yiming, the Jiulong furnace is far less than the original one in the five elements, but it is much larger than the original small stove. The open mouth just fits the five-row ring into it.

A light shot on the stove, suddenly there is a blazing flame, faintly, you can see nine thin fire dragons are breathing under the barbecue.

He Yiming's eyes are condensed, his wrists are turned over, the wooden box has been opened, and the four top sacred beasts with different attributes have appeared in his hands.

Within the five elements of the ring, there is a top-grade inner Dan with a wooden attribute. Now, with these four, it is the five elements, and it is possible to be promoted to artifact.

The power of the vast world suddenly began to surge rapidly. The rapid and quantitative quantity of this surge has already reached the point where the power of the Kowloon furnace has absorbed the world and reached a shocking level. .

He Yiming’s face changed slightly. He knew that the dragon had begun to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth, and the degree of its concentration was obviously above itself.

If you want to forge artifacts, then the only way is to input the power of the source in the gods, to condense the soul of the heavenly spirits, and to input the most powerful and refined world of heaven and earth.

These three can be said to be indispensable, as long as there is any joint accident, then this effort will be completely scrapped.

The rough embryos of the five-line ring will not be affected, but the five sacred beasts of various attributes will disappear, and the little soul power contained in them will no longer exist. Therefore, He Yiming was careful and did not dare to make a little mistake.

When the wrist turned over, He Yiming was about to drive the four inners into the Kowloon furnace. However, just at this moment, the i1 dragon said: "And slow." He Yiming's movements were stagnant, and immediately stopped, saying: "What is the **** of the dragon?" If you let it go, it will fail in all likelihood. He Yiming said in his heart, said: "Why? ”

"If you want to refine the artifact, the most important thing is to have the gods in the artifact. Whether it is the Kowloon furnace, the ice mirror, or the five elements of the ring." Shen Long Shen Sheng: "In your hand, Nedan is the most appropriate. The method of custody, but to succeed in stimulating the wreckage, and turned into artifacts, but it is difficult to add." He Yiming indulged a bit, sincerely said: "What is the way God Dragon?"

"Blood Shenlong coldly said: "You have also learned the coagulation process, you should know that the blood of the strong has a strong and connected power of the soul, as long as you enter a certain amount of blood into it, then the success of the soul, The possibility of becoming an artifact is greatly enhanced. ”

He Yiming’s eyes stunned for a long time, and he heard this for the first time. But just think about what he is forging is not the ordinary goods, but the real artifact, the heart is faintly believed. A heavy nod, He Yiming sang: "Thank you for your advice."

He reached out and stroked his wrist, and a blood arrow suddenly entered the Kowloon furnace. Then he changed another hand and made another stroke. The same blood arrow shot again.

Shenlong stunned and said: "Your blood of the Shinto is only enough once, and two injections are pure waste." He Yiming smiled and said: "Good things are double, more is a guarantee ah ■ o"

Shenlong is cold and cold and no longer cares. However, it did not know that under the floating nine-row ring, there was still a turtle shell slowly rolling in the sea of ​​the fire that was shining red.

At this time, the body of the turtle shell has a trace of red blood, which is particularly conspicuous.

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