Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 90: Qigong

He Yiming’s body swayed a little and had emerged from the shell of the dead oyster.

Since it is already planned to go on fire in the shirtless, naturally it is not necessary to hide this skin. His wrists trembled, and the five-ring ring and the Kowloon stove almost appeared on both hands at the same time.

Although the Jiulong furnace still stays within the five-row ring, the two artifacts have no meaning of rejection. When He Yiming wants to take it out, he can already take them out like an arm.

The body of Shenlong also began to wriggle, and He Yiming was surprised that its body shake actually took a long time, and there was a slight wave of power fluctuations. Although these fluctuations seem insignificant, and they have only disappeared a few feet away, they have disappeared, and they will not cause the above-mentioned death creatures to perceive. But it still makes He Yiming feel unbelievable.

He rubbed his eyes twice and looked at the dragon that was drilled out of the monster shell. He Yiming always felt that something was wrong - but it was a pity that he couldn’t see why he looked left and right.

Shenlong has turned his head back. It is far more than the eyes of human beings. He said, "What are you doing, here you can also swear." He Yiming’s face was slightly red, his heart I am very embarrassed.

I really don't understand what the dragon is doing, and taking a monster shell will cost so much, and it will also cause fluctuations in the power of the heavens and the earth.

With a light cough, He Yiming waved his wrist and the five-line ring had already been collected. He held the Jiulong furnace, which is only a few inches in size, on his chest, and his body began to wriggle slowly. "Wait a minute." Shenlong stretched out his paws in front of He Yiming.

Looking at the sharp claw-like claws in front of him, He Yiming’s head shrank back. Although it seems that there is no horrible mouthpiece of the golden monster, He Yiming would rather be pierced by those mouthparts. The body is not willing to be disturbed by this claw. "Dragon King, what do you want to order." "I will help you forge the five elements of the artifact, not for you to collect." The voice of the dragon with a touch of anger. He Yiming, who immediately understood the meaning of the other party, but because of this, his face became quite strange and weird in an instant. "Dragon, you want me to use the five-ring ring and the Kowloon furnace at the same time?" He Yiming asked incredulously. "Yes, if not, why should I work hard to help you forge the five elements of the ring." The dragon is taken for granted. "But..." He Yiming suspiciously said: "How can these two artifacts be used at the same time?"

Artifact This thing is not a **** soldier. Every artifact is a weapon with the main scorpion. They are to some extent even comparable to the beast. Every artifact is unique and proud.

Since ancient times, if you use an artifact, you can naturally use the most powerful power, but if you use two artifacts, then unless the attributes complement each other, you can not wave the power of the artifact to the extreme, or even greatly Reduce the power of the artifact.

Just as He Yiming learned the water system of the Colorful Palace from the rune of the mysterious turtle, once the power of the five elements was used, the power did not rise and fall.

Even the literary works will receive great restrictions, so when these two artifacts are at the same time, ◆ this power is worthy of discussion. Shenlong snorted and said: "I have seen the book I have given you?"

He Yiming touched the nose and his face was slightly red. He said: "I watched it for one night, but I was busy recently, so I didn't fully understand it."

Shenlong shook his head and said helplessly: "At the end of the book of the heart, there is a method of using five elements. If you use this method, you can let the five elements of the ring cooperate with any five elements of the artifact, and swing the fivefold increase of the artifact. ”

He Yiming took a sigh of relief, and the power of the artifact was clear, but he knew it clearly. Take the nine fire dragons in the Jiulong furnace as an example. If all the power is released, I am afraid that even the strong false gods will have to shun. If this power is increased by another five times... Shake his head, He Yiming has even dared to imagine it.

However, he has some faint understanding, and perhaps only such a mighty firepower can thoroughly refine the old man.

Between his wrists and flips, he has taken the book of his experience from the world of the Five Elements. Later, He Yiming sank into his mind and quietly realized it.

The dragon's tail swayed gently. Although it was somewhat resentful, it also knew that He Yiming was not slack after he got the book of his experience. It's just that he wants to forge artifacts and make up the basics of learning. These are the most important things, so it is also a matter of sacredness to study the book of the moment.

Especially in the basic knowledge of the martial arts, during this time, He Yiming, whether he knows it or not, re-learned it once and for all, and has an unparalleled great benefit for his future growth. If you are easy to get along with, Shenlong will make the same mistakes. Therefore, although it was somewhat dissatisfied, it was still straight and 6 and was surrounded by He Yiming.

After a long time, He Yiming finally opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes flashed with a hint of surprise. As Shenlong said, at the end of his book of experience, there is a description of the exercises.

This is a secret method of manipulating the five-line ring. Once it is displayed, the five-row ring of the artifact will take the initiative to start the five-line reincarnation. However, this kind of reincarnation is somewhat different from the general five-line reincarnation.

It started from the power of a certain department, and after five rounds of reincarnation, the power was released again and then released again. Although the power of doing so is enormous, the premise is that the strength of that system must have a greater degree than the other four lines.

The five-row ring is a whole, and the five-line cycle can distribute all the forces evenly among the five lines.

Only by using another artifact can we have more powerful single forces than the other four.

It can be said that this method is created by the five elements of the five elements.

After thoroughly understanding the ability and function of this special-gong method, He Yiming voted for the five bodies that the predecessor of Shendao admired. Perhaps, only this kind of true gods who are not born out of the world can only ponder such magical exercises.

He raised the "He Yiming's nod to the dragon, but at this moment, his heart is also faint and cold. This dragon has already thought of today's scene when proposing that suggestion, its Arrangement is also a ring. Whether it is the book of experience or the forging of the five elements of the ring, it is for this moment. Its heart is heavy, afraid that it is not under humans. The dragon has put a tail, said: "Begin I will burn this thing as soon as possible. ”

He Yiming took the book of his experience into the world of the Five Elements, and then stuffed the Kowloon furnace. If it is the artifact of other departments, even if it belongs to the power of the Five Elements, it is impossible to let the artifact enter the five-line ring that is the same artifact. However, the Jiulong furnace is obviously different. The Jiulong furnace has already settled in the five-row ring rough embryo, so there is no hindrance at all.

A trace of power swayed in the body of He Yiming. In order to mobilize the power of the two artifacts of the Kowloon Furnace and the Five Elements, the power of the heavens and the earth is enormous, far from He Yiming. Even if you want to start the Jiulong furnace, you also need a lot of support from the world. The dragon's eyes were slightly brightened, and it lifted its head, and the breath of the body gradually became dignified.

If the two of them are hidden under the sand, it is impossible to disturb the death creatures above, but if they absorb the power of the heavens and the earth and want to stimulate the power of two artifacts, then the movement is really too big. If those dead creatures can't even feel this, then the gods and other powerful gods can already destroy them hundreds of times. Just a moment, the sand of He Yiming’s body began to spin and vanished around. In his body, a lot of divine power came out, forming a special space around his body, even the sand was excluded.

The power of the vast world and the earth surged into this space, and unreservedly entered the five-line circle with scattered colorful light.

He Yiming's heart has completely calmed down. He silently senses all this. Whether it is the power of the heavens and the earth, or everything in the world of the Five Elements, it is clearly reflected in his heart.

This is an extremely strong and new feeling. Although it used to have a similar experience, it has never been as clear as it is at the moment. Hidden, He Yiming felt that he seemed to have seized some kind of opportunity.

This is a kind of power that can only be owned and displayed only at a higher level, but at the moment, with the help of the two artifacts, he even touched a trace of This feeling is actually with him. At the beginning, the use of the Kowloon furnace to bring the cold power to the extreme, so the feeling of accidentally reaching the ice field is somewhat similar.

Of course, with He Yiming’s cultivation at this time, it is not enough for real feelings and mastery. But if you press it, you will find the right direction in the dark, just follow this path and you will be able to Achieve the ultimate goal, and save the time to explore the correct position in the night.

If Liu Mu and others know that He Yiming can use the artifacts when he is in the virtual state, he feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred god, the throne, the sacred king, the sacred heaven, the strongest, the abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night杀神神印王座求魔傲世世重天最强了少大周皇族武动乾坤夜夜神神印王座求魔傲世九重天最强弃少大周皇神神神夜杀神神印王座求魔Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty to this kind of power in the field, then it will definitely be jealous. Within the five elements of the world, where the power of the fire was entrenched, countless flames were gradually ignited.

Under the control of He Yiming, the Jiulong furnace can no longer remain calm. After the nine large fire dragons in the interior have been silent for countless years, they are finally ready to show their power in this new world... ...

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