Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 136: Main communication

And I will raise some doubts in my heart.

Minhang did not care, or did not want to explain it to him thoroughly. After all, these things are not secrets of the Five Elements, and he is quite good because he has agreed to tell him the unreserved method of practicing the five-ring artifact in the field.

However, very soon, the trip is now, the problem raised by He Yiming is quite weird, and there are still some faint places that he can't think about.

This time suddenly shocked his heart, he practiced the five elements of practice, and it has been a thousand years. Although there is no end to learning the sea, there is no end to learning. No matter how real the cultivation is, I dare not say that I can understand everything. But at this time, in the face of He Yiming's question, Minhang asked himself, there are many things that he is confused about, and he never even thought about or touched.

This He Yiming is only a few years old this year. Even if he started to practice martial arts from his mother's womb, it is impossible to reach this height.

However, because He Yiming's problem is too esoteric and quirky, the attitude of Minhang has changed without knowing it. Slowly, he does not seem to teach the exercises as a mentor. Instead, he regards He Yiming as a martial artist with equal status and similar status, and explores some common problems.

The two people sat outside the room for three days and nights, and both sides had great gains during the three days and nights. But at the same time, there are more questions about many things. Just want to make these problems clear and straightforward, then it is not a one-off effort.

Three days later, Minhang sighed. He looked at He Yiming with a complicated look. He said: "He brother, you are a person who should cultivate the Five Elements of Practice by nature. If you were born in our five elements, then the next five elements The sovereign is definitely something in your bag."

He Yiming gave a wry smile and said: "My brother laughed, and the younger brother was born in the northwest Tianchi, and there is no change in the door."

Mind regrets: "The old man understands, but also deeply regrets." He indulged in the film s1, seriously said: "He brother, your five elements ring is the artifact in your hand, the recognition for you is definitely the highest As long as you practice according to this method, you can certainly condense into the field of artifacts for up to six months."

He Yiming raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Thank you for your old words."

Minhang smiled and said: "The old man waited to see you defeat Aide in South Xinjiang and fight for the next millennium for us."

He got up and entered the stone room without stopping, and closed the door firmly.

He Yiming pondered for a moment and silently returned to his room. There was nothing to regret in his heart, but he was deeply indulged in the discussion during the three days.

Although his martial arts repair is very strong, but if he can be compared with Minhang in the knowledge of the five elements, it is too much. However, the questions he raised were basically born out of the book of the Shinto given by the dragon.

After He Yiming broke up the contents, he classified it according to the problems he encountered during his cultivation.

Shenlong once said that this book of Shinto is the cultivation experience of the old five-line ancestors in the old age. With the martial arts of the old man's true state, the way and the realm of the problem are far from being comparable.

Even if some of the problems raised by He Yiming’s censorship are enough, it will be enough to cause deep thinking.

Minhang naturally did not know that Shenlong gave this book to He Yiming. He thought that these things were all He Yiming’s self-consciousness during the cultivation.

The reason for this illusion is that He Yiming's problems are so varied and bizarre that there seems to be no systematic thing at all. It’s like a smashing teenager, snarling in the enemy line, but in the end it’s miraculously safe and sound, but it’s really because it’s so scattered, it seems to be a lot of unrelated issues, and it’s going to make a misunderstanding. Ming is all self-exploration. However, this misunderstanding also made Minhang’s gift and luck to He Yiming’s talents, and he could not wait for his life.

After returning to the room, He Yiming immediately left everything and began to think about the cultivation method he had just learned.

He has an inexplicable crisis, so he hopes that his strength will be improved as soon as possible. Although he does not know where the feeling of this crisis comes from, but he is a strong man, he believes in his instincts.

Every artifact has its own unique source of power, so if you want to throw out the power of these artifacts, you have different cultivation abilities.

What He Yiming learned from Minhang is the method of cultivation in the field of artifacts in the Five Elements.

However, He Yiming knows that the power of the five elements is powerful, but it is too powerful. Therefore, in the case of insufficient user repair, it is impossible to wave out its true power.

Moreover, the five-ring ring in his hand is an artifact that has not been promoted for a long time, and even the main artifacts are seemingly weak. Even if He Yiming succeeds in stimulating the field of artifacts, it may not be like a sword with a golden artifact. "He Yiming is a master with the great sword of the artifact. Really feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big princes, the night prince, the gods, the gods, the throne Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne to seek the magic of the world, the nine strongest days, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The great Zhou Dynasty royal family passed the enormous power contained in the master of the artifact. In his feelings, only the nine fire dragons in the Kowloon furnace could be able to counter the power of the artifact.

Therefore, after considering it again and again, He Yiming decided to practice two pieces of artifacts at the same time.

Of course, this method of cultivation is absolutely worthy of a new face. If it was not for him to discuss with the Minhang for three days and nights, he could not form a specific cultivation method in his heart.

Between the wrist flips, the Jiulong furnace and the five-line ring have appeared in his hands.

A divine power was slowly released, and slowly walked around the Kowloon Furnace and the Five Elements Circle. At this time, there were 18 fire dragons in the Kowloon furnace, but the nine small fire dragons were far less powerful. For He Yiming, who is now Shinto, it is already better than nothing. But the nine big fire dragons are living and living tigers. Once they have come into contact with the power of He Yiming, they suddenly become ready to move.

As for the five elements of the ring, the artifacts that have formed for a few years are still quite dependent on He Yiming. On the control, it is far better than the nine giant dragons in the Kowloon furnace.

He Yiming unreservedly passed his thoughts and thoughts to the past.

If you want to cultivate the field of artifacts, you must pass the recognition and cooperation of the artifacts. Because this is the source of both the user and the artifact, if there is a - hesitant, then the final result is definitely to give up.

The communication with the masters of the five elements of the ring is very smooth. Before the formation of the main elements of the five elements, this soldier has been trained by He Yiming to become a god. Although he later formed his own soul, his feelings were not alienated, but rather more intimate.

Before He Yiming's fall, this artifact is absolutely his own. Even if it is the power of the dragon, it may be able to destroy this artifact, but I also want to let the artifacts turn to recognize others.

This is the difference between Shinto and humanity. The artifact is also with its own dignity and soul.

The nine big fire dragons in the Jiulong furnace are obviously hesitating. They can let He Yiming, who has been promoted to Shinto, use their power, and can also help He Yiming's alchemy. But it is not a simple matter to let them open their own strength and condense the field of artifacts with the masters of the five elements.

This is the biggest difference between self-forging artifacts and inheritance artifacts. When encountering problems at certain critical moments, the attitude towards the user becomes more apparent.

At this point, He Yiming also understands why he can say that he can easily cultivate successfully. That is because Minhang thought that he was only practicing the field of artifacts in the five elements of the ring, but he never thought that he would be so greedy. In order to pursue a more powerful power, even one-time practice of two artifacts.

At this time, He Yiming is not in a hurry. He conveys his own good intentions a little bit - the past method of burning novels, this is the method described by Minhang. The five elements of the artifact in his hand were also inherited from the previous master. So I have a very deep understanding of this.

After three days, the nine big fire dragons in the Kowloon furnace finally came to the fore. As for the nine small fire dragons that He Yiming personally forged, although they are willing and willing, it is a pity that it is not them who can be the masters of this Kowloon furnace.

After receiving the approval of the artifacts of the Kowloon Furnace and the Five Elements, He Yiming suddenly overjoyed.

He secretly confessed in his heart, and he said clearly that it would take a very long time for the artifact to accept his request, so that the artifact master can feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night god, the **** of the throne. The enchanting world is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty. The royal family will kill the gods and the gods. The throne will seek the devil. The ninth day will be the strongest to abandon the big Zhou dynasty. The martial arts will kill the gods and the gods to seek the magic. The world is the strongest. The Zhou Dynasty's gods will kill the gods and seal the throne, and seek the devil. The nine heavens are the strongest to abandon the goodwill and ability of the Zhou Dynasty.

In the meantime, you can't be upset. In the same year, Minhang reached this step and let the artifact accept itself for a full six months.

However, Yiming has completed this step in just three days.

Compared with the half-year period of Minhang, the three-day period is almost as short as negligible.

Looking at the Jiulong furnace with relief, He Yiming was full of joy. He knew that this should have been with Jiulong Furnace since he was, and before he was promoted to Shinto, he had already formed a good relationship with the nine fire dragons. If not, these nine fire dragons will never be so easy to follow.

The two ideas were simultaneously sent into the artifact. He Yiming turned out to be communicating with two artifacts at the same time, and wanted to cultivate the artifact field at the same time. If the idea of ​​the Arabian Nights is known to Minhang, I really don’t know. How would he treat He Yiming?

But in this world, genius and madman are originally between the front line. If there is no imagination, how can we create a talented and fascinating figure that is beyond the reach of the world.

In the eyes of others, He Yiming was originally a genius or a madman.

Under his control, the power of the two artifacts surging, the endless, faint, turned out to be different visions.

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