Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 165: revenge

... at the western end of the mainland, there is a secret and huge canyon gate. It is the most mysterious place in the western continent. Throughout the ages, even large forces like the Temple and the Dark Council did not dare to step into this place. Because here is the most famous dragon valley in the Western world.

Although not all Western dragons live here, but in the long history of tens of thousands of years, the number of dragons here has never been less than twenty. Moreover, the most powerful Dragon King is certainly one of the top powerhouses in the world.

Among the dragon valleys in today, there are only twenty-five dragons, and three of them have reached the realm of the Shinto. The most powerful nature is the pseudo-deity strong Samode who returns from the land of death. The other two dragons themselves are the top sacred beasts that have survived for thousands of years. After the restoration of the power of heaven and earth, they immediately succeeded in breaking through the limits and advanced into beasts.

There are these three beasts stationed in the Dragon Valley. In their hearts, it is naturally impregnable, and no one can deceive the door.

However, at this time, He Yiming is riding a white horse thunder and riding a treasure pig, converges on the whole body and sneaks into the interior of Long Valley.

Perhaps it is the innumerable years of living and working, no one dares to challenge the majesty of the dragons, so there is no defense at all, and there is no one who is responsible for the guards.

When He Yiming and Baimu Leidian and Bao pig tried their best to converge on the atmosphere, after using the light and darkness, they easily entered the Dragon Valley.

Outside the Dragon Valley, it is a narrow passage. On both sides of this passage, there are some strange runes engraved, but because of the age, these runes have mostly been recorded, and even lost their effects.

He Yiming’s heart secretly sighed, and after he observed it for a while, he understood it.

In the era of the glory of the past, the stone wall here is definitely a mysterious map. And these arrays have the role of defense and detective.

It is only after the power of heaven and earth is lost. The effects of these arrays have weakened and even disappeared, so these maps have been completely scrapped for five thousand years. Nowadays, although the power of the heavens and the earth has recovered, the Dragons’ inheritance in this respect is definitely a problem, or for some reasons, they have not fixed these maps.

Otherwise, He Yiming wants to sneak into the dragons without a sound, and I am afraid that it is not easy.

After passing through the long canyon. It was a moment of openness.

Although it is called a valley here, the scope of its possession is imagined.

Two towering mountains tower tall. In the valley there is a large lake with clear water and deep bottom. He Yiming is able to sense the rich atmosphere of various elements here. Their activity is much stronger than the outside world.

Perhaps this is the real reason why Dragons choose to live in this place.

In this place like a paradise, two Western dragons danced in the sky, chasing. They don't seem to be an adult, and the sound of the dragon is far less than the fierceness and majesty of Samad.

Below them. An adult western dragon squats on the edge of the lake, pulling his eyelids like a sleep, can not tell the ease.

Further away, among the two large mountains, the deep lake bottom seems to have a strong life atmosphere.

The dragons in the Dragon Valley naturally won't have nothing to hide their breath, they are quite relaxed here because they are apart from their companions. There will be no more lives to disturb their peace.

Looking around here, if you are easy to get along with, He Yiming also wants to live in such a beautiful environment. But now. He didn't have the slightest affection for this place.

Gently licking the head and neck of Xiaobao pig, Bao pig nodded his head. It jumped from He Yiming's body and ran into a shrub group.

Among the beasts, the strength of the pig is good, but its size is too small to be too small.

If other beasts want to hide here, it is basically impossible. However, Bao pig and white horse thunder and lightning only play the role of life, so it is difficult to be traced.

He looked at the treasured pig that had been hidden. He Yiming took a deep breath and he reached out with a slight wave of light. The darkness of the light suddenly disappeared from his hand. At the same time, his body also provoked a terrible murderous murderous.

When the murderous moment leaked, the whole dragon valley was alarmed.

The two underage dragons flying in the sky are awkward, they are waving huge wings. Suspended in midair, staring at the horrified eyes, looking at the source of the murderous.

The original dragon, who seemed to be squatting at the lake like an old man, was like a stimulant, standing up to a different degree than before, and flew up into the sky.

If it is a general murderous, the Dragons will not care. However, this old dragon is obviously experienced. Once you feel this murderous, you know that the visitor is definitely not simple. And what makes him even more afraid is. This murderousness turned out to be the two little dragons flying in the sky.

So it doesn't... rushing into the sky. Every excitement is the most precious. It must not be a juvenile dragon to die in front of it.

At about the same time, all the dragons in the Dragon Valley sensed this horrible atmosphere.

When the murderousness appeared and began to pervade, all the dragons were sensed. The underage Dragon Balls were cautiously squinting and all the adult dragons were outrageously screaming. And rushed out of the cave and the bottom of the lake.

They all want to take a look at what it is that there is so much courage to enter the Dragon Valley provocation.

However, before they left the cave, they heard a scream of screams.

This is the voice of the dragon. And it is the sound that comes out at the end of death.

This sound is like pouring water into a sizzling oil pan, and the whole dragon valley is boiling.

He Yiming's wrist turned, and the five-ring ring had already appeared in his hand. He sipped a little, and the multicolored power rose to the sky, turning into two huge lights that swept toward the two underage dragons in the sky.

The degree of light is fast, far above the rescue of the old dragon.

This is a long-awaited attack by He Yiming. And the object he chose was also a young dragon. Although they also have the blood of the dragon, but in the minor, it is equivalent to the innate or the first-line master of humanity.

With the strength of two first-line days, how can we block the attack of the Shinto powers.

Although the two young dragons are struggling to wave their wings and want to escape from this strange multicolored light, it is clear that they are powerless. The beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter jacket m light gently crossed their necks, two huge heads twisted a bit, suddenly fell from their head and neck.

After losing his head, the dragon's vitality is even more powerful.

Their bodies fell like a cannonball from the sky, and they took two squats on the ground. Big pothole. The eyes of the adult dragon suddenly became red. It has a roar of anger and anger. As soon as the wings closed, they opened their mouths, and a huge blue wind blade rushed toward He Yiming.

Coldly smiled, He Yiming's wrist was shaken again. Before the five elements, a solid colorful wall was formed, and this wind blade was easily blocked. At the same time, there was a sneer smile on his face, and looking at each other's eyes was like watching a dead creature.

The adult dragon has a glimpse of it. It is an adult dragon after all, and it is also a leader among the dragons. Even if it is compared with the five nobles in human beings, it is not inferior.

So it immediately sensed a strong sense of crisis. It seems that my body is being stared by something horrible.

Without thinking, it immediately turned around and made a curve full of strength and beauty in the air. Let yourself be as far as possible from riding a white horse, but there is a human being that makes it feel fearful.

As for the beginning, I want to avenge the two little dragons. It is already gone. Because it understands that it is impossible for him to be the opponent of this human being.

Its response is quite fast and very correct. But unfortunately, the huge gap in the same order also represents a sense of great strength.

At the moment of He Yiming's shot, the fate of this adult dragon is actually doomed. Just as it avoided as much as possible, the dangerous feeling was not eliminated, but it was even stronger, even to the point of imminence.

It is a big worry, but before it can wait for more action, a cold light has already smashed from its chest and abdomen.

The adult dragon scorpion rounded his eyes, and it couldn’t see what it was that gave him a fatal blow.

With its strength and ear and eye, it can't be seen, can't hear anything, with its thick and heavy, defensive scales, it can't stop the attack.

What a terrible thing to do What is it?

However, before it reacted from the shock, it felt a lot of pain in the body.

Its body has been penetrated more than ten times by a certain invisible **** soldier between short and short breaks. One of them pierced its eyelids and penetrated its skull.

This kind of injury, like the previous two young dragons, is a wound that cannot be cured. Even if Da Luo Jinxian personally arrived, he could not save their lives.

A voice full of indignation and violent noise rang from the Dragon Valley.

Under one voice, even the rest of the dragons. I couldn't help but curl up a little and start to tremble.

All the dragons are clearly heard. This is the first strongest player in the Dragon Valley, even more powerful than the Dragon King adults.

"He Yiming, you actually killed my family in Longgu, I want to cramp your skin, and smash the corpse. You want your soul to annihilate, never reincarnation.

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