Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 174: doubt

They will all rush toward the front of the burning novel network. The white horse thundered slightly, and on its unicorn, it was a flash of purple electric mans.

The two beasts were ready to attack at this moment. Once He Yiming shot, they would go forward without any mercy and crush the other side.

However, they also know that the old man is powerful and his power is even more unpredictable.

Compared to knowing the roots, Samoyd, who was praised by He Yiming and Bai Ba, for a long time, did not know anything about Rioport. Therefore, their performance is also more careful. $\}o Rio Porter’s face is dignified with them, and I don’t know what the old man is thinking about, facing the satsumi who has just killed the false gods. He’s He Yiming and others are still not humble, not the slightest fear.

After a long time, He Yiming suddenly grinned and smiled. The body that almost solidified in his body suddenly dissipated.

"Lord Porter, you may have got it wrong." He said calmly: "We don't mean to kill the Western Dragons. This time we went to the West and only came for revenge."

Rioport slowly nodded, but there was no relaxation at all.

He Yiming can relax his vigilance, because there are two loyal beasts around him, but Rio Potter is a lonely man. When facing three Shinto powers, if he dares to neglect, then Satsuma Germany is his foresight.

"He Yiming, since you have successfully revenged, can you leave the Western continent?" Rio Porter whispered.

He Yiming nodded and nodded and said: "You are right, Hemou has resigned.

He shook his hand at Leoport and greeted him. The beautiful big eyes of White Horse thundered and glared at Rio Porter, then turned and flew away. Bao pig is shaking his head, but its degree is not slow, tightly followed by the white horse lightning behind.

He Yiming and Baima Lei are around, and Bao pig never minds fighting with Rio Porter. But when the two main forces left, Bao pig certainly did not want to be alone.

With the cultivation of the sacred gods and beasts, in the face of the old pseudo-deity of the human strong, I am afraid that I still have to suffer a lot of losses.

Their degree is quite fast, and they quickly moved away from the inner sea and kept flying towards the east.

After being away from Rioport's line of sight, and no longer able to sense a little bit of strange power, He Yiming stopped and threw the diamond knife in his hand.

The diamond knife twisted in the whimsical emptiness of the sky, and suddenly became a hundred and eight.

And the pigs rolled in the sky like this, and when it stopped, the huge body had become smaller.

The legs slammed in the void, then jumped up and jumped to the head of the hundred and eight. Bao pig’s small eyes dribbled and said: “Are we really going back?”

He Yiming smiled dumbly and said: "Bao pig, your appetite is bigger than me."

Bao pig's smile, his small eyes have become a gap, said: "I have heard that the favorite thing of the Western Dragon is to collect treasures. If we take the entire Dragon Valley, they collect. Tens of years of treasure are all ours."

He Yiming, Hui Han, crying and laughing: "Bao pig, you are the idea of ​​being a robber.

Bao pig proudly raised his head and said: "These things can only be used for viewing in the hands of Western dragons, but if they fall into our hands, then they can play a real role.

And..." It stunned a few eyes, and the mushroom licked a few minutes: "This is a collection of dragons for more than a million years. Perhaps there is an artifact that is not inferior to the Kowloon stove. Do you not be tempted?" What? ”

He Yiming’s double eyebrows glimpsed, and his heart was moving.

Artifact, no matter who hears this noun, will feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred heaven, the strongest, the abandonment, the big prince, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the arrogance, the world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty To an unstoppable shock. Even today, He Yiming’s hands already have three artifacts.

For this kind of squadron who has the ability to change the power of the Shinto, no one dislikes this thing too little.

Seeing the hesitant color on He Yiming's face, Bao pig suddenly turned his head and slammed a few times against the white horse.

I don't know what the little guys have filled in, and the white horse thundered and snorted, and there was a hint of hope in the voice.

He Yiming’s heavy forehead, the feeling of helplessness in his heart, the mushroom and the white horse were all badly damaged by the pig.

The small eyes of Bao pig suddenly shone, and it hurriedly said: "The lightning also agrees.

Shaking his head, He Yiming reached out and gently stroked the white horse's thunder cover. He whispered softly: "Thunder, the treasures of the Dragon collection have no great use for you. You don't have to listen to the pigs."

Although He Yiming has endorsed the words of Bao pig from the bottom of his heart, he has considered more complicated things than Bao pig.

This time I came to the West, and although I successfully completed the established goal, I will put Samod under the knife. But unfortunately, he was still released by Rioport.

If you "open the Western continent, but continue to stay in this place, or even return to killing", then the serial consequences caused by it must be unimaginable. I am afraid that all the Shinto in the whole West will unite to be an enemy of him.

If it is true against all the powerful powers in the West, even if He Yiming is arrogant and ten times, he never thinks that he can have a hope of winning.

More importantly, they can come to the West to make trouble, and they can naturally come to the northwest. Just think about Hejiazhuang and Hengshan, He Yiming's fiery heart caused by the dragon treasures suddenly faded.

The white horse thunder and lightning flashed a trace of regret, it snorted, seems to be in the reverse comfort He Yiming.

Bao pig was dissatisfied with his mouth and said: "Thunder is trying to find out if you can find the remaining Lei Zhenzi in the dragon's treasure.

He Yiming’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Nowadays, there are already as many as twenty Lei Zhenzi in the body of Baima Thunder, and there are a total of twenty-four in the whole set of artifacts.

Although the remaining four Lei Zhenzi are not necessarily in the treasures of the Western Shenlong, but this is not a possibility.

"Bao pig, what did you say to the lightning?" He Yiming asked quietly.

Bao pig’s small eyes began to turn around in the eyelids. It looked around for a long time, but it was still hiding from He Yiming’s gaze. He had to bow his head: “I just told it that it is very likely in the dragon’s treasure. Lei Zhenzi."

"You are sure." He Yiming looked at the pig seriously.

The little guy raised his head, it seems to be thinking seriously, after a while, said:

"I can't be sure, but in the Dragon Valley, it seems to smell a scent similar to Lei Zhenzi.

He Yiming’s brow wrinkled and said: “Can't you be sure?”

Bao pig smiled bitterly: "The atmosphere of the dragons in the Dragon Valley is too strong. I can smell a similar smell and it is already the limit. It can be clearly distinguished."

He Yiming nodded slightly, which is not unexpected.

The Dragon Valley is home to the old dragons that have lived for thousands of years. The atmosphere of the dragons is passed down by countless generations of dragons.

Even the breath of artifacts is hidden there by the dragons that have been deposited for countless years.

Fortunately, Bao pig is present, otherwise I don't even think about it.

After a moment of indulgence, He Yiming finally sighed with a long sigh, saying: "It seems that Long Valley is going to go back one o"

Bao pig and white horse thunder cheered at the same time, and the eyes of the two beasts shimmered, and they all seemed excited.

He Yiming’s face turned and said: “But this time I go back, I must be careful.” He paused and turned his head to look at the distant Longgu direction. “I have a hunch, I met Rio. Potter, definitely not a coincidence."

It’s been a silent silence. “You are doubting Rioport.”

He Yiming’s head twitched a little, and he said coldly: “After we entered the West, we were always cautious. Before we came to the Dragon Valley, we had never seen the whereabouts. Rio Potter’s Even if the strength is stronger, it is impossible to easily show our whereabouts."

Bao pig and white horse thunder face each other, although they are not human, but the wisdom they possess is not inferior to human beings.

"Is Rioport stealing the dragon egg to Penglai Xiandao, and then blaming it for you?" Bao pig asked.

He Yiming indulged and said: "I don't have any evidence, but it is too coincidental that he appeared this time. And..." He Yiming said with helplessness, said: "I can't figure out, how is he?" I know I will go to Penglai Island."

This time, even the hundred and eight are shaking their heads. In the sea, they meet with the boats of Penglai Xiandao. This is simply an accident. Even if it is a **** operator, it is impossible to calculate the passage. If all this is Rioport's calculation then the horror of this person is too exaggerated.

However, they did not know that the real goal of Rioport was not them, but the strong people above the Eastern continent. They were involved in ar\, but it was the meeting, which made Rioport change midway. The goal is only.

If it is really let them know the reason, I am afraid that the heart of the vomiting and vomiting blood will be there.

Bao pig said indignantly: "Leoport is not a good person. He also snatched our Dragon Ball inside Dan. If it is the East, I will not let him go."

He Yiming shook his head in silence, and the Western dragon that killed a pseudo-deity in the West is already a shocking thing. If you still want to **** the Dragon Ball inside the hands of Rio Porter, it will definitely cause the public anger that is difficult to calm down. He Yiming is definitely not going to do this dangerous thing before he has the power to completely overwhelm the West.

He gently detained on the white horse thunder and said: "We lurked in the past. We have entered the Long Valley, and the thunder and lightning."

The white horse thundered and the group returned again, but this time it turned away with a more careful attitude.

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