Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 183: oath

In the distance, the water and the sky meet, and it is awkward. There is no soot here, it is clean; in the mild daylight, everything is as transparent.

Under this piece of the sun, a white shadow flies from the distant horizon. It crossed a light mark in the air, and the huge body covered 7 daylight, forming a fast moving shadow on the ground.

The huge sacred breath is unreservedly released, and any creature covered by this black figure is trembled and squats directly on the ground.

Even if it is within a hundred feet of the shadows on the ground, there are no large creatures who dare to make their own voices.

In the sky, He Yiming stood on the back of the pig. He looked down and looked at the green plain.

Suddenly, there was a scorn of the white horse thunder.

He turned back and gently stroked the white horse's neck and smiled. "Thunder, let the treasure pig have fun."

Since the return of the distant West, the pigs have changed their usual laziness, but instead become as long as possible, flying in the air as quickly as possible, and constantly squandering and absorbing the power of the heavens and the earth. Not only that, but also volunteered to fly in the crowd when returning.

For its beasts, such a move is already a diligent practice of humanity.

Although He Yiming and others do not understand why Xiaobao pig suddenly struggled, but since it did, He Yiming did not mind. Only after a few days of white horse lightning on the back of the white pig, it was extremely boring and extremely quiet.

One hundred and eight calmly stood behind He Yiming, and he suddenly said: "Bao pig, why did you suddenly start diligently practicing?"

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse. Although he was quite agreeing and admiring the sudden change of Bao pig, he never thought about the reason.

Because in his opinion, diligent cultivation is a matter of righteousness. Whether it is human or beast, if you don't pay a certain price, then the possibility of achieving the highest achievement is still very small.

The example of Adevin's step-by-step approach can only be extremely individual and absolutely impossible to promote.

Therefore, when Bao pig changed his mind and tried hard to cultivate, He Yiming did not go deep into thought except for his happiness.

Bao pig stretched his neck and twisted it in midair.

At the time of its flight, it was covered with a powerful gas shield to block the hurricane and various airflows in the sky, so it did not have any communication with He Yiming and others on the back. Obstruction.

Taking advantage of the huge eyes, the pig's eyes are faint, and it opened its mouth, and a blue-eyed dragon roared and yelled without hesitation: "Because I want to advance the pseudo-deity."

"Pseudo-deity?" He Yiming glanced at it with amazement, and he couldn’t help but secretly confessed. The younger guy was after seeing the power of the Western Shenlong Samoud, so he wanted to have the same powerful Strength.

The white horse thunder and lightning suddenly screamed, echoing the dragon's sound of the pig, and the whole sky was filled with a roaring sound, like a thunder.

Although He Yiming still does not understand the animal language, but from the sound of these two beasts, they feel the extreme desire in their hearts.

They are all expressing their meaning in a hurry, that is, they all want to promote the pseudo-deity.

With a slight smile, He Yiming was quite satisfied with their performance.

In fact, White Horse Thunder has such a desire, he is not surprised. Because the white horse's nature is arrogant, there is a embossed in the bones. After seeing an opponent who can defeat it, it will be like a thorny, desperately trying to become stronger.

But the pigs are different, and the sudden change of Xiaojiafu’s thoughts makes He Yiming quite surprised when he is gratified.

One hundred and eight slowly opened his mouth, his voice was not big, but it penetrated the sound barrier of two beasts like a needle, and it was clearly introduced into the ears of everyone.

"Bao pig, why do you want to promote the pseudo-deity?"

In the eyes of Bao pig, there was a fascinating light. It screamed: "If I achieve pseudo-deity, I can go to the West, swept the Dragon Valley, and beat those Western dragons." Its voice It is full of eagerness: "At that time, all the treasures accumulated by the Western Dragons over 10,000 years were mine."

He Yiming opened his mouth, no matter how he guessed in advance, it is impossible to think that the real intention of Bao pig was actually intended to be a robber.

His gaze gradually became eccentric, turning his head to look at the white horse thunder, and the beautiful big eyes also showed an incredible light.

One person and one horse looked at each other for a while, and finally closed up at the same time. With this beast that is determined to become a robber, there is really nothing to say.

It seems that after seeing the dragon's treasure, the hedgehog for Bao pig is quite large.

However, 1 Western Dragons collected tens of thousands of years of treasure inheritance, that is a huge wealth.

Among the Dragon Valley, what He Yiming and others saw was just a treasure collected by one of the Western Dragons. If all the dragons' wealth is piled up, I really don't know how much value there will be.

Of course, what He Yiming values ​​is not the gemstones that sparkle. It is a rare material that is mixed in those gems. Perhaps, some things have been extinct from this world, only from the collection of tens of thousands of years can find one or two.

Shaking his head, He Yiming threw this thought away.

Although the dragon's treasure has a considerable lure to him, it is not the best opportunity to obtain it.

Looking down into the distance, some familiar scenery gradually came into view.

He Yiming’s face showed a hint of cherished color. He said lightly: "We are going to be home."

Bao pig cheered, and the speed suddenly increased a lot. At the same time, its body was constantly rising and flew toward the higher sky.

Flying in a higher sky, the atmosphere of the beast is blown away by a more hurricane, although there is still a trace of overflow to the bottom, but it will not cause too much flustering. After two hours, the smile on He Yiming’s face The richness of the city walls of Hejiazhuang is already in sight.

Suddenly, four figures were lifted from the distant sky. They flew up into the sky and looked at the film s·1, then flew straight.

He Yiming laughed loudly, and there was an unspeakable joy in his voice.

The four figures who came from afar were Yuan Lixun, Zizi Long, Shendao and Chu Artemisia.

Although the martial arts of Chu Artemisia is a place with only five sages, it is one of the flying abilities in Hejiazhuang. After seeing He Yiming, I naturally accompanied him.

"He brothers, you have made a splash again this time." The sound of the scorpion dragon's hearty laugh echoed in the air, and the sound was faintly faint.

He Yiming was awkward and said, "What old man, what happened to the younger brother?"

Xunzi Long laughed and said: "You are obviously a person in the northwest, but you have to challenge the heroes of the Western Shinto for us in the East. Isn't this a big show?"

He Yiming grinned and said, "What the old man said is that the younger brother will go back to Devon and let the Shinto powers on the Eastern continent go to fight themselves."

The laughter of the scorpion dragon suddenly stopped abruptly. He coughed a few times, and at first glance, he could see the expression of He Yiming’s face like a smile, and he couldn’t help but say, “You guy, you have to open with me. joke."

Yan Yiming smiled and said, "The old man said that it is true that the younger brother was not originally from the mainland of the East. It is not a proper name to replace the Eastern China."

Yan Zilong gave him a sigh of relief and said, "You are a northwestern origin, but don't forget, you are also a guest elder of the Lingbi Hall, and the main practice of your cultivation is definitely the first school in the East. The flower of the five elements of the reincarnation," he paused and sighed: "Since you have cultivated this set of exercises, then whether you are a native of the East, you are qualified to play in the East."

He Yiming feel wudongqiankun Holy, holy king made the night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned the royal big week night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate few big week of the royal family abandoned weapons the night move heaven and earth to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned royal big week night to kill the **** Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate few big week of the royal family to abandon a Muzi Long made the remarks in trace of a strange feeling, he was well aware, the five elements cycle of the Eastern world have spent fame is really powerful.

After learning of his successful practice this magic door, he had contact with the entire Eastern continent together, never separated difficult to come.

Mouth gently whispered a sentence: "I am also practicing western light and dark collusion of it."

But he did not preach this sentence out loud ~ ~ but he also knows that although he has integrated the two opposing forces of light and dark, but because did not have the five elements rings such order artifacts. Therefore, the power of light and darkness in his hands is far less than the flower of the five elements of the reincarnation, so he will not mention it.

When the scorpion dragon came forward, he took a heavy shot on He Yiming’s shoulder. “The younger brother, this war is about the future of the eastern continent. You must not keep your hands.”

He Yiming looked at the face of a scorpion dragon, and his heart was quite shocked.

Although the scorpion dragon has settled in Hejiazhuang in the northwest, and he himself is only a piece of no-sentence. But in his heart, he still cares about the entire eastern continent.

Perhaps he will not settle in the mainland on this continent, but it is impossible for him to completely forget the shackles of his birth.

He nodded a bit, and He Yiming’s face was equally dignified. He faced the scorpion dragon, as if he had made his own oath.

"You can rest assured that I will bring the glory of victory back to the East..."

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