Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 185: Liu Mu invites

Bathed in this morning light, people's minds become extraordinarily cheerful.

Hejiazhuang is like a huge machine. At the moment when the sun has not risen, it has already started in an orderly manner. Countless people began to boil water for cooking, but the closer they were to the inner court, the more peaceful they were. Only when the main people get up is the most lively time in the manor.

However, there are obviously some exceptions today. The screaming of the screams has already awakened the vast majority of people in the manor.

With the bursting of many children, the whole Zhuangzi was busy in advance.

Although the early risers are secretly secreted, there is no one to blame. Because this giant is a beast.

As long as the beasts are willing to stay in the manor, then don't say that they are screaming twice in the morning, even if it destroys a house every day, the three brothers in Hejiazhuang will never care.

According to the words of He Xinxin, this is the guardian of the Hejiazhuang, the beast of the pigs, and the adults in the promotion of Zhuangzhong’s efforts to cultivate, can not be relaxed.

He Yiming’s figure flashed and he came to the front of Baoji. He watched the little guy shake his head and his head: "The body is full of energy, and the heart secretly sighs."

After seeing the treasures of the Western Dragon, Bao pig was obviously swayed by Tian Da. Just look at its recent performance and know how much it is for those things. This is absolutely unforgettable and unforgettable.

Gently took a look at Bao's small head, He Yiming said with a smile: "You don't have to urge, I promise you, you must go to Long Valley in the future, so that you can find enough."

Bao pig's understanding opened his mouth and his face reappeared with a charming smile.

After seeing the number - this smile, He Yiming's heart could not help but feel a sense of laughter.

If a guy who doesn't know the details of the pig's bottom comes here, then he won't believe that the pig will be a beast.

Huo Ran, He Yiming's face changed slightly, he turned his head and looked into the distance, his eyes flashed a stern savage.

At about the same time, Bao pig was also obviously excited. It looked in the same direction, and the small eyes whispered and turned, seemingly trying to make an idea.

A few figures walked out quickly, standing behind He Yiming, and each of their faces was quite dignified.

Just now, a weak idea of ​​power came from afar and floated over the sky above Hejiazhuang.

Although the power of this idea comes and goes very fast, it is like a glimpse of light, disappearing without a trace. But He Yiming and other Shinto powers have some sense at the same time.

Being able to get out of their senses so quickly is definitely a powerful Shinto master. But in this way to peek into the realities of Hejiazhuang, this is not the same as the provocation of the light.

Coldly, Scorpion Dragon Road, "What is this person?"

He Yiming shook his head and said: "The degree of mind is too fast, there is no stop at all, so I can't sense it."

In the breath of every Shinto strong, there is a unique imprint of theirs. However, when a strong person hides his heart, it is not so easy to be able to confirm and confirm.

Ren. The Shinto thoughts that have just come suddenly, are fleeting, and they are deliberately leaving no trace. Even if He Yiming and others are twice as powerful, they can't catch anything from it.

"Go and see it." Bao pig sighed and immediately rose to the sky.

He Yiming smiled dumbly, Xiaobao pig said yes, go and see, you know, why is it suspicious here.

"Ritual, you and the Shinto coagulation people left, let's go and see." He Yiming said, the body shape - between the olives has risen to the air, followed by the pigs and went.

Behind him, Scorpion Dragon, Hundred and Eight, and White Horse Thunder are all chasing after.

Hejiazhuang is the home of He Yiming, and there must be no loss. And there is a more powerful Shinto in the vicinity of this place. If you don't find this person, they are absolutely uneasy.

Although it is impossible to know the identity of the Shinto strong, the direction of the idea is quite easy to distinguish.

Under the leadership of Bao pig, everyone rushed in a certain direction, and in the far distance, a small black spot was looming.

He Yiming snorted and reached for a move, and the white horse thunder suddenly came to his side. He Yiming jumped up and said, "We take the first step."

The voice has not fallen, the white horse lightning has been a long scream, turned into a white light, and instantly throws everyone away from the back.

Bao pig was dissatisfied with a few clicks, but it also understood that if you want to compare with the white horse lightning, it is absolutely a delusion. Moreover, the power of this person to release the idea will lead everyone to "I know what the idea is, or catch up early."

On the contrary, the scorpion dragon was shocked. For the first time, he saw the full extent of the white horse thunder and lightning, and his heart was deeply shocked by this incredible limit.

The degree of white horse thunder is indeed coming to an extreme, and even Samad, who is proficient in space, can't catch up with it when he is in a straight line. Although the degree of the person in front is definitely not slow in the Shinto strong, when the white horse thunder began to track, it quickly pulled into each other's distance.

117117 seems to have sensed the unparalleled chasing of the rear, and the person in front quickly gave up the escape and stopped in the void.

He Yiming’s eyes were awkward and his heart was amazed.

"Liu elder, it turned out to be you..." he said incredulously.

This time, using the power of the idea to snoop, and lead him out, turned out to be the pseudo-deity of the Tianchi, Liu Mu. However, it is precisely because of this that He Yiming will feel incredible.

Now He Yiming has been established as the next Tianchi lord. To say that Liu Mu is malicious to him, He Yiming will not believe it.

Liu Mu nodded slightly, he laughed loudly, said: &t; He elder, no wonder you can slap the evil dragon of Samed, and it really has the degree to restrain it. ”

At this point, Zhai Zilong and others have already rushed over from behind. After hearing this sentence, the face of Zhai Zilong suddenly changed. He exclaimed: "He brother, have you slaughtered Samoud?"

He Yiming smiled lightly and said: "Samoder came to the East China Sea and opened the killing ring on Penglai Xiandao. The younger brother met his meeting, so he would be fair to those who died."

The scorpion dragon deeply sucked the cool air in the air, but after hearing the confirmation of He Yiming, the cold air became hot after entering the abdominal cavity.

He looked up and down He Yiming. After a long time, he sighed and said with emotion: "My brother already knew that one day you will definitely be the most powerful human Shinto. But your performance is still great. My imagination."

He Yiming has not been promoted to a virtual state for a few years, but he has been able to kill an animal that has been in the advanced pseudo-deity for thousands of years. If you wait for him to advance to the pseudo-deity, it will be enough. I am afraid that under the heavens, no one or a beast can compete with it.

Shaking his head slightly, Ma Yiyi naturally understood the meaning of the dragon, but in his heart, he was quite awake. Even if he is really advanced in pseudo-deity, he may not be able to be invincible.

Liu Mu laughed at himself and said: "After hearing this news, the old man is also puzzling. Samod is good at the space field and has an absolute advantage in the degree J1. It is already difficult to defeat it. Not to mention killing it." paused, he added: "But now I believe, with the degree of white horses, you can definitely catch up with Samad.

He Yiming’s heart was a bitter smile, and killing Samod was only possible with a single degree.

However, he will not share the secrets of the 36th and 108th of the mountain.

The scorpion dragon was slightly stunned, then he laughed and said: "Liu brother, you led us out, just want to try the degree of congratulations to the brothers. Hehe..."

Liu Mu’s old face was reddish and he quickly opened the subject.

He Yiming knew after the inquiry that since he had a relationship with the Ganshan Gate of the Penglai Xiandao in the East China Sea, the Lingbi Hall sent people to the East China Sea, so he had already hanged Samod’s body for three days in the East China Sea. It was transmitted to the eastern continent, and even the Tianchi vein also received the flying eagle book of the Lingbi Hall.

After Liu Ji received the book, the first thought was unbelief, and the second thought was still doubtful. After all, this thing is too ridiculous, so this unexpected temptation.

Similarly, under Liu Mu’s inquiry, He Yiming will go to the West Dragon Valley, telling **** Samed, and he does not hide the sudden appearance of Rio Porter and reach with the Dragons. The agreement was made.

Although He Yiming secretly suspected that Rio Potter was the black hand behind the scenes, he could not believe in his identity until he had no conclusive evidence.

The faces of Liu Mu and Yan Zilong are slightly different. They are two old-fashioned Shinto strong people, and they all have a trace of worry.

Liu Mu Mu Shen said: "He Chang, the red dragon Elbrera really has the same talent and physique as Samood?"

He Yiming hesitated a moment and said: "This is what the Western Dragon King said, there should be no mistake.

"That Edwin also got the inheritance of the true God?"

"This is what Rioport said - Hemou is not sure."

Liu Mu’s face became more and more dignified. He indulged in a half-sounding voice and said: “He elders, I heard that you have mastered the field of artifacts, and the power of the power is not inferior to the real false gods.

He Yiming said humblely: "He Mou really mastered the realm of pseudo-reality, but on the power can only say that it is unsatisfactory."

Liu Mu waved his sleeves and said: "He is old and has been modest." He called Haha, saying: "The old man is itching for a moment. If the elders allow it, how do we learn?"

Yan Zilong sighed in a loud voice: "He brother, you can kill Samoud, the field power is absolutely not the same, let my brother open your eyes."

He Yiming's heart fretting, he faintly felt that the two of them must have done something deep, but they didn't know it for a while.

"Since the two are so interested, He Yiming dare not kill.

Everyone smiled and walked away. After an hour, they entered the desert of the most northwestern factory...

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