Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 199: Exit

The huge sound echoed in the beast temple, outside the palace complex, under the entire sky.

At this time, not only the beast temple, but the entire totem family has been greatly shocked.

After He Yiming’s unbeatable loud voice, the sound of sound waves suddenly resounded throughout the mountains. All parts of the totem family are under the power of this sound wave.

All the beasts are trembled under this power, and even the powerful great saints who have reached the realm of the five sages are no exception.

Below the Shinto, they are all ants.

Even if the great saints have more sensitivities, it is impossible to pose a slight threat to the Shinto strong.

The difference between the human and the Shinto ranks has reached the limit that the quantity can make up.

Therefore, when the three Shinto powers are late for the same mind and release the power at the same time, the sensation caused by it is enough to be earth-shattering.

The face of 100 is finally showing a very human smile.

Qiu Chennu and Qilin beasts have changed their faces. Compared with those who are still outside the human world, they are more aware of the power of the Shinto strong.

Judging from the power of this sound wave, He Yiming has shown a powerful power that is beyond the limit of virtual reality. What’s more surprising to them is that these three sounds are distinct from the voices of different populations, but they give people a feeling of completeness and strangeness.

This feeling is no stranger to them, because even both of them can do this.

At this point, they understand that He Yiming has succeeded.

In history, the first example of being able to succeed with two different races of the beast at the same time has finally emerged.

At this moment, the lord of the unicorn and his accompanying beasts are faintly felt. In the temple of the beast, it seems that they have produced unexpected changes.

If this is not the case, He Yiming is also unlikely to break through the things that Minwannian has never been able to achieve.

The film Lin beast sighed and pinged - meaning meaningful: "They succeeded."

Qiu Chennu slowly nodded his head, and the more complex his eyes were, the more complicated it was. After a long time, he only said with emotion: "Hey, this guy, he created a miracle.

One hundred and eight suddenly said: "Perhaps this is not a miracle.

Qiu Chennu, a sigh, asked: "What is the high opinion of the hundred brothers.

"He Yiming has been with them for several years. In the past few years, they have practiced together and entered the price together. They have experienced difficulties together. Although they did not engage in accompaniment ceremonies, the tacit understanding and mutual trust between them reached With the accompanying requirements, so under the test, immediately became a hundred and eight cold and cold, his tone is completely opposite to what he said.

It’s really uncomfortable to say such things in a cold, uninteresting tone.

Qiu Chennu and the Qilin beast looked at each other and there was a bitter smile on their faces.

Everything is true, and the tacit understanding between He Yiming and his two beasts, even if this accompaniment ceremony is not carried out, may one day be able to directly feel the martial arts and sacred kings to make the sacred king night.杀神神印王座求魔傲世世重天最强弃少大周皇族将夜杀神神印王座求魔傲世九重天最强弃大周周族武动乾坤夜夜神神印王座求魔傲世九重The most powerful day to abandon the big Zhou Dynasty royal gods will kill the gods of the gods and the throne of the throne to seek the devil of the world, the nine strongest days to abandon the big Zhou Dynasty to the other party's mind.

It is now accepted in the Temple of the Beast and received in advance - this power is nothing but water.

Therefore, they can complete this miracle that is almost impossible to complete, and shorten the time of at least three days to one day.


The gate of the Beast Temple slowly opened, and He Yiming walked out with two beasts.

Within the Beast Temple, it was still a darkness, and suddenly came out of that environment. "Even He Yiming also felt 7 eyes in front of him.

He picked up 7 eyes and looked up into the sky. The bright sunshine was filled with colorful light, bringing the heat and the breath of life to the whole land.

All three of them had a sinister and strange atmosphere, but under the scorching sun, they disappeared without a trace.

"He brother, congratulations." Qiu layer, said with sincerity and sincerity.

He Yiming gave him a slight nod and said: "Hemou can succeed this time. Thanks to Qiu's great help, thank you."

He bent down and slammed into the ground.

If this time Qiu Chennu does not promise that they will enter the beast temple, then He Yiming is afraid that he will only return without success.

Although he is able to eat Qiu Chennu and Qilin beasts with the strength of He Yiming and Bai Ma, it is a totem family and the hometown of Bao pig. Moreover, after truly inducing the strength of the beast and soul, He Yiming also knows that even if he comes hard, he may not be able to repay his wish.

In the Temple of the Beast, the human beings and beasts of the beasts are harmless, and they are completely peaceful.

But He Yiming never believes that the soul of the beast is really so honest. If someone really wants to be unfavorable to the totem family here, he can be sure that the soul of the beast will definitely let the enemies of the totem family know how to write these two words.

Qiu Chen Nuhaha smiled and said: "He brother is too polite." He paused and said sincerely: "Since He brother has passed the associated ceremony, then we are a family since then."

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse, and then in his heart felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the prince, the sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred The most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the week. The royal family came to the minds of Baima Leidian and Bao pig.

As soon as he sank, he immediately understood it. Bao pig and white horse lightning seem to have a strong affection and trust for the soul of the beast, especially the warthog, the little one born in the dragon totem family, has a feeling of attachment for inheriting things that do not know how many years, so After hearing the words of Qiu Chennu, they also expressed their choices to themselves.

He eased his head and said, He Yiming said seriously: "Qiu Xiong said that the family does not say two words."

The only taboo in Qiu Chennu’s heart was completely disappeared. He raised his head and laughed. The unicorn beast around him also shook his body, and his old face was full of smiles.

Although He Yiming is only a virtual god, it is a virtual state that can kill the false gods.

They firmly believe that the future He Yiming will definitely become the legendary existence of the five elements of the ancestors.

Being able to get such a character to join the totem family has an indescribable great advantage for the exhibition of the entire ethnic group.

Bao pig suddenly jumped to He Yiming's head and snorted.

Qiu Chennu looked suspiciously in the past. After the inheritance of the family, Xiaoshenglong did not master the human language. Why use the language at the moment?

He Yiming smiled dumbly. He reached out and patted the little guy and said: "Know it, don't you remind me.

The little guy was smashed down and thrown to one side of the hundred and eight. Only by his side, Bao pig would be more peaceful.

Sure enough, the pig's four hoofs have been hoisted to the neck of the hundred and eight.

"Qiu Xiong, when we performed the ceremony this time, we experienced some experience." He Yiming turned his head and said quietly.

Qiu Chennu’s face is changing, he knows that these feelings are definitely not simple things.

He looked at each other for two days, and he looked awkwardly: "Please, please, please."

"I can't talk about it." He Yiming waved his hand and said his feelings in the beast temple.

Qiu Chennu listened carefully and asked a few words from time to time. He finally sighed and said: "It turns out.

In the previous rituals of the Totems, there were occasional dents--some special cases with high-level companionships that were able to exchange the abilities that they were good at.

Although the totems have faintly found the key, they are hiding a strong spiritual power. The beasts of the beasts, when they were companionship, ruined these forces and made various magical changes to them and the beasts, so that they could have this incredible high-order companionship.

But this is only a guess after all, and it was not until this 3,1 that it was confirmed in the mouth of He Yiming.

"He brothers, among our totems, those who have gained high-level companionship can be promoted to the Great Saints in all likelihood. We have had doubts, but today we can really be sure." Qiu Chennu Slow channel.

He Yiming smiled a little and was not surprised.

Totems have been a generation of high-ranking people since the ages. Just natural death, and willing to give up their own mind and mind, join the beast in the beast temple, there are at least twenty.

In this way, the number of Shintos in the past must have reached an enviable number.

Among so many strong people, there will surely be wisdom and outstanding generations, and they will surely find the necessary connection from the high-order associated people of the Beast Temple.

My own words are just confirmation of this speculation.

Qiu Chennu long sighed a short sigh and asked suddenly: "He brother, how did you sense these things?"

He Yiming smiled and said: "After successfully completing the initial companionship, we originally planned to try and be able to carry out high-level companionship. But I did not expect that I realized these things in the soul of the beast."

Qiu Chennu has been indulging for a long time. He gently patted his hand and sighed: "I understand that since ancient times, I have been able to communicate with the soul of the beast, and only the Shinto is strong.

However, the soul of the beast does not have a sense of So under normal circumstances, even if it is successful to communicate with it, it is impossible to answer the question of the Shinto strong. And when you are at the ceremony, you want to get a higher level of ability, but it touches its origin and let it pass this answer to you.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You are the first example of a totem family to be associated with the realm of the Shinto. Only the answer can be known."

The unicorn beast swayed with a huge body and slowly leaned up. It turned around in the white horse thunder, and the nose sniffed and the eyes were puzzled.

Bao pig licked his small eyes and suddenly extended his front hoof and pointed it to the front of the unicorn beast.

Suddenly, a purple-red electric awn came out from its fingertips and fell to the front of the unicorn beast with unparalleled degree.

In an instant, Qiu Chennu and Qilin beast are all stunned.

They no longer have the image of being a powerful Shinto, but they are staring at the pigs.

After a long time, Qiu Chennu asked incredulously: "You... have you completed the high-level companion?"

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