Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 201: Holy Dragon Knight

Before the Western Temple, a huge sound of dragons sounded loudly.

Then, a horrible dragon flew into the sky, waving its huge wings and struggling to flash. A light suddenly illuminates from the back of the dragon.

This is a person, his feet are not moving like a mountain, standing on the dragon's body, holding a huge sword with his hands, and that light is released from the tip of the sword. "Sword of Light..." The loud voice resounded at this moment.

That little light has spread out in a short period of time, and the whole dragon's bag is included. From a distance, the dragon is like a sun, with a huge amount of energy.

Below, countless people are watching this scene quietly. In their eyes, they are filled with an almost fanatical mood.

This is the power of light. It belongs to the inheritance power of the temple. Whether it is the contemporary Pope, or the former Pope of the Temple, Leopold is looking at the top with a look of awkwardness. They seem to be fascinated by this piece. In the light of today's light.

However, at this moment, all the ray of light suddenly disappeared, and a near-transparent field of power was released from the dragon, and instantly replaced the bright field and permeated the space. .

The instantaneous transformation of the power of the field did not cause any obstacles. The cooperation of this person and the dragon has reached a state of perfection.

The wings of the dragon are still dancing, and they are not gathered because of the release of the power of the light. Therefore, when the space power replaced the power of the light, the dragon and the human beings on his back disappeared in place.

A few miles beyond the space, there was a glimpse of the awkwardness of the space, and then the dragon emerged like a ghost.

The whole process is approaching the utmost, from the disappearance of the bright field, the proliferation of the space field, to the completion of the teleport by the dragon, it has only been achieved in a blink of an eye. But this is not over.

At the moment when the dragon appeared, the space field disappeared instantly, and the light reappeared, and then the void was cut with unparalleled degrees.

The whole moment of the sky is full of brilliance, and no other power attributes exist. Countless high hums rang throughout the city.

Countless believers squatted in this almost re-established city street, and they prayed to the holy dragon knight in the sky. In the Western Temple, there have been no dragon knights for thousands of years.

In the era of the disappearance of Shinto, even though it is the enormous power of the temple, it is only possible to support some of the spirits of the Sayādaw as the guardian of the temple.

Nowadays, the temple is once again born with the dragon knight who seems to exist only in the legend, and is the most powerful sacred dragon knight in the dragon knight. Then, the entire temple, even the city where the temple is located, began to boil. The dragon flashed a few more wings in the air and then landed. When it landed in the huge square before the temple, the whole earth seemed to tremble.

The figure flashed, and Edwin had fallen from the dragon's back. He was like a fallen leaf, and he seemed to have no weight.

After he landed, he went deep into the front and back of the two popes before the square, saying: "The two majestys, Adevin has completed the trial of the Holy Dragon Knight."

The current pope nodded slightly, the pale white on his head fluttered in the wind, but his face sparkled with a touch of excitement.

Franklin was killed on the spot by the mighty from the East before the temple, which had a profound and far-reaching negative impact on the temple. Above the western land, the reputation of the temple has fallen to a low point because of this matter.

However, after the return of Pope's former Pope, Rio Potter, this decline has gradually been recovered, and the emergence of the Holy Dragon Knight at this moment has made the prestige of the Temple unimaginable.

He can foresee that with the gradual rise of the sacred dragon knight's fame, the negative effects of Franklin's death will be eliminated! To the minimum. And the reputation of the temple will gradually increase until it climbs to the peak of the year before 10,000 years. The list was exceptionally satisfied: "You are lucky, Lord Adevin Holy Dragon Knight.

Edwin’s deep nod, once again bowed to the list, then to Rio Porter, his eyes filled with the color of inquiry.

However, to his surprise, Rio Porter's face was quite dignified, and there was a deep sorrow in his eyes.

Edwin’s emblem, he cautiously said: “Leoport’s majesty, can I not join Ellba’s team, can’t he beat He Yiming?” His voice is not very big, but it seems Does not affect the hearing of the dragon.

Red Dragon Elbola's huge eyes condensed into Rio Porter, but it has been more stable than his companion Edwin's performance for more than a year.

The temper of the dragon is generally very violent, but when it comes to the name of He Yiming, Elbrera is a calm. Because it is this person, he killed the dragon's pride and false gods strong spring Samad.

For this person, Elbrera is hateful. However, after inheriting Samud’s Dragon Ball Inner Dan and Dragon Power, Elbrera also had some memories of Samod’s, and he was very impressed by He Yiming. He also deeply understands the power he possesses, so it is not blindly optimistic like Adevin.

Rio Porter sighed and said: "A Devin, although you have gained the inheritance of the true God, far from the ordinary virtual state can be compared. But He Yiming is also not an ordinary virtual state."

Aidewen hesitated a moment. He said slowly: "Your Majesty, I once met him in the Dongtian Cave, and I have tried a trick. His strength is good, but it does not seem to resist the light sword." Power."

Rio Porter shook his head and said: "If it was He Yiming who played against you at that time, you should have more than 70% confidence in the field of the light sword. But now He Yiming has mastered it. The power of the artifact field, and the power of the field he mastered is quite powerful, plus the flower of the Eastern Five-way Great Reincarnation..." He paused for a moment, helplessly said: "The victory between you should be in the middle of the world." Between, who can get the final victory is hard to say. Edwinton sinks down, and his heart has a hint of regret.

The last time I saw him, He Yiming clearly did not have any power in the field, but only a year later, he already had a field that was not inferior to the bright sword. If you know this before, you should not let him go. However, this thought has just started, and Edwin’s face has a bit of a smile.

Let him go to invite He Yiming, but teach him the unknown sword of the bright sword. The reason why he can have today's achievements is entirely the creation of this top powerhouse. Therefore, he did not dare to violate the instructions of this person.

When he looked at everyone, he suddenly said: "Uncle Rioport, the relationship between Edwin and Lord Elbola has reached a state of spiritual connection, and there is no gap between the release of light power and space. Is it not? This kind of cooperation is not enough to defeat He Yiming and his beast?" Rio Potter hesitated, saying: "I am not sure, but He Yiming, who can make the Lord Samod fall, even if it is an estimate. It’s not too strong.”

Elbrah gasped heavily, with a sulphurous scent of dragons, and it rumbling: "Lord of Albert, no matter how powerful He Yiming is, he can't sustain the light of the holy sword and space. The power of killing."

Rio Porter sighed: "Lord Elbola, if your space field and Adevin's bright field can be released at the same time and are not exclusive, then I believe that the final victory must belong to you."

"At the same time release?" Edwin exclaimed, and smiled bitterly: "If we give us another hundred years, maybe we can let each other's gas field merge, so that these two forces will not be mutually exclusive. But now It’s impossible to have such a long time at all."

Rio Porter whispered his lips in a speechless voice and said, "I understand your difficulties. However, if your field strengths cannot be overlapped together, then you can really defeat He Yi who has made Samod fall. Is it with his beast?" Aidewin and Elbera suddenly sank. "Bei Xu, I have a way." A strange, as if the voice from the Nether came back in their ears. The faces of Rio Porter and others are all They look around at the same time, and they look at this huge square like a sharp-eyed look.

However, because of the special instructions of the pope, there is no other person on the square except them.

The eyes of the three dragons have been patrolling for a long time, but there is still nothing.

For a time, even if Rioport, the pseudo-virtual powerhouse, felt an unspeakable chill. Although the sun was at the head, it was impossible to make them feel warm. "Who is you, please come out and meet." Rio Potter calmly calmed down and said aloud. Although he could not feel the whereabouts of the man, he believed that the person could certainly hear his own words. "Adevin, tell him who I am." The same faint voice rang from behind the dragon Elbrera. The dragon suddenly jumped up, and its huge, bloated body was like a fox-like dexterity at this moment. When it left the place, everyone was present, and next to the wings of its original position, there was a silent masked mysterious man. Rio Porter immediately stepped forward and placed the Pope behind him, while he was alert and fearless. The dragon that has jumped into the air has opened his mouth, and a red hot ray has gathered here. However, at this moment, the voice of his partner Aidewin came from inside his heart. After hesitating, the great red dragon Elbrera finally stopped the dragon that was about to be ejected.

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