Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 204: Joined forces

The white horse shouted, and the chanting stopped in the void, and Liu Heyi shook his hand and pulled the current pig that led the way into his arms.

The degree of white horse thunder and lightning is one of the best in all the Shinto. Except for those beasts with different talents, almost no human Shinto can keep up.

So, when they came here, none of the Shinto powers behind them actually caught up.

However, when he arrived here, He Yiming also stopped at the same time, because what was blocked in front of them was a world of heaven and earth with infinite power.

After the smell of Lei Zhenzi from Bao pig, He Yiming flew out of desperation.

But what they can't think of is that the movement of this thunderbolt turned out to be incredible. Even if the white horse thunder has exhausted all its strength, there is no way to get closer to each other.

After a clock cut, He Yiming immediately slowed down because they had already determined that someone had intentionally used Lei Zhenzi as a bait and wanted to lead them somewhere.

However, He Yiming, who is a skilled person, understands that there must be flaws in it, but he has never given up.

For them, this last Ray Zhenzi. It is too important, even if you know that there are traps in front of you, you can only jump and say.

After a few hours, they have come to the vast sea, and in front of them, there is a sudden and horrific cloud.

In front of you, the sky is overcast, and large chunks of dark clouds. The sky is pressed very low and low, like a broken wall to collapse.

The terrible dark clouds piled up in dense layers, and the **** rags hung from the edge of the cloud. On the left and right sides of the horizon, there were also such fragments crushing each other and piled high. The rainy, broken and fluffy appearance makes it look drunk and noisy. There was a clear, unambiguous rumble.

Far away, looking at this piece of cloud covering a minimum of ten miles, He Yiming's face changed to be ugly.

"Bao pig, is there something in it?" He Yiming said quietly

Although they are already connected by the mind, in general, they are still used to talking in words.

Bao pig did not hesitate: "Yes, Lei Zhenzi must be here."

The sound of the white horse thunder rang in their hearts at the same time: "We rushed in."

If the white horse is long, He Yiming naturally can't understand what it is saying, but using the idea exchange can make He Yiming understand the meaning of the words easily.

Shaking his head slightly, He Yiming also said in his heart: "The clouds here are too weird. Anyway, Lei Zhenzi can't escape here. Let's wait a moment."

White horse thundered a pair of beautiful big eyes and asked, "What are we waiting for?"

"Wait for help." He Yiming's face showed a hint of meaningful smile.

White horse thunderbolt looked back, although the Shinto powers had already been ignorant of it at this time, but in the one that came out, it was still clearly sensed, and those Shinto strong people basically Followed up.

So as long as you wait a little longer, you will be able to wait until everyone gathers.

"They will help plan," Bai Ma Lei asked.

He Yiming smiled and said: "You can rest assured that they will definitely."

Two more months, it is time for him to represent Devon in the Eastern World and the Western world. Here, time. Teaching a trip and a horse is definitely not going to let him go to risk easily.

Since there are these two powerful pseudo-virgin strongmen, He Yiming will certainly not be stupid enough to enter this unfathomable cloud.

They waited quietly outside like this. In addition to the roar of the clouds that sounded from time to time, there were no other changes.

After seeing this scene, He Yiming is more certain that these clouds are certainly not naturally formed.

However, the patience hidden in the clouds turned out to be much better than He Yiming. While manipulating such a huge cloud, he did not have any extra movements, and He Yiming felt a little more worried.

Finally, after a half-hour, there were several powerful lives in the distance.

Many of the Shinto powers who came from Hejiazhuang arrived at the same time.

After being promoted to Shinto, the flying power of the human powerhouses is actually almost the same, unless there is a special artifact in hand, otherwise the degree of the pseudo-natural power may not be able to pass the virtual state.

The distance between the teachings and other people has already seen this horrible huge cloud, the closer it is. The more it can sense the enormous power contained in this cloud.

Of course, this kind of heaven and earth is powerful, but it is far from being able to make these Shinto powers lose.


Everyone looked at the dark clouds in front with a vigilant look, and everyone’s face was so dignified.

After half a ring, Liu Mu took the lead to say: "He elders, this is what it is."

He Yiming shrugged his shoulders and made a helpless gesture. He said: "When I came here, this dark cloud layer already existed." Liu Mu was awkward, but after thinking a little, he suddenly nodded slowly.

Although the Shinto strong can condense the power of the heavens and the earth. But when it comes to cohesion, there must be a time.

The longer the time, the greater the power of the heavens and the earth. The thick layer of the Chuanxiong dog is thick and dense, and it is densely covered with a radius of ten. The power of the heavens and the earth that has been condensed has become powerful to an incredible point.

So this must have been arranged by a certain Shinto strongman here.

If someone can really converge on the scale of the world between the moments, then these people do not have to stay here, simply how far it is to escape.

Ma Yin’s gaze came back from the clouds and said: “He brother, why do you suddenly catch up here?”

He Yiming indulged, said: "Ma brother, I can only say that there is something in this cloud that is very important to me, I have to get it."

The horse's brow was slightly wrinkled, and his eyes fell on the pig's body. He said: "You just left suddenly. Is it a trace of that thing?"

He Yiming sighed in his heart, and these old Shinto powers did not have a fuel-efficient lamp.

Since he has been seen, He Yiming has not hesitated to admit it.

"Ma brother said it." He paused and looked at him with dignity: "I can assure you that if you can get this treasure, then there will be ten in the battle with Aidewin after February. Cheng Cheng grasped."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone’s face changed slightly.

At this point, everyone has already known the agreement between Rioport and the Western Dragons. If the West really gave birth to the Holy Dragon Knight, plus the true God heritage that Adevin received, then the power they have will be unparalleled. Powerful.

Although He Yiming is not a good scum. And he and the White Horse Thunder also passed the associated ceremony. But the teachings and others estimate. It is quite remarkable to have a maximum of six or seven percent.

After all, the true God heritage is really too savvy.

At this moment, He Yiming actually said that as long as he took something in this cloud, he would be able to increase the odds to 10%. This point, let a few Eastern powers are heart-warming.

"He brother, what is that treasure?" asked the teacher to speak quietly.

He Yiming sighed: "Lei Zhenzi."

The eyes of the people suddenly gathered in the same place on the white horse. This beast has a powerful thunder and lightning power, which is already a household name. Then He Yiming seeks Lei Zhenzi, naturally he wants to use it.

Ma Yi double eyebrows pick one, said: "The thunder of the sky?"

He Yiming slowly nodded his head and said: "White horse has already lightened 22 Lei Zhenzi, and now it is the last one."

In the eyes of the teachings and others, all of them are splattered. At this point, they understand the meaning of the sentence that He Yiming just said.

Twenty-two Lei Zhenzi, and the power of a complete set of twenty-four Lei Zhenzi are absolutely different.

Even if it is twenty-three Lei Zhenzi, it is absolutely impossible to sway the whole set of mighty power.

A long sigh of sighing, his body slowly swayed a wave of divine power, and vaguely visible colorful glory.

"He brother, let you fight for the East World to fight against the old man. This time, let the old man help you get Ray Zhenzi, as your shot

The horse slammed a bit and snorted in the mouth. I don't know what to calculate. Finally, I laughed and said: "Teach the brother, it is also a copy of me.

The artillery bamboo and the scorpion dragon laughed and laughed. When they talked, they listened to Liu Mudao: "Bao brother, brother. You and Yuan girl are outside, and Liu is accompanying them."

Yanzilong’s face changed slightly and said: “Liu Xiong. This is the thing in our eastern world.”

Bao Yanzhu was a cold scream, saying: "Liu brother. He is an elder of the Lingbi Hall."

Liu Mu turned his eyes blankly and said: "He Yiming is still the next lord of Tianchi."

Bao Yanzhu’s old face suddenly became red. However, he has lived for so many years, and he has long been thick as a wall. It has returned to normal in a flash.

Yuan Lihuang stepped forward, but he saw He Yiming swaying her hand slightly.

She immediately stopped, but did not hesitate to say: "一鸣 Although my repair is not as good as the predecessors, but I have ice mirrors to help, the cloud power here is big I can't hurt me either."

He Yiming hesitated, and the Ice Ling Mirror is the first artifact of the ice system. In this cloud of water power, it is indeed able to sway the most powerful power. She enters it and is absolutely capable of self-protection.

Minhang eyes turned, suddenly said: "Do not go to mother-in-law, everyone go in together." He sighed: "We are so many Shinto here, no matter who is in the ghosts, they will be flat." Oh, then it’s gonna be.

As Minhang said, so many Shinto powers come together, unless this is the second one. The passage to the land of death, otherwise what else can stop them.

The reason why he hesitated first is because they are jealous. Now that the goals are the same, you can naturally let go.

The colorful light of the dragonfly appeared, forming a dazzling aperture to cover him, and then first fell into the clouds.

He Yiming and others are not willing to show weakness, each showing their magical powers. For a time, the streamer is splashing and it instantly flows into the dark clouds.

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