Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 223: Parting ways

On the island, everyone has big eyes and small eyes. Everyone’s eyes are flooded with a smile.

Most of them were no strangers to the voice, but they did not expect that, as a dragon, they would come here sneaking to eavesdrop on their conversation.

In contrast, they don’t think it’s strange how the dragons have come here but don’t let them. The equestrian smiled bitterly: "Okay, I am thinking about it."

After being ridiculed by the dragon, Ma Yiyi immediately gave up his own conjecture, which shows how much influence Shenlong has on their old Shinto powers.

Minhang shook his head, but also a helpless smile, said: "Since there is no channel to other worlds, it is impossible to change the time of life, so the light dark son must have died." When this sentence is said That ancient one, everyone is unanimously relieved.

Although they still can't figure out the origin of the mask man, they don't know why this person has a higher level of martial arts than Minhang.

But as long as the person is not the legendary true seed strong, then everyone will not lose the confidence of resistance.

Xiao Bao pig raised his head again, and there was a **** in his small eyes, which completely abandoned the initial weakness.

As long as it is not a true god, the little guy has the courage to fight. After all, there have been many battles with the false gods, and the pigs are no longer afraid of this enemy.

Of course, if you can beat the mask people, that is another matter. However, the little guy made up his mind, even if he walked his hands, he would have to pull a few more helpers. If he can make the dragons shoot, it would be better.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the field has eased, Liu Changju laughed and said: "The crowd, this time the contest has ended, everyone should not stay here, it is better to come to the island on the glass, Liu please everyone to drink a few cups how to ""

Zibo Rui exchanged a look with Minhang. He smiled dumbly and said: "Thank you for the good intentions of Liu Xiong, but he has been away from Dongtianfu for several months. He just wants to return soon, so please ask Liu Xiong forgive me. ""

Liu Changju’s face flashed a bit of disappointment. He turned his head and looked at Zizi and He Yiming.

Zizhen shook his head and said: "There are opportunities in the future. This time the battle is on the sidelines. It should be a sentiment. We have to go back and help them consolidate. Hehe..." He looked at Li and his wife with a smile. , said: "You must have something to gain from the door of the glazed island. It is better to wait for three years, then we will learn how to do it."

Liu Chang’s eyes flashed in the eyes and smiled: “The brothers loved him, and the younger brother couldn’t ask for it.” His eyes turned awkwardly on Li’s father and daughter and the gold battle. “That’s it, three years later, the old man took They went to the Temple of the Ghosts, and everyone was more than one." The two of them agreed with each other, but they excluded the two devils.

However, Minhang and others were not annoyed, because they all knew that after seeing the same enthusiasm of Qilian and the two devils, the two families had no confidence in the short term to let their disciples catch up with the two devils. In this case, he naturally does not ask for boring to challenge the two brothers.

Zoran, if everyone can advance to Shinto in the future, then the Golden Battle and Li Jiayi may still have challenges. After Liu Changju and the hand cone were finalized, he turned his attention to He Yiming.

He Yiming Shen did not speak, it seems that he was thinking about something, but did not hear Liu Changju’s words.

Zhaizilong was a quick cough and said: "Liu brother, we have been away from Hejiazhuang for several months. Although this time is not a lot of time, the change is not small. Some things should be forgiven. Brother, they don’t bother this time."

Liu Changju sighed and said: "Alright, this time the West was defeated, but I don't seem to be reconciled to seeing both Rioport and Luke. After you go back, you may wish to keep your eyes open."

In the capacity of his lord of the glazed island of southern Xinjiang, he should not have said this. However, his friendship with everyone here is extraordinary, so he has a point of concealment.

Zibo Rui slightly bowed to the crowd, and once again said goodbye, he and Minhang two people with the Qilian double demon brothers vacated, and instantly flew away from the stars island.

Bao Yanzhu nodded to He Yiming and Nian Zilong, saying: "Two, how are we going together?"

He Yiming is not only a disciple of the Tianchi in the northwest, but also a guest elder of the Lingbi Hall. Therefore, it is a matter of fact that he invites He Yiming to walk in the same place.

The eyelids turned a bit, and He Yiming seemed to wake up as if he was awake. His face had a smile of apology, saying: "Bao brother, He Mou still has some things to do, can not be combined with the public. He was in a row." He stunned and said: "If everything goes well, then three years later, He will go to the Lingbi Hall and meet again." Bao Yanzhu smiled and said: "Okay, then we Just waiting for the car in the Lingbi Hall.

He Yiming smiled and nodded. He took a step forward and took the hand of the Golden Battle. He said: "Golden brother, the younger brother is waiting to see you advance the Shinto, you have to work hard."

The heavy battle of the gold, he sighed: "You rest assured, I will not let you continue to be lonely in the realm of the gods."

Bao Yanzhu and Zizi looked at each other and smiled, and the heart was very comforting. The relationship between the strongest person in the future of Lingbi Hall and He Yiming is so harmonious, this is definitely a great thing.

Bao Yanzhu took the gold battle and shouted: "The people take care of themselves. Three years later, the old man waits for the bed." The voices have not fallen, and the three of them have turned into three little black spots, and Gradually disappeared.

He Yiming’s eyes glanced at somewhere intentionally or unintentionally, and then left for Ma Yi and others.

The number of Shinto strong people in this batch is undoubtedly the most, and the three people and two beasts are actually the realm of Shinto.

Looking at the direction in which they went, Liu Changju’s eyes could not help but also flashed a hint of envy. However, when his gaze fell on the body of the horse and the white-winged tiger, the heart was satisfied.

Nanli Liuli Island has been able to get such a strong support for no reason. It has already fallen from the world. If it is not content, I am afraid that it will really be angry. The original face was flashed with a trace of suspicious color, saying: "He Yiming, what he wants to do.

In the heart of Ma Wei, the mind has always been thinking about the origin of the mask man. In this time, the only strong man in the East is the pseudo-deity, so the strength of the mask man is better. The more I dare not take it lightly. At this time, listening to the original question, I could not help but whisper, said: "What do you say?"

The white-winged white tiger gently patted the huge wings and said: "He Yiming’s direction of departure is exactly where they left. He must have gone to find the way, but he did not know what happened. "Ma Wei; this is awkward, he is slightly addicted, said: "It should be something related to that person.

Liu Changju and others looked at each other and their hearts were infinite. Although He Yiming defeated A Devin, he inexplicably provoked such a powerful enemy.

Although Shenlong’s shot has already wounded this person, it is still endless. Therefore, He Yiming has some concerns and is very normal. "Let's go back.

Liu Changju said: "Jiang Feng and Ya Jing should have some feelings after seeing the Shinto duel. Hurry up and consolidate. Maybe there will be surprises and uncertainties.

Yuan Zhen and others naturally did not disagree. They flew directly from the sky to the glazed island with their father and daughter. In order to let Li and his daughters feel as soon as possible, they did not even ride in the sea.

However, when they came to the sky above the glazed island, Ma Wei I suddenly stopped, and his eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and looked at the past in a certain direction.

The Li family and the daughter naturally do not understand what happened, but the rest of the Shinto powers are in the same direction. Just now, there was a huge power of Shinto that swept past them.

Because of the shortness of time, Li and his daughter did not know anything. But this is nothing but the horse and other people in the realm of the Shinto. "What is he doing?" The double-winged white tiger hesitated: "There are some similarities between his ghosts and ghosts, but he is somewhat similar to his character." Ma confused and laughed, saying: "Tiger brother, if he is allowed to hear, less I have to remember to hate you." The double-winged white tiger does not care: "Let him hate it, anyway, this is not the first time."

Ma Wei; smiled and shook his head, said: "Sovereign, you go ahead, I will go to *..."

The original squatting forward, holding the hand of Ma Yi said: "I will accompany you."

Ma Wei; the two eyebrows raised, the heroic and dry cloud said: "Don't worry, he will come alone, there will be nothing."

I was hesitant about the original, although I still had some concerns in my heart, but I also knew that even if the man went out of the battle, he might not be able to win the horse, so she slowly let go of her hand and said: "Go back soon." "Ma Ying; casually waved his hand and shook his body, it was already flying fast in that direction."

At about the same time, "a figure emerged from the sea on that place, flying in a way that is not inferior."

The original 涓 涓 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉 眉It’s just that she always couldn’t understand. The man came here to take Ma’s I away. What is the plan?

Ma Wei; the figure of the body left a light mark in the void, so it ran away a thousand miles away from the other side. The man seemed to have looked at the surrounding environment and finally got a stature and stopped.

Ma Wei; the degree suddenly slowed down, when he came to the other side of the face, frowning: "Luke Speaker, you will lead Ma here, I do not know what to teach."

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