Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 232: Small brand

There was a strong hurricane blowing over the island, and the wind blew through the ears, with a fascinating shock.

Bao pig opened his mouth, although it has seen a lot of heaven and earth, but like this level of intensity, it is still rare.

"Yes, very powerful power." One hundred and eight slowly nod, as if it was not seen at all, this is actually a mistake of He Yiming: "You should be able to compare with the mask." Got high."

The muscles on He Yiming's face twitched twice. He wanted to tell the other party that the performance was an unexpected product. It is his power to try to integrate the three-line field and be forced to release it.

However, after seeing the seriousness of the face on the face of the hundred and eight, He Yiming suddenly lost his interest in defense.

However, he made up his mind in his mind, and once he gathered up the real five-line field, he would let him evaluate the power.

Bao pig squinted with a small eye and screamed abruptly: "This combat skill is very good, and it is stronger than the serial three in the 36th style of Kaishan.

He Yiming is slightly stunned and looks around.

At this time, the sky and the sea are still not broken, and the power of the heavens and the earth caused by the huge explosion just now has not been completely dissipated by the vast sea. His heart froze, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of ecstasy.

Although this attempt to consolidate the three-line field has not been successful, the unexpected gains are equally large. If this failed combination of the three-line field is used as a combat skill, it will be a headache if the false gods encounter it.

The white horse thundered and slammed, and the one-corner on the top of his head lit up. The sky was already high, and hovered in front of He Yiming.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the heart from the white horse, He Yiming After hesitating, I finally shook my head slowly. "I can't do it here." White horse thundered his head, and the beautiful big eyes sparkled with inexplicable brilliance.

He Yiming said with a wry smile, said: "My three-line bursting field is already very strong. If you add your scorpion, it will definitely cause more intense world-famous power. I am afraid that this nameless island may not be able to withstand it. ""

In the eyes of the white horse, this flashed a faint color, its head swayed, and the artifact floating in the air disappeared. These three years of hard work, for White Horse, there is no waste.

It has been able to initially control the amount of crazy lightning power from the sky, and has been in contact with the re-aggregated lightning mains, even the lightning field of the artifact can be released. For this achievement, He Yiming is not strange.

He Yiming, with the help of Shen Yao Xian Liquid, is constantly picking up all the origins of the world. The goal of White Horse is quite clear, and it is exposed to the source of lightning from beginning to end.

Under such conditions, if the white horse can not initially control this piece of artifacts, it is called a ghost.

Gently patted the white horse thunderbolt's neck, and after he calmed it, He Yiming took them back to Dongfu.

At this time, the atmosphere that was built when the Dongfu built in the foothills had been promoted by He Yiming was completely smashed into a residue. Fortunately, there are no treasures in it, so it is not enough to make He Yiming feel sad.

And for them at this time, it is not a laborious thing to want to build another cave.

He turned around in the mountains and picked an open cave. He Yiming released the sword of Aurora and soon built a suitable Dongfu.

However, He Yiming did not expand. Because this cave is relatively high in terrain, it is not in the foothills, so He Yiming is also afraid of any accidents that have collapsed.

Although the strength of their bodies is not likely to be lost because of the collapse of the cave, no one is willing to encounter such unfortunate things. After two hours, everyone settled down.

After this attempt of the five elements of the big handprint, He Yiming has understood that with his recent strength, it is not enough to condense into a large field of five elements.

I have to eat a bite of food. Anyway, he is still young and has a lot of time in the future. After the promotion of the pseudo-deity, the threat of the imminent mask man seems to be much smaller, and the mentality is naturally flattened. Inside the cave, he hesitated and took out a small sign.

This is the treasure that Bao pig found on the edge of the pool of the Crystal Palace. It describes the forging method of an unknown artifact, and the method of using the medicinal herbs to introduce the medicinal herbs.

Although He Yiming has a very strong interest in refining and making Dan, but in the past three years, all his energy has been used in the promotion of pseudo-deity, it is really innocent and distracted.

However, it is precisely because of the presence of the masked man, the sword of Damocles hanging high above the head, so that He Yiming left everything, advanced pseudo-deity. If this is not the case, let him slowly cultivate, then God knows how long it will take to progress smoothly. The so-called blessings and sorrows are nothing but nothing. At this point, since it has been advanced, He Yiming naturally wants to study well.

In the hands of this small brand that did not know what material was forged, He Yiming’s heart was quite emotional.

Since there is such a thing in the Crystal Palace, plus the pool that is obviously not naturally formed, it proves that this place has already been seen before the Five ancestors.

However, it is obvious that the people who used to be in the Crystal Palace and made the internal and external two rooms in a special way are already swaying and returning. Otherwise, this place will not fall into the hands of the five elements for thousands of years, but it is still unknown. It’s just that He Yiming’s uncertainty is whether those people are naturally annihilated or are killed by the hands of the five elements. Shaking his head and throwing this thought to Joe, He Yiming sank his mind into the small sign.

He let go of his mind and quietly realized everything recorded in the small sign. After a long time, He Yiming’s brow wrinkled slightly.

Although I have seen it before, I also know a general. However, after a careful reading, He Yiming was only present. If he wanted to forge the artifacts listed above, it was even more difficult than expected. The main subject of the artifact is naturally the medicinal medicinal liquid, but the number of accessories is quite plausible.

The most exaggerated of these is that it requires the space of the beast, the inner sac and the body of the beast to be forged.

Hands rubbed each other for a moment, in He Yiming's five elements of the world, there is the body of Shenlong Samud died. And the dragon itself has a space field, so 迳 is definitely the best material.

However, Samud’s Dragon Ball Nei Dan and the soul after death were taken away by Rio Potter, and these things were given as gifts to the Dragons, and finally Elbera inherited the Dragons’ inheritance and obtained Satsuma. Part of the ability before the birth of Germany.

At this moment, He Yiming’s heart is faintly regretted. If he was careful at the beginning, he would collect Longzhu Neidan and Samoud’s dragons, so today you don’t have to worry about this.

Thanks to the spiritual connection, Bao pig and white horse lightning can clearly sense He Yiming's thoughts at the moment. The little guy screamed at the mouth and said, "Let's go to the West and kill the dragon. The white horse thundered a sigh and agreed with the proposal of Bao pig.

He Yiming laughed dumbly and said: "Bao pig, don't talk nonsense." He shook his head and said: "Ellera is the guardian dragon of Adevin, you know it is now in the Dragon Valley, or in Western Temple?" Bao pig snorted. Road: "We can find it."

He Yiming shook his head in a bad mood and said: "Don't say if we can meet this guy in the West, even if it is met, do you think it will die with us." Looking at the white horse thunder On the body, He Yiming said: "If the old Samoth is not chasing us, and finally the three-legged three-style three-style style calms the space, do you think we can catch up with the beasts who are proficient in the space field? "White horse seriously considered it, and looked down in dismay."

In the straight-line distance, the white horse is like a thunder and lightning is definitely not inferior to anyone or a beast.

However, if you encounter a beast that is proficient in the field of space, then it can only escape at most, but it cannot be recovered at all. Because once the beast wants to escape, it is absolutely impossible to go along a straight line. As long as a few turns in the middle, it is enough for the white horse to drink a pot.

Xiao Bao pig slammed a few words and gave up this plan.

It is totally different to want to defeat a beast and kill a beast that wants to escape. The ability of Bao pig is even bigger, and it is powerless. Converging his mind, He Yiming refocused his thoughts on the small sign.

But this time he was not looking at the process of forging artifacts, but focusing on the image of the alchemy.

The image of this alchemy has only been introduced to introduce a method of alchemy, and even more so that He Yiming is surprised that this alchemy must be carried out within the scope of the field.

In other words, the alchemist must have the domain power of pseudo-deity, or he can control some kind of artifact. He Yiming’s heart could not help but move.

Although he does not understand what it would be like after the refining of such a medicinal herb, one thing he can be sure of.

After adding the **** medicine fairy liquid as a guide, and using such a powerful method of alchemy, the effect of this medicine is not as strong as the **** medicine fairy liquid, but it will never be worse.

He slowly calmed down and studied slowly, but for a moment, he had already recorded the entire process of alchemy. However, what made him feel helpless was that He Yiming could not know the other auxiliary drugs needed for alchemy, and the other auxiliary drugs were also some precious genius treasures. such as. All the auxiliary materials add up, which is even more precious than the former resident Yan Dan.

However, no matter what kind of genius treasure, it is absolutely impossible to compare with the liquid of the **** medicine.

After a long delay, He Yiming has already decided. Standing up, he stretched out a big waist, and said: "Hundred brothers, we have been away from the mainland for a long time, then go back. One hundred and eight eyes brightened, then did not hesitate to click Head. From beginning to end, he did not ask a sentence. Since he plans to go back, then why bother to work and dig a hole.

He Yiming Bai, from the Bao pig, and Bai Yao with a white horse lightning, the spirit of the wind toward the eastern continent.

At this time, in his heart, there is a strong self-confidence that has never been seen before.

This is the confidence and confidence of the false gods.

He silently recited in his heart;

Mask man, me, come...

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