Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 244: storm

The huge team was like a wave of undulating waves, and quickly rushed toward the ice gate. The whole world is filled with the roar of countless sea monsters. They seem to know that the battle is about to start, so they gradually become crazy.

The three-headed beasts in the sky are getting faster and faster, and they have passed the entire sea monster group and took the lead to come outside the mountain gate of the ice palace. As He Yiming expected, Bingxiaotian is quite worried about the movements of the sea monsters.

The white whale began to bark and the s1 that drove the monsters to move forward, he had got the exact message from his men. However, at this time his heart was a lot more than a few days ago.

Whether it is Yuan Lixun with artifacts or the old Shinto scorpion dragon, it is a real reinforcement. Even if it is against the three horrible beasts, it may not be defeated.

At this time, after getting the advance of the sea beasts, the three Shinto strong people met and immediately opened the mountain gate and greeted them.

They are all powerful Shinto, and even if the other party's power is strong, they can't be directly trapped inside the mountain gate.

Although everyone knows that there is the power of water in the cover of the mountain gate, as long as it can not hide here and directly move the power of the water of the colorful palace, then the other three beasts and a large number of sea monsters are basically for ice. The palace is helpless.

But if they do this, they will become a laughing stock in Shinto from now on, and it will be difficult to raise their heads in front of the same way.

The three humanistic Shinto strongmen have just left the mountain gate, and suddenly feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred Jiuzhongtian is the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts, Kunming, the night of the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment The Zhou royal family has come to the front of the huge boundless three powerful power.

This is the breath of the three beasts. They unleashed their own momentum this time, and they actually oppressed them in the direction of the three of them.

Bing Futian roared, the other party's watch reality is deceiving too much, it seems that they are not facing the ice palace that has been passed down for thousands of years, not three gods of the same order, but a group of hands can It is like an ant ant that is crushed into odd powder. The power of his body surged and suddenly exploded.

The Northern Palace Ice Palace is a rare genius who has been a rare genius since the Northern Dynasties. It has been able to advance to the peak of humanity with its own cultivation in the era of the decline of the Shinto.

Once you enter the land of death and get a lot of power from the heavens and the earth, it is just like the advanced Shinto.

His personality is equally proud and full of self-confidence, facing the naked contempt of the beast, the horror of his fear and anger is released.

Yuan Lixun's body lit up a white light, this light was spinning on her body, and under the sun's rays, there were seven different colors reflected in the faint.

This is the power of the artifact ice mirror, in the feeling of the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big, the royal family, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens Forcibly abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After the three powerful spirits of the beast, it turned out to be the power of protection.

Only the scorpion dragon face looked at the front with a smile, his face was light and windy, and in the face of the raging power, he did not care.

The more so, the more I let the ice laugh and Yuan Lixuan admire, although these old Shinto strong people do not have advanced pseudo-deity, but the personal recuperation and the profoundness of the foundation are not what they can meet in a short time. . "I smiled at the ice, you lost the appointment." The voice of the rumble came from the front.

Before every huge beast had left the sea beast and came to the ice palace, the fierce roar of the seal spread throughout the hundred miles.

Xiaoxiaotian said with a cold voice: "The old man has already sent people to the northwest to inform He Yiming and Longma, but they have not returned to the northwest, so they can't come." After a pause, he smiled and said: "If If you don't believe it, you can take your nobles to the northwest and know that the old man is not saying anything." The seal screamed angrily and said, "Let us go to the northwest? Nonsense."

There are so many North Sea monsters below that are some creatures that can survive on land. If you want to go to the northwest, then at least 70% will die on the way. Unacceptable, lack of food and drink, will be the biggest killer of their long journey.

And more importantly, although the three beasts can not go to the northwest regardless of the terrain, when they really appear inland, they will definitely attract the siege of the human gods who are like wolves. The sea gods in the open sea or the North Sea enter the inland, which is simply a dead end. Therefore, the proposal of Bingxiaotian is simply fart...

Bing Futian smiled dumbly and said: "I have a suggestion. If you really don't want to go inland, then you may wish to wait here. Bing must urge the door to find He Yiming and Longma as much as possible. Please come here. With a few people understand the grudges."

What he said in his mouth was faint, but idiots knew that it was impossible to really let so many North Sea monsters stay for a long time. As long as the ice laughs can drag for a month or two, the crisis will be lifted automatically.

In the middle of the white giant whale came a long sigh like a human, said: "It seems that you have not resolved the sincerity." Bing Futian shook his head again and again, said: "He Yiming and Longma go out to travel the world, the old man is not

How can God know his whereabouts? The armored back dragon roared: "The human words really can't believe, He Yiming hasn't returned to the mainland yet." Bing Futian condensed his voice: "The old man really doesn't know."

After Xu Dongshan came to Hejiazhuang, he did not see He Yiming, and even Bao pig and white horse thunder have never seen it. However, Yan Zilong and Yuan Lixun naturally could not publicize He Yiming’s refining of Ling Dan, so Bing Xiaotian really did not know the whereabouts of He Yiming.

The whale's huge body shook and said: "If that's the case, then... let's talk by force."

The seal and other words have been waiting for too long. It screamed and opened its mouth. Suddenly, a huge white electric awn was sprayed from its mouth, which turned out to be the three humans in front of it. .

Yuan Lixun snorted and made a wave of bracelets, and in front of them suddenly added a layer of white mist. Although these mists are made up of water, it is amazing that the huge power of lightning is impossible to penetrate. In an instant, countless water mists and thunder and lightning are in the air and are beautiful.

The scorpion dragon's eyebrows gently swayed and smiled: "No wonder you want to seek the thunder and lightning of the dragon horse. It turns out that this guy is also a rare lightning physique."

It is far more difficult for the beast to advance, but if it can swallow the same level and the same nature of the beast, then there is an incredible advantage for its own cultivation.

In the past, the white horse thunder and lightning was swallowed by the inner sea of ​​the Nanhai electric king. Only then did a supernatural power surge suddenly and reached the peak of humanity.

Nowadays, this seal is undoubtedly holding such a plan. Otherwise, it is impossible to promise a grand feast because of a promise of a white horse. The armored dragon was also screaming, and it turned out that the whole child had rushed over.

In the name of armor, it is indeed a rare degree in the world, even if it is more than the real dragon, it is not inferior. Especially on its back, the dozens of bright bones like spears, but also the suffocating murderous, if this thing touched, even if it is the Shinto in humanity It may not be able to eat.

Bing Futian's face was quite dignified. His hands waved gently, and his hand flashed a strange strange ripple. This road ripples is like an invisible rope, and the iron armor is entangled in an instant. Both sides are Shinto strong, and this move starts, and suddenly it is turned upside down and thunder roars.

Fortunately, they are all exerting power in the sky. If it is on the ground, the damage caused will be even more unimaginable.

Although the two sides did not talk to each other, they were deeply involved. They avoided the central position far and gave it to the dragon and the white whale.

The scorpion dragon looked at the huge white whale in front of him. He carried his hands and said: "If you have any skills, just show it."

The white whale shook like a hill-like body, and instantly, with it as the center, suddenly opened a white pimple. The face of the scorpion dragon changed slightly, and the smear in his eyelids finally had a undulation.

Among the powers released by the other party, he was actually allowed to sense a field power. Although this force is extremely bleak, it is enough to make the scorpion dragon shocked. The power of the collar-domain, which can only be possessed by a strong pseudo-virgin.

Just a few years after the restoration of the power of the earth, this whale has already touched the edge of the field, which is such a shocking thing.

At this moment, the scorpion dragon thought of He Yiming, and his heart secretly said that this giant whale is the He Yiming in the beast.

This is because he does not know the origins of the beluga. If he knows that this beluga is from the island of God and has lived there for thousands of years, then he may not be strange again.

However, He is also a battle, after a glimpse of his heart, suddenly it is a rock-solid. When the void is caught, a strange-shaped soldier has appeared in his hand.

Between the gentle waving, the power of the heavens and the earth is condensed in front of him like the most obedient child. It was only for a moment that an indestructible wall was built in front of it.

He sighed softly, and the huge gas wall pushed toward the front with overlapping stacks. He turned out to be forced to fight with the beasts by virtue of the cultivation of humanity's most illusory virtual reality. The huge sound burst in the air, and the power of the heavens and the earth released by both sides was very powerful, and no one even made a profit.

In the long laughter of the scorpion dragon, he once again deceived himself and swayed the dexterity of the human Shinto to the extreme. It’s just that the white whale skin is thick and thick, and it’s very defensive for its own eyes and other important points. The two sides are entangled together, and it’s hard to win or lose.

However, they did not see it. Just between the power of the heavens and the earth, several figures of almost nothingness have come to the high slopes in the distance. On a strange screen, Kui is there.

Searching for the influence of two people in the constantly approaching sea beast army.

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