Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 248: Bone sword

Between heaven and earth, suddenly it is a blood red color.

The grievances caused by fratricidalism seem to have become a tangible existence at this moment. In the air, a hurricane of blood and rain was blown up, and countless imaginary sharp blades were swept down.


The continuous blasting sound suddenly sounded, and the number of squares outside the ice palace was suddenly filled with blood and soaked.

The innumerable monsters have smashed and died at this moment. Only a handful of those who survived are lying in a pool of blood.

In this case, there are basically beasts living on the ice of the North Sea. Of course, there are more beasts from countless islands living in the ice sea, and there are also some ordinary spirit beasts and congenital beasts.

Although there is no holy beast inside, but the s1 caused by so many beasts and beasts is already unimaginable.

In the moment between this area, the smoldering atmosphere here has reached the extreme, and because of the condensation and blessing of certain forces, the huge haze power is even out of the world. Underneath.

He Yiming looked at this scene with a stunned look. Although he had long known that the three beasts must have a backhand, he could not have imagined that this last blow would be so **** and horrible.

The huge blood light did not spread around, but gradually formed a huge hexagonal star-like pattern under the drive of some incredible power. Infinite blood rushes from the sky, gradually condensing in the six corners of this hexagonal star, "find one by one, one, one, one, one hundred and eighty, calm and no undulating sound is introduced into He Yiming's ear. in.

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse and turned his head. In the back of the hundred and eight, two small white bears were standing on a corner of the hexagonal star.

In the hands of two white bears, each holding a hexagonal diamond-shaped Shinto treasure. Yingying Baoguang illuminates from the treasure and slowly injects into the ground.

If you don't know the inside, you can't see the mystery, but He Yiming understands it immediately after he sinks.

No wonder they can't fight the two pseudo-deity strong in the monster group, they turned out to be wearing a bear skin. If at this time they were trying to manipulate the **** river of this hexagonal star, He Yiming, they were afraid that they would still not think that the two ordinary white bears mixed in the monster group were the two Western Shinto strong.

At the same time, He Yiming is also suddenly realized that the real control of this frightening **** hexagonal array is not the huge white whale in the sky, but the two false gods hidden underneath. This result is afraid that no one can think of it.

He Yiming carefully looked at the movements of Rioport and Luke, sensing their manipulation of this hexagonal starburst. Hidden, his eyes gradually brightened.

This is the power of darkness, but it is also the power of the combination of light and darkness. This is the power of the soul.

At this moment, He Yiming’s body was somewhat shivering because of excessive excitement.

The combination of soul and power can have such a perfect performance, and it has such an incredible magical power. Between the two, He Yiming thought of himself, and the various forces in his body, Dan Tian, ​​seemed to be starting to move. He faintly felt that he seemed to have touched something.

At this time, in his heart, there is a voice crying desperately.

It is an inspiration, a feeling of fleeting moments. He has such a profound feeling, if he can understand what he is, then there will be tremendous benefits for his future practice.

Hidden, he understood a bit, and his face showed a glimpse of a looming smile. But in that smile, it still contains more incomprehensible and doubts.

This thing is very mysterious, he has encountered a little skin at most, and it is still far from the real core. But even so, for him, it also benefits a lot.

Bao pig and Baibei lightning face each other, they can all feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the arrogance, the world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty By the time, He Yiming suddenly entered the state of a once-in-a-lifetime epiphany. This is a mysterious realm of mysterious and mysterious.

Moreover, this realm is not in contact with the beasts of their two virtual gods. Therefore, although their hearts are connected, they are only a few faint feelings, far from the excitement and shock of He Yiming at this time.

However, they are not anxious because they have the companionship with He Yiming. As long as their strengths are raised to pseudo-deity in the future, and there are! When you feel this realm, you can enjoy this magical process of understanding at any time. This is the greatest benefit of companionship. If either party has income, the other party will be able to receive it at any time.

However, the only thing that hesitates is that He Yiming in this state, how can he complete the "assassination" cause? Let the people of the epiphany go to assassinate the Shinto strong? That is to find yourself dead... And if they are two shots? Bao pig and white horse

The electricity looked at each other and shook his head in unison. If it is because of their emotional fluctuations that affect He Yiming in the epiphany, it is a thing that is not worth the candle. The two of them stared at the front, thinking at the same time, the two guys were really lucky.

However, they have not thought about it. If He Yiming does not take the shot, then how can the strength of their two umbrellas accomplish the great achievements of the "assassination" of the false gods.


In the sky, your hexagonal star has already gathered enough powerful blood and resentment power.

The whole world is filled with a kind of sulky and drizzle, but the rain that falls from this silk is as bright as red. There is no end to the blood, and the bones are dry...

The bodies of countless monsters are controlled by powerful forces, and the fleshy hairs on their bodies are dissipated with a degree of visible to the naked eye. The red blood rain seems to have some kind of erosive power, turning everything except the bone into a red blood sea.

Later, the white scorpions' corpses vacated from the sea of ​​blood, and they also merged over the six corners of the six-pointed starburst, and formed six huge, shiny, shiny bone swords.

Without aluminum, the huge bone sword floating in the void, giving people the feeling of boundless fear, has become as hard and strong as metal under the blessing of blood rain.

The whale's huge eyes stare at the bottom, although it is also manipulating the power of light and darkness. But because of the natural physique, it has at best mastered a little fur. The ones that really control it all underneath are the two humans with bear skins.

Until this moment, the beluga whales understand why the owner values ​​the two people so much. That's not because they are human beings like their owners, but because they do have the power to match them. The combination of light and darkness of the hexagonal star to carry out the blood sacrifice, this is the most powerful.

Its vitality is far more powerful than the simple dark blood sacrifice. And this is also the greatest confidence they have to break the guardianship of the water. A loud, whistling scream screamed out of the beluga's mouth.

Even though it doesn't even understand what it's pretending to do, the two human powers below have made the decision to attack at the same time.

Six giant bone swords that seemed to be able to open up the sky were cut off at the same time to the colorful rays that enveloped the gates of the Ice Palace.

At that time, the colorful rays of the sun burst inexhaustible, and the power of one after another was released from the endless source of the colorful palace. As if it was silent, under the eyes of the public, the bone sword and the Xiaguang finally came into contact. A scene of surprise and fear is revealed in front of everyone.

After the bone sword was in contact with Xiaguang, not only was it not turned into a mist of water by the colorful Xiaguang, but it gradually spread its blood red color to the past.

Just a moment, everyone is now, the colorful Xiaguang of Taobao Mall Women’s Winter Jacket has already cast a red shadow.

This red color is completely different from the red glow in the colorful. It is a kind of extremely sinister power. It is like a greedy behemoth, constantly consuming the surrounding rays and having the tendency to assimilate all the colorful rays. .

The **** sea is boundless, and the dark blood sacrifice formed by the bones of the dead is the most powerful way to break the power of God. In particular, the grievances that contain enormous infinite power, and the power of heaven and earth have an unimaginable ability to restrain and erode.

At this moment, all the children of the Ice Palace have changed their faces, and their faces are bleak and full of despair.

They all know that the colorful Xiaguang is their last guarantee. If the guardian of the water can not protect their safety, how many people can survive in this **** sea of ​​horror. I am afraid that except for those who are powerful, even the five sages have only one dead end.

The desperate heart spreads The blood in the air seems to be more and more embarrassing, and the whole ice palace seems to have gone. The strong-minded people are still armed weapons, but their hearts are full of helplessness.

In the face of such incredible magical powers, they have an empty force, but there is no room for any kind.

If they are those monsters, they can fight and die, but it is obvious that under this blood, they have lost the ability to fight. And those who are not determined, are already sitting on the ground, their bodies are shaking.

No one will blame them for this.

Because what they face is not an opponent that can be countered by manpower. In the face of such a situation, anyone will feel disheartened and feel endless darkness and despair.

However, at this moment, a loud bird sounded, and a crisp voice was introduced into the hearts of the people, causing their bodies to tremble again.

Then, they saw a piece of light, the huge brilliance that filled the piece... To be continued, if you want to do something in the afternoon, please visit the chapter more, support the author, support genuine reading!

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