Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 253: Just in line with me

Slowly raised his thumb, He Yiming said: "Brother is good eyesight."

Both Xiao Xiaotian and Yuan Lixun are fretting in their hearts. It turns out that He Yiming is really because of other hidden feelings, so he will make this seemingly unbelievable thing, and the powerful dragon horse is also so tacit. It is even more surprising.

You must know that the arrogance of Longma is even better than a real human being.

Scorpion dragon smiled and said: "Brother, I can see through it. It is because I have been with you for a long time. I know you well. If you change someone, hehe... I dare say, even Liu Mu Na Older people here can't see the flaws."

He Yiming just let go of his heart. If his intentions let Rioport and Luke see through it, then it is to lift a rock and lick his own feet.

After a sigh of relief, facing the opposite three pairs of eyes full of light, He Yiming said: "Everyone, I went out at home, I got the news immediately after coming. But on the way, I found a kind of definitely should not be in The creatures that appear here."

The eyes of Zhai Zilong and others are all slightly changed. They know that He Yiming’s so careful statement is definitely not to be pointed out.

The face of Ice Laughing was particularly gloomy. He said coldly: "He brother, what creature is that."

Just listen to his tone and know that he has absolutely no goodwill for that kind of creature.

"Western Dragons." He Yiming sighed.

In the eyes of Ice Laughing, there was a faint suspicion in the eyes, saying: "They came to the Ice Palace."

The scorpion dragon is a thick brow wrinkled, saying: "It is the old man's negligence." He paused and said: "On the way to the road, the old man's heart is alert, but Xu Dongshan said what the situation is critical. And the whole The northern Xinjiang was filled with a thick war, so the old man did not stop to investigate. Now I want to come, the feeling is not a sea monster, but a hidden Western dragon."

He Yiming smiled and said: "When He Mou came, he just saw the **** sea, and he also found two acquaintances."

The face of Ice Laughing has changed slightly, saying: "Dragons and beasts?"

He Yiming’s mischief with the Western Dragons is not a secret to their characters at this level, so the ice genius can be said at once.

Shaking his head slightly, He Yiming's face was dignified and he said two names that made everyone here tremble.

"Leoport, Luke."

Although Xiaoxiaotian is the lord of the Ice Palace, he has reached the realm of Shinto in one repair, but after hearing the names of these two people, his face can't help but change completely.

The scorpion dragon hates the desktop, but fortunately his control of power is already wonderful, otherwise the palm will go down, fearing that the entire table will be completely defeated.

"No wonder... The old man is saying that the beluga whale is even smarter and more powerful. It has only been a few years since it was promoted to Shinto. In just a few years, it has the ability to control the **** battle. It’s too unbelievable. Hehe...” He smiled bitterly: “It’s the two of them who made a ghost, the combination of light and darkness, and this level of blood sacrifice, no wonder you can suppress the artifact ice mirror and water. The power of the guardian."

The face of Ice Laughing Day became quite ugly, and his fists were tightly held together, and his heart was murderous.

If you don't know that you can't win the two false gods, he is afraid that he has already rushed to the West to seek justice.

Yan Zilong and Yuan Lixun looked at each other and they also understood why He Yiming had to avoid it.

Since the two pseudo-virgin strongmen are here, plus the hidden Western Dragons and the three-headed beasts on the bright side.

Whether it is to change to anyone, I am afraid that I will make a choice like He Yiming.

Yuan Lixun whispered: "Yimong, since you know that they are ambushing here, why should they promise to fight with their outer seas after ten days?"

The face of Scorpion Dragon and Bingxiaotian is also dignified.

Before knowing the true strength of the other party, everyone is not worried about the safety of He Yiming.

After all, the performance of him and Longma has already made everyone understand how powerful this combination is, even if there are any intrigues and tricks for the three-headed beasts, they will never be hurt.

But at this time it is not the same, three-headed beast, two pseudo-deity strong, plus the Western Dragons who are unknown.

Not to mention He Yiming, I am afraid that even the first strong person recognized by human beings will not dare to be as big as He Yiming.

"He brother, after ten days, the old man will accompany you to the North Sea." Ice laughed at the land and his tone was firm.

The scorpion dragon laughed and said: "Nature is a brother."

Although Yuan Lixun did not speak, the look in her eyes has already expressed her heart.

He Yiming’s heart was quite excited. He waved his hand and said: “You, I know that you are thinking for me, but Hemou has calculated it. If you are shooting, it will be against me.”

Yuan Lixun's three Shinto faces are opposite each other. They can naturally see that He Yiming is not a vain shouting, but how can they compete with so many powerful gods?

He Yiming spread his hands and smiled: "We have been together for several years, and He Mou had let you down?"

The face of the three dragons gradually eased, and they looked at each other with a smile. He Yiming’s performance was indeed inscrutable, and it was more and more powerful.

Even Yuan Lixun, who is most concerned about him, has a lot of confidence. Even if he knows that He Yiming is about to face several Shinto powers, she seems to be no longer worried.

This is the effect of He Yiming's subtle influences for several years. In the hearts of these people, He Yiming is not only a freak on martial arts cultivation, but even some omnipotent.

"Ice brother, the younger brother wants to find a quiet place to retreat for a few days." He Yiming smiled slightly and said: "There are not many on the 10th, but it cannot be wasted."

For this request, Bingxiaotian naturally could not have any rejection. He immediately found the most quiet and elegant place in the mountain gate, and ordered the children in the door not to step closer.

He Yiming knows that the scorpion dragon is thinking about medicinal herbs, but without personal supervision, he does not dare to give people easily, and at this time is not a good time to take medicine.

Yan Zilong understood his mind and, together with Yuan Lixun, protected the law outside his cultivation.

Although the three Shinto powers are doubtful in their hearts, He Yiming can understand what is going on between the 10th, but in their minds, He Yiming has already enveloped a layer of mysterious gauze. I can't see it.

The place where Ice Laughing is prepared is a small canyon in the mountain gate.

Among them are a few chic Yaju, which is clearly a good place for some high-ranking elders to practice seclusion. Now they let He Yiming give up.

Entering a well-prepared practice room, He Yiming sat quietly for a moment, smiled and opened his eyes.

The space in front of his eyes suddenly fluctuated inexplicably, only a moment, between the hundred and eight and the pigs have appeared in front of him.

The white horse thunder and lightning around He Yiming snorted, revealing the joy and intimacy that could not be said.

Bao pig suddenly jumped to the top of the white horse thunder, and the two beasts played in their own unique ways.

He nodded slightly to the hundred and eight, He Yiming said: "Fortunately, a hundred brothers."

If there is no such singular stealth technique, Bao pig will not be able to win a lot of Shinto powers.

If you let the dragons see them, then there is nothing. But if the Western powerhouse and the three-headed beast are seen, then all his next plans will be lost.

Hundreds and eight raised his hand, and some familiar voices were suddenly uploaded from its hands.

"He Yiming would have agreed so easily... It’s really unexpected."

The eyes squinted a little, and even the two beasts of the beasts stopped and listened quietly. Because they can easily distinguish, this is the voice of Rioport.

"What can't be thought of, you didn't see that it was the meaning of Longma. I have already said that human beings are all scheming, and only our beasts like to go straight." The sound of the armored dragon sounded.

"Don't make a noise." The white whale slowly said: "Longma is the most powerful thundermaster in the world. It has a very proud heart, so I don't think this is He Yiming's plot."

The seal's voice then rang: "I don't care what conspiracy, in short, the inner dragon of Longma is mine."

Rio Potter sighed and said: "I just want to remind everyone, He Yiming's performance today everyone saw it. I am alone, I am afraid that no one can say that they can win them."

All the sounds suddenly stopped at this moment, and even the horrible beluga had no sound.

"The two of us are only suggesting that after ten days, everyone will go all out and plan a little bit more." Luke said with awkward Well, what do you say? "The beluga and other beasts seem to have compromised."

"We just need to do this..." Rioport's voice rang again: "If there is no accident, they will definitely be separated, so each break will be a success."

After a long time, there were a few words that said in unison: "Good!"

One hundred and eight slowly put down his hand, and the sound suddenly disappeared.

He Yiming smiled. When he attacked the beluga whale, he had already attached the tracker to the body of the beluga.

For the white-skinned whales, it is unequivocally thought that there is such a magical thing in their own body that they never imagined.

Naturally, all of their conversations were recorded in a hundred and eight, and a complete retelling was given to He Yiming.

"It’s a good calculation, oh..." He Yiming’s eyes flashed, and he said coldly: “Every break, it’s what I want...”

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