Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 257: 5 strong

"Leoport, Dragon King Delight, Holy Red Dragon Elbr..." One after another of the horror, the name of the person who represents the supreme Shinto status in the West slowly utters from the mouth of He Yiming, every time he speaks A person's name, his face seems to be more ugly.

At this time, after the appearance of the three Shinto strongmen, they immediately formed a secluded encircled net, and the beluga whales and seals sealed He Yiming all the escape routes.

No matter who it is, when he faces five sacred powers at the same time, and there is also a pseudo-deity, he will feel scared and hard to keep locked. "He Yiming, I admit that you are a genius." Rioport's voice is full of awkward feelings: "But it is a pity that you are not our Westerners."

"He is not an ordinary person." Dragon King DeLaite spit out a horrible dragon's breath, and burned a huge circular hole in the ice: "Where are you, we will not care, but you Even dare to kill the dragons proud of Samad, and dare to threaten our dragons, then they must die." He Yiming doubled and picked, said: "I want to kill me, is it so easy?" The voice has not fallen, his The feet are slightly hard, and they are already flying like a sky.

In his body, he has been trapped by five Shinto powers. No matter which direction he hits, the final result is generally the same, and will certainly be blocked by mercy. So he took the initiative and immediately flew into the sky. However, just as his figure just flashed, Rio Potter and others shot at the same time.

For a moment, the breath of the beast, the light power of Rioport was released at this moment, and the powerful atmosphere suddenly filled every inch of space in this area, completely blocking the road of his ascent.

The combination of the five Shintos is such a powerful force. Although He Yiming is also a strong Shinto, and is still a higher-order pseudo-deity than many beasts, but it can not resist the power of the stock market.

His body shape, has been hard to stop in the air, just right to escape the endless power bombardment. At the same time, the breath on his body suddenly converges completely, and the whole person looks like a light smoke, without any life. "He wants to run away, be careful..." The seals of the seals suddenly became high.

Many powerful people are dissatisfied with a glance at it, and He Yiming wants to escape is a matter of course. If in this case, he is not running, but choosing to fight against everyone, then it is really crazy.

However, although these Shinto powers are the first large-scale cooperation, but with their strength, it is still here to lay an unbreakable network.

Numerous ways represent the radiance of death toward the center of He Yiming, each ray is full of strong fierce violence, they are like a myriad of sticky cobwebs, as long as it is slightly When you touch it, it will be completely stuck by it.

He Yiming is hiding in the middle of these rays in the Middle East. No matter how he performs, he refuses to fight with any light.

At the same time, his wrist turned over, the five-ring ring in the world has already appeared in his hand, gently waving, and a colorful light on his body. However, this light does not mean any attack on the other party, just to protect his body.

Although He Yiming's five-line reincarnation flower has the power of ghosts and unpredictable, when the power of the enemy has reached a horrible and irresistible, he will never be in opposition. For a time, the aurora within the entire area is flashing, dazzling, and beautiful. Taobao Mall Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m. However, the more I feel in the hearts of Rioport and others, the more thrilling.

If He Yiming uses the five-line ring to fight hard with everyone, and use the five-line reincarnation technique to fight in the crowd, they will never be surprised.

After all, the name of the flower of the five elements of the reincarnation is too big, and there is a case of limp, so Rioport has already prepared for it. However, the scene at this time is a uneasiness in the heart of the old pope of the temple.

He Yiming, who is surrounded by many Shinto powers, so far, has relied on the mysterious magical way to avoid the invasion of many gods, even if it is inevitable He also used the five elements of his body to touch the ground and touched it. From beginning to end, there has never been a real confrontation with any of the Shinto powers. It is because of this incredible performance that all the Shinto powers are unbelievable.

Even the beast knows that He Yiming definitely uses the way of God, so he can see through the attacks in advance and make the most effective defense.

However, under the siege of the five Shinto powers, it is still so clear that this person’s sacred way is actually horrible to this state... Rio Potter’s face is more and more gloomy, he I feel faint, I can't drag it anymore.

Since the battle between them has already been born, then the white horse thunder and lightning must have known through the telepathy. If it is really dragged by He Yiming for a few hours to let the horrible, unparalleled guy return, then all their painstaking planning will be lost. "People, I want to use the bright field, please be careful." As Rioport's words just fell, a huge light suddenly released from him.

The power of light is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Although it does not have a different and varied means when dealing with the enemy, it is enough for any opponent to rely on the ability to purify everything in the world. Frightened for it.

But at the same time, when it treats its personality, it also has a magical and unimaginable power.

Although the four great beasts such as the white whale are secretly shocked in c, they have not changed anything. They are still constantly besieging He Yiming who is as slippery as mud.

The power of light has spread in an instant, and it has covered the whole battlefield. However, this bright force is obviously different for everyone in the park.

The four beasts, such as the white whale, are under the cover of the light power, but they have no discomfort. Instead, they feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou royals. Night Kill God God Seal Thrones Demon Evil World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Little Zhou Emperor Wushu Qiankun Night Kill God God Seal Throne Provoking World Exceptional Heavens The demon world is the strongest abandonment of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The royal family has been baptized with powerful light power, so that they are full of spirits, as if swallowing a powerful pill, from the inside of the body, a huge, indescribable force.

Their spirits are high, and they are red-faced. The divine power that was originally reserved is already full of fun, and it is squandered endlessly.

For a moment, the photosensitivity of the various roads in the surrounding map suddenly increased, let the He Yiming in the park feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty Will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seek the devil, respect the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, abandon the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne Seeking the devil, the world’s most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty, the more powerful pressure. However, what really makes him feel unbearable is the sudden bright power.

Although this power is not as violent as the hot field, it is not as mysterious and measurable as the space field. However, this power is huge, ambitious, great... Under the impact of this power, anyone will feel endlessly small.

This is not just an attack. When you are in this field, even the spirit will be fluctuated by a strong impact.

Rioport's eyes are twinkling, and if the power of light and darkness is cultivated to the extreme, then it can influence and even shake the human soul. This is the real power of light and darkness.

The corner of his mouth overflowed with a faint smile, and it was difficult for anyone to remain absolutely calm when he was hit by the soul. At this moment, as long as He Yiming has a slight hesitation and stagnation, his method of calculation will be completely broken, and he will be forced to make the toughest confrontation with everyone. He waited quietly, waiting for He Yiming's figure to suddenly stop.

However, after just counting the numbers, the kind of smile on the face of Rio Porter has disappeared, but it is full of a shocking and incredible look.

He Yiming’s face showed a sense of gratification and joy. Later, his body was not affected by any influence, but the more agile. It seems that there is still a little bit of difficulty in dealing with it, and it has a feeling of being poor.

But at the moment, it seems to be a step higher. Both the degree of response and the degree of mobility have been significantly improved. Under the doubling of the invasion of the gods, it becomes more and more relaxed.

Rio Potter’s eyes were getting more and more round, and he couldn’t believe what he saw with his own eyes. Is the influence of the light power on the soul unable to play a role in He Yiming?

"What kind of ghost do you guys do?" An angry snarl blew out from the seal of the seal: "The network is purifying him, or helping him, how he is getting more and more brave."

Rio Porter opened his mouth and his old face was red, but it was impossible to explain. Because even he himself can't believe it, but let him know how to win the trust. The color of the anger in the eyelids flashed, and a strange syllable from the mouth of Rioport came to the extreme. "The light is on, the purification... The light power at the center of the garden suddenly becomes violent. The sun is on the eleven eleven

At this moment, the light power released the teeth - the power of the solar wind.

The power of light can not only affect the soul of the creature If the power of light is accumulated to the extreme, it is the power of purification.

At the beginning of the face of the Shinto strong, Rio Potter did not release this extreme power, but at this moment, he already has a strong impulse to desperate.

In an instant, a solar storm invaded and the whole body rolled over He Yiming’s body. Let his body begin to slow down and sway constantly. In the same way, under the impact of this force, even the light of the rest of the Shinto powers has been greatly affected.

However, many Shintos are full of joy, they intensify the power of the attack, and want to use this to kill the heart of the garden.

However, at this time, a quaint, full of mysterious light flashed through the garden.

In He Yiming's body, a huge turtle shell has shown him, even under the extreme light of the solar wind, but still does not move.

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