Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 260: Waiting slowly...

In the sky, three meteor-like lights swept past and then fell straight. This is the three artifacts that escaped from the North Sea. They escaped from the containment of the six great Shinto powers and flew into the distance.

However, they did not distract from the rest of the world as the precautions of Rioport and others, but they always walked side by side without any signs of separation.

If Rioport and others can track it and see this scene, then there will be doubts. But in their hearts, they have determined that since this artifact has been out of their control, then they will never want to catch up, so they will give up and catch up.

Nowadays, after the three artifacts came to the depths of the North Sea, they suddenly paused in the air, so they rushed toward a certain person on the ice like a meteor. The man stretched out a hand and gently swung it in the sky. The three pieces of Shen Ying ■ were like the most obedient children, turning around his body and then falling into it.

When the person looked up at the 31, the exposed face was just a blast in the North Sea and He Yiming.

At this time, he had a small tracker in his hand, and the voice of Rioport and others was constantly coming from inside. There was a strange smile on his face. After hearing the decision of Rio Potter and others, he smiled more and more happy. "You have to wait, then wait slowly."

Bao pig jumped up from behind him and jumped over his shoulder. Xiao Jiafu’s face showed a very funny smile. “I don’t know when they waited for a day, but they couldn’t wait for the lightning. What kind of expression would you have?"

He Yiming’s eyes flashed in the eyes, saying: “If you can’t wait, they will naturally disperse. At that time, it’s our turn to wait.” Bao pig’s small eyes slid and said: “ There will be nothing in the hundred and eight." He Yiming did not have a good voice: "The body said."

Bao pig snorted, of course, knowing that 100% of the undead body, 100% is impossible to be truly hurt. Although it seems quite horrible to blew himself, it is not the first time to do this kind of thing. Since you have your first experience, it is much easier to come again.

Its body olives have been moved, and it has come to He Yiming's face. A pair of small eyes carefully looked at He Yiming and said: "What do we do now?" Thunder is not far from us. He Yiming smiled lightly and said: "One by one, don't worry, first solve the guy who has placed the order." ”

The eyes of Xiaobao pigs are faintly radiant, and their small heads are moving in and out, seemingly celebrating something. He Yiming's double sleeves waved slightly, and between the body shape, he has already rushed to the depths of the North Sea.

His degree is quite fast, and he is constantly adjusting his position between walks. Of course, when he walks, he tries to converge his own breath. Although he can't achieve the exaggeration of life like the one hundred and eight, but the general Shinto strong will not be able to feel the congratulation unless he is fully explored. A sigh of breath.

In this way, after a quarter of an hour, He Yiming's face smiled slightly, his foot forced, the ice immediately ruptured, and his body entered the sea. A moment later, a loud horse roar came from the sky.

The white horse thunder and slowly walked forward, and behind it, the armored dragon was carefully followed.

At this time, the armored dragon is also in the heart, it carefully watched the white horse lightning every move, once the white horse has any abnormality, it immediately sneaked into the bottom, to escape the white horse as quickly as possible. Because it is unwilling to bear the anger of the white horse, and is not willing to fight with the white horse with the power of lightning.

However, until now, it still did not feel any change in the white horse, and could not help but be suspicious. Didn't Rio Potter haven't even gotten started... Huo Ran, the white horse whistle that was slow in front stopped.

It turned his head, and the double-blind-bright eyes were covered with murderous air and swayed toward the armor.

The armored dragon was in a tight heart, and it immediately understood that it was definitely Riob and the white whale that they attacked He Yiming, so the white horse thunder that communicated with He Yiming’s mind immediately got the news. The breath on it suddenly burst and seemed to be shot at any time. The white horse thunder and light slowly turned around, and the beautiful big eyes were already filled with fierce murder.

The armored dragon smiled and said: "Longma, you know it is too late now, hey, I will lead you away this time, just to prevent He Yiming from using your degree to escape. As long as you are separated, then He is dead." The white horse's body is surrounded by thunder and lightning.

At the foot of the armored dragon, the force was slightly applied, and the ice layer suddenly split. After seeing the thunder and lightning of the white horse, the armored dragon has not had a little bit of victory. Since the white horse has already revealed its embarrassing face, then it will enter the sea and escape. Under the water, it has absolute certainty, and certainly can escape the pursuit of white horses.

However, before sinking, it turned his eyes and said: "He Yiming is in danger. If you rush now, maybe you can save him." This sentence just fell, the armor of the dragon The ice has completely cracked, and its huge body sinks into it immediately. From beginning to end, the white horse thunder did not shoot, but just looked at it with cold eyes.

This allowed the armored dragon to lay down more than half of the heart. It seems that this terrible beast does not intend to hang around with himself.

However, this thought just came up, it feels something wrong. Because the look in the white horse's eyes is not only cold, but also full of ridicule.

This kind of eyes should never appear on the white horse lightning at this time.

Just as it was in doubt, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged.

Its body swayed violently, moving desperately toward the side.

Because it has already felt, this sense of crisis is coming from under the sea. That is to say, there, concealing a horrible to the extreme Shinto strong, waiting for his own arrest.

Its response is quite fast and accurate. After many years of fighting, the beasts of the sea have been able to stand out from countless powerful marine creatures in life and death, and it is absolutely incredible for dangerous feelings and judgments.

However, when its body had just been removed, a huge, unimaginable force suddenly surged.

Before this force burst, it was so deep that it was hidden, and there was no sign of a little.

Even if it is learned from the battle of life and death countless times, there is no sense of the crisis. A loud bang, the armored back dragon opened his mouth and made a very painful shout. A dazzling blood flower suddenly burst from its body, and quickly dyed the surrounding water.

The multicolored light is already filled with its eyes, and it is so dazzling that it is so horrible and dangerous at this moment.

The eye of the armored dragon quickly condensed, and it has already seen clearly. Among the colorful light, it is wrapped in a human being, a human being that is very familiar and hateful. However, no matter how it thinks, it is impossible to understand why this human being appears here at this time.

It swayed his body desperately, ignoring the blood of the beast that splashed out and wanted to swim further.

Since this person is here, it means that their plans are all lost. The only thing to do now is to escape. Only by escaping from his hands can he continue to take revenge.

However, it just fell over its head, and it was black in front of it, completely covered by a dark face.

A huge black shadow of fifteen or six feet has appeared in front of it, and opened a horrible horror like a black hole.

The eyes of the armored dragon are flashing with horror, although it does not know what the huge guy is. But the breath from the other person's body and body clearly tells it that this behemoth bigger than it is definitely not a good scum.

An invisible sound wave spewed out of the mouth of the pig, and at that moment, the entire water seemed to be still.

The corrugation visible in the eye of the circle exploded from the middle, and the body of the armored dragon was suddenly made up of countless blood, even though it was famous for its skin and thick meat, but under the attack of the sound of the beast, it was still scarred. Hard to resist. Not only that, but the powerful sound power also rushed to the sky with its huge body.

A huge hole was cracked in the ice, and a behemoth was already rushing out like a fly. In it, countless blood and rain.

The armored dragon screamed, and the successive blows caused it to be seriously hurt, but it also aroused the blood in its heart. The wrath and dignity of the beast has overshadowed its fear at this moment.

Its body suddenly swelled up, and although the blood loss on its body was more rapid, it was also taken care of at this moment.

All the spears on the back are high. At this point in time, it has to let go. However, at this moment, its eyes are suddenly seen. On the ice, I do not know when there is a layer of purple electric awns.

On the unicorn of the white horse's head, a round bead keeps spinning, and every turn will bring boundless lightning. This is the thunder and lightning power of Longma, and it is a fatal attack that has been waiting for a long time.

The eye of the armored dragon was abruptly rounded, and the strength of the body seemed to be completely removed at this moment. The huge body began to sway with no resistance.

The powerful amount of lightning power poured into the body from the wound on it at this moment, and began to destroy its vitality in the body. At this point, it is completely understood.

When they started designing He Yiming and Bai Bei Thunder, they also fell into the design of the other party. It opened its mouth and made a sound of sorrow.

The miserable final screams spread far and wide, and there was a boundless wave in the sky above the ice and snow world, until it finally dissipated, and it no longer be continued, if you want to know what happened, please visit More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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