Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 269: you're lying

"You should have finished asking... The huge sound of the beluga wanders on the endless ice.

These hours are quite sad for it.

He Yiming is not only a Shinto strong, but he also has the power of light and darkness. Therefore, there are many questions about this set of exercises, and they are particularly tit-for-tat. Once it has a little bit of an answer, it can pick it out.

If the beluga whale is not eager to see the magical resurrection of the other side, then it will definitely leave and leave, no longer take care of this person.

In fact, He Yiming still has a lot of problems, but those problems are too esoteric. It is not the beluga whales who can only understand the light and darkness of the fur. However, once this situation is encountered, He Yiming will often be able to dissect the problem and start to ask questions from one basis. When I asked the whale to be dizzy, it was almost impossible to make it.

Until now, the beluga felt that what he knew had been completely emptied by the other party, even if it was a little hidden. Even if He Yiming wants to hear more from it, it is impossible. A dumb smile, watching the white whale that has become a bit violent, He Yiming nodded with satisfaction.

After talking with the party for a long time, He Yiming also knew the other side's bottom line. Although this technique of light and dark casting is powerful, the knowledge of light and darkness that needs to be mastered does not need to be particularly large.

Because this kind of exercise can not replace the real martial arts of the Shinto strong, it can only play a great auxiliary role, and can play a key role in the use of the false gods when trying to attack the pseudo-deity. . For him at this time, this kind of exercise has some taste of chicken. "White whale, I am very satisfied with your cooperation." He Yiming - smiled. "Since you are satisfied, tell me about the cultivation of the resurrection." The white whale roared.

He Yiming smiled with satisfaction and said: "The honorable beast, you can really be sure that it is Hemou himself who died in front of you?"

The white whale stunned, and a flash of suspicious color flashed through its eyes. But then it calmed down: "The man must be you."

"How come you can see."

"Because, besides you, it is impossible for someone to control the three great artifacts." Bai Mi coldly said: "Unless the artifact is passed on to others, no one will borrow the artifact, and even if the artifact is borrowed It is also impossible to release the real power of the artifact. So the umbrella person must be the network."

He Yiming took a long sigh of relief and he finally understood why the beluga whale is so convinced.

He extended his hand and clicked on the giant whale's mouth. He Yiming said: "My answer is just above your god."

The white whale's eyes immediately swayed. It exclaimed: "You have engraved the cultivation of the mind on the soldiers." It paused, it seems to be wrong, and said: "You are finding this soldier. At that time, the set of minds has been engraved on it?" He Yiming smiled, but looked at each other quietly. Somehow, the whale's heart suddenly gave birth to a very bad premonition. It hesitated for a moment, opened a huge mouth and spit out the big knife in the mouth.

This knife is much longer than the average knife, even if the weight is much larger. However, for the body shape of the beluga, there is almost no difference in its length and weight.

The power of the mind carried the knife to the front, and the beluga watched it carefully, and the suffocation in the eye was thicker.

On the big knife, there is no inscription at all. Don't say what the text is, even if there is no picture. The sleek knife shimmered with a hint of luster, and it seemed to be laughing at its stupidity.

The white whale had a huge whistle-like roar, and the voice spread far and wide on the sea, and the nearby ice surface was shattered into endless pieces.

"He Yiming, you are a powerful Shinto, and you dare to lie and lie."

He Yiming smiled coldly and said: "He will say that Jiuding will never be deceived by false words." He reached out and slowly pointed at the big knife suspended in midair, saying: "Hundred brothers, you can Change it to see it."

It seems to be the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the venerable world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abundance, the empire, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred乾坤 will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, the lord of the world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the empire, the empire, the gods, the sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the singularity, the ninth day, the strongest, the singularity, the singularity, the singularity The strange smell, the whale's anger immediately stopped. A pair of eyes stared at the big knife in midair, for fear of missing something.

Sure enough, the next moment this big knife suddenly stunned the incredible strange changes.

The huge blade quickly gathered in the middle and slowly became thicker.

The white whale's eyelids are slightly shivering, and since the big knife can become thinner, it becomes thicker and shorter, and it seems that there is nothing strange about it.

However, this change has not ended, but continues to challenge the tight nerves of the beluga.

When the big knife became short and narrow, it began to expand and became more and more like a human.

In the end, when all the changes are over, the one standing in front of the beluga whale is no longer a big knife, but a human being, a genuine human powerhouse. In this human powerhouse, I feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the strongest Abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, making the night, killing the gods, the gods, seeking the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the less the big Zhou, the royal family The slightest breath of life, he is like a dead person, if you don't see this person with your own eyes, then even the beluga will think that he does not exist. The mind turned a lot of thoughts, and the beluga immediately thought of the identity of this person.

He has been following Bao Yi and Bai Ma Lei with him at the side of He Yiming. No one can see through his depth. There is no life in his body.

This series of matching conditions, let it know that this is definitely the legendary one is not a Shinto, but has a mysterious hundred who is not inferior to the power of the Shinto strong.

However, before today, no matter how the beluga whales and the Western powers guessed, they couldn’t imagine that there would be such incredible magical powers. He can actually change his body, and he will become a weapon of great power with great power.

Looking at the white whale that has become sluggish with pity, He Yiming said coldly: "Hundred brothers, let it see the specific passing." With the voice of He Yiming just falling, one hundred and eight The body began to change again.

A silvery white light shines directly from the top of his head to the sole of the foot. It is only a moment, and its appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes. One hundred and eight has disappeared, and He Yiming is replaced. Looking at the two He Yiming standing side by side, the white whale actually had a feeling of seeing the twins. "Explosion..." A gentle one spit out from the mouth of a He Yiming.

Later, another He Yiming's body suddenly exploded, and the blood-red color was filled with the whole area -o, but this is still not over. In the eyes of the white whales, countless flesh and blood began to gather, and quickly merged into one.

After the interest rate, the flesh and blood that had been flying all over the sky had all been overlapped and turned into a hundred and eight.

He Yiming’s face with a sneer smile, said: “Look clearly, this is my life of resurrection. To practice this practice, you must have a special ▲ trick, physique. Although You are a powerful beast, but Hemou estimates that you have no possibility of successful cultivation in your life." Listening to the voice of He Yiming's mouth, the white whale finally woke up from the shock. It finally understood why, after He Yiming’s self-destruction, most of the Mind’s powerhouses had some clues. And that He Yiming has never used the power of the field from beginning to end.

This is not because of the potential, so the reason for the field cannot be used, but because of the "He Yiming" he has no power in any field.

Although it is impossible for the artifact to be borrowed from others, after seeing the change of the hundred and eight, the beluga whale knows that the guy with the appearance of human beings in front of him cannot be attributed to the human skeleton. For this guy who doesn't know what it is, one hundred and eight is already completely speechless. Of course, there is still a deep fear in this feeling.

It thought of it just now, and I also swallowed this guy. in. If at that time, this guy suddenly became difficult to eleven ▲ one by one, the whale's heart suddenly filled with deep chill.

He Yiming’s face is unchanged, just like the old friend’s old-fashioned: “The white whale, I have already told you the mystery of this practice, if you have something that you don’t understand, even if you ask. The body of the white whale shivered slightly. After the initial shock and fear, it finally understood. From the beginning, he fell into the calculation of He Yiming. This embarrassing human mind is wanting Deceive your own light and dark castings.

Its body trembled, it was because of the strong anger, so that its momentum quickly climbed to the peak at this moment. "He Yiming, you dare to lie to me..."

He Yiming laughed Road: "You are entangled with Western powers, deceiving Hemou first, and intending to break through each other. In this case, why can't He lie to you?" The White Whale is suddenly The language is stuffed.

Their seven Shinto powers came to the North Sea for a long time, and they paid a very painful price.

In this case, He Yiming plays a small flower gun, naturally it is not to blame it.

The bite of the teeth squeaked, and the beluga whale seemed to be angered and screaming. It screamed: "He Yiming, I am fighting with you." From it, there is an enormous power of unparalleled light.

After a long period of rest, although the beluga whale did not recover to its peak, but the injury has already healed, and the fighting power has almost completely recovered. At this time, it was in a low-pitched state, and a huge sputum-water column rushed toward He Yiming. At the same time, its head continued to sag, so it rushed into the sea, swaying its tail, and fled to the depths without leaving nostalgia. Pa: Three consecutive years, nine thousand, for the ticket... Today is Saturday, but still four. It’s just that the monthly ticket doesn’t seem to be awesome. The white crane goes to the fourth chapter. Also ask the brothers to give more strength and support more. This month, it will be a hard month...

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