Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 282: Light and dark cycle

Suddenly, two different forces boiled from He Tian’s Dantian. What emerged in his left hand meridian represents the bright power of life, and what emerges from his right hand is the dark power that represents death and destruction.

These two very different forces came to his hand through different meridians at this time, and merged together along the circle formed by the palm of the hand.

Although Rioport and Luke are also suffering from a splitting headache, under the light and darkness, the pressure they are subjected to is much smaller. For the false gods, they can still stand it.

However, just as they thought they had taken control of the overall situation, and even when He Yiming was likely to be trapped in the quagmire, they suddenly had a terrifying fear.

This feeling is sudden, but it is so strong and unbelievable.

At the same time, they opened their eyes and looked in the direction of this fear.

Thus, the two Western pseudo-virgins have seen it. In front of them, He Yiming, who has been regarded as a slap in the face and has no resistance, is raising his hands. What is even more horrifying is that between his hands, there is a faint scent of a breath that makes both of them feel quite familiar. Light and darkness.

The most powerful force in these two Western countries has actually completed the fusion on He Yiming’s hands.

The faces of the two pseudo-virgins have changed dramatically, but there is still a trace of luck in their hearts. Even if He Yiming has mastered this kind of power, it may not be able to break through the dark and light areas that they have joined together.

This is the field power that the two practitioners have cultivated for more than a thousand years and have cooperated with each other for more than five hundred years. Even if it is the power of the same kind of attribute, it may not be able to make it shaken.

However, when they saw the action of He Yiming's next move, they could not help but fall into deep doubt.

He Yiming's hand was pushed out. At his palm, he had formed a weak, but firm, light and dark force.

However, when He Yiming’s hands were waving forward, there was no power to come out.

The light and dark power that has been merged is still a good end to stay between He Yiming’s hands.

In the hearts of Rioport and Luke, there was an extremely ridiculous feeling of reaching the extreme. Did He Yiming actually lose his hand? A huge, as if directly from their heart deer, the sound that came out of the depth suddenly exploded. This is invisible and colorless, and it is simply undetectable, but it is the power that can directly attack the soul.

The faces of the two false gods have lost their blood in the face and become pale and weak like white paper.

This sound re-exploded from the depths of their souls. This time the feeling is so real, just like the ruthless hand completely tearing the illusion in their hearts. Soul attack!

The release of He Yiming this time is not the ordinary light and dark combined force, but the same as the two pseudo-deity strong, what is stimulated is the ability to directly attack the other soul.

However, unlike them, after releasing this power, He Yiming not only has no uncomfortable expression, but is refreshed. The spirit that was originally wilted because the soul was attacked is restored in an instant. A lot. "Ah, One, One, One, One, One," two screaming and sorrowful screams burst out from the mouth of the two false gods.

Their hearts are full of despair. In this s1, they all think of the legend of the millennium that was circulated in the temple and the parliament.

Soul attack is the biggest school in the Western martial arts. This is even the limit that has already taken off the light and the darkness, and it is a kind of eternal school that can be promoted to the true state of God. However, this power is not simply the power of light or darkness.

Even if two Shinto powers can cooperate with each other to release this power, they will be countered by a certain force.

However, if one person has both the light and the darkness of the dual system, and can grasp the soul attack. Then, he will be free from the suffering of the soul. Because the two forces he possesses can form a reciprocal cycle. The power of light and dark reincarnation. This... is also the hardest cornerstone of the true sacred martial art.

He Yiming’s double eyebrows rose, and his hands continued to tumbling. The soul attack released by the two great pseudo-virgins was reversed and he was interrupted.

This is not because he has the right amount to pass both of them, but because his power control is far better than the other side, and the two people, no matter how cooperative they are, are far from being able to compare with one person.

When He Yiming was able to release the soul attack, the same power of the two pseudo-natural powers was like a paper tiger. It instantly became disintegrated and was not afraid. Deeply sucking from the mouth of He Yiming suddenly blew a word = "explosion one by one, one, one, one, one"

The light and darkness in his hands, and the three-line field that had been confusing in his body seemed to have paused, and then suddenly exploded.

What a strong force this is, the endless wave of shocks slams into the front like the waves of the sea.

If He Yiming has just mastered the soul attacking power, it is only difficult to make the two big false gods strong. Then the burst of the field at this time is his most direct counterattack, and the imposing manner will swallow everything. This is to completely destroy the two major false powers from the top. Turn your hand into the cloud and cover your hands with the rain.

When He Yiming completed the transformation again, the power displayed was already the limit of the two Western pseudo-natural powers.

The huge field power exploded, and it instantly hit the dark areas of the two false gods.

This original indestructible, as if it were a large field of the world, has become soft and has no power at all.

The rushing wave of the wind easily smashed this large area, and even a trace of resistance did not exist. He Yiming's eyes are splashed, and his hands are turned over. The five-line ring has once again appeared in his hands.

At the same time, his figure was slightly swayed, and he was already entering the center of the explosion, and went to the two pseudo-virgins.

However, at this moment, Luke’s sudden screaming, from his body, also smoked ten cigarettes, and after avoiding He Yiming’s direction, heading for the sky and three other directions. Suddenly gone.

He Yiming did not hesitate to dance in the hands of the five elements of the ring, the colorful light shines brightly, and instantly has laid down the sky in the distance. Formed the same powerful ten-strand five elements to block the smoke.

These fogs are the escape skills of the dark parliament, but there must be one that is true. As long as it is found by He Yiming, it will be able to catch up with the degree of thunder and lightning.

However, just in the moment when the colorful light is about to come into contact with the thick smoke, these smokes change again, one by ten, ten and one hundred. In a flash, hundreds of thick smokes are divided into finer directions, and suddenly penetrated the multicolored The blockade of the force, so in the eyes of He Yiming, fleeing without a trace. He Yiming’s eyes are round and round. What is this practice? It’s too exaggerated...

The heavy gasp came from the front, and Rio Potter gave a deep look at He Yiming. In this eyes, it was no longer resentment and jealousy, but filled with a deep helplessness and sorrow.

Because he already understands that from now on, the entire West has been qualified for any resistance and challenge in front of this person.

Even in the face of the shackles of the five elements, the entire West has never been so pessimistic. But at this time, Rio Porter knew that within the next millennium, no one could ever shake the person's status. He Yiming saw the deep loss in the other's eyes, but he did not easily let go of this person.

The Sheng-Frealy possessed by the pseudo-divine powerhouse is too big to kill one.

It seems that I saw the rich murder contained in He Yiming’s eyes, and Rio Potter’s body suddenly rose brightly. The powerful force is surging, and there is a feeling of being like a wing.

He Yiming's face changed slightly, he did not go backwards, and his body shape was like a fastest meteor.

He feels the martial arts from the other side, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the sacred god, the god, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment The royal martial arts will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne to seek the devil. The world’s most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou and the royal family will kill the gods and the gods and the throne will seek the devil. The nine heavens are the strongest to abandon the big Zhou royals to a kind of death. The momentum, coupled with the boiling of the bright force fluctuations, makes He Yiming think that Rioport will choose to explode and die. How powerful is the self-destruction of the pseudo-natural powers? He Yiming doesn't know, but he doesn't want to experience it.

However, at the time of He Yiming's departure, Rio Potter's figure was suddenly turned into a light, which broke through the void and disappeared in the distance.

This is the true light, the absolute power of the light, in the face of this light, even the white horse lightning is proud of the degree has become as slow as a snail.

He Yiming’s face was quite ugly, and he finally understood that Rio Potter was desperately desperate and his escape was true. But even if he saw his practice, He Yiming still has no way to crack.

He has the feeling that if he really blocks, then the crazy predecessor, the Pope, may really make a choice between the two. He does not want to take risks when he is not able to withstand the ability of the false gods to blew himself. "嗷一11一一一"

The same desperate voice came from The shape of the red dragon Elbrera seems to be trying to use space to escape.

However, Bao pig and white horse thunder and lightning at the same time, the sound wave attack and the purple electric surround, actually completely blocked this space.

If the power of space is cultivated by Elbola himself, then it may be possible to escape this level of spatial volatility. But unfortunately, its space power is obtained through inheritance, and it is impossible to successfully control the space in this area. He Yiming snorted, and he had not put down the one hand and pushed forward to the past. A strange power-fluctuation penetrated the space and instantly came to the body of the Red Dragon.

The huge dragon that made countless people fearful and worshipped suddenly collapsed, and its eyes gradually became dull. The power of sound waves and the power of purple electricity hit the huge dragon body smoothly.

After the shaking of the dragons of the Western Dragons, the only remaining dragons have finally planted from the sky and never got up The fourth is even worse, sweat...

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