Martial God

Chapter 13: 6-layer barrier

He Yiming returned to see his son, only stayed in Zhuangzi for one night, and immediately returned to the county town the next day.

However, with the encouragement of his father, He Yiming was full of motivation, and he began to work with the other brothers who were promoted to the sixth floor, and devoted themselves to cultivation.

In Hejiazhuang, there are many servants, but He Yiming does not have a dedicated person. Because of the mentality of the three generations of disciples, it is impossible for them to have the conditions to open their mouths and clothes to reach out. But at least, they don't have to worry about food, clothing, food, clothing, and daily necessities.

Only in this case, these masters can single-mindedly carry out internal strength or exercise on combat techniques.

It seems that it has been a short time, and it has been calm for almost half a year.

On this day, He Yiming walked out of his small courtyard and watched the servants not far away clean the courtyard diligently. His mood suddenly became a bit sloppy.

In the past six months, he has not wasted even a day.

He put all his energy into the exercise of internal strength, and he was pleasantly surprised by the fact that no matter whether he cultivated the gold system or the ripples of the water system, his internal strength was step by step. Stable improvement. What is even more exaggerated is that the internal strength of his water system and the internal strength of the gold system can be mutually converted. It seems that these two kinds of exercises are not different attributes, but the same kind of exercises, and any one has improved a little. The other method will also be upgraded accordingly.

Although He Yiming is still young, he does not have much experience in cultivation. But idiots also know that this situation is not normal. Of course, he did not have the idea of ​​showing off everywhere, but he buried all of this in his heart.

As for the two battle skills...

To be honest, He Yiming has never touched it except for occasional practice.

It is not that he remembered the words of his father and the uncles in his heart, but because he had already trained the two warfare techniques to the peak of six levels when he was practicing for the first time. Even if you continue to practice in the future, you will not be able to get in.

Of course, as his internal strength is constantly improving, the power of the two-door combat skills has also increased accordingly. But this is not the merit of the combat skills, but the result of the internal strength improvement. Therefore, in addition to keeping the two battles unfamiliar, He Yiming will practice several times and will not be in the heart.

In this way, after nearly half a year passed, he once again encountered an advanced barrier.

Only this time he did not tell anyone, because he knows that half a year of cultivation can raise the six-layer internal strength to the peak, and to reach the advanced barrier, it is also unique.

You must know that the cultivation of internal strength is getting harder and harder. Once you have cultivated to a high level, and you want to continue to improve, it is basically a matter of great hope.

Big Brother He’s 14-year-old advanced six-layer internal strength, but it took him five years to cultivate to the peak of the sixth floor. In the last year, he was extremely lucky. He inexplicably crossed the six-story barrier. At the age of 19, he advanced to the seventh floor.

This is already the fastest of the three generations of Hejiazhuang, and even if he is a big brother, he is only successful at the age of twenty.

As for the second brother and the third brother, although they entered the sixth layer of internal strength earlier than He Yiming, but at this moment, they still practice hard in this stage, far from the peak of the fashion, let alone touch the six layers. The barrier is gone.

He Yiming is different. During the two days of cultivation, he clearly felt that his inner strength was no longer improved, and he also produced the same as the previous five-level barrier. feel.

This feeling is very clear, and it is in sharp contrast with the previous kind of cockroaches, so that He Yiming can easily identify his current realm.

After a hard day of cultivation in the courtyard for two days without any progress, He Yiming walked out of the room with distress.

Walking away from Zhuangzi, He Yiming subconsciously walked toward the big lake in the distance.

After a while, he came to the lake and watched the waves swaying and the microwaves undulating. His heart is like a lake, and he can't stand his own control. A gust of wind came, and the lake that had just recovered was wrinkled up in layers.

Sighing softly, his mouth showed a smile of self-deprecating.

The last time I was able to successfully break through the fifth-level internal barrier, it was because of a strange event in this lake that made him puzzling. Although he almost let him meet the king, it gave him a crucial breakthrough. However, this opportunity has been great in one lifetime. Although he hopes in the middle of the game, he knows that there is no possibility of a second good fortune.

Just sitting on the edge of the lake, his heart has no control over the past.

Although it has been nearly half a year, it seems to be vivid, so that he never forgets.

He remembered that after encountering this incident, he returned home and began to practice ripples in the evening. It was in that night that he got the coveted breakthrough and was promoted to the sixth level.

Suddenly, He Yiming’s heart fretting, a thought seems to be lightning-like across his mind, he vaguely felt that this idea is very important, seems to be the most important thing that can affect his life. But unfortunately, this thought is just a feeling of embarrassment, he can not grasp it clearly.

Slowly, he sat by the lake like this, his eyes silently watching the ripples on the lake, and his heart was full of thoughts, but he still had nothing to gain.

A flat stone flew past him from the side, jumped a few times on the lake, and then sank into the bottom of the lake.

He Yiming looked up and saw the happy smile of the younger brother.

He shook his head slightly and looked at the sky, only to know that their morning exercise had been completed.

"One Tao, you are still playing here, hurry back to read and read literacy. If you skip class, be careful of the three uncles pumping your skin." He Yiming smiled and said, for this younger brother, in addition to the three uncles, It’s all very pampered.

He Yitao ran to him like a monkey, and said: "Six brothers, he said, I am on vacation today. But you finally came out. In these few months, you are about to become a madman who is even more powerful than your eldest brother." ”

He Yiming gave a wry smile, and he really didn't know how to explain it to the younger brother. However, if it is easy to get along with, he believes that the younger brother is afraid that he will be even more crazy than him.

"Six brothers, how is your cultivation?" He Yitao asked with a sigh: "Is it safe to reach the peak in four years and touch the six-story barrier?"

He Yiming indulged a bit. He knew that if he told him the truth and told him that he had touched the six-story barrier, then the little guy would definitely yell and let everyone know.

Slightly shaking his head, he sighed: "One Tao, the cultivation of the six-layer inner strength is so easy, you will know when you are promoted to the sixth floor."

The expectations of He Yitao's face, even the eyes seem to be twinkling stars. However, this kind of gaze is only a very short period of time, and it has all disappeared. He is listless. "Six brothers, I also want to, but I have said that I have no talent for you and my brother. Your efforts, so in terms of cultivation is far from you. However, he said that my thinking is sharp, my vision is unique, quite the style of Erbo's youth, so let me read more books, and later take over the business in the family. ”

He Yiming opened his mouth and he heard the unwillingness of the younger brother's heart, but in this matter, he has no way.

The cultivator's requirements for talent are extremely high. It is not suitable for unsuitable. There is no reason to explain it. There is no way to change He Yitao is a child's heart. After a moment of silence, he is lively. I looked around and smacked into the ear, whispered: "Six brothers, I tell you. I said it, don't look at Erbo, it's so steady. When I was young, it was like me. It was the most skinny of the three brothers. The most played by the grandfather."

He Yiming’s face suddenly showed a color of laughter and laughter. One Tao will certainly not deceive himself, but I can’t think of the old man’s image when he was young.

However, Yiming did not intend to go to the old man for proof, because his **** did not itch.

He Yitao once again set off a flat stone on the ground, bent over and threw it out, and smashed a few ripples on the lake.

"Six brothers, is your ripple work still practicing?"

He Yiming suddenly slammed, he asked: "What do you say?"

"What kind of internal strength practice you are practicing now, you should still be a mixed force..." He Yitao looked like a woodcarving clay sculpture. He asked in amazement: "You are not going to practice ripples in the Sixth Brother?"

In the eyes of He Yiming, a hint of excitement was gradually revealed. The original eyelids were vivid and vivid.

He turned and gave He Yitao a big hug, saying: "One Tao, thank you."

After all, he put down his younger brother, regardless of the strangeness and incomprehension in his eyes, and turned and ran into Zhuangzi.

At the lakeside, he only had a handful of He Yitao who had not thrown a stone. He looked at the six brothers who were far away, and his heart was full of doubts. Why did the six brothers thank me?

Did he cultivate any problems and practise his head...

Ps: Brothers, updated, to recommend tickets ^_^

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