Martial God

Chapter 26: Water gold method

"Oh..." A violent giant scorpion emerged from the mouth of He Yihai, just like a clear sky, shaking the hearts of people.

With this loud noise, his movements suddenly increased a lot, the whole person was like crazy, and his momentum was raised to the top. The sky seems to be abruptly out of countless hands and palms, covering the opponents.

However, He Yixuan, who played against him, still did not move at all. A set of palms was in his hands, and He Yiming could even sense it. It has formed in his body. A small whirlpool, no matter how big the power of a sea, there is no return.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, He Yihai could no longer support such a strong consumption. He took a double palm and disappeared.

When He Yihai finished his hand, He Yixuan did not pursue the victory, but also stood up, but his eyes sparkled with a faint gaze.

He Yihai sighed and said: "Three brothers, it is too boring to play with you."

Of course, the average person can't understand the meaning of his sentence, but He Yiming and several elders in the family are well aware. As a fire practitioner, I met a water practitioner, and the strength of both sides is actually almost the same. In this case, He Yihai is of course extremely depressed.

He Yixuan smiled and said: "Two brothers, if you are turning to the woodwork, can you beat the younger brother?"

He Yihai had a thick eyebrow and a pair of eyes, and then laughed, and He Wude and others also had a smile on his face. This sentence of the third child is purely a joke. It is so easy to change other attribute exercises. Unless it is an idiot, or like He Yiming, it is trapped under a certain peak for a long time. Then, I will try to practice other exercises.

However, this will only happen in the case of five or six floors. If a certain skill is cultivated to reach the seventh level, then basically no one will choose to give up.

Of course, there is also a legendary situation, even if the top master may also modify the main practice. That is the end of good luck, when you get a super strong internal strength mastering cheats. Perhaps someone will have a fever and change this practice. Only those who have such a dog can be described as rare, basically belonging to extinction.

He Yiyi shook his head slightly and said: "One sea, if you lose, go on. Yiming, it's up to you."

He Yiming’s heart smiled and finally turned himself. He stood up and took a deep breath and walked forward with a steady pace.

However, at this moment, he listened to He Wude: "Wait a minute, let's go, let's go down and let a sea and a singer put it right."

The words of the old people immediately aroused the curiosity of all people. In particular, the second generation of the Hejia and the three generations of the middle-aged cultivating to reach the sixth floor or above were all surprised and looked at the old man’s eyes with a thick no solution.

Although He Yihai lost to He Yixuan in the test, it is not because his strength is not good, but the reason why the method is restrained by the other side. As everyone knows, He Yiming is practicing the gold system. If it is a match with a dazzle, the two sides can be said to be based on strength, but if they are to fight with the sea, then it is not to be ruined by him.

For a time, these people exchanged a look and could not understand the idea of ​​the old man.

But since it is out of the mouth of the old man, naturally no one dares to oppose it.

He Yixuan went inexplicably and went down to his eyes, whispering: "Be careful."

He Yiming’s heavy head made a reassuring gesture to him. To be honest, how can he really put this kind of test into the heart with his internal strength of 80%? The only thing he hesitated was whether he should take some strength.

He set foot on the center of the venue, and He Yiming suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Although he had participated in boxing performances before, it was shot by more than 100 people. At this moment, he and He Yihai stood here, but they were suffering from the eager eyes of hundreds of people. This feeling came for a 14-year-old boy. It is very fresh, but it is also a lot of pressure.

His face was reddish and his inner strength was slowly flowing. The heart that had been beating like a deer slowly calmed down. He came to He Yihai's body and held his fists in his hands. "Two brothers, please be merciful." ”

He Yihai opened his mouth and smiled: "Small six, I will not be merciful."

A slight glimpse, He Yiming looked at it with amazement. He only saw He Yihai’s hands squatting a few times. He said: "These two years have been with a dazzling hand, and every time they are killed by the gram, and we two Joining hands, is not the enemy of the boss, but I lost enough, this time I met you, not win."

He Yiming shook his head and smiled. The second brother is still so hot and tempered. No wonder he will choose the fire system.

Under the order of He Yiyi, both sides were at the same time concentrating on their breath and facing each other.

He Yihai screamed, his double palms danced like a fly, mixed with a strong sound of breaking into the air.

The New Year of the same family is more skillful. Of course, it is impossible to fight for life and death. The two brothers of He Yihai played for a long time. In fact, they did not consume much internal strength. At the moment, they are also powerful, even on both palms. It seems to be a hint of red.

He Yiming's face was dignified. He was also a double fist. The sixth layer of the gold system suddenly played to the extreme, and the rolling stone fists flew up and down. The two figures were instantly intertwined and played a lot of fun.

Under deliberate control, He Yiming's internal strength has never exceeded the sixth floor. Similarly, the power of Rolling Stones is always controlled on the sixth floor. However, after a while, the eyes of He Wude and others have changed slightly.

When He Yiming doubled his fists, the whole person took a sense of dignity and thickness, and with the strength of his fists, in the eyes of practitioners who have practiced the skills of six or more internal strengths. It seems that he is more and more like a huge meteorite.

This boulder slid in the same place, slowly rolling toward the front, although the speed is not fast, but this direction has not slowed down a bit.

The three brothers of He Xinxin looked at each other and there was no surprise.

They have already seen that the reason why He Yiming's boxing method gives such a feeling is that he has thoroughly understood the true meaning of this set of Rolling Stone Boxing, so that they will have a feeling of seeing the meteorite tumbling.

It is as heavy as a stone, and it is like a stone. This is the biggest mystery of Rolling Stone.

However, although the essence of this boxing method is well known, but among the people who practice the gold system, few people can really grasp it. With the experience and insights of their three brothers, it is absolutely rare to be able to play the Rolling Stones to such an extent.

They immediately thought about the killing of Hu Bin by He Yiming six months ago. It seems that this is not entirely a fluke.

He Yihai is more and more depressed, and the six brothers' cultivation is obviously a gold system. According to reason, it should be restrained by his fire system. Moreover, the sixth brother was promoted to the sixth floor of the inner strength, but it was only a year, but now, when he is fighting, he is in a breeze again.

He Yihai’s face was faintly hot and lost to the third brother. It was because of the relationship between the exercises and the gram, but if he lost to the sixth brother, his face would have been completely lost.

As soon as I read this, He Yihai’s face suddenly became extremely dignified, and the moves in his hands changed. Every boxing was mixed with a fiery blast, and even his skin began to faintly red.

He Yiming suddenly felt the pressure multiplier, but unfortunately, his experience is not enough to let him know what the second brother is doing, but this set of exercises is actually showing that he has a kind of breathing. Smooth feeling. It can be seen that this set of exercises is definitely the second step of the second brother's pressure box.

His Rolling Stones reached this step, and there is also a feeling that seems to be broken. He suddenly understood that this was because of the lack of boxing power.

There were a few thoughts flashing in my heart, and suddenly a very strange idea came out.

He Yiming did not upgrade the Rolling Stones to the power of the seventh layer, nor did he apply the mountain thirty-six styles. Instead, he changed the running of the body into a corrugated work.

The next moment, He Yiming's movement seems to have become a little easier. The boxing method in his hands has not changed It is still like the golden boxing method of rolling stones, but there is a little more between the operation, like the berthing water, the endless potential.

He Wude and others first glimpsed, then widened their eyes, and the eyes were full of horror.

In their view, He Yiming’s boxing method has actually changed the confusion that made them puzzled. This is obviously a rolling stone punch in the gold system, but when it is spread out, it makes them feel the feeling of a river flowing like a river.

This is absolutely unbelievable. When did the gold system’s tactics actually show the feeling of water system exercises, and they all looked at each other and felt that the world was too crazy...

He Yihai, who is in it, has suffered a lot. His all-out boxing method is like being in a quagmire and can no longer break free. After a while, he screamed and said, "Don't fight."

He Yiming immediately took the palm of his hand and retired. He just put together the inner strength of the water system and the gold-based combat skills, but he played an unexpected effect. He just saw the second brother’s worry and quickly retreated.

He Yihai gasped and looked at Yiming, and the expression was so overwhelmed.

"Old sixth, you are so good, I lost."

In addition to several people, such as He Wude, the public is in vain. No one can think of it. It was just a thousand miles, and He Yihai, who was so powerful, would fail.

While everyone was talking like a sparrow, a young man in white stood up and came to the center of the venue. Lang said: "Six brothers, let's try."

Suddenly, the entire backyard was silent. The person who spoke the challenge was actually the first day of the third generation of children.

Ps: Looks like I will change the list this afternoon. After that, I will go to your brothers and sisters. Thank you...

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