Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 161: Fish body

Type, weeping two people to pay the year, but not enough

The old man punched out, He Yiming blocked with a small arm, but between this attack and the guard, they have already felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the arrogant world, the most powerful The young Zhou Dynasty will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the gods, the night The **** of the gods and the throne of the throne is the most powerful and abandoning the great empire to the horrible place of this sinister armor.

The old man’s eyes were stunned, and he replied in a slow voice: "Your sorrow, but from the ghost crying ridge?"

He Yiming Wei Wei, he immediately understood that the old man must have entered the ghost crying ridge, so feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the **** of the gods, the throne, seek the devil, the world, the most powerful, abandon the big Zhou royals Night Kill God God Seal Thrones Demon Evil World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Little Zhou Emperor Wushu Qiankun Night Kill God God Seal Throne Provoking World Exceptional Heavens The demon world is the strongest to abandon the gloom of the big Zhou Dynasty to the inside of the royal family, and suddenly understand the origins.

"You are a good eye, these are the enthusiasm gained from the ghost crying ridge."

The old man's face became more dignified, saying: "According to the old man's knowledge, the haze of the ghost crying ridge is the atmosphere between the heavens and the earth to the yin to the cold. Any human contact after one month will be affected by the haze. Become a mad person." He paused and looked at He Yiming carefully. On his face, there is even a hint of fear: "The old man looks at you, seems to be inhaling the suffocating suffocating air, and you are not like a mad person in any way. I don't know why?"

He Yiming said without hesitation: "Because of the special physical condition, I am not afraid of the sullen atmosphere."

Since the old man taught him the practice of tangible armor without reservation, he was embarrassed to deceive people in this matter.

Moreover, He Yiming said that his physical condition is special, but he is not afraid of the sullen atmosphere, but he does not mention other things, so the old man is surprised even if he is in the heart, and will not doubt other places.

Sure enough, the old man nodded his head and his face showed a faint color.

The gloom of the ghost crying ridge is famous in the world. If there is a method of cracking, then tens of thousands of years have already been studied. Since there is no law to crack, and He Yiming can use it freely, the only explanation is his special constitution.

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent. Although it is rare to have such a miraculous physique, it is not unique.

However, this is the life of the individual. Others only have envy, but they are forced to do so.

Slightly nodded. The old man said: Be careful. ”

After all, he gave a breath again, and the more than three tangible flowers burst open again, re-applying a layer of armor on his body.

After trying to get the smoldering power, the old man immediately played the spirit of twelve points, and even the broken armor was re-applied.

A lot of infuriating circling around his body, the old man quickly stepped back, and then punched in the air.

The sound of the rumble suddenly exploded in the air, and a huge force came to He Yiming’s chest as a real impact.

The ethereal haze is powerful, but after all, it is nothing but nothingness, when there is no contact with specific things. It is impossible to make a real difference at all. In particular, it was shocked by the powerful instinct and suddenly spread out on both sides.

He Yiming sighed in his heart. The old man's experience is extremely rich, and because he has been to Ghost Cry, so he knows how to deal with the sullen gas, that is, using the infuriating force to force it away, you can not touch yourself.

With a smile, He Yiming swayed his chest and tested the power of the armor. He Yiming’s ambition was also smashed, and he wanted to take a look at how powerful this powerful Supreme has.

Of course, after seeing the other side's unarmed punches, He Yiming did not use the five elements.

If you really use a fake artifact to defeat an unarmed sage. Then the help for yourself is absolutely not great.

The sound of the huge golden stone slammed in the chest of He Yiming. Although the two people’s punching power was only empty, they did not really fight together, but this pure punching power was the same. Let their bodies tremble slightly.

Especially He Yiming. Actually Wu was involuntarily retired.

The tip of his toes slightly touched the ground, and he had already retreated to the side of the mountain wall. At this point, he only knew the first punch in the old man. In fact, it has already converged most of the infuriating, otherwise under the punch, the armor on his body is not as simple as the broken arm.

In the heart of He Yiming, even with a strange feeling, the old man only relied on the power of his fists, the power he had, and even Gabriel and others who had already used weapons.

The old man hit a hand. Suddenly, he jumped up like a fly, and turned around with He Yiming. The two fists hit each other and brought out loud and constant sounds in the air.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night killing, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, seeing the powerful impact from all directions, He Yiming Converging my heart, my feet are like a pair of huge suckers. Strictly sucked on the ground, and then the palm of the hand is a knife, and the three-six style of the mountain is displayed in one punch.

This kind of door can be challenged by the gold system. It has an incomparably powerful power. Once it is deployed, the surrounding airflow is suddenly affected by it, becoming a knife-like axe, full of a sharp and sharp taste.

Although the strength of the old man's fists and feet is strong, but each time it hit the edge of the blade, there is a huge explosion of loud noise.

However, there is another piece of mystery. He Yiming suddenly appeared, and he actually had some strength.

Every time the real gas hits, his infuriating is the consumption of the canine blade, although the gas of the heavens and the earth among the top 100 points is also rushing into the mountains and can not be used for a long time. Consumption.

He Yiming’s heart complained that the old man was going to this point and he was not willing to use weapons. And his punching power is too exaggerated, and he almost has to breathe.

In a flash. The old man was again punched in the air, and He Yiming, who was screaming in the wind, was uneasy.

Huoran. He Yiming’s eyes lit up and he seemed to have seen a strange scene.

In the bottom of the sea. The strange fish swayed in the water. Swimming in a strange way. And this time. Under the palm of the old man's fierce fist, this is not another underwater.

He Yiming took a deep breath. He did not continue to fight hard this time, but took back his palm. His body began to wriggle strangely.

It is like a long squid, swinging its body like a snake.

The surrounding air was affected by the old man's fist, and he passed through He Yiming's side with a whistling sound. The fierce fist to the extreme, full of a huge damage power.

However, when these forces came to He Yiming's side, they suddenly became soft and weak.

He Yiming's distorted body is like a pound, a hillside, and these forces are constantly being reduced, one layer after another. When these are too small, He Yiming’s body has become insufficient.

It is.

The old man once again widened his eyes, and he did not believe what he saw.

If the arrogance of the previous gloom has given him a great impact, then the magical ability to freely swim in his boxing style, the more he is shocked.

A bite of steel teeth, the heart of the old man has a strong victory.

He screamed again, his fists waving like a wind, and his powerful strength was unreservedly displayed.

For a time, the whole mountain was suddenly flying with sand and the wind was tumbling. The old man's body has been applied to the limit, although there is no such exaggeration as the white horse, but there is a strange scene between the twists and turns.

Especially when he tried his best, the countless powerful and insanely squeezing toward He Yiming. Look at him like this, where there is still the slightest meaning of learning, it seems that he is not willing to put He Yiming to death, he will not be willing.

However, at this time, He Yiming’s face was hung with a strange smile, the heart leader’s smile.

His feet are on a more strange pace, his neck is twisted, his buttocks are twisted, like a sheep's madness.

At the same time, in his body, there is also a huge warfare, just the same instinct that the old man is inferior. The only difference from the old man is that He Yiming’s cockroaches seem to be able to cast infuriating. Not only between the fists and the feet, even the twisted **** can be cast quite strongly.

His writhing method seems to be very embarrassing, but it implies some kind of heaven and earth. No matter how great the strength of the old man's fists and feet, when he touches his body, he is suddenly dispelled by a paragraph.

It was like a gust of wind, and it was impossible to blow down the rolling ups, as if it were a never-ending mountain.

He Yiming has thoroughly integrated the body learned in the sea fish during this time into Feiteng. And in this mysterious show up.

At this time, in the eyes of the old man, He Yiming has changed. He does not seem to be a person, but a big fish, which is tumbling in the sea of ​​the waves.

Although his punching power is strong, he can't hurt the other side at all.

This magical way of doing things, all the long-range attacks, unless it is close to the body, compressing the space of He Yiming's churning, perhaps there is hope for a first-line victory.

However, looking at He Yiming's gray-black, strange to the extreme armor, the heart of the old man is a burst of heart and helplessness.

Although he is quite confident in his own strength ~ ~ but if it encounters a powerful haze from the ghost crying ridge. He has no absolute resistance.

Although he used to stay in the Ghost Ridge for almost a month, he did not become a mad person.

However, the gloom of the time was not manipulated, and if the haze around He Yiming said that no one was manipulating, then he did not believe in killing him.

So at this moment, looking at He Yiming, surrounded by gray-black whirlpools, he really has some mice pulling turtles, nowhere to feel.

In the rush of the film, He Yiming’s body is more and more sophisticated. No matter where it comes from, he uses it as a powerful undercurrent in the sea, and it’s easy to use that magical twisting technique. All the undercurrents are avoided. Even if these undercurrents continue to entangle, he is twisted east. Put it on the west and easily get rid of it.

The old man sighed long, and he jumped up, his body turned a little in the air, and fell flat to the corner of the mountain.

Later, he rang: "No need."

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