Martial God

Chapter 68: It takes no effort

He Yiming deliberately chose to enter the inner fort at this time. It is counted that most people have to eat at this time, and it is impossible to stay in the room.

Since entering here, he did not hesitate to come to the bed and leaned down.

The deep gaze was swept under the bed, although the light below it was bleak, but in his eyes, it was undoubtedly slender.

There seems to be nothing to be suspected of except for some debris in the entire bed. But He Yiming’s gaze stayed on a wooden frame under the bed.

The dust on this wooden frame is obviously less than other places. If he is not mistaken, it should be the reason people often touch.

Stretched out and spoke a few times on this wooden frame, and suddenly found the mystery.

This wooden frame was originally movable, and he pulled out the wooden frame, which contained a rectangular book wrapped in tarpaulin.

He Yiming’s face suddenly showed a smile. He took the tarpaulin out of the bag and gently opened it. It turned out to be a cheat with the firepower. It opened the first page and the three clear ones. Large characters: dead wood work.

After getting this cheat, He Yiming was full of joy. He put things into his arms and gently took two shots. As for the organs at the bottom of the bed, he was too lazy to put them back.

Anyway, when Hong Anzhi came back and saw the damage of the copper lock, he would definitely notice the bottom of the bed. However, He Yiming can also be sure that even if he cut the head of this guy, he would never dare to speak.

Slowly left the room, He Yiming covered the door and walked calmly.

On the way, I met two people who didn't know each other. He Yiming didn't deliberately avoid it. Instead, he smiled and smiled at them. The two men had an inexplicable return, and they all guessed when they had one more. a neighbor.

While walking outward, He Yiming’s heart secretly sighed and dressed himself as another person, and his performance became more mature. In accordance with this trend, one day I will be able to act as a person and behave like a ghost.

This time he went out without having to choose to cross the wall, but walked out from the inner fort.

After watching these days, he found a very interesting phenomenon.

The Outer Fortress wants to enter the Inner Castle. Unless it is led by a powerful person, it must have a waist card or a warrant, and it must accept the news. However, when I went out from the inner castle, I never saw someone intercepting it.

So there is no need for him to overturn the wall.

However, just after going to the inner fort, He Yiming is a glimpse. In front of him, Xu Yuchang, who led him into the fort, is talking with one of the guards. It seems that they are very familiar with the two.

Seeing He Yiming coming out of the inner fort, Xu Yuchang stopped talking. The face is incredible.

A bastion diners who had just entered the for less than ten days had even swayed out of the inner fort. This is a thing he can't figure out.

He Yiming couldn’t help but screamed in his heart, but he did not change his color and gave him a slight fist. He said: "Yuchang brother is good."

Xu Yuchang er, twice, but how he guessed, it is absolutely impossible to guess that He Yiming is sneaking in, and the purpose is to eat black.

After all, such a thing has not happened once in the establishment of Xujiabao for more than 100 years. Of course, he can't think of it.

Seeing He Yiming nodded to him, turned and left, he hesitated, and said goodbye to the guard in front of the door, then chased.

The guard is also very surprised, this person is tight, when did he enter?

However, the regulations that the Naibao Guards refused to enter were long-term in the hearts of the people, and he naturally could not go up and ask for anything.

Xu Yuchang made a three-step and caught up with He Yiming in two steps. He whispered, "How come you went to Inner Castle?"

He Yiming’s mysterious smile, the vagueness of the laughter is full of joy, but his heart is full of sorrow, yeah, what did you go to Inner Castle?

Just, seeing the expectation of the other face, He Yiming had to open his mouth and run the train with his mouth full: "Yu Changxiong, today the brothers practiced the palms on the playground..." He stopped here and was Consider how to make an excuse.

However, Xu Yuchang is a bright-eyed, pleasantly mixed way: "Hey brother, are you in the middle of the castle to see what you like?"

He Yiming whispered, rubbed his eyes twice, followed his tone and said: "Yes, how do you know Yuchang brother?"

Xu Yuchang laughed and said: "Hey brothers, the big buddies in the inner castle often come out to watch in the outer bunker playground. If they can be seen by one of them, they will be promoted soon." Suddenly, said: "There have been many examples before, but like the brothers, so quickly noticed, but it is very rare."

He Yiming realized this and looked at him with grateful eyes. He couldn’t think that he had just raised a head, and the other party immediately sent an excuse.

However, his eyes were misunderstood by Xu Yuchang. He quickly smiled and said: "Hey, this is your own chance. It doesn't have much to do with me. I just don't know which brother is being looked at. When can I enter Naibao?"

As long as he looks at the envy of his face, he knows that he is very concerned about this matter.

He Yiming hesitated a moment, said: "Yuchang brothers are strange, the brothers only slightly appreciated a little. But it is still too early to enter the inner fort, and the lord does not want to sound."

Xu Yuchang quickly made a gesture of understanding, saying: "My brother said, the younger brother understands." He hit a haha, saying: "If you can enter the inner fortune in the future, don't forget to pull the younger brother. Put it."

He Yiming quickly circumvented: "Reciprocal support, mutual support..."

The two people smiled and looked at each other on the surface.

He Yiming suddenly said: "Yu Chang brother, the younger brother wants to go to the county town, I don't know who to take leave."

“What do you want to do in the county town?” Xu Yuchang asked curiously.

He Yiming’s face showed a hint of sorrow, saying: “Since this time, the younger brother has the opportunity to advance, of course, I don’t want to miss it. So I want to go to the county to buy something special. This...”

Xu Yuchang suddenly realized that he suddenly realized: "Since the brother-in-law has this intention, then even if he goes, there is no need to be scrupulous."

He Yiming smiled and nodded and walked toward the fort.

Xu Yuchang hesitated, and suddenly asked: "When you are planning to go to the county, you don't know if it is convenient at hand. The younger brother still has some savings here. If the brother needs it, the younger brother will bring it to you."

He Yiming looked at him with amazement, although he understood that he was doing investment, and he understood that even if he was a greedy person, there would be no problem. But his face is not so thick, he laughed: "Thank you for the Yuchang brother, but the younger brother has been wandering for many years, there is still some savings."

After all, he turned his head and turned away.

Xu Yuchang accompanied him to Xujiabao and waved for a moment before he returned.

He Yiming watched him return to the castle blocked by the city wall, and sighed in his heart. It was a good thing that the family was prosperous, but once the number of people was large, the limited resources could no longer be distributed fairly.

Xu Yuchang and Xu Yude and Xu Yucai are obviously peers, but the treatment between them is far from heaven.

If the two meet a diners in the four-storey inner strength of the outer fort, they are absolutely dismissive, and they have no interest in talking.

When Xu Yuchang saw a diners in the outer fort when he was valued by the inner castle and had a chance to take advantage of it, he immediately left the identity of the manager and made a good decision.

Seeing the unfairness between the children of Xu’s peers, He Yiming’s heart suddenly became depressed, and the joy of getting the deadwood work diluted a lot.

Because he vaguely feels that although Hejiazhuang does not have such a change at present, if it develops and grows, then after one or two generations, I am afraid that it will inevitably lead to a similar situation.

Subconsciously took a look at the building of the mountains, the imposing Xujiabao ~ ~ heart is quite emotional.

Finally, he turned and swung away with a sleeve.

This kind of thing is far from what he can control, and it is impossible to stop developing because of this concern. If this is the case, then don't worry about this illusory thing.

As He Yiming expected, there was no such thing as a theft in the inner fort.

However, on the second day, Hong Anzhi had already left Xujiabao and has not been known since.

After all, he is a guilty conscience, used a lunch to go back to the room to see, suddenly it is scared. Three generations of them were ordered to sneak into Xujiabao, and they spent countless efforts to gain the identity of entering the library management.

For the two magical exercises, it is said that it has spent countless efforts. But I did not expect that in the end it was not known, and I was scared. He no longer dared to stay in Xujiabao, and immediately fled.

The disappearance of Hong Anzhi suddenly caused Xu Jiabao to attach great importance to it. Later, in a series of investigations, he found some clues, but at that time, people were going to the building, not only Hong An knew, but even his widowed mother. I don’t know where to go. As for the woman named Lotus in Xujia Town, I don’t know.

In the end, I had no choice but to change the rules in Xujiabao. Since then, people who have no direct blood relationship can no longer obtain the management of the internal library.

And Xu Yuchang was also found to be wrong, and Qin Qin also did not go back. He vaguely guessed something, but he did not have the guts to explore anything from beginning to end, and he only had to pretend that he did not know.

Ps: Looks like it’s pushed up next week. Are the brothers’ recommended tickets ready?

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