Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 131: 8 home

The valley is still a gloomy, the sound of the water, and the long waters of the waterfowl hovering around the water, it is even more chilling. The afterglow of the setting sun is blocked by the mountains and rocks. Suddenly and faintly on the cliffs on the east coast, a gust of wind blew, like a group of dancers.

Between the flashes of people, He Yiming rode a white horse and held a pig, which has already arrived here.

He carefully looked at - around - and felt a lot in his heart.

Although he had been there once, and he had a map of the place in his hand, it took him three days to find the intersection and enter it.

Going to the horse, - finally came - before the disguised mountain wall.

He Yiming turned over and smiled. "Look, this is the place where you lived before 108.

Baima Thunder and Bao pig started at the same time. After getting along with this time, the feelings between them are undoubtedly deeper.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and He Yiming said to himself: "How can the hundred brothers still not arrive, can he even get lost?"

Both ears kept shaking - moving - and He Yiming's face suddenly changed, he turned his head toward the distance

Looking at the air.

There, there is a small black spot that is flying towards this place with great speed.

He Yiming's face-sinking, how can you not think of why there will be light of the five sages here?


The eyeballs turned slightly, and He Yiming took Baima Leidian and Bao pig into a dense jungle. He doesn't want to cause trouble, I hope that person is just a passer.

However, his wish soon fell through. From the direction of the figure, the person can see that this person is flying towards this place.

Finally, He Yiming saw it clearly - this person’s face could not help but take a forehead and secretly smiled.


When the hundred and eight were flying recently, I always liked to make colorful colors in my body. He Yiming had been watching for a long time, and he subconsciously thought that this was the characteristic of his flight. But in fact, with the special ability of one hundred and eight, it is that there is no glory in the body, and he can also fly to the sky.

At this time, it is like a ghost. It flies under the aftermath of the setting sun. Apart from such strong masters, there are really not many people who can feel it.

Out of the jungle, one hundred and eight is steady.

"Hundred brothers, why are you flying this time?

He Yiming’s curious question


One hundred and eight serious words: "The secret here, should not be leaked.

He Yiming’s heart is sweating, and the confidentiality consciousness of the hundred and eight is still quite strong.

Since leaving Tianchi, He Yiming did not immediately return to Hejiazhuang, but came.

Hohhot Mountains.

Because Baihuan once said that the first cave owner he met was a Shinto master.

This Shinto master once left a book of Shinto.

Although there is more than one book of Shinto on his body, no one can be dissatisfied with such a valuable thing.

For He Yiming who has a special constitution - it will not be too much.

After arriving here, he used the tracker to contact the hundred and eight, let him catch up as quickly as possible.


Here, Bi Jing is the place where he lived for a long time. Even if he wants to show respect for the hundred and eight, he should also come back. Although He Yiming does not know whether Baihuan will have a feeling of being respected, he just made this choice.

When the hundred and eight came to the stone wall - before, a light push, suddenly pushed the stone wall away, revealing the passage of the black scorpion.

Although the passage here is true-real-black, but in the eyes of He Yiming and others, it is no different. They entered them one by one and walked toward the inside.

Once again, I’m here, and He Yiming’s heart has a deep thoughts.

The last time I was with Yuan Lixun, I encountered a hundred and eight in this place, which is a turning point in his life.

Now Yuan Lixun - but in the - North Xinjiang Ice Palace to practice martial arts. Although the **** operator refuses to speak, but the knot

When I closed the words of Zhuo Wanlian, He Yiming felt that the old guys went to the north together.

Xinjiang seems to be helping Yuan Lixun to influence the realm of Zun.

Of course, this is just his personal guess. If you let others know this idea.

law. I will definitely sneer at it and never believe it.

The light flashed in front of them and they had already arrived in the hall.

He Yiming’s eyes stunned and said: “Hundred brothers, the last time we left, the room in the predecessor’s room was taken away, and the book of the Shinto you said was placed.


One hundred and eight: "It is here.

He came to a dark corner of the hall. With a slight push, the mountain wall in front of me suddenly moved away, like a sliding door, light and extreme.

He Yiming looked at the transport gate and slammed the door. When it was closed, it was so seamless. And so many years ago, the literary novel network, and also did not have any sound when pushed open. This kind of hand-crafted segment is simply unimaginable.

It seems that I saw the color of surprise in He Yiming’s eyes. “It’s his study, it’s not the last time you’ve seen it.” He paused, he added a very humane sentence: “You also Did not ask.

He Yiming gave him a sigh of relief and said: I didn't ask, you can say it. He Yiming also knows that the friendship between them when they met for the first time is absolutely impossible to calculate at the moment.

Individuals, one hundred and eight may not necessarily say.

But now the relationship between the two of them is obviously very different from the previous one. Just look at the hundred and eight for the treasure pig, and even break the practice of going out of the mountain, you can know the battle with the **** operator.

One hundred and eight turned around, did not explain, but went cool into this hidden cave


He Yiming’s shoulders shrugged, and the face was one hundred and eight, and He Yiming had nothing to say. He followed in and looked around, and his eyes fell on a stone table at the corner of the cave.

This cave is not big, it is indeed a pattern of a common study. There are only two stone chairs and a stone-table in the room.

There are rows of neat bookshelves on the wall, but unfortunately, the books above have been rotted.

In this regard, He Yiming - and 'not surprising, then, for many years, unless it is a book of Shinto, or a book that has been processed by special methods, it is possible to save it to this day.

However, as long as the thin book on the stone table was not damaged, He Yiming was already satisfied.

Going forward to Minbu, came to the stone table, He Yiming gently guided the book.

Although he knew God, the book of Tao could not be easily destroyed, but his movements were still cautious.

Gently stroked - the book - the seal, the page, He Yiming's face showed a satisfied smile. After passing the touch, he has already confirmed. This is indeed the book of Shinto.

Although the contents of each book of God-Tao are not the same, the power possessed above has a commonality.

The power of God, although the power of God inside is almost invisible, it is almost impossible to detect, but it is because of this power that it can make all the incredible effects of the book of Shinto.

The room was very quiet, He Yiming looked up and immediately saw three pairs of eyes of different sizes watching on his own body, making him uncomfortable.

A light cough, He-yiming said: "Hundred brothers. You take the treasure pig and the white horse to go outside to play for a while. I will refer to this book of Shinto.

One hundred and eight Shen Shen said: "There is no fun place here.

He Yiming turned a blind eye and said: "There are a lot of fun places here, you can take them to visit, as long as they have not seen places, they should be able to make them satisfied.

One hundred and eight jewel-like eyes flashed a few times, said: "I understand.

He turned and walked out. When he passed the treasure pig, he reached out and lifted it up. The white horse quickly let go, and he hesitated and followed.

After all the people left, He Yiming couldn't wait to open the book of Shinto.

However, after opening the first page, his face suddenly became extremely interesting. It seems to be the most bizarre thing that has happened, and it has become very exciting.

"Here is the freezer that I used to renovate some parts of the place where I used to rebuild, you

Do we want to visit? "A hundred and eight of the mouth is extremely rare to bring a little inquiring tone.

Bao pig and white horse looked at each other, although their hearts were already cold, but they nodded seriously.

The origins of the hundred and eight are weird. The speculation is that the ability is even more bizarre, if it is possible

Of course, they certainly want more - solution - some.

One hundred and eighty will open the door of the frozen cockroach, and suddenly it is a powerful chill.

Fortunately, these two beasts are the top-notch guys with the blood of the beasts, and the resistance to the cold is quite high, so the essence is

One hundred and eight, when I first walked in, said: "You should have seen something here, just visit it yourself.

In this room - indeed - it is quite strange. In particular, some small light bulbs with scattered brilliance are attracting their attention.

Bao pig's feet were hard and began to jump up and down in this room.

At first it was somewhat restrained, but very quickly, the naughty factors in it were thoroughly made, and in this place, it was very fresh and played.

In its eyes, these things are treasures that have never been seen before, and they are still real treasures. Their value is even less than the artifact in He Yiming's In fact, for this world, the value of these things is really not under the artifact. It’s a pity that no one will ever have the power it contains.


Bao pig's attention was placed on a rocker. It tried to shake a few times.

The sound of one hundred and eight sounded up: "It is dangerous.

His voice just fell, and a hole in the body of the pig suddenly opened, and a strong frozen air spewed out instantly, burying the pig in it.

Bao pig's body suddenly became stiff, and it was frozen into a piece of ice.

The white horse thunder and the hair of the body - upright, it picked up the frozen pig that was frozen into a popsicle and quickly escaped this extremely dangerous place.


Behind them, 100-eight is still a long way to go: "I said, dangerous...

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