Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 175: Fleeing

The huge visible arc of the k1 circle spreads, and everything that comes into contact with it disappears in an instant.

The huge current is like a **** of destruction, destroying everything that is seen and not seen, and the lightning spread.

Airborne number - countless subtle blasting sounds. He Yiming's ears swayed slightly, but his heart was a big call to Hangzhou-Jing.

Fortunately, he saw Yufei’s weapon of the gods in the blood and rain, and saw the unknown soldiers of Huangquan’s ancestors mixed in the mud, so he would panic on this sky. A strong sense of suspicion.

Sure enough, there are hidden things hidden inside.

Although He Yiming did not taste the taste of these things in person, I think it is not easy to think about them.

However, now that the white horse is half-sounding, and with the thunder and lightning attack in Lei Zhenzi, these things have been completely destroyed, and even a little bit of **** has not been left.

The white horse's mouth was chewed hard, and the weak breath of the body gradually increased, and Bai Shixun transformed into its power - and let its four-hoofed shackles stand firm.

Later, without waiting for He Yiming's instructions, it spread the shovel and ran out toward the front.

Although it is far from the peak, it is also following the arc. Compared to the average Sayādaw, it is still going to be much faster.

The body shape of the jifufanshu in the sky suddenly rises high and rushes toward the sky like a flying sword.

At his feet, the huge arc was chasing after it, until it was over ten feet high, and it slammed away. But in this piece of void, it is still a flash of purple mans from time to time.

His face finally changed, and he realized that he had thought that the junior who could not escape the palm of his hand would secretly plan and plan, but put him together.

He dismissed himself as an enemy. In fact, he was attracting his attention and giving the other two holy beasts time to release huge lightning.

However, once he thought of the thunder of the lightning, he was even a little scared.

Because he himself is not sure, if it is really involved in this thunder, then whether he can be safe.

His eyes turned dark and his face was gloomy.

He Yiming guessed it right. In these sinister atmospheres, there are actually hidden species of plankton that can float in the void.

These creatures are like blood-sucking worms. Once attached to the body of a human beast, they will desperately drill into the flesh.

Their vitality is so powerful that even if they use natural gas bombardment, it is difficult to kill them or expel them. In addition to the secret method of using coagulation, it is difficult for someone to endure under the attack of this plankton.

However, these plankton also have a fatal flaw, that is, they do not fly, only wait until the human beast hits them. Only then can take the opportunity to invade.

The reason why Jimo Fanzhu has laid such a huge sky-filled net full of plankton. Just waiting, I want to see the frightening expression of He Yiming when they broke through.

However, it is now under the thunder of the White Horse. These tens of thousands of plankton were actually killed by one net, and one did not stay.

Although the power of these plankton is enormous. But the same, the difficulty of training is quite demanding.

Even though he himself used the enemy for a hundred years, he only cultivated this sensible, and today he was destroyed, and hundreds of years of hard work have been paid.

In the thought of this, his heart could not help but faintly scream, and his body flashed, and it was already flying over the past.

In his heart, the real swaying of the strong to the extreme killing, so strong killing. It has not been seen for more than a hundred years.

After the ancestors of Baima and Huangquan went away, a talent flew down from the distant peaks.

This person is handsome and somewhat gloomy. It is the blood that returned from the northwest. He just woke up from the entrance and immediately rushed to the place, but it was a mess.

Looking at the surrounding - the black ground of the coke, and the purple tiny arc that flashed in the air, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Looking around, I finally saw a figure on the ground in the distance. He flew past the burning novel network and could not help but glimpse.

This person turned out to be black and black, clearly being powered by a lot of lightning power, but to his surprise, this person's body is still still slightly twitching, it seems that there is still a trace of life.

His heart was overjoyed, and when he looked closely, he immediately shook his head and sighed.

In this person's chest, there is actually a fatal wound. This is the injury that pierces the heart. Even if this person is a Shinto person, it is sure to die. The reason why it is still not sighed now is that the power of lightning has just provoked the last potential of him.

"Jimou brother"

The subtle sound came out of this person's mouth. Hao's face changed slightly, hesitated, and picked up the man and returned to the nine secluded.

Being able to speak to the ancestors of the ancestors, the brothers of the ancestors, must also be a great man, and have a certain relationship with the ancestors.

With the power of nine-yellow, I want to get back to life, it is impossible, but I want to let him delay a lot of live for a long time, still a little sure.

Then everything will be waiting for Huang Quan’s ancestors to come back and make a decision.

He Yiming drove the horse, and as the white stone energy continued to flow into the abdomen, the degree of white horse lightning was getting faster and faster, and its limbs were getting more and more powerful.

However, at this moment, He Yiming sensed that a strong sense of crisis came from behind.

He turned his head and glanced at him, and his heart was frightened.

In the sky, a black shadow flies quickly. His degree is even faster than the white horse at the moment.

If the white horse is at its peak, even if this person is flying in the sky, it is also sure to compete with one. However, the white horse at this time was obviously implicated because of the all-out effort. It is the distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching.

Although Huang Quan's ancestors have not yet caught up, but the powerful killings are still overwhelming, so that He Yiming is like a hail, and he is involuntarily hit a cold.

He was terrified in his heart, and he couldn’t think of why this person suddenly murdered.

However, He Yiming knows better that this time he will not be able to let him go, otherwise this little life is really going to be accounted for here.

However, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the face of He Yiming is getting whiter and whiter.

In the eyes of Jimmy Van Gogh, he has a flash of his face. He has already turned into a wrist that can be attacked. A flash of light flashes out. With a light stroke, it has already spurred toward the white horse's **** with a quicker stroke. go with.

Although this sacred beast killed him to cultivate the enemies of the enemy for hundreds of years, the powerful power of thunder and lightning made him quite appreciate, so he just wanted to take it down and see if there was a chance of domestication in the future.

However, his ray of light is leaving his hand. I saw a black shadow suddenly appearing under the belly of the white horse. The black-shadow raised his hand and suddenly bounced his light.

White Horse did not stop at all, carrying He Yiming and Bao pig faster and faster.

And behind them, I don’t know when to hide. When I arrived at the barefoot of the white horse, I jumped out actively.

Gima Fanshu snorted, although he was amazed at the hidden technique of this person, but at this moment he will not have any mercy.

The light on the body suddenly made a big hit, and countless light hit the body of the hundred and eight, it seems that he was born in the same place. A hand patted it gently, silent, and it was hard to prevent.

In the heart of Gima Fanshu, he has already killed himself, and he wants to kill a five-powered person in the shortest time. Then the effect of using Feijian in the air is far less effective than personal close-up.

One hundred and eight calm palms stretched out and seemed to want to block this palm.

However, the armor of Gimfanfan’s arm was entangled like a bone.

This kind of bones have been cultivated to the point of like a snake bone. Under the heavens, I am afraid that there is only the ancestor of the assassination.

However, the arm of the hundred and eight is actually moving at the same time. Its arm is softer and more tenacious than the arm of Huang Quan's ancestors.

The eyes of Jimmy Fanshu are so condensed that this person is so weird and more difficult than He Yiming.

His arm suddenly shook, and the powerful force exploded, and the hard-earned arm shook away.

Although the power of the hundred and eight is infinite, the power of the humanity peak in front of him is actually suppressing him steadily.

This is the power of the nine heavens, the real unparalleled power.

Subsequently, Gimfan stepped forward, and one of his palms became dark and iron, and there was a faint smell of faintness.

This palm, lightning fast, hit the front of the hundred and eight.

Hundred and eight reached out to block, although this palm blocked the but was hit by the kind of force with his arm directly to the front chest.

The enormous power is mixed with the black poisonous gas that invades his body. This is a force that can completely crush the five-powered sage. Even if it is a hundred and eight, it feels unbearable.

It seems that I have been a few times, and I haven’t moved anymore. His big eyes like jewels have no more gaze, and his head is even more dejected. The whole body has no more. The breath of life.

Although his body does not have any life-like atmosphere, but at the moment it matches his appearance. But it is very easy and easy to forget the previous things.

Gimfanfan’s palms were released, and the hundred and eight were slowly slipping to the ground in front of him, and they were motionless.

Jimo Fanturi has deep confidence in his own palm. He has a well-thought-out effect on this palm. Even if he looks too lazy to look at it, he will chase it toward the distant white horse.

However, he did not know that just after he left, one hundred and eight things would stand up if nothing happened. He glanced at his eyes, and the light flashed like a new dress, chic toward the front. And OK.

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