Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 222: Cause of variation

The two eyes of Heming lighted up. "The white horse thunder and lightning blows clean and is full of wisdom."

Under the long-term exhaustion of the opponent, he suddenly attacked and calculated the reaction of the other party in advance, and eventually ended up with the most powerful force.

This series of combination punches seems to be simple, but I want to do this step, and let the huge silver fish king make such a violent reaction, fearing that only white horse lightning.

If you change a sea creature, you want to break through the silver-white arc. It is definitely difficult.

Even though it was a lucky escape from the silver blockade of the Silver King. Other creatures may not be able to easily damage the King of Silver Jubilee. However, the white horse is different, its degree and the strange power are the power to make the silver 鳗 king extremely jealous.

It is precisely because of the cooperation of the white horse's degree, strength and purple electricity that the king of silver scorpion has an eye, this teaching is absolutely unforgettable.

So after seeing the white horse close, it will not think about it, subconsciously opened a big mouth, want to scare the white horse. It’s just that this practice is in the midst of a white horse, and a strange thunderbolt is played out, which immediately gave the silver scorpion king a fatal blow.

However, what really surprised He Yiming was that the last blow of White Horse was definitely an unprecedented ability.

On top of the unicorn, forming a sharp, sharp, monogonal arc, I really don't know when it mastered such a powerful skill. And it has been used until the most critical time, which is more than a few beasts.

After the white horse lightning came out of the monocular arc, it immediately came to He Yiming.

It is full of confidence in this last blow, and even the results do not bother to take a look.

He Yiming moved forward quickly, opened his arms and gave a white horse a hug.

The King of Silver Jubilee is not an ordinary underwater beast. Although the white horse thunder and lightning have the blood of the beast, but He Yiming is still quite worried, until the moment to decide the outcome, the big stone in his heart was really put down.

Bao pig suddenly screamed, and his long nose continued to greet He Yiming, but the small eyes were tightly followed by the broken silver corpse.

He Yiming is quite familiar with this little guy's movement. He glimpsed and said, "You want the body of this big guy?"

Bao pig nodded again and again, and the pig's face was filled with a flattering smile.

He Yiming’s heart turned and immediately guessed that there must be something good in this huge corpse that could be seen by the pigs, otherwise it would never be so excited.

If it was before, facing the huge sea monster that is 30 feet long, He Yiming is absolutely helpless.

Although the necklace space is a space for the space in the past, there is a huge space, but there is still a limit. The Shenglong adults who can accommodate more than ten feet are already occupying more than half of the site. This is a bigger sea. Blame, that is, it can't be loaded anyway.

But at this moment, he was not worried. He smiled slightly. He took a small piece of white stone from his arms and stuffed it into the mouth of the white horse. Then he waved the colorful light toward the body of the silver king.

Under the guardianship of the five-line ring, the sea around He Yiming automatically kept a certain distance from him.

This point, in the past when He Yiming did not condense the flowers of the Five Elements, it was impossible to do.

Soon, I came to the body of the King of Silver Jubilee. Looking at this behemoth, He Yiming’s heart was quite emotional. Such a huge marine life, if it is not for the purpose of driving the silverfish group to catch up with the ships of others, it will not fall to the end of the moment.

He shook his head, and the multicolored light suddenly exploded. It was only during the break that he had wrapped all the two bodies of the King of the Silver Jubilee.

Although the silver scorpion king has died, but I do not know why it has not continued to sink, so He Yiming can easily absorb it into the world of the five elements.

After the light disappeared, the huge sea monster body was also missing.

Bao pig has round eyes and does not seem to understand what this is all about.

Conghui Rubao pig, of course, knows that there is space in He Yiming's body. But the problem is that it did not see He Yiming taking out the space items, but after the colorful light flashed. The body of the Silver Jubilee is gone.

Looking at the appearance of Bao pig, He Yiming laughed awkwardly, squatting on his small head and jumping to the back of the white horse.

After devouring the white stone, the white horse's energy was recovering with rapid speed. It held He Yiming and came to the surface of the sea. It opened four hooves and flew back in the same way.

He Yiming can see that this is the outer sea. As a holy beast with the blood of the beast, it can naturally be distinguished.

Here is a very dangerous environment, even the strongest peak of humanity does not dare to easily enter the restricted area of ​​this mainland creature.

So the white horse was after killing the silver king. It also returned to the inner sea with the fastest speed.

One day later, on a small deserted island, He Yiming and others stopped.

These three times they did not lose their way.

In this hopeless sea, although He Yiming and Baima Leidian are all published separately, they are dedicated to the specific logo, but as long as there are hundreds of them around them, then there will be lost things.

They stopped this time. Because it has already entered the inner sea, I want to see how the harvest of the white horse lightning is.

On this deserted island where no one is on, He Yiming’s wrists are waving, and the colorful light is shining, and the silver king’s body is suddenly removed from the world of the Five Elements.

Bao Zi’s small eyes immediately shimmered, and he no longer wished to study how He Yiming actually did it to magically collect the body of the Silver Jubilee.

It jumped over the body of the King of the Silver Jubilee under the 32nd, and the long nose whipped out a rather loud noise.

If it is not heard by the ear, then no one would have thought that the breathing sound of Xiaobao pig could be as loud as a thunder.

Finally, Bao pig stopped in one place. Its pig's face showed an extremely satisfying color, opened his mouth, spit out a little light, and then the ray turned into a black sword.

This sword was forged by He Yiming and possessed the sword of petrochemical effect. The result was successfully succeeded by Bao pig.

Under the control of Bao pig, the long sword burst into a black light, and then the squatting side stabbed the past.


The crisp golden stone slammed, but the results were unexpected.

This long sword did not even have the ability to break the scales of the silver scorpion king. Instead, the sword was bounced.

He Yiming took a sigh of relief, and he had a brand new evaluation of the hardness of the scales on this sea monster. Similarly, under the protection of this scale, it is still able to hurt. The power of thunder and lightning is even more admirable.

Whether it is the white horse's purple electricity, or its own silver-white arc, it is a powerful attack weapon in the world.

Although He Yiming's five elements of the world can be self-contained. However, if they encounter lightning strikes that they go all out, they may not be able to hold on.

Bao pig slammed for a while, and obviously, it did not expect this result to occur. The lighted gods of their own will not be able to break the scales on the body of the King of Silver Jubilee.

This is for it. This is a big insult.

Slowly, the little face of Bao pig showed a sigh of anger. It opened its mouth and turned the sword into a black spot and inhaled it into the belly. Subsequently, its two front hooves were lifted high.

He Yiming, who had a sharp eye, saw a glimmer of light shining on the hoof of Bao pig, and then his two hooves stabbed.

There is no sound, just like a sword piercing a tofu. The two front hoofs of the pigs are ruthlessly pierced into the body of the silver carp.

Even the corpse of the silver scorpion king, who was helpless with the weapon of the gods, became vulnerable at this moment. It was like a thin piece of paper that was smashed at once.

He Yiming had no image and rounded his eyes. He looked at the proud face of Bao pig and the forefoot that pierced the body of the silver eagle. The vest was cold and sweaty.

This little guy has been playing pigs and eating tigers.

Because of its lazy nature, he and he like to hold it in his arms.

If one day, Bao pig suddenly came here,"

He Yiming has not dared to think about it.

Perhaps one hundred and eight will be like nothing, to restore the body, but he can be miserable, if the body is inexplicably more than two holes. I am afraid that no one will be interesting.

However, after a sigh of relief, He Yiming shook his head and threw this strange thought away from his mind.

Will Bao pig hurt him? This is absolutely impossible!

As soon as I read this, He Yiming’s heart calmed down completely.

Bao pig did not notice the expression of He Yiming. The two front hooves trembled and shook in the body of the silver carp, and did not know what he was looking for.

However, things that can be sensed by it should not be easy to go there, so even if He Yiming is quite looking forward to it.

After a while, Bao pig suddenly screamed with excitement, and then his hooves were taken from the body of the King of Silver Jubilee.

He Yiming fixed his eyes to see brows and brows.

This is a round object full of flesh and blood, and the red dragonfly simply can't see why.

Between the body shape. He Yiming has already picked up Bao pig.

Although he is worried about the hardness of the two front hoofs of Bao pig, the habit of getting along for many years is not changed in a moment.

Came to the beach, He Yiming took this thing over, and took the sea water and cleaned the flesh and blood.

After the true face of this thing was revealed, even He Yiming himself was too vocal and could not speak.

He turned his head and looked at the huge body of the silver scorpion king, and finally there was a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

No wonder the ordinary silver scorpion king will become such a horrible appearance, and has the power to compete with the blood of the beast.

The reason for all this is caused by the stuff he has on hand!

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